❝ It is something
impossible. ❞
I woke up with a start, covered in sweat and grabbing at my chest for no reason, I wasn't even having a bad dream, but I would wake up like that almost every day.
I reached for my phone on the nightstand with clumsy movements and turned it on to check for messages and the time. It was too early so threw myself back to bed, closing my eyes, trying to calm down and determined to sleep in the fifteen minutes I had left before my alarm clock went off, yet it didn't happen. Just after a few minutes, my phone vibrated on the nightstand and I groaned to reach it, sliding my thumb across the screen without looking at it to get the call, "What?" I said lazily and in a throaty voice.
"Steel," I sat up straight when I heard captain Singh on the other end and looked at the screen to confirm it.
"Captain Singh! I mean, hello," I blurted out, clearing my throat, "good morning."
"I need you at CCPD right now, pick up your kit, Thawne will take you to the scene," he said.
"Okay, I'm on my way, then," I said spiritless, ending the call and burying my face in my pillow. With a groan I dragged myself to the bathroom for a quick shower. The weather was perfect for staying at home doing nothing but sleeping. I couldn't do that, though.
The taxi dropped me off in front of the police department a few minutes later. I had to learn how to get ready in twenty minutes and look decent. I rushed inside to the elevator. I made my way out of the elevator to the staircase at CCPD and I caught a glimpse of Eddie as I ran, he was sitting at his desk, talking to Iris, who was standing next to the desk. I shrugged it off and ran upstairs to the lab and returned with my kit in my hands, crashing into Eddie when I headed to his desk.
"Oh, it's you!" He exclaimed, after a small groan, "You're exactly the person I was looking for," he blurted out, placing his hands on my shoulders to stop me from falling back, "I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going."
"Neither did I, don't worry."
"You okay?" I nodded, combing my hair with my fingers, "Good. Right, so, I just got a call from Singh, he asked me to take you to the crime scene with me, he's there already. So, you ready?"
"Sure," he smiled widely and we made our way to the elevator. The doors closed and it was the two of us only, "I though I saw Iris when I arrived," I said, breaking the silence and resting my back on the wall.
"Yeah, she had to leave, didn't say why, though," Detective Pretty Boy shrugged and I raised my eyebrows as I nodded.
"Mmm, that's weird. Maybe she left before either Joe or me showed up," he looked at me with worried eyes, trying to conceal it through a mask of confusion, "come on, don't act like you don't know, you and Iris . . . dating, ring a bell? I know it."
"Did she, did she tell you?" He asked, his tone reflecting his concern.
"Nope, I found out myself. You guys need to be more careful with your PDA. I don't even think that's allowed, dating your partner's daughter, or is it?" I questioned, "Anyway, I'm happy for you guys, " I drummed my fingers on my briefcase and gave him a tight-lipped smile, "Joe is so gonna kill you," I said, teasing him. He narrowed his eyes, shaking his head and slightly smiling.
"When did you start liking Barry, Harlow?" He shot and I froze, "If you don't mind me asking, of course," he had this evil, lopsided smile on his lips. I scoffed.
"What are you talking about?" I shifted on my feet.
"Don't act like you don't know, I know you like him," Eddie wiggled his eyebrows, "it's really obvious, to me at least, you know why?" He asked rhetorically as I crossed my arms over my chest, acting cool and secretly praying for the doors to open, "Because you always blush when someone mentions him, like you're doing right now." He smiled, staring at me — which only made my blushing even worse. I buried my face in my hands and sighed, shaking my head. I couldn't say no if my red face was totally saying the opposite.
"Damn it, is it that obvious?" My hands muffled my voice. I heard Eddie humming an answer.
"I said it is at least to me," I looked up at him and he leaned his shoulder against the wall.
"Oh God, do you think someone else knows?"
"I don't know," the blond shrugged, "but, I won't say anything if you don't say anything either."
"Gosh, Eddie! Are you blackmailing me?"
"Call it as you wish," the elevator finally dinged and the doors opened.
"Fine," I pointed at him, "no one has to know about this, not a single soul, not even Joe. We didn't have this conversation, okay?" He smiled.
