Chapter 4

Error huffed in exhaustion, pausing in place to catch his breath for a moment before leaping away from another one of the Sans's attacks.

"нØƜ ŁØЛƓ ㄈΛЛ Ťнɪら ƓЦϤ ƓØ ØЛ FØ尺?" ("How long can this guy go on for?") Error thought, before dodging the sharp, white strings that could have impaled him straight through his skull. The two had both been able to land some good hits on one another, but Error's HP was already down to 3/5, much lower than it should ever be in any fight, whilst the other glitched monster seemed ignorant of the amount of damage done to them.

The current destroyer's magic and energy flow was already running low at this point, but he was unable to escape through a portal with Outer due to some modifications that the other being had done to Ashentale's code while he wasn't paying attention.

'ÐΛ௱ЛɪŤ, ɪ нØþƐ ØЦŤƐ尺'ら ΛŁ尺ƐΛÐϤ þнØЛƐÐ ɪЛ ŤнƐ ㄈØЦЛㄈɪŁ 'ㄈΛЦらƐ ɪ'௱ ЛØŤ らЦ尺Ɛ ɪF ɪ ㄈΛЛ ŁΛらŤ ௱Цㄈн ŁØЛƓƐ尺 ŁɪҚƐ Ťнɪら.' ('Damnit, I hope Outer's already phoned in the council 'cause I'm not sure if I can last much longer like this.') Error thought to himself as he was forced to careen through an invisible maze of jagged bones as to stay in the clear whilst on the ground.

The wind seemed to be whipping up a dust storm now, undoubtedly the other Sans's doing as to make Error's visibility lessen, thus putting him at a major disadvantage. He outwardly snarled in frustration as he threw his gaze about, trying to find any markable traces of the monster through the storm as singled-out strings and bones flew past his limbs with amazing accuracy and slowly chipped pieces of bone away.

Taking a deep breath, he set his jaw with a determined glare and prepared his lessening magic flow for another draining attack. Bracing his legs against the ground, he grabbed his strings from his tear lines and held his hands up in the air, letting the pieces of lethal magic rest loosely in the storm's wind before allowing them to strike out in all levels of directions, making sure to leave no space for escape from the massive capturing attack.

His eye sockets widened when he felt some of his strings hit and wrap around a body-like form. A triumphant grin formed on his face, and he slammed the figure down onto the hardened ground before letting his other strings fly over to the being and help hold it down.

As the dust storm suddenly cleared, he was met with the sight of the damned Sans trapped underneath his magic, staring at him with that same crazed smile that he had since the beginning of the fight.

 When two portals opened a bit of a ways away from them, the two heavily glitching beings were already too entrapped in their mental battle that was going on of who would break eye contact first.

Suddenly, a blue hue seemed to be growing around the restrained Sans, and Error's ferocious gaze was filled with confusion as of what the other was doing. He stepped back a little when maniacal laughter came from the being's raspy mouth.

That was all that he saw before his vision was blinded with pure white light.

Error was thrown backwards, thudding and tumbling on the ground before his back eventually hit against a wall. He groaned in pain, the blank light still clouding his eyesight as every part of his body throbbed with tremendous amounts of pain.

Error thought that he heard his name in the distance, but the ringing in his ears was too loud for him to be capable of hearing anything outside of his head. When his vision cleared up though, he was met with the smug eyes of the Sans that had started this entire mess in the first place.

Channeling the last bits of his energy, he managed to form a strong enough retaliation blast that could force the monster all the way to the other side of The Ruins' cavern. Struggling to stand up, he used the wall behind him as a support to make his way over to what seemed to be Nightmare and his gang simply surveying the battle. He could feel the monster's gaze on him, but strangely enough, he made no move to attack him.

"ϤØЦ'尺Ɛ...ϤØЦ'尺Ɛ ЛɪƓнŤ௱Λ尺Ɛ, ㄈØ尺尺ƐㄈŤ? ("You''re Nightmare, correct?") Error asked, and Nightmare, albeit his expression silent and calculating, nodded his head while his tentacles moved around a bit faster than they had been.

