Episode 29: Forever Young
Numbuh 5: Welcome back to ask or dare cartoon and anime all stars.
Camilla: We have gone so far with the series and we are proud of it a lot.
Blueberry: I dare everyone to read Shanghaied (Pokémon edition).
Me: Yes I made that book.
(Camilla opens the book)
(Inside the story)
[episode starts]
Ash Ketchum: [yawns] Mmm, Kelp-O! With one of eight essential prizes inside! [checks in the cereal box but then a giant anchor comes crashing through The Pokecenter] Holy crap! [runs out to his friends] Misty! The sky had an anchor from my cereal box! Misty! [Misty pokes her head through the window] Misty! The sky had an anchor!
Misty: [looks at the anchor] A giant anchor! How did it get here? [Then Brock wakes up]
Brock: What's all the Racket?
Ash Ketchum: There's a giant anchor!
Pikachu: Pika?
Jessie: Why don't you twerps go climb its anchor rope? I'm sure it goes somewhere far away! [the anchor crashes into Team Rocket's hidding spot] Now look what you've done!
Ash Ketchum: We didn't do it, Team Rocket. Our hands are clean! [he and his friends show their spotless hands]
Togepi: Toge!
James: [on top of their base] Well, We're gonna get to the bottom of this thing.
Misty: Wouldn't that be the top? [Team Rocket looks at Misty and they narrows their eyelids. Team Rocket starts to climb the rope]
Ash Ketchum: TR, wait! Wait!
Pikachu: Pikachu! [Ash and his friends also start climbing the rope]
French Narrator: A few inches later...
Ash Ketchum: [points up] Ship!
Brock: Ash, how long are you gonna stay in your little fantasy world?
Misty: No, look, a giant ship! [A giant green ship is seen. Brock is shocked to see he was wrong while Team Rocket is not fazed.]
Meowth: Great! Let's go! Now We can finally give this anchor-dropper a piece of our minds.
Ash Ketchum: I don't know, Team Rocket. That ship has a spooky green glow around it.
Meowth: That's probably because its good-for-nothing owner is too lazy to clean or drop its anchors in the right place.
Ash Ketchum: TR, wait! [all six reach the top]
Jessie: All right, who owns this crate? [notices a door that says "owner" and begins to knock on it] Come on out! We wanna file a complaint! [Misty looks around the ship]
Misty: Doesn't this place seem familiar?
Brock: I don't know. Why?
Misty: I don't know. Doesn't it just kind of ring a bell? [James rings the doorbell]
Brock: Yes!
Ash Ketchum: I know who owns this boat but I just can't place the name. [He walks by a barrel that says "property of the Green Mewtwo". James angrily pounds on the door until the Green Mewtwo suddenly pops out]
Green Mewtwo: [roaring agressively] Aaargh-oowh-waagh!
Ash Ketchum: No, no, it's not "Aaargh-oowh-waagh"!
Green Mewtwo: I am the Green Mewtwo!
Ash Ketchum: That's it! [stupidly] Team Rocket, this ship belongs to the Red Baron!
Pikachu: Pika
Green Mewtwo: Who be disturbin' the Green Mewtwo's own lair?
Misty: [oblivious] It's Team Rocket. They want to complain to you. [the Green Mewtwo gives an evil look to Team Rocket as he waits for answer]
Tuffy: I like this story so far.
Camilla: let's continue.
(Back in the story)
James: [nervously] We... no, We don't.
Ash Ketchum: Well, what about all that stuff about him having a dirty ship and being lazy and all? [the Green Mewtwo glares angrily at Team Rocket]
James: [laughs nervously] We never said that.
Green Mewtwo: Insultin' a man's ship be worse than insultin' their mothers!
Ash Ketchum: No, no, wait, it was their mothers you said were dirty, not his ship. [the Green Mewtwo shoots fire out his soloarbeam frying up Team Rocket]
Team Rocket: [screams]
James: Ow.
Green Mewtwo: [looks over to Ash and Pikachu] You're next!
Ash and Pikachu: [jumps off the ship] That was a close one! [land back on the ship]
Green Mewtwo: Welcome back!
Ash Ketchum: [he and Pikachu scream and jump off the ship] That was a closer one! [land back on the ship]
Green Mewtwo: Welcome back! [Ash and Pikachu jump off the ship]
Jessie: Hey! How come when they act up, all they get is the welcome wagon? If you ask us, it's... [the Green Mewtwo zaps Team Rocket while Ash and Pikachu land back on the ship]
Patrick: We did the samething they did.
Tom: Focus.
(Back in the book again)
Green Mewtwo: So, are you gonna try that again?
Brock: Probably. [the Flying Dutchman zaps Team Rocket]
Green Mewtwo: How 'bout now?
Misty: Uhh...
Jessie: [covers Misty's mouth with her hand] No, no, they're not. Whew. [the Green Mewtwo zaps Team Rocket]
Green Mewtwo: Now listen. [takes out a "Ghost Rule Book"] Whosoever sets foot on theGreen Mewtwo's ship, uninvited or otherwise, shall become members of his ghostly crew forever! [closes his rule book] And, uhh [opens his rule book], ever. [closes his rule book again]
Jessie: Will we be getting business cards?