"What conversation?" I narrowed my eyes and couldn't help but laugh softly. Eddie stepped out of the elevator and I followed him. I liked him, he was nice to everyone and I liked the way he cared about Iris, he was that speckle of light in dark times for her.
We hopped into the car and headed to a small neighbourhood. It looked like a nice place to live, except for the scene in one of the houses. The patrols and ambulances were outside and the police line demanded to stay away, yet onlookers had gathered on the sidewalk, where police officers kept them from getting any closer.
I saw Joe talking to captain Singh. They both heard the car arrive and Joe began to walk towards us as soon as he saw us arrive, "Stay in the car," he half-shouted as he approached.
"What?" I opened the door, frowning.
"Do as I say and stay in the car," he ordered, "Eddie, take her back to the station, there's no way she's taking this case," I looked around, trying to understand what was happening. My eyes fell on the ambulance where a pair of brown eyes brimmed with silent tears. It was a boy, perhaps a ten to twelve-year-old. His body was covered with a blanket and one of the paramedics rubbed the boy's back and talked to him with no response in return. I joined the dots and when it hit me, I ignored all orders from Joe and my feet rushed into the house. I heard him call my name, but I didn't care.
Police officers hovered around a blond man sprawled on the floor in the corridor as my breath got caught in my throat. I felt my heart pounding and I involuntarily de-aged myself to that eleven-year-old girl, a scared little girl in a house filled with police officers and struggling to understand what was happening at her surroundings. I shook my head, returning to reality and continued walking until I reached the kitchen, I stepped in and behind the island I saw a brown haired woman on the floor. It only brought the memory of me finding my mother's lifeless body at the bottom of the stairs that night. My eyes automatically filled with tears and took a deep breath, trying to keep it together.
"Harlow," I heard Joe behind me, I wiped my eyes as fast as I could, "that's enough, let's go," he placed a hand on my shoulder, trying to take me with him, yet I didn't move. I knelt down and opened my briefcase instead, pulling out a pair of gloves and putting them on, straightening myself up and clearing my throat.
"Report?" I asked to Detective Jones, who was in the hallway.
"Emilia and George Sanders, 34 and 35 respectively. She was a housewife and he was a biogenetics professor at Central City's university. Neighbours reported gunshots and screams coming from this house, early this morning. She was stabbed and he was shot twice. For all we know at the moment, the killer didn't force his way into the house."
"Maybe he got in when nobody saw, or there was an open window," Eddie added as he took notes.
"All doors and windows were closed when we arrived. Nobody saw the killer going inside but a neighbour saw a man in dark clothes going out," Jones said, "we've got the eyewitness' sketch of the killer, we think it's a 30-something man," I grabbed the sheet and stared at it. The man had a thin complexion, a hawkish nose, defined cheekbones contrasting with the light stubble on his face, pale eyes, "There are units patrolling the area, looking for any suspects," the detective said as I folded the sheet and put it in my pocket and walked towards the victim and knelt down next to her, examining her.
"Check all the cameras in the area," Joe spoke, "streets, shops, everything, make questions to everyone, we can't lose track of him. Has the kid said anything yet?"
"Just that a monster did it," Jones uttered.
"Steel," a famiar voice called, "what do we have?" Singh asked from behind and I sighed quietly.
"There's a lot of damage to the neck," I said flatly, "I'm counting three sharp-force injuries, and I saw five more in the abdomen," I got on my feet and observed the wall across the kitchen, "got arterial spray over there. So she was standing right there when she was stabbed, with that," I pointed at the kitchen knife under a cupboard and picked it up, "the wound shape matches with it, I'm taking this to the lab for fingerprints," I put the knife in an evidence bag and then moved to the man and heard everyone following me, "First to die, shot twice, abdomen and head, right above the left eye, both postmortem."
"Criminals are getting dumber and dumber. The shooting just alerted the neighbours," I heard Singh commenting.
"Some seek revenge others are just mental," Joe replied.
"There are bruises on face and neck . . ." I trailed off, taking a close look to the bruises.
"Asphyxia?" Singh questioned.
"No, not really, there's no sing of petechial hemorrhage," I examined the corpse's neck, "his neck is broken, definitely broken . . ." My voice trailed off as I carefully examined the bruise on the man's neck. Meanwhile Detective Jones read the report to Singh.
