4000 more views and I'll reach my goal. Welp, this is the last of the dare chapters, the romance dare chapter. It's finals week so I'm going to be pretty busy. This means that I won't be updating as often (sorry). But this will probably the longest of the dare chapters so there's an explanation to why it's going up so late. PLEASE ASK and please don't submit anymore dares :).
Rainbow Dash: This is definitely going to be a crazy chapter.
Pinkie Pie: I'm nervouscited
Fluttershy: I'm just nervous
Rarity: I'm just excited.
Twilight: And I'm ready to announce the first dare. The first dare for Rarity from freddydabear. He/She dares you to kiss a raccoon covered in dirt.
Rarity: *about to barf* Why does it have to be covered in dirt? It's already a rodent.
Fluttershy: Actually a raccoon is not a rodent. They belong to the Carnivore order, meaning it's a meat-eater, even though they will eat anything they can find.
Rainbow Dash: Interesting. By any chance, do have one?
Fluttershy: Of course!!
Rainbow Dash: Awesome
Fluttershy: *hands Rarity the raccoon* Now Rarity, hold him gently.
Rarity: Me? Hold him? *uses magic to hold him* I am not holding that thing.
Fluttershy: Ok then. I wouldn't recommend kissing him on the mouth. He bites
Rarity: Of course he does.
Fluttershy: I would recommend on the top of his head.
Rarity: Oh all right. *kisses him on the head really fast*
Applejack: OTP
Raccoon: *smiles*
Rarity: *hands him back to Fluttershy* Now if you'll excuse me as I go wash my mouth.
Twilight: Well that was romantic.
Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie: *laugh*
Twilight: Next "romantic" dare is for Rainbow Dash from takemetopickle. She (guessing) dares you to make out with the kitchen sink.
Rainbow Dash: At least a kitchen sink doesn't bite
Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie: *laugh*
Rarity: So very funny
Applejack: Well here's a sink.
Pinkie Pie: That's in the kitchen!!
Rainbow Dash: *kisses it* done!
Rarity: It says to make out with it Rainbow...
Rainbow Dash: *rolls eyes* *licks the sink* There? Happy?
Rarity: Very.
Twilight: Ok Rarity got a dare from Cupcake_luz10 to kiss Spike, but she also got a dare from KDJayindishouse to ignore that dare.
Rarity and Twilight: Thank you KDJayindishouse!! (Author's Note: Thank you so much I hate Sparity)
Twilight: Rainbow Dash got a dare from Ann_Wolfy. She dares you to write a love letter to Sorian.
Applejack: *laughs* Rainbow Dash can't write a poem! Especially a love poem. She can't even rap!
Rainbow Dash: Yea this dare is pretty lame.
Twilight: *hands Rainbow Dash a quill and paper*
Rainbow Dash: Now what?
Rarity: Well to start, what do you like about him?
Rainbow Dash: Um... He's... nice?
Rarity: Is he or is he not?
Rainbow Dash: He... is?
Rarity: Just write his name at the top of the paper.
Rainbow Dash: All right! I'm just going to wing it from here.
*30 minutes later*
Twilight: All right! What do you have so far?
Rainbow Dash: Sorian, to my surprise, I like the way you eat pies. You are really fast, and when I race you it's always a blast. You are really nice, because from your apple pie you gave me a slice.
Rest of Mane 6: *shocked*
Rarity: So he is nice.
Twilight: "from your apple pie, you gave me a slice?" Really? There are so many grammatical issues with that. *looks over Rainbow's shoulder* You didn't even spell slice right!
Applejack: Giver her a break Twi. This is her first-
Rainbow Dash: And last!
Applejack: Love poem. She doesn't have any idea what she's doing!
Twilight: Well, at least it... rhymed?
Fluttershy: I'll put it in the mail.
Rainbow Dash: We are NOT mailing this to him. *tears it up into millions of pieces* The dare did not say to mail it to him.
Twilight: You do have a point. Next dare is more like a question from spotop14. She wants to know who our very first dates were.
Applejack: To be honest, I've never been in a relationship
Rainbow Dash: Me too
Rarity: Me three
Twilight: Me four
Pinkie Pie: Me four! Hey I wanted to be four! Four is my favorite number!
Twilight: Pinkie, you're five.
Pinkie Pie: But-
Twilight: Five
Pinkie Pie: *groans* Me five
Fluttershy: Me six.
Twilight: This dare is also a question from NightMareMoon98439. Who do you ship with each other?
Applejack: I think you all know I ship Rarity and Hayseed Turnip Truck.
