Chapter 28


I woke up hungover, confused, and in the guest bedroom. The last thing I remember is walking into the house and my bags being slid down the stairs. I know Juri and I know she probably think I been cheating.

That was the last thing on my mind though, last night I locked myself in the studio and started working on new beats for Luckie's new album. We haven't been working lately and I needed to get started on that as soon as possible.

While I was there I was drinking, loss count of how many drinks I had and ended up drunk off my ass.

I would never cheat on Jurianna, especially after she's given me the greatest gifts. Amir and Amira are the best parts of me and I could never jeopardize my home for a quick nut.

I rolled over and squinted my eyes at the rising sun. I drug myself out of bed, walked over to the window and closed the shades. Right when I was about to lay back down I heard both babies screaming to the top of their lungs.

Walking into the bathroom grabbed a spare toothbrush, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and headed to go help Jurianna whether she wanted it or not.

Once I got into the room she was sitting in the middle of the bed with a tear stained face as both babies cried as if they hadn't eaten in days. "Jurianna, what's wrong?"

She eyed me intently before she picked Amira up since she was crying the loudest and allowed her to latch on to her boob. She instantly stopped crying.

I walked out of the room and headed downstairs to grab a pre-pumped bottle for Amir. I got back and his cries had died down to a whimper, I picked him up and proceeded with feeding him.

We sat in an uncomfortable silence as she stared at me. If looks could kill, I'd definitely be dead.

After the babies ate we both burped them and started bath water so that we could clean them up. Once we finished we lotioned their skin with Aveeno baby lotion, we dressed them in onesies from the baby shower.

Since they were both sleep we laid them in their cribs and turned on the baby monitor. As soon as we left out of the room she threw punches at me, "where the fuck were you Tayshaun?" She asked as tears welled up in her eyes again.

I grabbed her hands and wrapped her in a hug; "I promise it's not what you think it is, I was at the studio working. I was alone, ended up drinking while working and loss track of time."

She yanked away from me; "give me your phone"

I shrugged and motioned for her to follow me into the guest room where I slept. I grabbed my phone off of the charger on the night stand and handed it to her. Standing next to her I watched as she unlocked it and went to my location settings.

Her crazy ass could've done this on her phone.

I watched as she confirmed what I said, the location showed my last few locations were the house, Luckie house, Chick-Fil-A, and the studio.

Now she had the shit face; "so why you didn't answer your phone" she pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"It was on silent and I didn't know until I got here"

I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her face repeatedly. "I'm sorry baby, I'm so so sorry for leaving you here with the kids with no explanation" I said as I rubbed my hands up and down her back.

She eyed me; gauging whether or not I was telling the truth. "Yeah you know that daughter of yours was having a fit all night because you weren't here. I damn near had a panic attack. Don't ever do that shit again" she stated as she hit my chest.

I chuckled; "I got you baby, now can you move my stuff back into my closet?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nah you got that, I'm going to sleep. You got ya kids too for the whole day" she said as she headed back towards our bedroom.

I laughed; "aight, I guess I can let you have that"



I sat on the bed and rocked a fussy Jewel as she whined for her daddy. Jason was out with Jasper getting fitted for their tux. I was fed up with her crying so I FaceTimed him, he answered on the fifth ring.

"Wassup baby" he asked as he looked into the camera.

"Talk to your daughter before I lock her ass in a room somewhere" I said with a mug on my face.

He chuckled; "put her on"

I handed her the phone as she sniffled and wiped her snotty ass nose. "You better not wipe that snot on my phone" I said to her as I got up to go grab some tissue out of the bathroom.

"Daddy, me miss you" I heard her say between sniffles.

"I miss you too baby girl, I will be home soon. Be a good girl for mommy" he replied.

This lil heffa shook her head no. "No daddy me want you not mommy" she whined as she kicked her feet.

The nerve of this lil gremlin.

"Well daddy's handling business. I need you to be on your best behavior and when I get home we will watch Wreck It Ralph"

She smiled; "otay daddy. Where's JJ?"

"JJ is trying on clothes right now"

"Otay, tell him I love him and I love you too daddy"

"I love you more baby girl. Wipe your tears, be a good girl for me okay?"

She nodded.

"Give the phone back to mommy"

She handed me the phone and I stale faced her. "I'm not dealing with her attitude all day" I said to Jason.

He chuckled; "she should be fine. Have y'all ate?"

"Yes we ate some wings and fries from American Deli about an hour ago"

"Coo, coo. I love you and I will see you in a few hours"

"I love you more baby" I blew him a kiss and we ended our call.

I turned to Jewel who was sitting with her legs crossed just staring at me. "What you looking at big head lil girl?"

"You mommy" she smiled. "Me want my nails painted"

"It's I wanted my nails painted baby girl" I've been working with teaching her the correct way to talk since she would be starting school soon. Some times she did good and some times she didn't.

"I want my nails painted mommy" she corrected herself.

"Nnaahhh I thought you wanted your daddy not me" I said with a stank face as I tickled her.

"I do want my daddy, but daddy no take me to get nails done. You do" she replied after laughing her little heart out.

"Yeah yeah yeah, go get your shoes so we can go"

"Yyyaaaayyyy" she yelled as she ran into her room to grab her shoes. We were kind of matching today, both wearing black and camouflage.

