The Fight

ProjectXSans621: ???: well goodness me the creator and destroyer hmmm? I should provide a little trouble for them anyways*shoots untrusting dart at project*

Project:*his eyes gloe green* what where am i who are you*shoots a spinning blaster at everyone* WHO ARE YOU!!!? WHY AM I NOT IN MY REALM!?!?!,*shoots more gaster blaster and ink attack**shoots a shotgun at sci* h..he...lp no! Who are you!?*rubs away*(he is seeing someone speacial and dosent remember you have two choices which may affect him leave him be or help him oh! And hwgwgdgsgsgsgg)

(You may do whatever you want, but please don't use the characters here.........)

Kili: Mmmhp! Hmmpmh! Mhphpm!*struggles*

X!Gaster: Nuh uh.*uses OVERWRITE and has a bird cage* Now you can watch the whole thing.*throws Kili at the cage*

Kili:*gasp**her gag's gone**runs up to the bars* PROJECT! IT'S US! YOUR FRIENDS! PLEASE REMEMBER!

C!Chara: KILI!

X!Gaster: Let me help you with that son.*gives C!Chara his own body**gives Cross his other half soul, same with C!Chara*

Ink: Project! Listen to me! We're your friends!

At the mansion............

Sci:*dodges* Woah!

???:*chuckles* You better watch out Sci.

Sci:*turns around and sees nothing* Huh? Who's there?



ProjectXSans621:(And hes gaster blasters go through aus)

???:oh he ran away?..

???: Ooh! Another mystery person! Hi! What's your name?!*hype*

Sci: Oh no...!*calls Ink*

At the Void..................

Ink: Project?!!?*hear phone ringing and takes it out* Hello?

Sci: Ink! We got a huge problem! Project's Gaster Blasters are everywhere! In each AU!

Ink: What! This is bad...

Kili: Ink! Looks out!

Ink: Huh?*dodges some bones* WOAH!

Ink: Call you back Sci, tell Dream and Nightmare about this.*hangs up*

X!Gaster:*laughs* You won't get away with this!*sends bones to Error and TK*


TK:*teleports to G*

Back at the mansion..................

Fire_AssassinXx: Chandra: Please don't disappear ever again!*won't stop hugging Carrot*

Ruby:*eyes wide, but smiles and hugs back*

*you whisper* Our family is back again.*you faintly smile*


UT!Grillby: We sure are.

Sci:*comes in* Sorry to intrude, but our homes are in danger!

Classic: Huh? What do ya mean?

Sci: Project send his GBs all around the AUs. We need to go back to our homes and help.

Dream:*gasp* Why would Project do such thing?

Sci: Details will be explain later. Dream, Nightmare, can you send us all back to our timelines?

Both:*nods**makes a portal for each Sanses AU*

???: Killer should help Classic with his AU. Nightmare with should do G's AU. Dream at TK's AU. Dust with Blue and Carrot. Geno with Reaper. And Horror with Lust.

Core: Who are–

???: Core send the kids to help. Now go!

Everyone:*nods hesitantly and goes through their portals*


At the Void...........

G:*slams at the ground*

TK: G!

Kili: TK!!!

TK:*gets blasted by a GB*

Kili: NOO!!!

Error:*grabs X!Gaster with his strings*

X!Gaster:*uses OVERWRITE*

Ink:*gets wrap by strings* What the–! *gets slammed hard*

Error: Ink!*goes to her*

X!Gaster: I don't think so!*use blue magic and brings Ink to himself*

Error: INK!

Ink: E-error...*sticks an arm out*

Error: Let her go!

Kili: INK!*tears pour out*

X!Gaster: Hmmmm..... No.

Error:*prepares his strings*

X!Gaster: Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you. You don't want your precious Ink here to get hurt.*lifts Inks chin up*


X!Gaster: Heheheheheh!

???: Oh no you don't!*kicks X!Gaster's chin up*

X!Gaster:*grunts**lets go of Ink*

???:*catches Ink and teleports to Error* Here.*gives him Ink*

Error: Kili?

???: Nope! She's still at the cage.*looks at Kili* Sorry I'm late!*grins* 


Cross: What?*stares at ??? in disbelief*

C!Chara: Who are you? And why do you look like Kili?

???: Oh! That's because I'm her sister!*eyes are closed and smiles*

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