Chapter 21 - The Kissing Challenge
Chapter 21 – The Kissing Challenge
My morning couldn’t have been more perfect as Leon met me on the porch of Emma’s house with a captivating smile that had me gasping and pinching myself.
Nothing could ruin this day. That was what I thought. Never have I imagined that fate will do everything in its power to prove me wrong.
He wore a grayish-blue jacket over a beige turtle neck pullover, paired with faded blue jeans with such refinement despite the beanie and the glasses and the fake braces; he could have been Apollo’s estranged younger brother for all I knew.
My mouth fell open as I half-expected the clear blue sky to thunder and split with a blinding light that would hover on his stature, accompanied with a booming glorious voice to call him to his home in Mount Olympus. Or at least a green light could flash down on him from an unidentified flying object claiming that he must return to Planet Charming as their rightful king.
The way he stood made my knees wobble as I trudged ineptly to him.
He then took my hand in his and towed me where his “inconspicuous” car waited and opened the door for me.
“Can’t we just walk to school? Or ride a bus? You know like ordinary people,” I said as I practically hauled myself on the sleek chocolate brown leather seat and fumbled with the seatbelt while eyeing furtively on the gleaming digital gauges, the computerized sound system and the GPS jutting from the leather swathed dashboard.
He gave out a light chuckle that made my chest thud ferociously.
“Normal people drive cars to school,” said he as the engine droned smoothly before he stepped on the gas pedal. I was not even sure if it had one.
“Normal people drive normal cars,” I retorted with a hint of panic as we sped to the highway and all I could see was a blur of gray and green.
“As I’ve said, it’s an outdated model. No one would bother to look closely. I’m sure the Ferraris would take the spotlight,” he grinned as he enveloped my hand in one of his while the other steered with utter effortlessness.
I made a mental note to count how many Ferraris I’ve seen in my entire life and was exasperated when I remembered a few, but not in school. Definitely not. Anyhow, I let the matter drop due to the apprehension that slithered its way through me.
It didn’t take five minutes before the car swerved into the school parking lot with not much of a sound then skidded stealthily to a halt at the rearmost vacant spot.
Still, I could see a dozen or more pair of eyes trailing at us, probably, squinting at the heavily tinted windows to see whoever drove that blue Audi TT-S.
“See?” Leon glanced at me with reassuring smile, then got out of the car in one fluid motion in a very movie star way. Go figure.
Before I could stop gawking and fumbling with my seat belt yet again, he opened the door for me. He creased the gap between his brows thoughtfully.
“Let me get that,” his melodious voice twitched my chest into a hustle, his calm breathing audible as he leaned down to unbuckle me from the seat. It didn’t take him long enough.
Keeping my eyes straight on the dashboard, I froze as Leon paused to gaze at me and I felt my breathing hasten to a throttle. Feeling the compulsion to stare again, my face inched to his as my eyes closed involuntarily waiting for some miraculous phenomenon to take place. If my lips puckered in anticipation, I fervently reject to recall or at least admit.
I felt him sigh, his breath like a gentle welcoming breeze against my cheeks. His lips were about to touch mine for about ten milliseconds then hesitated, his jaws overwrought all of a sudden.
“Not here Sarah,” he whispered to my ear as he pulled me gently out of the car, slung my bag on his back then wrapped his arm on my waist.
I opened my eyes, feeling the rush of blood to my face. My breathing was ragged but now it was due to sheer embarrassment.
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Out of the blue, I had the urge to scream and hit my head on the wall and bury my face in the ground. Where had all the sense of composure gone?
There was that playful lopsided grin on his lips again as he pulled me tighter and practically dragged me to the campus.
“What?” I murmured rather indignantly before I could focus and saw who stood in front of Leon’s car.
Leon sneered quietly as I spotted Matt, sitting on the hood of his Camaro with Becky. She was so absorbed in whatever she was telling him that she didn’t seem to notice Matt’s glowering eyes that speared me to the ground.
Ugh. Great. Just great! He must’ve seen my blunder and now he might be thinking that I was turned into some kind of desperate maniac.
Becky finally noticed us and ran to me, dragging Matt with him. “Sarah! Are you okay?” She asked worriedly.
“I’m fine.” I managed an apologetic smile.
“I was so worried! I was dying to call you but I was thinking maybe you needed some rest. Len told me what happened so—“
“It’s okay, Becky. I wasn’t up until dawn any way.” My train of thought flew off. What did Leon tell him? That I tripped? How had he explained about that man, Larkin Frost then?
Becky let the matter drop though she still appeared perturbed.
Only then, did I become aware again of the hundreds of stares from every possible direction as we walked through the crowded hallways. Keeping my eyes on the floor, I hastened my pace. It was making me nauseous.
