pranks again? dang, we're up for it!
Shout out to @Hyksos2001 hope you guys enjoy!~
Ink and Error would be side-by-side as they did whatever soothed their boredom for the time being.
Error sighed, setting down his new puppet that he was making before glancing over to Ink as the artistic skeleton drew boredly.
"ArE yOu SuRe YoU dIdN't GeT aNy QuEsTiOnS oR dArEs YeT fRoM tHe VoIcEs, Inky...?" Error muttered as he glitched slightly, curiosity in his tone.
Ink set down his sketch pad as he leaned back his arm brushing against Error's which caused the glitch to flinch slightly.
"I-InK..." Error warned quietly
"Sorry, Glitchy..."Ink spoke apologetically before shifting so he didn't make any contact with the glitched skeleton," um, I didn't get any new questions or stuff for us yet, bu- ?!" Ink paused, reaching into his back pocket as he pulled the device out of his pocket swiftly, holding it in front of him and Error as they looked for the new comment.
"wE hAvE a DaRe..." Error murmured before grinning, "Oh?~"
"I dare Ink and Error to prank Dream and Nightmare"
Ink stifled a laugh while Error chuckled, the two looking at each other before Ink stuck out his tongue a bit.
"Shall we?~"
"BuT oF cOuRsE~"
"So that's the plan. Got it, Blue?" Ink asked as he patted the smaller skeleton on the head lightly, receiving a determined look as the smaller skeleton had stars in his eyes(?)
"Oh you bet! I- the magnificent Sans shall help you two!~" Blue stated before smirking, "at least...if you tell me something first~"
Ink looked afraid.
very afraid.
"W-What is it, Blue?" Ink murmured nervously as Blue quickly switched to an innocent smile before whispering something to Ink.
The artistic skeleton's face flushed an array of colors, the symbols in his eyes switching rapidly as he stiffened... surprisingly enough, a few of the times the symbols had changed to small hearts before swapping out with different symbols.
Blue grinned a bit as he saw his friend's reaction, standing back down normally and clasping his hands together behind his back as he teetered on his heels, "Think about it, 'kay?~" Blue snickered before running off.
Error slowly came up to Ink, a confused look on his face, "WhAt WaS tHaT aBoU-"
"THERE'S NO NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT!" Ink yelped as he quickly tugged his scarf up to hide his blush, quickly walking away, "L-Let's speak with Horror or s-someone to g-get Nightmare as well...o-okay?" Ink murmured as Error followed, humming quietly in response as he glanced at Ink, both curious and concerned for him.
(even later~)
"So, you guy's want me and the dudes to go and get Nightmare in this spot for you...because of a dare?" Horror questioned with the tilt of his head, Error sighing quietly as he nodded.
"YeS, HoRrOr," Error muttered which received a grin from the skeleton.
"Cool then! I'll get Killer an' we'll go get him for ya!" Horror stated as he patted Error on the shoulder, causing him to freeze up.
"...HoRrOr...." Error growled out as his voice glitched more, "DoN't ToUcH mE yOu FiLtHy AbOmInAtIoN!" he hissed out, yet that only earned him a confused look from Horror.
" didn't freak out when Ink touched you..well, not really anyway."
"Uh, Error?"
"...ShUt Up..." Error grumbled out as he walked off, a golden tint dusting his face.
"Is it all good, Glitchy?" Ink asked once he spotted Error, walking alongside him.
"..M-Mm.." Error hummed, ignoring his blush.
"So uh, what do we do while we wait?"
"...I dOn'T kNoW sHoRtY.."
"I'm not short, Error."
"I mean it! You were just made tall!"
"SuRe, InKy..."
(...andddd even later~)
"Blue, why are we at Ink's place?" Dream questioned as he was dragged along by Blue.
"Pfft- duh! We're going to see Ink after all!~" Blue giggled which caused Dream to smile slightly.
"Okay, Blue. Let's go!"
(elsewhere but to the same destination~)
"Why are we here, Horror, Killer, Dust?" Nightmare growled out quietly as he followed his three followers. (hah, get it? No?..okay ill stop >w>; )
"Why else? Error found out the Star Sanses secret base and we're going to take it over while they aren't here of course!" Horror stated proudly as Killer grinned slightly, Nightmare thinking about it a bit.
"Hmm...I see. Then let us not waste any time."
(wow, how many of these are there?)
Ink smiled nervously as he paced back and forth in front of Error who sat on the couch watching him with amusement.
