Kili: Who's ready for round 2?!!!
Blueberry:OOH OOH! I DO!!
Nightmare: *crosses arms*I don't trust you with this.
Kili: Don't worry Nightmare. There's no dares from my family.
Nightmare:*mumbles* Good....
Dream: How many are we going to do?
Kili: 3 dares. One from my friend and 2 from the readers!!
Error: Will this take long?
Sci: Depends on the dares. And Kili, are you okay now?
Fell🌼: Why would you ask that?
Classic: She was panicking when someone ask her a dare that she can't understand.
Kili:*anime sweat-drop* Let's not talk about that and Classic, Sci. Thanks for comforting me.
Classic: No prob. kid.
Sci: You are most welcome.
Kili: K, let's get on to business! First from BookWorm1861: I dare Blue to get blind folded and the others have to kiss her at the lips and Blue has to describe which kiss is the best.
*angry**whispers* She is SO dead.
Dust:*ticks off* What?!
Geno: Woah, woah, woah. Is there a specific type of gender?
TK: Or age?
Kili: When she means others, she means EVERYONE, so age or gender doesn't really matter. Even I need to do it.
Killer: What? How come?
Kili: It doesn't matter too if you're a human or a monster. Again EVERYONE has to do it.
Razberry: What if we don't want to?
Kili:Actually...... I have a plan.*smiles wickedly*Hehe.
Kili: Blue, go ahead and sit down and blind folded yourself, ok?
Blueberry: Ok...*goes sit down on a chair and blind folded herself with her bandana(?)* I'm ready.
Kili:K, wait there for a moment!*turns to the others* K, I'll tell ya'll the plan.
Everyone except Kili and Blueberry:*goes closer to Kili and listen*
Kili: Ok this is the plan.*whispers them the plan*
Everyone except for the 2:*smiles and nods*
Kili:K, let's start.
Blueberry:*felt a kiss on her lips*-I kinda like the feeling of this kiss-
Kili:K, you're next!
Blueberry:*nervous**feels another kiss*-This kinda feels like the same kiss-
Several kisses later
Kili: K Blue. You can remove the blind fold now.
Blueberry:*removes blind fold*
Kili:So, which kiss do you like the best?
Blueberry: U-um. It's hard to choose really. Each kiss feels exactly the same. Hmm. Probably the first one. Who was it from?
Dust: So, you like my kisses~?
Blueberry: *blushes*I-it was fr-from D-dust! And k-kisses?
Kili:Ink, you explain.
Ink: Why me? It was your plan.*sigh* Fine. What Dust meant was that all the kisses that you receive was from him and only him. Kili's plan was to skip everyone's turn and let Dust do all the kisses.
Blueberry:*blushes* B-but why D-dust?
Kili:*facepalms* Does anyone know why I chose Dust to kiss Blue?
Everyone:*shakes their head/skull(?)* No.
Kili:*deep sigh* Forget it. Ok 1 or 2?
Cross: What? What do you mean 1 or 2?
Kili: *piss*Just choose one of those numbers.*gets a notification* Ooh! We got an ask! Now hurry and choose a number!
Almost everyone: 2.
Kili: Ok. ProjectXSans621 send us a ask and dare. Ask: Now i feel emotionless now hmmmm....m. is anybody here emotionless except for me?
Nightmare: I'm emotionless.
G: Same here.
Geno: Well I am too. So does Fresh here.
Fresh:I ain't emotionless ma rad sis.(I have no clue how to do Fresh's personality thing)
Kili:*whispers to the readers* Ink is being emotionless, it's just her vials. She doesn't want to admit it yet. And Error doesn't know about her having no soul. Nobody here does except for me. Remember? On It's ma b-day?
Kili: Okay, I for one starting to be emotionless.*mumbles* Stupid mood swings!!
Fell🌼: I feel and I don't feel emotionless...... I don't know.*shrugs*
Kili: Ok, before we start doing his/her dare, ya'll gonna need this.*gives everyone a computer*
G:Let me guess. The dare is to react something right? That's why we have the computers.
Kili: Classic, you say the dare and yes we're going to react to something. I just hope it's the right video......
Classic: Eh, sure why not. This is still from ProjectXSans621:Hmm.. well I should introduce myself right? My name is projectxsans or just call me project i dare all of you to react to give up every soul it represents me in anyway if im there I would be chara lol.
Sci: This is the dare Kili doesn't understands. This is the explanation:
ProjectXSans621: Error404:Really?? Hmmm should i specify cous? Sure!
Error404: He said you need to react to a video named give up every soul and if he was there he was chara which is my little cous wanting to destroy universes*touched cheeck bones of project*
Noo!! It's just my.......split personality well lets not talk about that anyways do the dare!
Sci: Basically we are just reacting to a video give up every soul.
Kili: Is cous cousin or something? I'm clueless as a dead brain eating zombie!!And I thought we agreed not to talk about it!*pouts*
Classic: Sorry kiddo.