Rarity: Applejack! This is getting ridiculous! We barely know each other.
Applejack: I shall call it, Rariseed.
Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy: *applaud*
Applejack: *bows*
Rainbow Dash: I'm not really into all that shipping gunk, but I ship Flashlight, only to make fun of Twilight.
Twilight: Hey! As for me, I ship... *looks around the room* Pinkie and....
Pinkie Pie: Being shipped is fun!!
Twilight: Cheese? I don't know, like Rainbow, not into all that shipping
Rarity: Hmm... there isn't much variety when I have to chose between my friends. I would pick Fluttercord but I feel like Discord's a little too overprotective. There is also the fact that I don't like him. If he hurts one little hair on her body, the five of us will personally give him a beating.
Pinkie Pie: Well I think I told everypony this before but, I ship Twilight and Flash, because Flashlight is an ADORABLE ship name and I ship Cheese and Big Mac because their ship name is *giggles* Mac and Cheese. *laughs*
Fluttershy: Um... I ship my friends with whoever make them happy.
Twilight: This is the turning point. From here on out the dares will be getting more intense, so I want everypony to take a deep breath.
Mane 6: *take a deep breath*
Twilight: And I need you guys to chew some gum because our lips will be locked against another for the rest of the chapter. *passes out gum*
Fluttershy: *chews her gum rapidly because she is scared*
Twilight: Please don't shoot the messenger on this one but Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie got a dare from Scourge_of_BloodChan. He/She dares you to kiss.
Rainbow Dash: *shocked but then smirks*
Pinkie Pie: *confused, but then smirks as well*
Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie: *come closer* *then Eskimo kiss which is basically the cutest thing ever*
Pinkie Pie: *giggles*
Rainbow Dash: All right next dare is for Twilight from DerpeDarp, KristinaForshinekat, and JunoMeep. They all dare you to kiss Flash. Coincidence? I think not.
Twilight: *rolls eyes* Honestly, the dare I gave you wasn't that bad.
Flash: I heard a certain princess needed me.
Twilight: *whispers fast to Rarity* What should do? Should I tell him that it was a dare before or after? Where should I kiss him? What will he say after I do it?
Rarity: I would kiss him on the lips since 3 ponies requested this, and stop worrying, you'll be fine.
Twilight: Sure, but what if-
Rarity: *uses magic to move Twilight closer to him*
Twilight: *immediately pecks him on the lips*
Flash: *wide eyes*
Twilight: Sorry! This is—
Flash: Your dare chapter. I read this blog every day.
Mane 6: YOU DO!?
Flash: *nods his head* I wish you guys would update more often. You all are so funny, and congrats on 96k views. Welp, catch up with you later Twi!
Mane 6: *wait till he leaves* *hear a distant "YES!" from Flash*collective fangirling*
Pinkie Pie: He reads out blog!! Can't you believe it?!!
Rarity: He liked the kiss Twilight! He liked it! I am so happy for you!
Fluttershy: And he was so cool about the kiss afterward.
Twilight: *reads the next dare* Oh wait! We need him for the next dare. Rainbow Dash, you're fast. Could you go stop him and bring him back here?
Rainbow Dash: Consider it done *flies off*
*in a couple minutes Rainbow Dash is back*
Twilight: Where's Flash?
Rainbow Dash: He's... coming...
Applejack: Did you challenge him to a race?
Rainbow Dash: Maybe... Well, he shouldn't of accepted. Everypony knows I'm fast.
Flash: *painting* I'm *breath* here.
Rainbow Dash: Not bad for a royal guard. Better than Shining Armor
Twilight: My brother is actually really fit!
Fluttershy: Anyways, your dare is from Ningurldragon12. She dares you to hug Twilight. I love hugs!
Twilight: But he's all sweaty!!
Flash: *gives Twilight a big bear hug while wiping his sweat on her*
Twilight: *tries to push away but he's too strong* *giggles* let go of me!
Flash: *finally lets go*
Twilight: I could barely breathe!
Flash: Sorry Princess. Anymore dares? Shining Armor would kill me if he saw me hanging out this late in the night, especially with his younger sister.
Fluttershy: There is one last dare from DerpeDarp for you guys. He/She dares Twilight to put her face in Flash's mane for 15 seconds.
Twilight: But's it's all sweaty!!
Flash: *wraps his hoof around Twilight's neck and drags her head into his mane*
Pinkie Pie: One balloon, two balloons, three balloons....
Twilight: *trying to escape but is too weak*
Pinkie Pie: 15 BALLOONS!!!
