
(Season 6: Episode 1 - Episode 8) Zaylee's POV

Ash and the others were able to succesfully reunited Larvitar with it's mother. Though they had some trouble with team rocket and a group of pokemon poachers. The poachers are now in jail for their crimes. But team rocket got away. But at least larvitar is now home safe and sound. Next stop was the Johto league competition. Gary is also entering it.

Mum, Tracey, Professor Oak, myself and all of Pallet town is gonna watch it on TV. I've been training Ash's pokemon. Ensuring they are in top condition, encase Ash needs them for battle. Silver and Angel watched me train them. But also just played together.

Ash begins the Silver Conference Tournament in Division H, against two opponents. The Semi-Finals round-robin style, where a victory gives you three points, a loss gives you no points, and a draw gives each challenger one point. Whoever gets the most points wins. Ash passed and now his next opponent is Gary.

They will be battling a six on six battle. But first they all had a break for a day before the final rounds began. So mum, Professor Oak and I decided to go to Mt Silver to watch the battle between Ash & Gary in person. We arrive to see them having breakfast.

"This calls for a poem!" Professor Oak says starling everyone. "Rivals. Now they meet. Gary, Ash to compete" he says.

"Brilliant" Mum says.

"Ash!" I cheer hugging him.

"Zaylee" he says hugging me back. "Are Silver and Angel here to?" he asks.

"Of course, I go nowhere without them" I tell him taking out their pokeballs. "Silver, Angel lets do this" I say and releasing them. "Ash meet Silver and Angel. Girls this is Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, Togepi and Gary" I say introducing them. Togepi and Pikachu start to play with my two pokemon.

"You've taken good care of Silver Zaylee" Gary praises me.

"Thanks, I don't know how I will ever repay you for you kindness" I tell him. He flips his hair.

"It was nothing" he states.

"Anyway, we're here to cheer you both on during the match" Professor Oak tells them.

"It is the victory tournament! I just had to see it live!" Mum cheers.

"And no way was I missing it" I add. Professor Oak then updates both Gary and Ash's pokedexs. I can't wait to get my own when I begin my journey in a few of months. Has it really nearly been three years already? It feels like only yesterday Ash left to compete for the Kanto league. Now he is a champion of the Orange Islands and is about to compete in the victory tournament of the Johto League, Silver conference. Ash and Gary then both left to work on their strategies for tomorrows battle.

"How about a bite to eat?" mum suggests.

"Sounds good, then we can go on a tour" Professor Oak states. I agree picking up Silver, while Angel perches herself on my shoulder. We went off in search of food.

Anyway, the battle between Ash and Gary was intense. They kept changing position on who was in the lead until the very end. And they were both down to their last pokemon each. Gary's Blastoise and Ash's Charizard. It was super close, but Ash managed to beat Gary for the first time ever. Mum and I are so proud of him. I know Professor Oak is proud of Gary also, even though he lost to Ash. Gary decides to cheer for Ash in the next round, who appreciates that. Next day, Ash faces Harrison. A new friend of his, he made since arriving at the conference.

(Season 6: Episode 9 -Episode 16)

Ash's and Harrison's battle was more intense. Then Gary and Ash's, surprisingly. Harrison's last pokemon was Blaziken, a pokemon common in Hoenn. Ash's last pokemon is Charizard. So it's a battle of the fire types. "Watch closely Silver, you may learn a new move by watching this match" I tell her. She nods her head as we focus on the match. Whoever wins will make it to the top four.

It was a very close match between Charizard and Blaziken. But in the end, Blaziken was able to remain standing. Winning the match for Harrison. I was sad Ash lost, but I know he battled his heart out along with his pokemon. Mum, Professor Oak and I decide to return home with my pokemon. I was worried about Charizard, but Ash assured me that he'd be fine after a good rest. Then Charizard would return to Liza and Charla in the valley of charizard.

Mum, Professor Oak and I arrived home safely. I could tell Angel and Silver were excited to continue their training. Angel wanted to learn body slam and Silver wanted to learn fire spin. So we got to work training, straight away. "Ok Angel, body slam" I say and she does so on Silver. "Awesome, I think you've got it" I tell her.

"I agree" Gary says startling me. He smiles. "You sure have come a long way since I left Pallet town" he states.

"Thanks" I say as Angel jumps onto my shoulder. "When did you get back?" I ask.

"Just now, I was on my way to see grandpa when I saw you training hard" he states.

"Well it won't be long until I begin my journey. I have to be ready" I tell him.

"Where's Silver?" he asks.