Kili: Let's just watch.(the video up top)
After the video
Kili: So, what do ya guys think?
Blueberry:*wraps her arms around Dust* Why would the reader wanted to be C-chara?!*scared*
Dust:*blushes a little* Hey, it's alright Blue.
Killer: I don't know..... I kinda like it.
Cross: Reminds me of someone I know.
C.Chara: I know you're talking 'bout me Cross. I also watched it y'know.
Cross: Shut up Chara!
TK: Cross is talking to himself again.
Kili: Sup there Cross Chara! Like the video?
C.Chara: She can see me?!?!
Cross: You know Chara?!
Dust: Great*sarcastic*, now Kili's talking with Cross' 'imaginary friend'.
Kili: Of course I can see you Cross Chara and hear you. I know about you too y'know.
C.Chara: Uh.... Just call me CC. Um..... This is awkward. And yeah...... I like the video......
Kili:Anyways, am I the only one who loves the video? Yeah? No? Ugh!
Sci: Moving on?
Kili: Yeah, yeah. Whateve. CC, do you want to say it?
Cross: The others can't hear him remember? Nor see him.
Kili: Right. Welp guess I'll change my voice again.
Kili:*change voice into Cross Chara's voice* This good? Yep the right one.*clears throat* Ahem, okay this is from FriendlyCurse223: Howdy everyone! How are ya'll? Also, I dare everyone to kiss their crush, on the cheek of ya want.
C.Chara:*mouth drops*-That is exactly like my voice!-
Cross: How did you do that?!
Kili:*change voice back to normal* Imma tell ya'll later. Now kiss ya crush!
Classic: Uh, kid? Not all of our crushes are here.
Kili:I know. Just do the ones who ARE here then I'll get the others their crushes.
Dust: Ok then.*kisses Blue on the lips*
Blueberry:*blushes and kisses back*
Dust:*surprise* You like me?
Blueberry: No, I love you.*blushes*
Dust:*smiles*I love you too, Blue.*hugs Blue*
Blueberry:*giggles and hugs back*
Kili: The ship has been sailed!!!! DustBerry 4 life!!! Yay!
Geno:*grumbles* Can't believe I have to do this.
Reaper:Something wrong Ge–hmmp!
Geno:*kisses Reaper*
Reaper:-heh knew it-*kisses back*
Ink: AfterDeath is complete.
Error: Next up, Rust.
Razberry: F**k what?!
Lust: Come on Raz~. I know you love me~.
Razberry: Oh yeah?! Prove it!
Lust:*kisses Raz*
Razberry:*blushes*-don't kiss back don't kiss back don't kiss back!!! F**k this!!-*kisses back*
Lust:Heh, knew it.
Razberry:F***ing damn it!
Nightmare: Bleh! To much positive emotions!!!!*curls into a ball*
Killer: It's called love Nightmare.*giggles and kiss Nightmare on the cheek*
Nightmare:*stands up**angry*Why did you do that?!
Killer: *sad*Cause I.......have a crush......on you...... I love you Nightmare.......
Nightmare:*calms down* Killer.......*goes closer* I hate saying this, but I......*mumbles something*
Killer: What?
Nightmare: I*mumbles*
Killer: I can't hear you. What are you trying to say?
Nightmare: F**k this!*kisses Killer on the lips*
Killer:*kisses back*
Both:*making out*
Kili: NightKiller done!*teleports them into a room* And they can NOW have privacy.
Reaper: Where did you put them?
Kili: In a SOUNDPROOF room. Y'know why.
Dream: Why?
Cross:*kisses Dream on her lips* You don't want to know.
Dream: Y-you like me?
Cross:Yeah...... I like like you. I understand if you don't LOVE me back...
Dream:*kisses Cross on the lips* Of course I love you back!*hugs Cross*
Cross:*hugs back*
Dream:W-wait a minute. Do you love me because of my crown?
Cross: Of course not. I love you, not because of the crown, but for you being yourself.
Dream:I love you too and for just being yourself.
Kili:Awww! Blue, Raz, sorry for doing this.
Razberry: What are you talking about?
Blueberry: You didn't do anything wrong.
Kili: Again, sorry. I also will regret it. Welp, this is one 'CREAMY' love! Get it? Cross + Dream = CREAM! I regret this.
Razberry: You should regret that f***ing b***h!
Blueberry: NOT YOU TOO!!!!!
Everyone else: Eeeyyyy.
Kili:*sarcastic* Yay, I made a pun! Now I'll just go kiss my crush here and go to my spectacular spontaneous f word room and watch the new episode of Underverse before*angry* I destroy something valuable! K? And continue the dare please.
C.Chara: *shivers*Was she always like that?
Cross: *shivers* I have no idea.
Sci: Uh okay then. I'll take over for now.