"You don't know how the killer got in the house? Have you checked all doors and windows?" The captain asked when they were done.
"Yes, we have, sir. There are no signs of someone trying to break in," Jones said. I bit my lip before interrupting them.
"I have one theory so far," I said and they looked at me, "maybe the killer knocked on the door — it could be anyone, the lady next door, etcetera — and then attacked them," I said, "Mr. Sanders is ten feet away from the door, which would suggest he opened the door letting the killer in — who grabbed him by the neck and well, killed him. Then — for some reason — he shot the victim and then went after the wife. You don't have to break in to kill someone, that's the only logical reason why there are no broken windows or forced open doors."
"Makes sense to me," the captain said crossing his arms on his chest.
"There's just one thing I don't quite understand," I shook my head.
"And what would that be?" Singh again.
"It takes about 1,250 foot pounds of torque to break someone's neck," I gestured at him to take a look, "see the marks? The bruising pattern suggests the killer used only one hand to break it," both of us got on our feet and Eddie squatted down to take a look too, "whoever did this, was really strong," I said and saw Joe and Eddie observing me, "they only used one hand to strangle this man, this is something impossible for an average man to do."
"It is, but that's why we're here, to find out how this impossible thing has happened," Singh said, "good job, Miss Steel," he added and I managed to give him a small smile,I took the gloves off my hands and quickly went to get my kit, "is there anything else I should know, detective?" I heard him ask as I put the strap of the briefcase on my shoulder.
"Not yet, sir. We keep interviewing the neighbours and we hope the victims' son tell us something that help us-"
"I, uh. . . ." I stuttered, "if that's everything, I'll go back to the lab to process the evidence, gentlemen," I walked out, I was on the verge of having a panick attack, I needed to leave. I tried not to look at the ambulance with the little boy, it was too sad. I didn't know how to feel, I was a ball of feelings. I began to walk down the street, I had walked for about ten minutes when I heard a patrol approaching.
"Are you going to walk two miles to the department?" Joe asked, slowing down and I didn't turn in his direction, just kept walking.
"I need to think," I replied, looking straight forward. The car came to a halt and the door opened and closed immediately, followed by footsteps on the sidewalk.
"Then think in the car, you can't walk two miles in those shoes," he said, looking down at my ankle boots, "this is why I didn't want you in this case, I don't want it to become personal to you. Pass the evidence over to-"
"Why? Just because the resemblance of this case to my parents' case?" I asked bluntly, "That's exactly why I have to stay in this case, the police did a shit of a job with my parents case, that man is still in the streets and God knows what he has done until this day. Maybe we can find who did this, Joe. I'm not giving the evidence to anybody, let alone some substitute. What if this has a connection with my parents' murder? What if it has a connection with Barry's mother?"
"Nora Allen's case is closed. She was murdered by her husband," I scoffed and shook my head.
"No, that's what you all want to believe, I believe in what Barry said. Look, something weird happened in that house, I don't know what, but an average man can't break someone's neck like it's a freaking toothpick, it's imposible but it happened this morning-"
"You're starting to sound like Barry," Joe inhaled deeply.
"And is that a bad thing? If he were here, he would believe me," I uttered, "I'm going to find who killed that kid's parents-"
"Do what you have to do with the evidence and leave the case to us, that's what you have to do, is it clear? You are not a cop!" Joe spat. I couldn't help but scoff. I shook my head, sighing and realising that there was no use in continuing.
I took a few steps back and gave my back at him, "I'll take a cab," I muttered, walking away once and for all.
When I arrived at the department, I locked myself in the lab and began to work for hours, working on all the cases I had been given that day. I don't really remember if I went out for lunch, I just focused on finishing.
If you ask me, so many things had changed since S.T.A.R. Labs' epic fail. For starters, the lab I shared with Barry had turned into a somber place, a place where working had become really hard for me. It wasn't the warm and happy place it used to be, the place that would witness how me and my lab partner would laugh almost maniacally as a side effect of working after hours, now it seemed so big and empty, so quiet.