The destructor of worlds sighed in relief, closing his eye sockets for a moment before looking at Nightmare with an almost pleading-like expression. "ƜƐŁŁ, ϤØЦ'ƔƐ らƐƐЛ нØƜ らŤ尺ØЛƓ ŤнΛŤ ƓЦϤ ɪら. ϤØЦ ΛЛÐ ϤØЦ尺 ƓΛЛƓ ௱ɪЛÐ ŤΛҚɪЛƓ Цþ ŤнƐ ㄈнΛŁŁƐЛƓƐ?" ("Well, you've seen how strong that guy is. You and your gang mind taking u the challenge?")

The negativity lord stared at him for a moment as if weighing his options, before flashing Error a terrifying smile.

"ǤŁΔĐŁ¥." ("Gladly.")

Error let out a heavy exhale as he watched the gang leap into action, and he sat back down on the ash-covered floor, exhausted mentally and physically.

Never had he met something, or someone, with such massive amounts of power; the entire situation that he was in almost seemed surreal to the fact that he used to be the most powerful, residing being in his own Multiverse.

He lifted his head tiredly when he heard someone walk towards him, and his mind soon recognized the approaching Sans as Outer (albeit he was a bit sluggish to process the information). He watched as the Outertale Sans flopped down on the ground next to him, looking upon his beaten form with concern.

"So, uh, I got the council here, and the Star Squad as well. It turned out that Blue and Dream weren't still unconscious, but just asleep, so that was pretty lucky." Outer explained, and Error hummed his acknowledgements.

The two were silent for a moment, watching the battle between the monster and the others rage on before them. It was quite a sight to see the two sides working together; Nightmare and Dream were firing their attacks together, Blue and Dust were side by side in some sort of murder-filled rampage, and even Horror and Fell had decided to team up together.

All to take down a mess that could have been avoided for just a bit longer if Error hadn't taken Outer to this devastated crap of a world. The destroyer could have instead just locked them both in the AU and fought it out until he eventually won without having to put many OG Sans' and Papyrus' at risk of getting their soul penetrated, tied up, or shattered.

Outer seemed to notice Error's crestfallen expression, and raced to reassure him. "Error, I promise you that this is in no way entirely your fault. Sure, you might've been able to avoid this guy for a bit longer, but this battle was, in the end, inevitable."

Error sighed. "ɪ ƓЦƐらら ŤнΛŤ ɪら Ť尺ЦƐ, ϦЦŤ ɪ らŤɪŁŁ FƐƐŁ ŁɪҚƐ ɪ ㄈØЦŁÐ нΛƔƐ ÐØЛƐ ௱Ø尺Ɛ ŤØ нƐŁþ ÐΛ௱ΛƓƐ Ťнɪら ƓЦϤ ϦƐFØ尺Ɛ ŤнƐ 尺ƐらŤ ØF ŤнƐ௱ ŤØØҚ ØƔƐ尺 ௱Ϥ þŁΛㄈƐ." ("I guess that is true, but I still feel like I could have done more to help damage this guy before the rest of them took over my place.")

Outer let out a small chuckle before putting a hand on Error's shoulder, noticing how the glitches on the destroyer's body instantly flared up, but not enough to cause him to crash. "Listen, Error. You've probably done more damage to that guy in 30 minutes than these guys could do in 2 hours, both groups included. You've done your part here, Error, and I can even see it on your face that you need to rest."

That was true, for Error's eye sockets were half-lidded and drooping whilst his eye lights were dimmer than they usually were. Internally, you can see the small stream of magic that still flowing throughout his body, of which was in no way a meaning that he was ready to fight again any time soon.