Kili: *sighs* Thanks Sci. Before I kiss my crush*creates portal and out came the Frisk's of UnderFell, EchoTale, Faithtale, Quantumtale, Horrortale, Outertale and Undertale.* there we go, welcome Frisks into my AU and timeline. Your Sanses will explain.(Sorry readers, but I mostly ship the others with their Frisks. Frans for life!!Except for the ones on the list. And I think Sci is in Faithtale, since the Sans there IS a scientist.)
Fell🌼:.......-Of course sweetheart won't come-......
Kili: And Fell🌼, surprise!! *summons FlowerFell Frisk* Hey there FFF, Sans is just right there.*points where Fell🌼 is* Have fun everyone! And......*kisses C.Chara on his cheek* Bye!
Everyone except CC and Cross:???
C.Chara:*shutters*I-i w-was h-her cr-crush!*holds cheek where the kiss is**blushes*
Cross: Aww~. Looks like someone's in LOVE~.
FT Frisk: Um, Sans(Sci)? Who is he talking too?
Sci: That's Cross. He talks to himself or to his 'imaginary friend'.
Fell🌼:Sweetheart? Is it really you?
FF Frisk:Sans!*hugs Fell🌼**crying* Sans! I've miss you so much!
Fell🌼:*tears falls* I've......miss you too.....
FF Frisk: *smiles and kisses him on the lips*
Fell🌼:*kisses back* I love you.
FF Frisk:*giggles* I love you too.
ET Frisk: Aww. That's so cute!
G: Not as cute as you~.
ET Frisk: Really G?*playfully rolls eyes* Still flirting I see?(Itsa rhymes!)
G: Aw~. I know you like how I flirt~.
ET Frisk: What's not to like*goes closer to G* when you got love?*kisses him*
G:*kisses back* Heh.
With Kili
Kili:*watching YouTube* Supo! Sorry guys, but I'm a little lazy to do the full thing so I'll just tell it.
Kili: Classic and Outer and their Frisks did it already. Sci is giving his Frisk some clothes. Edge is TRYING to kiss his Frisk, but Flowey won't allow it to happen. TK and his Frisk went somewhere private. Horror and his Frisk just did it. As for Error and Ink....... Error is trying to find a 'perfect way' to kiss Ink. Ink's.......scared IF Error loves her back...... Now Sci and FT Frisk did it.
???: *appears*And now everyone is introducing themselves. Hello there Kili.
Kili: Sup Core Frisk. May I call you Core?
Core: Yes you may since the other mes are here. Shall I give the message?
Kili: Yes you may. Sorry for giving you the job to deliver my messages.
Core: There's no need to apologize, my friend.*disappears*
Kili:*sigh* Oh! Nightmare and Killer are done with their 'privacy'. Now back to the video.
Back with the others
FT Frisk: Sans, I mean Sci?
Sci: Yes?
FT Frisk: How are we going to go back to our own personal AU?
Error: We need to have Kili's permission first.
Core:*Appears* Hello everyone.
All the Frisks and the Star Sanses: Core Frisk!
Geno: Hey Core Frisk. Why are you here?
Core: Please, call me Core. I am here to deliver a message for the Frisks. In exactly in a few minutes, you can all go back. Use your time wisely and Ink.
Ink: What is it?
Core: Do not be afraid of your emotions. Let your emotions be free, if it does, you too will be free. Don't be afraid.*disappears*
Error: Ink, what does she mean about you being afraid of your emotions?
Ink:*lying* I have no idea.
Error: Ok then.
Ink:-Core's right. I need to let my emotions free!- U-um Error?
Error: Yea?
Ink: I u-um......*blushes rainbow*
Error:*smirks* What are you saying~?
Ink: I was tr-trying to s-say is th-that I–*gets tied by strings* W-what the!
Error:Heh. Gotcha!*uses his strings to pull Ink closer*
Ink:*blushes**shutters* Wh-what a-re y-you d-oing?!
Error:This.*kisses Ink*
Ink:*kisses back*
???:*screams* NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Core:*appears*It's time for the Frisks to go back, except for FF Frisk, she needs to go to Heaventale. I'll explain later.*snaps fingers*
All the Frisks:*disappears*(That includes Core)
Edge:Who's f***ing screamed like a f***ing banshee?!?!
Kili:*comes in**face blank**tears pouring*
Cross:What happen to you?
Dream:Kili? I can't feel any emotions from you. Are you–
Kili:*angry*ARG! SHANAHO!*punches ground and creates a fist hole*
Lust: What the heck!
Razberry:Kili! What the f**k is wrong with you?!
Kili:*ignores and goes to the wall*
TK: What are you doing?!
Kili:*place hand on wall*Training room.*the wall opened**turns and face the Sanses*
Kili: You'll have the grand tour later. Questions later.*snaps fingers**the hole in the ground got repaired*
Ink: How did y–
Kili:I said questions later. Now will you excuse me.*turns and goes in the room**wall closes*
C.Chara: What was that all about......?
Cross:......I don't know.......
TK: Um ask us?
Killer:Me?*sigh* And dare us.
Lust:*turns camera off*
Cross Chara is now available to ask and/or dare.
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