

I was completely enraged, but not quite sure what I was more angry at; the stupidity of Dewees or the situation i'd landed myself in regardless of his mistakes. 

I'm not really sure why, but I went to the park. I guess there's something comforting about the way the trees tower over you when you're sat on the grass, or the way you can the vast sky without the interruptions of buildings. Anyway, I needed comfort wherever I could find it, and so I sat on the grass with my knees pulled up to my chest, wondering just how to move forward. 

I wanted to call Gerard but I knew he would be at work, so instead I tried Lynz. Of course, she didn't pick up and neither did Kellin. I contemplated phoning some of the others - Jimmy or Kitty perhaps, but decided against it as it would only mean more explaining on my behalf, something I was just too exhausted to do. 

With a groan of frustration I fell back against the ground and just lay there for a few minutes, staring up at the sky and watching with jealousy as the clouds glided so effortlessly across it. I wished I could just drift away like they did, not a care in the world. 


My head shot up to see Hannah Snowdon walking towards me, her pixie-like face frowning in concern as she took in my somewhat dishevelled appearance. She had a portfolio balanced under one arm and a bag that was nearly half the size of her hanging off the other one. 

"Are you alright?" She frowned, stopping beside me and looking down at my somewhat exhausted expression. 

"Do you know anyone that can get me a shitload of cocaine in say, i dunno a couple of days?" I didn't exactly snap, but my tone was still a bit harsh, maybe even a little sarcastic too. She stood there, unsure for a moment as to wether to take me seriously. I guess the silence that followed made her realise that I was sadly not joking, as she then proceeded to sit herself down beside me and cross her legs. 

"For you?" She started to pick up some of the daisy's from the ground, weaving them together at a fast, intricate pace. 

"No. For a dealer that doesn't know half his stash has been snorted away by... a friend." Although I was beyond pissed at Dewees by this point, I still couldn't bring myself to spread his name around like it was petty gossip.  "If I don't sort this, we're both fucked." 

"And why are you fucked too?" 

"Because i'm the one that's supposed to be dealing it out and when he finds out, he'll kill us both" I stared at the growing daisy chain, and watched as her hands didn't even falter with each confession I made. "And I wish I was being metaphorical, but I do genuinely think he might kill us. Or at least one of us. Maybe both. He's not the sort of guy to do things half hearted."

"Sounds like a fucked up mess" she turned to look at me, finally pausing her daisy chain-making process. "Do you believe in karma Frank?"

"I don't know... what's that got to do with this?" I frowned "I just told you i'm dealing drugs and you're telling me what exactly? That I deserve it for being a shitty person?" 

"No, of course not" She started to tie a knot in the chain "you'd have to be a shitty person for that to be the case, and you're quite clearly not." 

"Then what has karma got to do with this?" it clearly hadn't been working for me so far. Not that I was one to always put positive energy into the world, but I certainly still didn't deserve this much crap in my life. 

"I believe that the good you put out into the world will eventually be returned" She smiled softly "maybe not immediately, but in time. When you help someone in their time of need, they'll remember it. And when you're in need, they'll be there for you in return." 

"It's never quite that simple though, is it?" I didn't snap, knowing she was only trying to help even if she didn't really understand quite how done with everything I was at this point. Besides, she was being pretty open minded given the shit i'd just offloaded. 

"No, not always" She sighed "But it can be." 

"I still don't know how this helps." 

"If you want people to help you, be willing to help them in return. Everyone's got shit, and it sounds like you're friend has fucked himself over for good. Don't abandon him in his time of need. That's just telling the universe that it's ok to abandon you too." I hated that what she said made sense, but I knew it did deep down. 

"You mean in order to help myself, I have to help him first?" What she was saying didn't seem particularly beneficial for me, but I knew in the long run that she was right. I couldn't just walk away from Dewees and leave him to most likely be killed by Ian. If he died, I'd have to live with the fact I walked away. "But how? When Ian finds out-" 

"Well you'll have to make sure that either he doesn't find out, or that when he does your friend is long gone." She gave me the daisy chain at that point, placing it in the palm of my hand. "Good luck Frank." 

"Surely luck and karma can't exist together?" I raised an eyebrow, causing her to give my arm a playful slap. 

"Don't use my own words against me when i'm trying to be nice!" 

"Sorry" I chuckled. "Seriously though Hannah. Thanks for the advice, even if I have no idea quite how to use it." 

"You'll figure it out" She shrugged so calmly I felt myself believing her. There was something about her that was reassuring, something that told me she was in control, and I needed that. "Although i'd think fast, it sounds like you're already on borrowed time." 

"It's Dewees, you know. He's the guy I need to help." At this point I figured she might as well know, especially as she seemed to be helping me now. Besides, what did I have to lose? I might as well enlist the help of a pixie-like girl. Perhaps she could beat Ian up with her massive art folder? Or curse him with some weird voodoo magic or something. She certainly seemed fairy-like. 

"Oh right" She nodded "I remember him, he seemed like a funny guy" She paused for a moment, then "get him out of here Frank, get him somewhere where they won't find him. He doesn't deserve what they'll do to him."

"I'll need to get Kellin to help. He's got money. Normally I wouldn't ask but... well he likes Dewees, he'll want to help." 