"Napping" I say pointing to her. She is napping in a patch of sun. "She's been learning fire spin, still haven't mastered it though" I tell him sheepishly.

"She'll get it" he assures me. "You know I am setting out on another journey myself. But I'm gonna take just Blastoise" he tells me.

"Oh, why?" I ask.

"I want to set out on a new journey with just him. Like when I first left Pallet town. But first I need to drop my other pokemon off and I figured I'd hang around for a couple of days" he states. "Maybe I can help you perfect that fire spin" he offers.

"Really? That'd be great" I tell him smiling. I pick up Silver. "Lets head to the lab and have lunch with the others. Then we can work on training" I state. He nods his head. Thanks to the help of Gary's ninetales and him. Silver was able to learn fire spin before Gary left to begin his new journey with just Blastoise.

Ash arrived home the day before Gary left. Then left the same day as Gary for the Hoenn region with just his pikachu. Mum gave him a set of new clothes. We both wished him luck on his new journey. He invited me to join him and mum said I could go if I wanted too. But I decided not too, I wanted to begin my journey on my own with my pokemon. Not being a tag along on Ash's journey. But I know one day we will travel together, just not right now.

Pikachu and Ash reached Hoenn safely and meet Professor Birch. Along with a new trainer called May. Who got a torchic for her first pokemon, it'd one day evolve into a blaziken. So it's a fire type. Anyway, she decides to travel with Ash and he lets her. As Pikachu and Torchic were already friends.

After leaving Littleroot Town, they set off for Oldale town. So they both could register for the Hoenn league. In Oldale Town, May visits her first Pokémon Center and is amazed with all of its services, and by the ancient ruins next door. Things quickly turn sour when Team Magma, a mysterious band of criminals, shut down the electricity at the Pokémon Center and kidnap Professor Alden in order to invade the ruins. But Ash and May saved the day, & sent team rocket blasting off.

They then set out for Petalburg City, the first city with a Gym. Ash is very excited to take on the Gym Leader. Where Ash discovers the gym leader is May's father. Once Ash finally meets Norman, he learns that he will need three Pokémon in order to battle at the Gym. He only has Pikachu with him. When Norman agrees to an unofficial battle, Ash encounters his first Vigoroth. Ash realizes that he will have to train hard in order to win a badge in Petalburg City. As he lost.

So he decided to set out on the road again for more training. May decides to go with him. Her little brother Max also decides to tag along. Not long after leaving Petalburg city, Ash caught his first pokemon in the Hoenn region. A Tailow, a flying type pokemon. Also Brock joined them and made them all lunch. As Ash forgot about food, typical.

(Season 6: Episode 17 - Episode 25)

Last I heard Ash and his friends were on their way to Rustboro City and were about to enter a forest. We didn't hear from them again for a while. But I've been working harder then ever to prepare myself for my first pokemon journey. Studying everything I can about pokemon, reading every map, make lists on what I need to bring and etc. So I haven't really been helping out at the lab as much as I used too. But Professor Oak understands I want to be prepared for my journey. Besides he has others who can help him take care of the pokemon at the lab. Mum is proud of how much work I am putting in. But I know she is going to miss me when I leave. As I will miss her and Mimie. Along with everyone else in Pallet town.

When we heard from Ash and friends next. Ash had caught his second pokemon in the Hoenn region. A Treecko, a grass type pokemon. Fun fact, treecko is one of the starter pokemon in the Hoenn league. Along with Torchic and Mudkip. Who is a water pokemon.

Ash, Brock, Max and May have just arrived at a Contest Hall. Janet and Chaz, two experienced Pokémon Coordinators, teach the gang all about Contests. Pokémon Contests are different from battles in that it's not the strength of the attack that matters, but the beauty of its execution. Winners get ribbons instead of badges. The gang decides that they want to try entering today's contest, but they're too late. All is not lost, however, because Chaz offers to teach Pikachu the Iron Tail attack.

I decided to look up contests myself and see there is a competition here in Kanto. The more I learnt about contests, the more I fell in love with the idea of competing in them. I finally know what I want to do on my journey. Except by the time I start, the year will nearly be over and there wouldn't be enough contests for me to win five ribbons before the Grand Festival. So I decide to spend that time instead training my pokemons to coordinate and to watch some contests. So that I could be prepared when I do start to compete. Mum is thrilled I finally have a dream.

