Oh No......

ProjectXSans621: Error404: I didn't get to introduce myself right my name is Error404 a God of a god if you know what i mean i am the controler of error or known as my puppet i control all his doing and actions so yah i stopped controlling him when the alliance came up and please translate this to kili

Yeah hes my cousin and sorry blue just my split personality can BE A LITTLE BIT CREEPY HEHE*insane smile*

Error404:why do i have a cousin so creepy and insane background well watch out for him he may tend to kill sometimes and i dare all of you to do something funny

TK: What was that?!

Sci: Hmm. Seems like the readers can tell us what they're saying now, without anyone of us to say it out loud.

Sci: Don't worry. We can translate this to Kili.

Blueberry: OK! And I forgive you human!

Error: He/She was controlling me?!?!?!

Ink:*hugs Error* I'm just glad that you're free to do anything now.

Error:*hugs back* Guess you're right.

Outer: Hate to BURST your BUBBLES, hehe, but Kili's not here.

Razberry: F***ING STOP WITH THE PUNS!!!!*grits teeth(?)*

Blueberry: But was that even a pun though?

Outer: Yes those are puns.

Ink:'a god of a god'....... So he's/she's Error's God and controller?

Error:*shrugs* I don't know.

Dream: We need to warn Kili about this!

Killer: Warn her about what?

Dream: He/she said that his/her cousin may tend to KILL sometimes!

Cross: They're probably were just joking.

C.Chara: Where IS Kili anyways?

Cross: Probably still in that training room.

Dream: Who's in the training room?

Cross: Kili.

Nightmare: She's not there anymore.

G: Really? Then where is she?

Horror:*I don't know noise*

Core:*appears* Hello everyone.

Ink: Core!

Geno: What brings you here?

Core: Kili send me here to take her place for awhile. Fell🌼, your Frisk is in Heaventale for her death. Don't worry about her.

Fell🌼: *sigh*Alright.

Core: Now, you all need to do something funny. And PUNS are included.

Blueberry and Razberry: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Classic: Really now. Heh you guys need to KETCHUP with me.

Edge: Oh really now, I can MUSTARD that.

Outer: Do you guys know what's Dream and Cross' favourite milk product? It's Ice-CREAM!

Razberry: The f**k stop!!

Dream:*hugs Cross* I'm his.

Cross:*hugs back* And she's mine.

Both: We're meant to be together because we have CROSS DREAMS.

Blueberry: Dream! No!

Ink: Have you ever wonder why Blue's name is called Blueberry instead of Swap?

Blueberry: Ink, if this is a pun–

Error: Let me guess, because she wears BLUE-BERRY clothes!

Ink: Eyyy!*gun fingers*

Razberry:*triggered* Is that why my name is RAZBERRY or BLACKBERRY cause I wear the colour to much?!!!

Core: Precisely yes. It's time for me to go now. See you all very soon.*disappears*

Kili:*comes in limping* Sup.

Sci:*sees many bruises and cuts* KILI! What happened?!?!

Dream:*goes to Kili* Are you okay?! Did you got into a fight?!

G: The f**k happen to you?!

Kili: Yo yo, calm down.*lying, but hides it* I was getting all my anger out. Nothing to worry about. The bruises and cuts were from the training room when I was fighting holograms. Well kinda like a hologram. After a while I went out and trip. Then came limping back here.

Killer: Why are you angry?

Kili: Video.

Sci: Okay, go into my lab and I'll PATCH you up in no time.

Kili: A PUN! Seriously!

Razberry: You're lucky that you miss the rest.

Kili: Lucky me.*goes into Sci's lab with Sci following*

ProjectXSans621: I dare all of you to stay in horrible aus for 1 day except kili because WHY DONT GO BURNING IN MY HELL TOGETHER? Yah sorry but still kilis dtill not going into horrible aus please specify BECAUSE YOUR ALL GONNA BE INJURED ANYWAY HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHE*poof animatronics are here* hello Ultimate Custom night guys
Scrap baby: Hello project
Project:*whispers in ear* just scare the skeletons dont scare kili*points at kili* ok guys the animatronics or my friends will kill you so RUN and sci before you die please spcify

Dust: Wait what?!?!