"Ah, I hope the plan works!- It took me awhile to make a whole house that looks like my actual one for this prank to work..." Ink continued to ramble on before pausing as blue strings wrapped around his waist, causing the skeleton to pause with confusion before he was pulled onto the couch. A pair of arms steadying him.
"EnOuGh Of ThE pAcInG, yOu'Re GoInG tO tIrE yOuRsElF oUt QuIcKeR..." Error muttered as he set Ink beside him, unwrapping the artistic skeleton from his strings before looking away.
"...A-Ah, um..o-okay Error...L-Lets uh, go get ready in our spots then..." Ink murmured as a colorful tint spread across his face.
Getting up, the two silently went their separate ways.
(yeah imma just...)
"ah, come on in you two!" Ink stated happily as he let his two friends in, Blue skipping in happily while Dream walked in, a sheepish smile on his face.
"Hey- Dream?" Ink stopped the other skeleton with a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah? What is it, Ink?" Dream asked confused.
"There's uh...something I need you to do, please?" Ink smiled nervously as Dream nodded slowly.
"...What is it?"
"FiNaLlY.." Error grumbled as the four skeletons came up to him, " I wAs BeGgInInG tO tHiNk YoU gUyS cHiCkEnEd OuT."
"Like we would, you better watch your tongue with me, glitch," Nightmare warned, which Error only smirked to.
"YoU sAiD 'tOnGuE'...i'M sImPlY cOrReCtInG yOu. I hAvE tOnGuEs." Error smirked as he stuck the blue muscles out slightly, causing Nightmare to sweatdrop.
"Okay, fine. Just lead the way..."
"In here!" Ink smiled a bit as he motioned for Dream to go into the room, to which the small skeleton hesitantly did, while facing Ink as he walked past.
"HeRe YoU dAmN aBoMiNaTiOn..." Error muttered as he held open a door for Nightmare who glared at Error as he stepped in.
"What is up with yo- oomph-"
Two skeletons bumped into each other, thus falling on their bums...if they even have a$$e$....
The two quickly stood up, getting in battle stances as the two glanced back at those who led them there.
"I-Ink! It's Nightmare!-"
"Error! Get in here! It's one of the star sanses!"
"Oh, I know." The two mused before closing the doors, locking them.
muffled yells came from the room as they attempted to leave...however, they were surprisingly unable to do such.
"ShOuLd We JuSt CoMe BaCk LaTeR?" Error asked Ink as he walked over to him.
"Mm, sure, why not?" Ink agreed as the two left.
(yeetus meetus, hereth is another timeskipus!~)
"so, Killer and Dust left." Blue stated as Horror sat next to him on the couch.
"Ah, okay!-"
"AnD tHe OtHeR tWo?" Error questioned before Ink could.
"Oh, peachy." Horror laughed out as he leaned back against the soft cushions.
"Hmm.. Shall we?" Ink snickered as Error nodded.
Heading up to the room, the two skeletons unlocked the door before stepping in.
"Y-You...guys...are...j-jerks.." Dream panted out as he laid sprawled on the ground, his crown slightly slanted.
"Woah, geez, what happened?" Ink muttered surprised as he helped his friend up.
"H-He tried cleaning me..!" Nightmare hissed out, and surprisingly enough- the dark goop wasn't on him entirely, his white eye-lights glowing menacingly at the three.
"PfFt.." Error huffed out a laugh as he was glared at.
"Not funny..!" Nightmare growled before storming out of the room, and going...well, who knows where?
"...Mmph...t-tired.." Dream yawned as Ink sighed, shaking his head with a smile.
"Come on, I'll take you to the guest room. You ready Error?"
"MmHmM..." Error hummed before making a portal to Ink's actual house, Blue casually going in it real quick while Horror waved bye- most likely going off to find Nightmare.
"anddd done!~" Ink smiled as he came back downstairs, sitting next to Error on the couch.
"So~ you two are finally done, eh?~" Blue suddenly asked as he leaned in-between them from behind the couch, startling the two skeletons.
"Myeheheh!~ anyways... remember what we talked about, Ink?~" Blue asked as a certain glint appeared in his eyes, a deep colorful blush spreading across Ink's face as his eyes once again started swapping rapidly. Error, However, just watched confused.
Anddd Boom! Cliff hanger!~
Hope you all enjoy this extra long arse chappy!
Now then, just because why not?- Blueberry, aka Swap! Sans is now open for Questions and Dares!~ have fun boys and girls!
Anywho, see you guys next chapter!
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