Waiting for the results was the hardest part. That place stored all kinds of memories and everything my eyes fixed on reminded me of Barry. It was hard to believe that one moment he was there and the next one he was in a hospital bed, it seemed so unreal. I couldn't stop thinking why him, it was a constant question that banged my head along with the attempt to figure out if I could have done something to get him out of the way on time and I didn't.
I finished work around nine in the evening. I made a quick trip to Jitters — where I asked Iris if she had seen Joe and she told me he was at the hospital with Barry, so I made my way there on foot, that gave me time to reconsider Joe's words and I had made up my mind.
The hospital had become a second house to me, considering the great amount of time I spent there in general. I think everyone knew us — Joe, Iris and me — already, all the doctors and nurses on the fifth floor at least.
"Hey, Jenny," my voice travelled through the lonely corridor of the hospital, it echoed along with the sound of the heels of my boots against the tiles. The volunteer flashed me a smile, her long strawberry-blonde hair accommodated in a neat ponytail rested on her shoulder and a clipboard was clutched in her hand.
"Hey! I thought you wouldn't come today. How was work?" I let out a loud sigh, "Long day, was it?" I hummed an answer, "you look-"
"Terrible, I know," I closed my eyes and gave my head a quick shake, "work is crazy as always, I feel like my body is going to shut down at any moment and all this thing going on isn't helping at all," I was feeling like all energy was being drained out of me with every second it passed, to be honest, it had been like that for a few weeks now, "anyway, this is where I have to be, we can't leave him alone," her lips curled into a small smile, "this is what Barry would do," I said softly.
"I'm sure he would."
"Yeah," the volunteer bowed her head and I smiled. I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and cleared my throat, "Well, I should go now," my tone barely concealed the pain all that situation was causing me, causing us.
"Okay," she gave me another smile and drummed her fingers on the clipboard, "I'll be right here and if you need anything, just let me know," I nodded, "nice flowers, by the way," she said, looking at bouquet in my hand, "your friend will love them," my eyes dropped to the yellow flowers, then looked up at her with a smile on my lips.
With that, I began to walk, turning the corner, walking by the open window and briefly glancing at the city. I reached the door to Barry's room and I saw Joe sitting on the chair next to the bed, fast asleep. I slowly turned the doorknob, immediately hearing the machines connected to Barry's body. Apparently, I wasn't quiet enough, since Joe woke up with a start.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to startle you," I said, standing a few steps from him.
"That's alright," he said, making a pause so he could yawn, "I must've fallen asleep for a couple of minutes," he whispered, rubbing his face with both hands. He was dead tired.
"Here," I whispered back and walked closer, "I got you this," I handed him a coffee.
"Thank you kid," he took the cup in his hands, "this is exactly what I was needing," he said, immediately taking a sip from it, making a smile appear on my lips.
"I thought so," I walked away and put my bag on the small couch by the window. I saw Joe standing up and yawning again; I inhaled deeply and walked towards him, standing at the foot of the bed. My hand found Barry's foot and my thumb caressed it gently, "Is there any news?" I asked in a low voice, Joe shook his head.
"It's all the same, nothing has improved, nothing has worsened either," my eyes fixed on Barry. It hurt seeing him like that, with all those tubes and cords coming out of his body, "It's all the same," Joe repeated almost to himself, "and I don't know if that's a good thing or not."
"He's going to wake up," I said, tenderly squeezing Barry's foot, "he doesn't give up that easy," Joe observed him, nodding. He was going to wake up, I strongly believed that. Everyday was filled with uncertainty for us, we didn't know what could happen to Barry, his heart constantly seemed to stop working, yet doctors didn't know what was wrong with him, they had no clue. I was so scared of going to see him as I did everyday and find out that he wasn't okay anymore. Joe felt this way and Iris did too. We were scared to lose him.
"Are those for him?" Joe blurted out after clearing his throat, making me look at him immediately, confused at first, "the flowers," he added.
"Uhm, yeah . . . I decided to bring him some flowers," I began, caressing the yellow petals with my thumb, "he doesn't have many visitors here, so I thought it'd be nice- gosh, is he allergic?" I said alarmed and backing away.
A small chuckle left Joe's throat and walked towards me, "No, he's not allergic, Harley," I sighed relieved, "thank you for what you're doing," Joe added, "it's very sweet of you and we appreciate it."