Everyone except Kili:*got teleport to a horrible AU*Ahhh!!!

Kili: The AU that they're in is a surprise. I didn't know the Ultimate Custom Night is all about the Five Nights at Freddy's series!!!! Sick!

With the Sanses

Dust:*groans* Ugh. Where are we?

Sci: Hmm....*see dust everywhere* We're in one of the 'bad' Sans' AU. Question is which one?

Ink: This is..........

Nightmare: Dust's AU. Dusttale.


???:Hehe. You better run~!

Error:*ready his strings* Who's there?!

Dream: C-cross......*whimpers* I don't like this......

Cross:*hugs Dream protectively* Don't worry. I'm here to protect you.

Nightmare Chica:*pops out*Hi there~! Marionette's right y'know~.

Bonnie:*jumps* Better start running!

G: Sh*t sh*t sh*t!!!*runs*

Ink: Everybody RUN!!!*runs*

Error:*runs after Ink*

Cross:*carries Dream bridal style and runs*

Lust: C'mon Raz!!!*drags Razberry*

Mangle: Oh no you don't!*goes after them*

Freddy Fazbear:*jump scares Blue* GOTCHA!

Blueberry:*screams* Ah! Dust!

Dust: Get away from her!*charges at Freddy*

Nightmare(Not the Sans):*grabs one of Nightmares' tentacle* Ah ha!

Killer:*cuts Nightmare(Not Sans)* Don't you dare!

Geno:*summons GBs* You bastards!!*blast at Marionette*

Marionette:*dodges* Too slow~. *pins Geno*

Reaper: Oh no you're not!*slashes Marionette*

Marionette:*weapon goes through* Nice try~.

Razberry:*running for her life* FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF************************************KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!

Balloon Boy:*goes to Blueberry* Hehe~. Hi~. Want a balloon~?

Blueberry: Really?! A balloon!

Balloon Boy: Yeah~. Want one~?*giggles creepily*

Blueberry: *shivers* U-um no th-thank you.


Outer: How is he sleeping through all of this?!

JJ:*jump scares* HA!

Fell🌼: AHHHH!!*falls back*

Kili:*comes* WAIT!!!!

The animatronics:???

Kili:I'm Kili, Project told you not to scare me or kill me.

Chica: What are you doing here?

Bonnie: You are not suppose to be here.

TK:*runs to Kili* Help us!

Kili: Animatronics, please don't kill them.

Nightmare Foxy: But Project told us to–

Kili:I said NO! *sighs* Sorry. It's time for you all animatronics to go back to Project.

Marionette: What?! But the fun was about to begin!

Kili: *mad and filled with rage* Well guess what? You miss the fun! For you animatronics. Edge already has a twisted ankle, G got 3 broken ribs, Error is being treated like a piñata, Killer got her neck snapped, TK is JUST a KID, Reaper got his weapon thingy broken with a broken wrist, Blue and Dream already ARE paralyze by fear, Cross is getting tired, Dust also has a broken wrist, Ink's having a panic attack and Sci's trying to get everyone together so he can help, trying to NOT get hurt!

Golden Freddy: Fine..... Let's go guys.*all of them disappeared*

Geno: Thanks.

Kili: No time for that.*teleports everyone to an abandon Snowdin* Here ya go. To bad everyone turned to dust.

Dust:*looks down*........

Kili:*puts a hand on Dust's shoulder* It's not your fault. Where's the medic place?

Dust:Over there.*points*

Sci: Ok, for the ones who are still fine, go and get some bandages, alcohol, pain killers, anything that you can find.

Everyone who's not injured: Ok!*goes to get the medic stuff*

Cross: Dream?

Dream:I-I'm good.*shaking*

Cross:*hugs her* Shh, it's alright. It's now over.

Ink:*taking deep breaths*

Error:*breaks free* Finally!

Error:*quickly goes to Ink* Hey, hey it's all okay.*rubs her back*

Ink:*relaxes a little bit*

Dust:*goes to Blue and hugs her* Don't worry it's all over.

Blueberry:*calms down a little*......... I'm scared........

Dust: I know........ I'm here don't you worry......

Kili:*sighs* Ask us and dare us....... They'll be fully recovered and well. They're also going to be back at my AU soon. Bye........

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