
1 year later


Today was Jasper and I's one year anniversary, of course we weren't being like regular people and going on all out. We'd rather spend time with our family, so here I was getting dressed and prepared for a day party.

I took out an outfit for today that consisted of ripped jeans, a white bralette, and suede Yellow Air Forces to match my Yellow wig.

I heard Jahzara's small cries over the baby monitor so I made my way into her room. Our baby girl Jahzara Nicole Adams was now 3 months and had an amazing personality. When I entered the room I saw that Jasper had beat me to the her.

"Hey daddy's baby" he cooed to her as he peered into her crib. She immediately stopped crying when she heard his voice, a big smile spread across her face.

This girl so wishy washy it's ridiculous. He smiled at her and picked her up, "you hungry ma ma?" He asked her. He handed her over to me so that I could breast feed her since I still needed to pump her more bottles for today.

"Good Morning my beautiful wife" he said genuinely.

"Good Morning Baby" I cheesed. He kissed my cheek and headed downstairs to finish setting up. Life as Mrs. Adams was more than amazing. We were as happy as expected and rarely argued. If we did it was about small shit like who was making dinner that night, or who was waking up in the middle of the night for Zara.

After feeding my princess I ran us a bath, added a little bubbles, and stepped into the water with her. We soaked for a while as the dogs sat at the bathroom door as if they were guarding us.

When it came to baby girl Oreo and Midnight did not play, they literally slept either in her room or right in front of her door just to make sure she was safe.

I loved my life, I couldn't have asked for anything better than what I have right in front of me. I thanked God every morning and night for my family.

The girls and I started up our company and it was doing much better than the first time. At least 80% of Black Owned Businesses in Atlanta we're using our Branding Company to give their companies the exposure they needed. Our crew was running a million dollar company, the whole team was eating.

I couldn't ask for a better group of women to run a business with. At first I thought this would tear us a part but it only brought us closer. This was As Good As It Gets.



Kiari gave me the greatest gift a man could ask for, my baby girl. She was born healthy and on time with a head full of hair. These two were literally my life and everything I did now was for them. I loved everything about being a husband and a father.

I don't see how men could cheat, especially when they have a woman willing to give them the world within a blink of an eye. Kiari was a God send, God sent her into my life at the perfect time.

Jahzara was so much like her it was crazy, their attitudes were something serious. Then when they were sad or upset they would poke their bottom lip out until they got what they wanted. Even at 3 months my daughter was spoiled and demanding.

My hookah lounge was doing numbers, so good that I even expanded and created two more locations. I was thinking about franchising my lounges but that would mean me accepting the fact that people could run the establishment how they wanted and not the way I wanted. Which was a no go for me, so I would just keep it in the family and anyone that needed a job could go to either location and work.

I was currently in the kitchen setting food up on the bar when Luckie and Toya walked into the house with Rel as he wobbled on his bow legs.

"Nneepphheeww what's up" I said as I picked him up. He was now one and a half and the kindest little boy I knew which was surprising because Luckie was a damn nuisance.

I raised my fist to give him dap and he pounded mine. "Dah-da" He said as he reached out for Luckie. "And I thought ya mama would've been the one to spoil you" I mumbled.

"Oh hush Jas" Toya said as she placed the mac and cheese in the oven.

I was happy for these two, even though Luckie made his mistakes it seemed to make them closer maybe even stronger. He was even going back out on tour and back making music, surprisingly Toya backed him whole heartedly. I smiled at their interaction and made my way to the backyard to check on the meat.

I'm ready for the rest of the family to get here so that we could relax, crack jokes, and eat good food as always. This past year was so peaceful, no beef, no wars, no undercover pressure, nothing. What more can a man like me ask for? I have a great wife, a beautiful daughter, and an amazing family that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. For now this was As Good As It Gets.



Once we walked into Kiari and Jasper's house Israel immediately wobbled towards his uncle. I smiled as they interacted for a while then he reached out for his daddy.

Everyone thought I would be the one to spoil baby boy the most but nnaahh, Isaiah spoiled the hell out of him.

As soon as the thought left my mind Jasper mumbled, "And I thought ya mama would've been the one to spoil you."

"Oh hush Jas" I replied as I headed towards the oven.