Green Mewtwo: [zaps Team Rocket] Silence! You're part of my crew now, and our job is to sail around and frighten people. It'll be grueling, mind-numbing, and repetitive. Just like... daytime television.
Jessie: Now you listen here, mister. If you think We're gonna spend more than five minutes on this dumpster, then you're crazy. I mean, look at this place. It's disgusting! [holds up a green jockstrap] Whoever told you that having oil lamps next to hardwood paneling was a good idea... [the Green Mewtwo picks up Team Rocket] Oh, oh, now what? I suppose you're gonna show me... [the Green Mewtwo unzips something in mid-air] Oh, gee, that's very nice. What is this, some kind of magic act? [the Green Mewtwo tosses Team Rocket into the Fly of Despair. Team Rocket screams as they fall inside the Fly of Despair. Ash and his Friends watch Team Rocket disappear from sight with a clearly worried expression and Team Rocket were launched in the sky.]
Team Rocket: Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!
Green Mewtwo: [closes the Fly of Despair] Would anyone else like to enter the "Fly of Despair"?
Ash Ketchum: [terrified] No! We know our place now, Mr. Mewtwo.
Misty: [terrified as well] We'll do anything you say!
Green Mewtwo: Then, for starters, you can... swab the deck! [hands them a mop and a bucket]
Ash Ketchum: Look, Pikachu! A real, live, ghost mop!
Pikachu: Pikachu! (And I got this hat!)
Green Mewtwo: Listen! We're heading down to Johto tonight for a little haunting spree, so I want this ship to look good and scary!
Ash Ketchum: You mean you want it to look good... and scary. Well, I think we can probably...
Misty: No, no, I think he means he wants it to look so good that it's scary.
Ash Ketchum: Or maybe that by looking so scary you forget that it doesn't look good!
Misty: I don't get it.
Ash Ketchum: Look, it's easy, it simply means that...
Green Mewtwo: Never mind what it means! I just want it to look scary! That's it! You know, mold growing on the ceilings and bugs in the sink.
Misty: [shivering] I hate bugs! [Unzips The Fly of Despair and jumps in] You're better off without me!
Green Mewtwo: What's her problem?
Brock: She's scared of bugs.
Ash Ketchum: So, you don't want it to look good?
Green Mewtwo: Get moving! [Ash and Pikachu are scared and start mopping]
Ash and Pikachu: [singing, while sweeping with the mop and bucket] A sailor's life is a wonderful life / A wonderful life for sure!
Green Mewtwo: What a night be this! Boys, howl with me so that we might set the Seven Seas ablaze with fear! [howls like a wolf]
Ash Ketchum: [Also howls]
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Green Mewtwo: [howls like a wolf]
Ash Ketchum: [Also howls]
Pikachu: Pikachu! [the Green Mewtwo going to howl again but Pikachu cuts him off] Pikachu! [the Green Mewtwo going to howl again but Pikachu cuts him off] Pikachu! [the Green Mewtwo going to howl again but Pikachu cuts him off] Pikachu! [very long and awkward silence]
Green Mewtwo: Eh, that'll do. Okay, Ash, since Pikachu's working the navigation, it's up to you to find our first victim. Here, use this spyglass. Now hurry up! We're burnin' moonlight!
Ash Ketchum: Let's see who we can find. [spins a telescope on ground] Captain, there's a guy we can scare. [The telescope points to a big tough guy. The Green Mewtwo stares wide eyed, then nervously blows on the telescope, spinning it slightly to land on Molly Hale]
Molly: [sing-song voice] I had four biscuits, and I ate one. Then I only had three!
Green Mewtwo: Ahh, it does me heart good to see children out after dark. Pikachu, take us behind those rocks.
Pikachu: [Nods and the ship moves scratches and tears up through the rocky parts of the sea]
Ash Ketchum: Keep going. You're good. You're good. You're good... and... stop. Don't worry, Cap'n, Chickorita can buff out those scratches.
Green Mewtwo: All right, never mind it. Just jump out when I give the signal. [the Green Mewtwo scares Molly from behind a rock]
Green Mewtwo: Boo! Prepare to be burdened with the haunting memory of my ghostly ghost pirates! [points to Ash and Pikachu who just get confuse]
Ash Ketchum: Was that the signal? Okay, sorry, sorry, just... just do it again.
Green Mewtwo: With the haunting memory of my ghostly ghost pirates! [Ash and Pikachu come out and Ash does a little trick with his fingers]
Ash Ketchum: How does he do that?
Green Mewtwo: Get back on the ship.
Ash Ketchum: It's still a mystery!
Molly: Those guys are dorks.