Leon pulled me closer to him and fell back a step or two behind Becky and Matt, motioning for me to take a good look around. The combination of scrutinizing and dumbfounded looks concentrated on the two in front of us and I realized that the attention was focused on my best friend and the captain of the football team.
“I told you the Ferrari would take the spotlight.” He whispered as let out a quiet chuckle.
My forehead crumpled. What is the deal with boys and cars?
“So Matt’s the Ferrari. What does that make you? A Bugatti Royale in a Mini Cooper disguise?” I blurted irately.
His musical laugh reverberated on my ear. “Wow that’s rare… and quite expensive.”
“Exactly my point,” I muttered rolling my eyes as he chuckled again upon entering the home room.
“I thought you hated cars. You did your homework.” He appeared quite amused as though I was some form of entertainment.
I pointed a finger on my face rather exasperatedly. “Nerd,” I muttered throwing a half-hearted scowl at him. He laughed quietly again and I couldn’t breathe anymore.
I felt the glares lessen gradually as we propped ourselves on our usual seats. Then Leon leaned on my chair and grabbed the desk with one hand and the back rest with the other and drew the seat with me on it with one pull as the chair gave out a loud screech against the floor.
Before I knew it, I was already beside him, with his arm on my waist. Whatever happened to being inconspicuous? I marveled at his strength though, as with his impulsive little feats that never failed to leave me breathless. My heart hurdled in a frantic race as I felt the warmth of his skin against mine. Flinching a bit, my eyes shifted shakily from him then to the rest of the classroom and back.
Good thing Matt was still at the door, consequently hoarding all the attention from the class by kissing Becky.
Letting out a muffled gasp, I imagined my eyes bulge to the point where they flew in projectiles out their sockets and rolled on the floor.
It wasn’t just the kiss people do when they’re about to leave; it fell on a rated R category for crying out loud. Before he was done, Becky was already wide-eyed and out of breath. Matt practically gorged up her face. What's more, I swear he threw a mocking sneer at me as he did so.
He definitely saw me trying to kiss Leon in the parking lot, but it wasn’t like I hadn’t tried restraining myself. My cheeks burned all of a sudden. Matt had just posed a challenge. Ugh.
A chill ran down my spine as queasiness curdled in the pit of my stomach. Leon tightened his arms on me, letting out an audible groan that rang of annoyance.
The class jeered and hooted after Matt’s ostentatious departure followed by a frenzied stream of muttering and whispers. And the stares, oh the dreaded scrutinizing eyes! I wouldn’t dream to be Becky at this point.
“Way to go geek,” Charrie Bolton groused plainly as she rolled her big deep set eyes and joined her sniggering friends.
Leigh, who sat with them just remained quiet and gave me a rueful smile.
“Oh my gosh!” Becky mouthed at me as she passed before slumping wistfully on the seat behind mine, fully unaware of the taunting remarks of our dear classmates. I could literally see stars on her eyes but all I could manage was a twitch on the sides of my lips which was supposed to be an “I’m so happy for you,” smile.
Lunch break came and Becky was so enthusiastic about sitting with Matt on the popular table. Apparently, Matt wanted to get to know his girlfriend’s buddies. As if.
“You should totally sit with us,” said she, eyes still sparkling with sheer exhilaration.
I saw Ricky Burns, chess club president and his sidekick Al Mackintosh threw scrutinizing glares at us. They must’ve heard already about Matt’s invitation. And with the apprehensive looks on their faces, I could tell what they were thinking—this might be a sign of the impending apocalypse.
“No, Becky. I mean, that would be downright awkward,” I muttered indignantly.
Leon walked in silence beside me and played with my palm as we headed to the dining hall.
His delicate finger wrote something on my palm. Smile. He reminded me. He was right of course.
I shouldn’t ruin it for Becky just because I was aware that Matt was toying with her or just because I loathed the guy with a passion or the fact that he was making a fiendish effort to charm me. But it did the contrary.
Ha! It only made my hate meter rise up to the brim. But Leon had no idea about it so he must’ve thought I was acting weird.
“Sarah…” and my name was, again, a three syllable word. “You’d fit right in. Trust me.”
I managed a wide twitchy grin despite my revolting insides. “Okay, I’m sure we’d fit right in…” My voice quivered. “Let’s just hope they don’t welcome us with the stakes and pitchforks,” I whispered grudgingly when she wasn’t looking.
Pressing his lips tightly, Leon held back a chuckle.
A long day for Nerdy... and three more chapters to be posted shortly as promised. Please please show support by fanning and/or voting! And please let me know if you see erroneous entries! I'd appreciate it forever!
There... so press that button and make a girl happy, will you? XD
xoxo ____ shim
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