My baby boy was so handsome, it made my heart skip a beat each time I saw him. His big beautiful eyes, those chunky cheeks, and his curly hair. I was not ready for the girl problems I'm sure he would have as a teenager.

"Baby I'm gonna head outside with Jasper, let me know if you need me." Luckie said as he handed Rel over to me.

"Okay baby" I replied as I puckered my lips for a kiss. He rubbed my protruding belly and placed small kisses on my neck.

"This one gonna be a girl, watch" he whispered in my ear.

Yes I am currently 4 months pregnant with our second child. When I first found out I was overwhelmed because it wasn't in my plan to have another baby so soon. I don't believe in abortions nor am I a fan of adoption so I adjusted quickly.

I smiled softly and made my way to the couch with a bowl of fruit with Rel following me as he ate an ice cream.

"Look at your face fat daddy!" I laughed, he had ice cream everywhere.

I cleaned his mouth as much as he would allow, being that he kept attempting to throw a fit each time I removed the ice cream from his mouth. After a while I gave up and just let him eat the ice cream, I didn't have the energy to be fighting with him.

And to think we were having another one. Not only were Luckie and I expecting a new addition, Luckie also asked me to be his wife a few months ago. I smiled down at my ring.

"Look at you all in love and shit" Kiari said as she came downstairs with Zara in her arms.

"TeeTee!!" Rel screamed as he ran to her as fast as he could.

"Hey my God baby!" She smiled as he wrapped his arms around her legs.

"Let me see my niece" I said as I approached her with my arms extended. She handed me the baby and picked Rel up, kissing his cheeks.

"When did y'all get back?" She asked referring to us going to a show in Miami with Luckie last month.

"Last night" I replied.

"I'm so happy for y'all. I swear I thought I was gonna have to kill my own brother if he didn't get his act together." She shook her head.

I laughed, "Girl you and me both, but he's been more than what I expected. He has did a total 180. He's like an open book now a days."

This was true, even when I'm not on tour with him he FaceTimes before and after every show. He comes straight home afterwards unless he has back to back shows. When he has to do after parties he makes sure that Strap is with him just to vouch for him, not that I don't trust him.

I don't know how many times I assured him that I trusted him whole heartedly, he still felt like he had to prove himself to me and Rel.

Life right now was like a fairytale, he was like my knight and shining armor. I smiled to myself as I reminisced, life was As Good As It Gets.

"What the hell this bitch cheesing like a Cheshire Cat fa?" Jurianna asked as she walked into the living room.

"Girl fuck you" I laughed and hugged her tightly.



"What the hell this bitch cheesing like a Cheshire Cat fa?" I asked as I walked into Kiari's living room.

"Girl fuck you" Toya laughed as she headed my way and hugged me tightly.

I missed this smart mouth ass bitch considering the fact that she has been gone for like a month with my baby cousin. I adjusted Amir on my hip as I went to place the baby bags down.

"Look at these beautiful babies" Kiari cooed as she attempted to reach for Amira who was in Tayshaun's arms.

Wrong move.

This lil girl mugged the fuck out of her and wrapped her arms around her daddy. Amira was the meanest one year old I knew. Her attitude was out of this world, ion know where she got it from.

"You got an attitude just like ya damn mama" Kiari shook her head.

"And I -Oop" I laughed. "You gone chill on my baby."

"Where my boys at?" Tayshaun asked.

"Outside probably getting on each other nerves" Toya answered as she stuffed her face with fruit.

Her pregnant, greedy ass!

He handed Amira to me, she hesitated at first until I gave her the same mug and started to walk off.

"MA-MA!" She screamed.

I laughed and turned back towards her and reached my arms out for her, she came right on over. I learned that she didn't like being ignored, even at a young age if the attention wasn't on her she would have a damn fit.

"Don't make no damn sense" I giggled as I kissed her cheek. I was use to holding both of them at once but these was some chunky ass babies and today was not the day to be hauling they asses around.

I placed them on a pallet on the floor next to Rel, he immediately smiled and made his way to their side. These kids had the best little relationship, he kissed each of their cheeks and turned to his mommy.

"Bae-be" He said as he pointed at them.

"Yes fat man, it's the babies" she smiled.

"Their onesies are so ccuuttee" she cooed as she snapped a picture of them.