"Come on, you can't sit here and feel sorry for yourself forever" She stood up and outstretched her hand "I'll give you a lift back to Kellin's - we could pick Dewees up on the way if you like? It's best to get him out of the house if nothing else." 

I sighed, enjoyed one last moment lying in the grass, and then accepted her hand. She pulled me to my feet (or as best as she could when she was ever shorter than me and most probably half my weight). 

"Ok, let's go before I can think too much about how fucked I am." 


"We've never really spoken much before, have we?" I asked from my seat riding shotgun in the car as Hannah drove, heading towards Dewees neighbourhood. "I mean, we've talked, but not for long." 

"I guess not" She smiled across at me "I'm glad we are though Frank, although maybe the circumstances could be better" She let out a little laugh at that. "I'd been meaning to chat to you anyways. You've always looked like an interesting person to me." 

"Normally I'd say thanks, but I recently came to the conclusion that being interesting is overrated. Way too much stress."  

"Would you swap this lifestyle for a boring one then? One where you never did anything remotely exciting?" I thought of all the friends I wouldn't have made, and most importantly the relationship I wouldn't be in. 


"Then I think you enjoy being interesting a bit more than you'd like to admit. All kids that act out tend to, it gives them a sense of freedom. You know, that you're life isn't going to waste. That you'll have something to tell the kids about one day." 

"Stop messing with my head." 

"Stop letting me." 

I chuckled and leaned back into my seat. Of course my laughter was quickly cut short when we turned the corner onto Dewees' road. 

"Which one is it?" 

"Just pull up here" I gestured vaguely to the pavement "I'll get him. He probably won't want anyone else to see what state the house is in. And er, it's probably better you stay in the car just in case." No way was I letting her get caught amongst the crossfire. 

"Ok" She turned off the ignition and sat back, pulling out her phone "be quick though." 


"Dewees?" I yelled through the letterbox, figuring he wouldn't appreciate the sound of someone knocking at the door. The last thing I wanted to do was scare him anymore "It's Frank. Let me in."

"Just leave Frank" I heard him sigh back "You were right to walk out earlier. I've fucked up, you need to get out of here before they hurt you too-" 

"If you open the damn door then perhaps we can both get out of this unharmed?" I snapped. "I can't just leave you like this. I won't. So either you open the door now and we get out of here, or we wait for Ian to show up." 

There was the sound of shuffling, and then the unmistakable click of the door. Dewees only opened it a fraction, but I quickly darted inside and shut the door behind me, ignoring the strong stench of beer and weed. He looked like he'd sobered up considerably by this point, but he was still shaking a bit. 

"Frank what are you doing?" he gulped when I walked past him into the living room. 

"Saving you" I glanced round the room "you're going to have to trust me on this one, ok?" 

He nodded quickly, not even giving it a second thought. I guess he didn't really have many options at this point. 

"Ok, pack a bag now. You're not coming back, so grab anything valuable and make sure you pack some clothes too. We have a car, we can make a few trips back and forth if nesacary, but I need you to be fast." 

"Ok" he gulped "who's car?" 

"Hannah Snowdon's." 

"How much does she know?" He instantly looked unsettled at the thought of anyone else knowing about his addiction, but I really didn't have time to spend comforting him. Hannah was the best option we had right now. 

"Enough. Now go."  He scurried upstairs after that, leaving me to start pacing up and down the hallway. 

I knew it was the right thing to do, but I was at a loss as to what I would do next. I knew we had to get Dewees out of the area, but I wasn't sure exactly how. I decided to focus on the present, and getting him somewhere temporarily safe. Mainly because it was the only thing I knew how to do at that point. 


Dewees came downstairs with a backpack and a suitcase about ten minutes later, still shaking and possibly even more anxious than before. 

"Ok" he gulped "that's all I need. Where are we-" 

"We'll talk in the car" I took his suitcase "come on." 

I pulled him out the house, letting the door swing shut behind us, and then all but shoved him down the pavement until we reached Hannah's car. Hannah stated the car as he climbed into the back, and the moment by door shut we were off. 

"Hi Dewees" She was uber-friendly despite the situation "we've met at Kellin's a few times, right?" 

"Er, yeah" He was a little dazed to say the least. 

"Actually, we're going back to his right now" she slowed down now that we were successfully out of his neighbourhood and onto a busy road again "I expect you'll be staying there until Frank figures out what we're doing next." 

"Does Kellin know?" He gulped "about the drugs and me and-" 

"He knows about me but only a little about you" I cut him off "Although considering i'm about to ask if you can crash at his, we will need to bring him up to speed on all of this" I gestured to his backpack. 

"Right. Yeah." 

All was quiet in the car for a moment, with Hannah focusing on driving, Dewees trying to take in everything that had just happened, and me just being grateful for a moment of peace. 

"Frank?" I turned to look at Dewees. "Thank you. You didn't have to do this for me." 

"Thank Hannah." Part of me was still livid at him for what he'd done, but a more intelligent part of me also knew that his addiction needed serious help and not anger thrown at him. I also knew that Hannah was right - whatever happened next, I was doing the right thing, and that had to count for something, right? 


Omg look who actually updated. 

I've had a break and now i really want to finish this story because I'm actually really proud of it. 

Anyway, hope you're all well and aren't too mad about the wait!

~ H xx

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