Twilight: *mad but happy at the same time*
Rarity: *sniffs Twilight* *almost barfs* You really need to take a shower, both of you.
Rainbow Dash: *sniffs Twilight* That's bad!! Even for me!
Pinkie Pie: *plugging her nose* Next dare is for Rainbow Dash from RainbowDashLuver17. She dare you to kiss Sorian FOR REAL.
Rainbow Dash: But I already kissed him "for real"
Pinkie Pie: Well do it again.
Rainbow Dash: But I don't want to do it again!
Twilight: How about the next time you see Sorian, you kiss him "for real".
Rainbow Dash: Deal.
Applejack: I'm gonna get all these CheesePie dares out of the way. Frozane2000, mylittleponybooks, pienerdypie, and frozen_drawings14 all dare you to kiss Cheese.
Pinkie Pie: What!? Why!!? I've already done it!! *pouts*
Twilight: I'm sorry Pinkie, but when this many ponies request for something, business means business!!
Pinkie Pie: Oh all right. This should be easy Cheesy.
Cheese: I heard a certain party pony needed me. My Cheesy Sense was a tingling!
Rarity: What a coincidence.
Pinkie Pie: *mouths to Cheese "this is a dare"*
Cheese: *confused*
Pinkie Pie: *goes up to him and pecks him on the lips* Sorry!!
Cheese: Each time I go to Ponyville I always get kissed by certain pink pony!
Pinkie Pie: *blushes*
Cheese: Is this all my Cheesy Sense was calling me to do?
Twilight: Actually frozen_drawings14 dares Pinkie to hug you.
Pinkie Pie: *hug Cheese a little too tight*
Rarity: Pinkie let go, the poor thing can't breathe.
Cheese: *hugs back even though his arm is getting numb*
Pinkie Pie: *lets go* Done!
Twilight: Ok your last dare is also from frozen_drawings14. She dare you both to be locked in the same closet for the next two dares.
Pinkie Pie: Exsqueeze me?
Cheese: Did she say... for us to... be locked in a closet!?
Twilight: Well that's what the dare said.
Pinkie Pie: Well you better finish those dares quick, the closet is really tiny and I'm claustrophobic—
Twilight: You won't be in there long. You two can have a conversation.
Pinkie Pie: But-
Rainbow Dash: *pushes them both in the closet*
Pinkie Pie: DASHIE!!!
Rainbow Dash: *locks the door* Let's just hope she doesn't break it.
Twilight: Next dare is for Rainbow Dash and Applejack from AppleDashForever. Rainbow, you must be romantic toward AJ, and AJ you have to like it.
Applejack: Can you even force a pony to like somethin'?
Rainbow Dash: Uh... You look nice.... today?
Applejack: Uh... Thanks?
Rarity: She does or she doesn't look nice?
Rainbow Dash: She does. Sorry, I'm not used this whole compliment thing.
Fluttershy: No worries
Twilight: All right. I can hear Pinkie starting to scream so we need to move on.
Rarity: Just to get this dare over with, ravenousraven9999 dares Twilight and Fluttershy to kiss.
Fluttershy: I don't know....
Pinkie Pie: *from closet* GET ME OUT OF HERE!!
Cheese: *also from closet* Yes! Please get us out!
Fluttershy: *moves Twilight's bangs and kisses her forehead*
Rainbow Dash: *unlocks the door*
Pinkie Pie: *runs out* YAY SPACE!!!! *does cartwheels*
Cheese: *mane is all messed up* Let's not do that again *collapses on floor*
Twilight: Our last dare for the night is from crazycatlady for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. She dares you to kiss on the lips.
Pinkie Pie: Rarity, did you send this in?
Rarity: What? I don't even ship Flutterdash.... Oh you meant the username! That is a ridiculous username. My username is crazycatlady1!
Rainbow Dash ans Fluttershy: *kiss on the lips*
Twilight: All right! Looks like we've done all the dares.
Mane 6: *applaud*
Pinkie Pie: Please Ask!!!
Pinkie Pie: Yay you made all the way over here!! There were quite a few date dares that will be scattered throughout the rest of the book. So look for forward to—
A Rarity and Spike date requested by steezie_derp
An Applejack and Flim date requested by frozane2001
A Twilight and Flash date requested by CrystalGril17
Fluttershy and Discord date requested by marelineVQ1354
Each of these dates will be there own separate chapters. PLEASE ASK and sorry my friends and I couldn't do all the dares. Maybe next time!!
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