"Girl they bad asses hate clothes so that's all they wear is onesies" I shook my head.

"So how are you and Tango?" Kiari asked.

"Girl we good, as always" I replied.

"I bet now that y'all married and shit" Toya said.

Yes Tayshaun and I were finally married after all these years. The wedding was a destination wedding in Hawaii on the beach. We flew everyone out and paid for a week vacation.

Now that we were married it didn't feel different at all being that we have been together since our teenage years.

It's an honor to be his wife, he's the most sweetest man and greatest father.

Our work and home life was at a good balance. I never went on tour with him, Luckie, and Toya because that wasn't ever my scene. Which meant I stayed home with my babies and sometime Rel would stay with me too. This is why he was so attached to my babies, they spent so much time together.

Since we owned our company and all of us had kids we had a daycare on the fifth floor of the building where the babies stayed while we worked. This was so convenient for each of us, that way we didn't have to worry if our babies were being abused at a regular daycare.

We were living a great life with no complaints. Tayshaun and I had a great marriage, we were great parents, and we had a great family. There wasn't anything missing, this was As Good As It Gets.



We pulled up to Kiari and Jasper's house and Jason walked around to my side to help me out of the car. I placed my hand into his and eased my way out of the car.

"I feel like a fucking whale" I pouted.

"You so damn dramatic, you're beautiful" he said as he kissed my cheek.

JJ opened the back door and helped Jewel out of her booster seat. "Thank you brother" she smiled at him.

"You're welcome" he replied as he closed the door.

"Mommy, is my brother ready yet?" Jewel asked as she rubbed and kissed on my 7 month belly.

"Not yet, we have a few more weeks baby girl" I smiled and rubbed the top of her head.

Yes, a bitch was 7 months pregnant with a baby boy. We decided that we would name him Jameson, after Jason's dad.

We all walked into the house, the girls were all chilling in the living room as the babies all played with toys on a pallet. "Parties hheerreeee bitches" I shouted.

"Pregnant's hhheeerrree bitches" Juri joked.

"Oh shut the hell up" I giggled as I wobbled my way over to the couch.

"All these hormones in my house. Somebody bring out the liquor it's finna be a long day." Jasper said as he came into the house with a pan of steak.

"Y'all gone stop trying us" Toya said as she cleaned Rel's nose.

When JJ seen Luckie he took off in his direction to dap him up. "What's up Unc, I missed you" He said as he hugged him.

"I missed you too nephew!" Luckie replied and hugged him back.

"What about me uncle" Jewel pouted.

"Now you know I missed you baby girl" he replied as he scooped her in his arms.

"My brother! What's poppin?" Jason said as he dapped Luckie up.

"Ugly man, what's up"

I laughed at they ass. They had a love/hate relationship with one another, they couldn't help but to joan on each other whenever they were around.

Being that Luckie been gone for a month they haven't had the chance to crack on each other so I guess they were making up for loss times.

They took their bickering to the basement, more than likely to talk shit over a fat ass backwood. I reached my hand into the huge fruit bowl that Toya had on her lap and popped a pineapple into my mouth.

The look she gave me made me burst out laughing, "bitch I'm with child too, don't mug me like that!"

"I'm saying though it's a whole pan of fruit over there and you wanna put your hand in my bowl" she said as her eyes watered.

"Oh hell na, don't start that shit" Juri said as she handed me my own bowl of fruit. "Here before this bitch start the water works"

"To late" Kiari mumbled.

I looked over and saw that Toya had tears streaming down her face. Rel came over and patted her lap. "I'm okay baby boy" she said as she wiped her tears. She kissed his cheek and he kissed hers back.

"Don't make no damn sense. So how are you and Jason" Kiari asked as she fed Zara. It was amazing to see her as a mom, as we expected she was a pro at it, baby girl was such a happy baby.

"Girl we good, he don't know what to do with his life now that he has got out of the game. He still ran everything but he's no longer on the forefront. He handed the business down to Malik with Pops approval, but as far as the money aspects, he still ran that."

"That's good. I know he be home driving yo ass crazy" Juri laughed.

"Yes girl, getting on my last damn nerves. At first he was spending time at the Hookah Lounge while he was expanding but every since I've been further along in this pregnancy he been on my heels." I shook my head.