"FɪЛƐ, ϦЦŤ ɪF ɪ FɪЛÐ ØЦŤ ŤнΛŤ ØЦ尺 ƓЦϤら Λ尺Ɛ ƓƐŤŤɪЛƓ ÐƐらŤ尺ØϤƐÐ ΛЛÐ ϤØЦ ÐɪÐЛ'Ť ϦØŤнƐ尺 ŤØ ƜΛҚƐ ௱Ɛ Цþ, ɪ ƜɪŁŁ þƐ尺らØЛΛŁŁϤ нЦЛŤ ϤØЦ ÐØƜЛ ΛЛÐ らнΛŤŤƐ尺 ϤØЦ尺 らØЦŁ." ("Fine, but if I find out that our guys are getting destroyed and you didn't bother to wake me up, I will personally hunt you down and shatter your soul.") Error grumbled out, before slumping against the wall and allowing his eye sockets to close shut.

Outer sighed in relief when he saw that his f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶ ally had finally fallen asleep, and he looked at the fighting scene that was still raging on to the left of him, finding his own priorities in making sure that no stray attacks ventured near them.

The battle seemed to continue for a couple more hours until the two teams finally managed to restrain the Sans, and using a serum that Sci had concocted out of nowhere, the monster would be guaranteed to stay unconscious for at least 3 days or so.

A perfectly adequate amount of time for the current Multiversal Sans to rest up and create a temporary truce between one another (if they were lucky enough, that truce may become permanent).

Error was transported over to Outertale to stay for the time being so that he could be supervised whilst his mind was out of reality. Any heavily or mildly injured Sans would be taken to a medical ward that was built to accommodate many monsters at once, since during its installation, Ink had suggested that they make it big enough to fit 100+ Sans if they ever grouped together to fight Error (haha definitely not some allusion content in there from one of the most cliché fgod plotlines in the fgod Error part of the Undertale universe-).

Everything seemed to be moving smoothly. The formerly attacking Sans was put under heavy surveillance, and whenever they detected movement they would send Sci or some of his lab assistants in to inject more of the serum.

It was the day after the battle that Error awoke, his wounds having been healed by the Outertale Toriel and a bit by Outer himself. He started to crash down into a panic attack when he remembered that he had fallen asleep during the battle with the equally-glitchy Sans, but was soon quickly reassured by Outer that the Sans had been properly taken care of.

After a small chat with the Outertale Sans, Error was left to ponder about as he walked around the outskirts of Outertale (he wasn't allowed outside of the AU since the council didn't trust him enough to 'not bring upon more chaos than what was currently needed').

He soon found himself upon the location of his favorite stargazing ledge, and he sat down to watch the occasional meteoroid fly across the sky as he thought about the mysterious Sans and what could have brought about its sudden, unheeded appearance in their Multiverse.

Surely, the Sans must have had a reason to appear in THEIR specific Multiverse, right? A being with as much shown power as the Sans had wouldn't just show up in one random Multiverse out of the trillions out there.

Hell, that Sans could have simply shown up in a different part of the Omniverse for all they cared!

Alright, maybe he was getting a bit ahead of himself.

Error put his hand up against his chin in a thinking motion, curling his legs up towards his chest and wrapping his other arm around them as to get into a more comfortable position for such a deep thought process.

As he had thought before, the Sans that had suddenly shown up in Ashentale wouldn't of just picked a random Multiverse to terrorize. There must have been some sort of reason behind it, whether it was a meaningful one or not.

So, if the Sans also looked like a destroyer, had strings, was glitchy, and basically screamed "I am a powerful Sans that had naught but only the purpose of balanced and calculative destruction," wouldn't that mean that he might've came from-


The said skeleton sighed in slight irritation. It seemed like he would have to finish this thought train another time. That would be, if he remembered to continue it later as to possibly solve the mystery behind this situation.

Standing up, he stretched his limbs a bit before starting his short walk back to Outer's house.

Hopefully the 'important news' that they were going to give him wouldn't be that something bad had happened at the lab.

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