
Fire_AssassinXx: Aww! Thanks guys.😊 I really appreciate it

Chandra: Sis? Again? Why are you obsess with these books?

Cause I can be okay? Sorry guys, this is my sister Chandra.

Chandra: Sup?

Chandra and I are fox hybrids, each given an elemental ability. Chandra can control the earth.

Chandra: While Amber can control fire, which is AWESOME!!

Aww, thanks sis. So yeah, I thought I would tell you a little bit about me and my sis.

Sci: *excited*HYBRIDS!!

Blueberry: What's a hybrid?

Sci: A hybrid is a–

Kili: It's two species in one. Example a Neko. A Neko is half human or skeleton, that's one species, and half cat, that's another species. Amber and Chandra are half human and half fox. They either get their elemental abilities from their human side or fox side.

Sci: Hey! I want to explain it.

Blueberry: Oh. Ok!

Kili: Sup there too Chandra! By the way you guys are not the only ones who's a hybrid.

Fell🌼: Really?! You're also a hybrid!

Kili: I have two souls remember? A monster and a human.

Classic: If you're half monster, then what monster?

Everyone except Kili:*looks at Kili questionably* ???

Kili: Well I'm half human, turtle, hedgehog, fox, skeleton, ghost and lion.

Sci: That's more than two species.

Lust: Aren't we all hybrids?

Razberry: What type of question is that?


ProjectXSans621: Ummm?? Hello my name is project the real one and this is*mumbles his name**points to a black skeleton* hes now my fammiliar sorry for for tryinf to kill you guys well its just me getting corrupted and all made me change my ways to make it up*spawns them ice cream*my sorry gift*makes dream bow and shopts it in the sky and the words say MY SORRY GIFT!* and I dare you to meet my friends! Meet water were alike

Water: Hello!

Well now i dare you to do a magic competition any games you would like!

Nightmare:... So he/she also got corrupted...

Blueberry: It's alright Project! We do forgive you!

Dream: Thanks for the ice-cream!

Razberry:*examines her ice-cream* This looks like nice-cream.

Kili: It is, just in the 'surface'.

Lust:*licks ice-cream sexually* Mmm~.

Dust:*covers Blueberry's eye sockets* Nope! You're not seeing that!

Cross:*covers Dream's sockets* Dream, let's go somewhere else, okay?

Dream: Um ok???

Dust: Let's go Blue.

Blueberry: OK!

The four:*leaves*

Kili:*whacks Lust's skull* DO YOU HAVE TO DO THAT TO ICE-CREAM?!

Lust:*chocks a little* Sorry! Couldn't help myself.

Everyone:-_- Really.

Ink:*looks up* That looks beautiful.

Error: Sure does.-But you're the most beautiful.-*wraps arm around Ink*

Ink:*smiles and wraps arm back*

Kili: Yes!!! I love a competition!!

Kili: Also, sup there Water! Welcome!

Edge: Two can play that game.*smirks*

G: Hah! We'll see about that!

Kili: Hehe, it's on!*cracks knuckles*

Outer:*shivers* Kid, why?

TK:*shivers* The sound....

Kili: Eheh, sorry.^^'

Kili: G, ya first.

G: Ok–

Edge: Wait. Us 'Sanses' can only summon bones and GBs! Not all of us, but still! How the actual f**k can we do magic?!

G: Right. And Ink's the only one who CAN do magic.

Ink: It's called painting!

Fell🌼: How about Dream and Nightmare?

Nightmare: We only feel the emotions of others, Dream's staff, showing good or bad memories and my tentacles.

Error: I can only do GBs, bones and my strings.

Kili: Cross too, but knifes instead of strings.

Lust: How about Kili? Can she do magic?

Sci: There's a possibility that she can.

Kili: I don't think that Project meant by DOING magic. He/she also said any games that we like...... Hmmm.....

Killer: I don't think we can do the dare.

Kili: WHAT?!?! But he'll/she'll get upset! Plus this is the TRUE and REAL Project!

G: How in the hell can you do that?!

Kili: Do what?

Sci: Did you rhyme on purpose?

Kili: Rhyme? I didn't say a rhyme.

Error: Really? You said'But he'll/she'll get UPSET. Plus this is the true and real PROJECT.

Sci: It's close to a rhyme, but it still rhymes.

Kili: I didn't know, k?! I sometimes just say what I say without making sense sometimes without knowing if I rhyme or not! Does that make sense?

Lust: No.....?

Kili:*sighs* Nevermind. If you guys don't understand the dare, then why don't you ask him/her.

Killer: How the f**k can we do that?

Kili: Just ask. They're the readers remember?

Razberry: Fine. Hey Project, how can we do a magic competition, if we ALL have the same f***ing abilities?

Razberry: There! I ask him/her!

Kili: In a rude way.

Sci: Don't mind her Project. You know how Razberry is.

ProjectXSans621:*singing a sad song*(his voice fills the room he soothes you all) oh hey guys like my sorry gift? Bye!

Dream: We love your gift!

Blueberry: Yeah! It's the best!

Ink: You really didn't have to do that.

Kili: You're a great singer! I love listening to sad songs cause I'll make a story in my head and turn it into a love story!! Which I'm doing it right now, but it's gone.

Kili: Yep it's gone! Don't worry about it though. It's a part of me.

Killer: Wow Raz, you had him now.

Razberry: Oh shut up b***h!

Killer: Oh you want to fight?!*smirks*

Razberry:*smiles wickedly* Hehe~. You're on!

Both:*charges at each other* RAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Dream: Stop fighting!

Blueberry: Raz! Stop it!

Lust: Calm down Razzy.

Razberry:*doesn't hear them*

Kili: They can't summon their bones and GBs and blue or orange attacks or use any weapons. Only physically attacks.

Both:*still fighting each other*

Dream: Brother, stop them!

Nightmare: Nah, this is interesting.

Kili:*twitching* Can't resist!

Fell🌼: Kili, you okay?


Kili:*charges at Razberry and Killer*

Dream: Kili! Be careful!

Killer: What the–*gets punched*

Razberry: Hey! Who pun–*gets punched*

Kili: Stop it you two! I don't want to hurt neither of you! It'll make me go insane and snap ya bones!

Everyone else: o_o

Kili: Sorry. C'mon, let's see your wounds.

Sci: Let's go to my lab. There's some medical supplies there that can help.

Kili: That won't be needed Sci.

Sci: What?

Kili: Both of you lie down.

Razberry: What the f**k you're going to do to us?!

Kili: Lie down now!

Both: Y-yes ma'am!*lies down*

Kili:*does some hand signs**a clone appears*

Clone Kili:*goes beside Killer*

Kili:*goes beside Razberry*

Both Kili's:*makes hand signs**something green glows on their hands**they places them on top of Razberry and Killer*

Killer: What's that?!

Kili: Don't worry. This will heal your wounds.

Both Kili's: Ok, done!*the green glow disappears*

Clone Kili:*turns into a puff of smoke and is gone*

Kili: How do you feel?

Razberry: Better...... All my wounds are gone.......

Killer: Same here........

Sci: Kili, what was that?!

Blueberry: That's so cool!

Kili: Well–

Ink: Magic?

Kili: You can call it that way, I guess.

(Sup! I finally know how to mention people! Thanks to amyrose246. I'm still new about this so..... Yeah. I'll be now updated the other chaps so please don't mind it. Bye!)

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