Jason was waiting on me hand and foot, which was okay but he's so damn clingy I be ready to pull my hair out. Then he have JJ ass watching me like a damn hawk, questioning me every ten minutes about if there was anything I needed.

Don't get me wrong I was over joyed that my man was out of the game but I needed his ass to find a hobby and find one fast.

"I'm glad my bro out that shit. I'm glad all of them been doing good with their lives, being good examples for these boys" Toya said.

"Yea, no more impromptu trips to Jamaica. I love Lloyd and all but he was keeping my man from me" I said as I pinched Amira's cheeks. This lil girl mugged me hard as hell.

"Honey you and this mugging finna get put out my house" Kiari said as she picked her up and blew on her belly. Amira laughed the cutest little laugh.

"I didn't even know she could smile, let alone laugh at anyone else but her daddy or brother" I said.

"Leave my child alone" Tango said as he walked up from the basement.

"Boy hush" I chuckled.

"Look at ya kids" Toya nudged me.

I turned around to see them taking pictures of each other on JJ's IPhone 8. When they were done Jewel ran into the house eager to show me the pictures.

"Look Mommy" she smiled as she scrolled through the pictures.

"I see pumpkin, y'all so cute" I cheesed.

"Ma I'm handsome not cute" JJ stale faced me.

"Boy- " I burst of laughing.

"If you ain't just like ya damn daddy" I shook my head.

My kids still had the same personalities, loveable one minute and mean as hell the next. I'm excited to see how they will be with baby boy, I knew they would be overprotective. I smiled at the thought.

This life was one I always dreamed of, being able to give my kids anything their heart desired.

Jason was the best man to start a family with, he did everything in his power to assure that his family was happy. We were always the priority in his book, til this day I question what I did to deserve a man like him. This life was As Good As It Gets.

"Where the food at!" Camari loud as said as she burst into the house with her ain't shit ass nigga.



"Where the food at!" I shouted as I entered Kiari and Jasper's home with Kaison lingering behind me.

Although my family wasn't a big fan of Kai right now I still was adamant about him joining me today, maybe he could make amends with them.

"Why is he here?" Kiari mugged.

"Be nice, pplleeaassee" I groaned as I hugged her. I missed my family, I have been M.I.A for a couple of months after recovering from a little mishap.

We ain't gone get into that though.

"Ccoouussinn" Mani said as she wobbled her way to me and hugged me. "How you been, I missed you!" She said with tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry, I'm okay" I assured her as I rubbed circles into her back.

"I knew I heard ya loud ass in here! What's up nugget" Jason said as approached us.

"Bitch ass nigga" he grumbled as he looked Kaison up and down. Kaison rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Look man I nev-"

"Save it, it's not the place nor time" Juri said.

The rest of the guys emerged from the basement and hugged me. The amount of love I felt from everyone's hugs made my heart flutter and brought tears to my eyes. Although they had only known me for a year they treated me as if they've known me my entire life.

"We been missing you at the office" Kiari said as she wiped the tears the rolled down my face.

"I missed y'all too, I get to come back next week" I smiled. I hadn't been in the office in two months, making these the worst two months of my life. For the most part life was going good, well As Good As It Could Get.

I was a successful Accountant with the Branding Company, assuring that we brought in more money than we were dishing out. Financially I was happy, relationship wise I was okay.

This relationship had its ups and downs, hints the shade my family is giving Kaison. At first he was the sweetest man I've ever met, but that was proven to be too good to be true once he started losing sight of the type of female he had in his corner.

Enough of that though. I was ready to spend time with my family. I sat criss-crossed on the pallet with the babies and watched as they played with their toys. A lump formed in my throat but I quickly regained my composure.

Kaison sat in the background watching me intently as he sipped on a beer. I could feel his eyes on me and when I looked up and into his all I could see was a look of regret. I blinked slowly and turned my attention back to the kids.

"Why is he here?" Luckie asked.

"Isaiah, cut it out" Toya replied.

"I'm just saying, he knows ain't nobody fucking with him right now and he still pull up" Luckie shook his head and took a seat at the bar.

Kaison sat quietly, choosing not to speak right away and make the situation worse. He knew the consequences of coming here today so the shade was expected. "Look I know I ain't on the top of y'all list right now, but know that I'm taking the necessary steps to make up for the mistakes I've made over these last few months"

"Yea yea" Tayshaun said stale facing him.