Green Mewtwo: Yes, but they're my dorks. [goes back to showing Ash and Pikachu steering through the rocks tearing up the ship; the Green Mewtwo has an annoyed facial expression]
Ash Ketchum: You're good. You're good. You're good. [the Green Mewtwo scares a woman by showing flames in his mouth but is interrupted when Ash blows bubbles and Pikachu shakes a gray board. Later the ship is still getting wrecked as they move through the rocks; The Green Mewtwo has the same annoyed facial expression] You're good. You're good. You're good. [the Green Mewtwo goes through the wall to scare Officer Jenny but Ash and Pikachu simply slam on the wall as they unsuccessfully attempt to scare Officer Jenny. Later the ship is still getting wrecked as they move through the rocks; The Green Mewtwo has the same annoyed facial expression] You're good. You're good. You're good. [the Green Mewtwo scares Nurse Joy by rotating his head while Ash and Pikachu skate in purple tights. back on the ship] Why do you think the Mewtwo asked us to wait in our bunk room?
Pikachu: Pi?
Ash Ketchum: Maybe he's gonna give us a reward!
Pikachu: Pika?
Ash Ketchum: Or a gym badge case?! [both start bouncing insanely]
Green Mewtwo: I've been thinking. Stop bouncing! [both stop and freeze in place instantly] This whole crew for eternity thing isn't working out. It's not really you so much as it is me.
Ash Ketchum: You're setting us free?
Green Mewtwo: Well, actually, I'm just gonna have you for tea. See you there! [closes the door. Ash and Pikachu scream]
Ash Ketchum: Wait, I have an idea!
Pikachu: Pikachu?
Ash Ketchum: Let's leave!
Pikachu: Cha Pi Pika Pikachu. [points to a live-action room full of perfume and customers]
Ash Ketchum: Let's do it. [they try to run through the department but get sprayed with all sorts of perfume. Someone even goes as far as removing Ash's gas mask and spraying him in the face with perfume. They exit the department]
Ash Ketchum: [panting] I always hate going in there!
Pikachu: Pika.
Brock: [hears something strange] Wait! Listen! [the Green Mewtwo is in his room]
Green Mewtwo: Dear Diary: I told them I'm going to have them for tea. I made up some of that brown sauce my cousin showed me just for the occasion. Ahh, it's a good thing I found my dining sock again. Remember the last time I lost my dining sock, I couldn't eat for a whole week. Yes, sir, sometimes I wonder how I'd survive if anything should ever happen... [notices Ash, Brock and Pikachu and opens the door in front of him] You're just in time. Please come in.
Ash Ketchum: you were going to eat us. Weren't you?
Green Mewtwo: No I was having you for tea. [Sips his tea]
Ash Ketchum: I get it now.
Green Mewtwo: [Calmly] Why would i eat you?
Brock: It would seem we have reached an impasse.
Green Mewtwo: Brock is right. Tell you what. I'll give you... three wishes.
Pikachu: Pika. (Make it five.)
Green Mewtwo: Four.
Pikachu: Pikachu. (Three. Take it or leave it.)
Green Mewtwo: Okay... uhh, three. You get three wishes.
Ash Ketchum: Wow! Three wishes, Guys. Isn't that great?
Pikachu: Pikachu! (Wishes? I wish we had known that earlier!) [the clock goes backwards one minute]
Green Mewtwo: Okay, you got two wishes left. [Pikachu smiles with embarrassment at an angry Ash]
Ash Ketchum: [taps Pikachu on the shoulder] Well, we still have two more. How exciting! I wish Misty were here to see this! [Misty is screaming as she still falls through the Fly Of Despair and crashes onto her bed]
Misty: [relieved] Boy, I'm glad all that's over! I wonder what Ash and Brock are doing back on the ship. [disappears and reappears on the ship.]
Ash Ketchum: Misty! You're back! [Misty looks around shocked.]
Misty: did i miss anything?
Ash Ketchum: Guess what? The Mewtwo gave us three wishes! Pikachu used the first one, and I guess I... [realizing] just used the second one.
Misty: Well then, Sir, could Brock and I use the last wish together?
Brock: It would be nice if we share a wish together.
Ash Ketchum: That's a great idea.
Green Mewtwo: Go ahead. Make my day.
Misty and Brock: We wish that you were a human.
Green Mewtwo: Did you say human? Why i was human before I became a Mewtwo so the wish is granted. [Changed back to a human]
Peter: thank you all for freeing me from this spell.
Misty: it was nothing.
Peter: and now i shall sind you guys back to the Pokecenter and take care of Team Rocket.
[Ash and his friends are now back at the Pokecenter]
[Meanwhile with Team Rocket]
Jessie: that was scary.
James: i feel the same Jess.
Peter: this is what you goon get for turning me into a Mewtwo.
Meowth: Not again.
[Team Rocket screams]
[episode ends]
(Camilla closes the book)
Putter: That was fun. Can we do it again?
Blueberry: Next, react to these vids.
Crystal: okay.
(After the videos)
Camilla: That's Durand's favorite smg4 video.
Me: Ikr?
Blueberry: Camille, What are your favorite logos?
Camilla: Here's my top 10 fav logos.
1. Lionsgate home entertainment logo 2001
2. Universal 75th anniversary logo 1990
3. Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment logo 2001
4. THX logo 2000
5. Dolby Digital Aurora logo
6. United Artists logo 1994
7. Paramount dvd logo 2003
8. DTS piano logo
9. FHE Family Home Entertainment Kids logo 1998
10. Nelvana logo 2000
Me: That's all we have for now and we will see you next time.
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