"That's alright," a small smile crossed my lips.
"Listen, about what happened this morning, I know how much this means to you, but-"
"I get it," I said, "you're right, my job is to process evidence, not going deeper into the matter, let alone catching a murderer," I shrugged, "I'm not a detective."
"I just don't want something happens to you, I want you safe," he said and I nodded, "now, go home, you gotta be early in the precinct tomorrow and now you have loads of work as the forensic assistant," he said smiling, "you're doing a great job."
"This is not the way I wanted it to happen, though," my voice was soft.
"But we are lucky to have you," I smiled, "go home, Harley."
"I don't think so, see, I stayed in the lab the whole day getting a head start on work, left everything ready on my desk and Singh told me I could take the day off tomorrow," I said with a big smile on my face, "of course he'll notify me if something comes up, don't worry about that, I can handle it."
"That's really impressing," he said, eyes wide, "but I can stay tonight, I don't want to bother you."
"Pshh, you wouldn't bother me at all, the fact of being tired doesn't mean I won't come see Barry," I said with the shrug of a shoulder, "plus, a little bird told me that you have slept in this chair three days in a row — which mustn't be comfortable for a man of your size."
"Did Iris tell you that?" I hummed an answer.
"Yep, that's why I'm here, so you can go home tonight and sleep well. I'll stay with Barry," he made a pause as he thought.
"Okay," he said, "just because I feel like my back is going to break in two and because I need a shower," he said pointing at me with his index finger, "I'll come by before work." He said, soon after he was gone. Once he was gone I went to get my bag and pulled out my phone and charger and plugged it into the socket, I took a deep breath and paced towards the bed side with Barry.
"Hey there," I said softly, making a short pause and looking at Barry's expressionless face under the endotracheal tube, I never got used to see him like that. I checked his IV and his vitals on the screen by the bed as I kept talking, "Joe's gone, he'll be back tomorrow, you could say I'm babysitting you tonight," I said with a chuckle at the end.
I sighed.
"Well, my poor skills as a doctor tell me that everything's normal," I said smiling and leaning over him, observing the bruises on his cheekbone and chin, "you can't see it but your bruises are healing just fine, that's good," I said softly, my fingers brushing his skin. I glanced at my hand in the process, it had healed pretty good and also fast, the glass wound was almost gone.
"See?" I uttered, caressing his hair, "Everything will return to normal soon," I told him. I sat on the chair next to the bed. I sat there, resting my elbow on the bed and listening to the life support equipment doing its thing.
I yawned. It had been quite a long day, I had processed at least fifty different samples and made reports. I pinched the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes and then opening them again, suddenly feeling lightheaded. I waited until it passed and just shrugged it off.
I put my hand around Barry's arm and slightly leaned forward, sitting on the edge of the chair. Seeing how his chest rose and fell, "You'll wake up, you'll do it when you're ready," I said softly. My fingers intertwined with his limp ones, "oh, and don't think I've forgotten about those dance lessons," I paused, as the moment replayed in my head. I felt my throat tightening and tears forming in my eyes, "I saw something awful today," I began, rubbing my nose, "someone killed a little boy's parents this morning, now he's all alone . . . Joe says this case is too much for me and doesn't want me to take part, I told him I wouldn't, but I can't ignore this, I just can't, Barry. So, I'll do it on my own, behind Joe's back, obviously. I have to."
I grabbed his hand, keeping quiet for a moment.
"We need you, Barry — I need you," my voice broke, "it doesn't matter how long you take, but wake up," I observed him through clouded eyes. I tilted my head, leading the back of his hand to my cheek, "We'll be here for you . . ." I squeezed his hand, "I promise that I'll find that man, did you hear me?" I waited for a twitch of his fingers, a flutter of his eyes, but there was nothing as usual, "I promise."
third chapter up! i want to thank you for sticking around and all the support you've given me ♡ i really hope you liked this chapter, let me know your thoughts. thanks for reading, voting and commenting! bye! (btw, last night episode was
a m a z i n g, wasn't it?!)
△ sorry for any typos, i write everything from my phone and auto correct is a b!tch ▽
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