(Season 6: Episode 26 -Episode 34)

When we next heard from Ash. We discovered May had captured her first pokemon. A wurmple. It has a split evolution. It could either evolve into a cascoon then dustox or a silcon then a beautifly. May is hopping her's will be a beautifly one day. Also they had finally reached  Rustboro City. Turns out the gym leader was also a school teacher, so Ash had to wait for a day before they could battle.

Ash managed to win his battle and got the stone badge. Meanwhile, May decided she's not going to be a trainer anymore. She wants to become a Pokémon Coordinator and compete in contests instead. Good for her, I look forward to watching her compete on TV.

Now that he's received a badge from the Rustboro City Gym, Ash is ready to leave Rustboro and head off to Dewford Island for his next gym battle. May has other ideas. She is thrilled to finally be in a big city and wants to do some shopping. Brock agrees, so they decide to stay. But only for a little while. Then they continued on their journey to Dewford island for Ash's next gym badge. They managed to catch a ride with an old ship captain called Mr Briney and his wingull Peeko.

They arrived safely on Dewford island. But Ash lost his gym match. But he decided to stay on the island to train. Then he'd challenge Brawley the Dewford gym leader again. Ash and his frineds do some fishing. But failed to catch a pokemon. I can't wait to try fishing myself. Ash and his friends then headed for the Granite Cave to meet the son of Mr Stone, owner of the Devon Corpuration. He is a former champion and is now a researcher on evolution stones.

(Season 6: Episode 35 - Episode 43)

I'm taking a much needed break with Silver and Angel. We're at the beach with mum and Mimie. Angel is loving playing in the water, Silver is just content to relax in the sun napping. "Thanks for suggesting this mum" I tell her.

"Of course honey, you three earned a well deserved break. Besides it won't be long until you start your journey and I won't see you anymore" she says.

"Don't worry, I'll call home everytime I am at a pokemon center" I assure her.

"Where will you go first?" she asks me.

"I think Cerulean city to see Misty" I tell her. "Who knows, I might make some new friends along the way" I add smiling.

"I know you will make me proud just like Ash has" she says smiling. I smile and we enjoy our weekend away. Along with Angel and Silver. Both who learned new moves. Silver learned safe guard and Angel learnt rain dance, much to Silver's displeasure.

Anyway, when we got back to Pallet town. We learned that Ash had caught a new pokemon. Corphish. And Brock caught himself a mudkip. Also May's wurmple evolved into a silcoon. Which means it'll evolve into a beautifly just like she dreamed it would. Not long after her silcoon did evolve, along with Jesse of team rocket's cascoon. Ash finally had his rematch with Brawley, but this time he won. Brawly gave Ash the Knuckle badge, pointing out he was calm during the battle and kept his head cool. I make a mental note to always keep my cool in a contest.

(Season 6: Episode 44 - Episode 52)

Ash and the gang are headed for Slateport City in a motorboat so that May can try her hand at a Pokémon Contest. I can't wait to watch it on TV. When they arrive, they meet another coordinator called Drew. Who told May she still had a lot to learn about contests. The two weeks have nearly passed, as the Pokémon Contest is drawing closer. According to Ash, May has been practicing hard each day to prepare for it.

Before the contest. Ash and his friends helped save a beached wailord. The next day the contest began. I watched it with mum on TV. Drew's Roselia gives an excellent performance, netting him an extremely high score. When May appeared on screen, I could tell she was nervous. May goes to send Beautifly, but slips and falls down. May stands up and sends Beautifly, impressing a lot of people by its wings. May ended up with a score of 24.9.

Only eight people could go to the next stage. The contest battles. May and Drew both made it. The screen shows which Coordinator battles with their opponent; in the end, Drew faces May. May and Drew step on, with 5 minutes deadline on; the Coordinator with most points left advances. Drew sends Roselia and May her Beautifly. It was a beautiful battle. Until beautifly was knocked out b solar beam. The judges decide that Beautifly cannot battle anymore, so May is disqualified. I feel bad for May, she an Beautifly worked so hard. But there is always next time.

Afterward, Ash and friends set out for his next gym badge at the Mauville Gym. Ash won and got the Dynamo Badge. But later found out Pikachu had been super charged after an encounter with a robotic Raikou. Ash tries to give the Dynamo Badge back to Wattson because Pikachu won due to its being overcharged. Wattson tells him to keep it, though, because Ash deserves it. I'm so proud Ash tried to give it back and admitted to pikachu being over charged. Not many people would admit that.

Though the gym leader. Did ask Ash, once his new Electrike grows up, to have a battle, a challenge Ash accepts. Before leaving with his friends for their next stop. Meanwhile, I am about to start my first pokemon journey.


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