I chuckled lightly. The men were not with the shits today and that was a fact. "Please guys, be nice. Just for me"

There was a brief moment of silence, "only cause you asked nicely" Jasper shrugged. "Let's eat" he said.

I stood and surveyed the food that was on display. The food looked delicious and looking at it made my stomach instantly grumble. "I think I just stepped out of Hell and into Heaven"



For a change the men made plates for the women and children. Jasper placed Kiari's plate in front of her and she smiled. This looks sssoooo good, she kissed his cheek. "Thank You Baby" She said.

"You're welcome" he replied as he grabbed a sleeping Zara from her arms and sat her in her swing.

"I'll say grace" Camari stated as she stood to her feet. Kaison attempted to help her up but she moved out of his reach, still not being a fan of him right now.

"Loving God, bless all those gathered here today as we come together in friendship and fellowship. Thank you for the blessings of our individual and collective God-given gifts. Place in our hearts the desire to make a difference
to our families, to our community, to our country, and to the many cultures and people worldwide. Give us balance in times of distraction and uncertainty. Help us move towards our goals with determination
and always with an abundant sense of humor. Thank you for food in a world where many know only hunger; For our faith in a world where many know fear; For friends in a world where many know only loneliness. Please bless this food we are about to share, those who prepared it, those who serve it,
and those who have worked to make today the special occasion that it is. For all of this we give you thanks."

"Amen" they all said in unison.

"So Kaison, you knew that you would get your ass handed to you today, yet you still came. Why?" Juri asked.

He finished chewing his food and cleared his throat, "Simple. I love Camari, I know I haven't been the greatest person to her. It took me losing her for me to realize how great she was."

"Who said you had me back?" Camari stale faced him.

"I may not have you back completely but I will do whatever I have to do to change that." He replied as he looked her in her eyes. She tore her eyes away from him and finished eating.

"Well besides him over there" Kiari nodded Kaison's way. "I'm happy for us all, we have come along way from crazy ex girlfriends, her crazy siblings, and her even crazier cousin. We are now all at a place of peace, some of us experienced bumps in the road but like always we made it through" she said as she placed her hand on top of Camari's.

"I love each and every one of you, some less than others but the love is there" she continued as she directed that statement towards Kai.

"This family means more to me than anything in this world. No amount of money can make me as happy as you this moment right here has. This is why I chose to spend my one year wedding anniversary with you." She smiled.

"We love you too" everyone said in unison.

Jasper stood, "Thank you to everyone here for accepting either me or Kiari into your families. From the first time I saw her I knew she would be my wife, I knew she would be the mother of my child. Thank you for having faith in our relationship and urging us to explore the love we shared."

"Kiari, you are the best woman in this world. Your heart is so pure and giving that sometimes it seems too good to be true. We've had our ups and downs when things got difficult because of Kangaroo but we hung in there. We came out stronger than before. I love you and everything about you"

She smiled up at him. "I love you more baby"

He leaned down and kissed her passionately. For the remainder of the dinner everyone reminisced on the last two years they've experienced as a family.

Kiari looked around the table at her family and silently thanked God for placing each and everyone of them in her life.

She smiled as a tear fell down her face, she didn't regret not one day of her life because all the things that took place molded her to be the woman she is today. This was the life she always dreamed of one that she could brag about in the most humble way possible.

This was As Good As It Gets!


Author's 📝

I think imma cry 😭 this concludes the "Too Good To Be True" Series 😫

This was the longest chapter I've ever written (4000+ words) 👏🏽

Hopefully it meets your standards, one thing about me is I try not to be cliche'. 🙅🏽‍♀️

Most books end in tragedy, but since this was kind of like a love story I wanted it to end on a good note. ☮️

The only part of this book that I will continue is the Camari & Kaison scenario because they will eventually have their own book ☺️

Next up is a spin off of Luckie and Toya's love story 🤗 Hopefully it does numbers and you guys love it like these books 🤞🏾

As Always Thank You 🙏🏽Thank You 🙏🏽 Thank You 🙏🏽

Continue to share these stories with ya friends and family ❤️


Until Next Time My Loves 🥰

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