Ask - To Glitchy And Erratum
String Stitches!Error is called 'Flaw' from now on. More information at the end.
The one with Glitchy is in a AU sort of. Where all the counterparts and others from the stories live in one big house together - much like the Sanses do in some stories. Makes things easier here, as none of the Error's have ever met. It's a AU where they all live together and know one another.
-Start Ask-
Errorizsenpai - Hey Glitchy! What's your opinion on your counterparts?
And Erratum, do you care if your old multiverse died?
"COunTERpaRTs...?" Glitchy pouts, before lighting up in realization. "yOU mEaN StatIC, ERRatUM aND FlaW?" Glitchy smiles brightly. "ThEY'Re FunNy! AnD thEY alWaYs plAy WiTH mE!"
"StATiCS TakES napS WItH mE whEN iT's NAP TImE, hE'S tHE sEcoND bESt tEdDy bEaR. FResh'S FIRsT oF couRsE!" Glitchy giggles, swinging his arms about. "ERRaTuM TeLLS mE StoRIEs AnY tIME i WanT! hE'LL pUT ON puPPEt shoWS FOR mE ToO alonG WItH tHE sTORiES." Glitchy's eyes were sparkling now, smile large. "FlaW mAKEs mE thE mosT ColoRfuL anD pReTTiEsT cloTHiNG! He'S a WizARd wHO CaN pUT SO maNy ColORS inTO CLoTHiNG!"
Glitchy leans back on his feet, arms thrown out wide with a happy smile. "aLL oF thEM pLAy DREsS uP wiTH mE! tHEY TeLL mE thAT ThEY lOVe ME, AlL thREE teaCH mE aboUT thE mulTiVERsE anD otHER tHINGs, tHEY WaTCH oUT foR mE whEN FreSH haS WORk anD AlWayS havE tiME foR mE!" Glitchy beams, love in his eyes and smile. "tHEy'RE tHE bEsT bIG bRotHERs EvER!"
-Erratum Ask-
"...i doN'T knOW." Erratum admitted aloud softly, twitching and looking off to the side with a far away look in his eyes.
"i haTE SO manY tHERE. tHEY ThReW mE aWAY, DIDn'T wanT mE, WanTEd mE dEaD!" Erratum snarled, glitching harshly. "tHEy'D DEsERvE iT! kARmA! LET thEM FeEl tHE siNS CraWLiNG Up thEiR baCKS aS thEY DIE DrownING iN thEIR REgREtS!"
It was silent for a moment, Erratum's heavy breathing the only sound.
"bUt....buT tHERE ARE soME thErE thAT i hoLD dEaR." Erratum muttered lowly. "ALL mY DeaR ChaRaS anD thEN thEiR's mARE'S gAnG, EvEN SwaP i mISS. i mISS thEM, yEt aT thE samE TiME i DON'T WanT tO gO baCK TO sEE thEM...thEm alL dYInG wouLD bE mY FauLT, alL bEcauSE i DIDn'T DO mY joB!" Erratum claws at his face in distress. "i WanT tO bE sELFisH foR onCE! i WanT tO mAKe mY oWN choiCEs....bUT hoW caN I makE a CHoiCe lIKE tHIS? maYBE tHIS iS thE REaSON FatE nEvER leT somEON liKE mE havE suCH FReEdoMS likE CHoiCES."
Erratum puts his head into his hands, looking confused and lost. "i'VE bEEn FoRcED TO Do iT aLL, iT's mY JoB. DEstRucTIOn IS whAT i WAS FORMEd TO Do, FoRcED TO kILL iS WhaT I aM suPPOSEd TO DO. i SHoULd bE DoinG mY joB riGHt noW...yET....WouLD i CaRE iF thEY aLL DiED? WouLD i laUGh oR cRy? WOuLD i CaRE EvEN a lITTle?" Erratum shakes his head in negative.
"....i DoN'T knOW anYmORE...."
-End Ask-
Here it is! Glitchy is too sweet to really hate someone. Fear maybe, be angry and frustrated at sure, but not hate. And there is no way he would fear someone who is supposed to be him yet not him.
Erratum is torn and bittersweet about the whole thing. And frankly, I wouldn't blame him either way in feeling that way or anyway for that matter. It is a tough call in the end after all.
I also came up with a new nickname for this Error in String Stitches. It used to be Threads, but to me it didn't really fit. All of the others are variations of the word 'Error' after all. It didn't go with the others nicknames, nor is this threadverse - made and owned by JuneTheGlassesBearer - so I wanted to come up with something that went with the others.
Blue Strings of Mercy!Error is Static. Twisted!Error is Glitchy. HWHBB!Error is Erratum. String Stitches!Error is Flaw from now on. The reason I call him Flaw is because he knows he is full of flaws. Shears also has flaws and both are missing pieces and have open spaces to be filled - that are going to be filled in by one another.
I also came up with a nickname for Become Mine And Mine Alone(BMAMA)!Error. His nickname is Delusion. This is for many reasons. Many, many reasons. But as BMAMA is not too far into the story, I will not be answering any asks or dares for this story yet. Once I get further into the whole thing, then I will and I will let you all know when that is. I'm sorry about that, but if I take them now, there might be spoilers and such.
Now they all match!
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