I grabbed a black leather jacket and waited for her at the stairs. "I coming mommy" she yelled from her room.

"Okay baby"

Once she finished we headed down the stairs, to the garage, and into the car. I made sure she was buckled in and we made our way to the nail salon.



Toya and I were currently meeting with the wedding planner to start planning for the wedding. Jasper and I finally decided on a date, I've always wanted a summer wedding so we were going for June 2019.

"So Ms. Smith what colors would you like to go for?" Lana asked. Jasper's mom had recommended her to assist with the planning, assuring that she was one of the best in Atlanta.

"I'm thinking Lime Green, Black, & Cream or White."

She nodded as she jotted down my ideas. We went over the decorations I wanted to; set dress sizing appointments, set the date for rehearsal, and go over the flow of the reception.

My phone rung, I looked at the caller id and saw that it was my mom, "pardon me Lana." She nodded.

"Toya can you go over the menu with her for me, this is my mom"

"I got you sissy"

"Hey mommy." I spoke excitedly into my phone. I loved my mother with all my heart, she was literally the best mom I could ever ask for.

"Hey baby, are we still on for dinner tonight?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am, the guys should be finishing up with their fitting, so they should be heading there afterwards. I haven't talked to Juri yet but I will call her as soon as I end this call with you. I've already sent Mani the address so she should be on time. Mr. and Mrs. Adams should be there on time also. Toya is with me so as soon as we finish here we will be on our way."

"Okay, I'm almost done cooking so everything should be ready by the time everyone gets here."

"Kk, what you cooking mama?" I asked as my stomach started to growl.

"You'll see when you get here greedy ass"

I giggled; "well dang, rude much?" I asked.

"Yea yea, I'll see you in a few baby"

"Love you mama"

"Love you too, I can't wait to meet my son in law"

I smiled, "I'm sure you can't"

We ended our call and I returned to the table with Toya and Lana. "Okay what do we have?" I asked.

"So you stated that you wanted chicken and salmon as the meat, asparagus or broccoli, baked and mashed potatoes, rolls, and a series of desserts correct?" Lana asked as she read down the list.

"Correct" I smiled. "Thank you Toya"

"You're welcome sis"

"Okay ladies so I think we pretty much have the basics. I will start looking for a venue, I will send you the ones I find and we will go from there"

"Great!" I said as I stood to shake her hand. "Thank you so much"

"It's my pleasure, you ladies enjoy your day."

We nodded and headed out the door. Now it was time to go eat, when we got in the car I placed a group FaceTime to both Mani and Juri making sure they didn't forget about the dinner tonight. Mommy wanted to meet everybody at one time, which was cool with me.

As I figured both of they asses forgot but assured me that they would be there. Juri was sleeping, she said she was about to get up, get ready, and head over there. Mani was finishing up at the nail salon with Jewel and was also going to head over there, so I sent her the address.

I called Jasper to make sure that his parents remembered, he said that they did and were getting ready to leave their house to head over. He also said that they were wrapping up there fitting and would be on the way as soon as they finished.

Satisfied with everyone's answer I crunk up my Lime Green Bentley and Toya and I made our way to mommy's house.



The guys and I just left the Tailors when Tango called me telling me how Juri almost put his ass out the house last night because she thought he was cheating.

"That's what you get nigga, I done told you about putting ya phone on silent when you there" I chuckled as I shook my head.

"Man whatever, her crazy ass know I ain't finna cheat on her" he replied.

"You should've learned from me not to pull nothing like that."

"Boy shut the hell up" I heard Juri say in the background

I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at it, "Nigga you got me on speaker?" I mugged as if he could see me.

"Yea we getting the kids ready for Mama Tori house"

"Now what if I would've said something stupid?" I questioned.

"Then you would've just said something stupid. Shit I can't control what you say" Tango replied.

"Nigga bye" I hung up on his smart ass.

Ain't nobody got time for him, nor Jurianna ass.

We pulled up to my mom's house, I got out the car, went around, and got Rel out of his seat. Her looked exactly the same from when I bought it for her, besides the extra gardening she added.

I held Rel in my arms and that's when I smelled something foul, "nigga did you shit?" I asked as I twisted my face up.

He started making baby noises and blowing spit bubbles. "His ass better not had shitted in my car" Jason replied as he helped JJ out of the third row seat.

"And if he did what you gone do, he a baby foo" Jasper said as he grabbed Rel's baby bag.

"His daddy gone pay for me a car detail" Jason replied as we walked along the walkway to the door.

"I ain't paying for shit" I laughed as I unlocked my mom's front door and we entered. Before I could announce our entry she was already coming down the stairs.

"You ain't paying for what?" My mama said as she got to the last step.

"Dang mama, what you got bat ears?" I asked as I stale faced her.

"That's them mama ears" Toya said as she approached the front door with Kiari alongside her. "Hand me my baby" she cooed as she reached for Israel.

"He shitted too, while you rushing to get him" I said slick jealous that her ass didn't even acknowledge her man.

"Oh hush, give me a kiss" Toya said as she puckered her lips. I smirked and kissed her. As she walked off to change the baby I smacked her ass.

"Eewwww, gone some where with that shit" my mama said.

We all laughed. "Ma, this is Jasper" Kiari said as she introduced Jasper to Ma Dukes.

"Nice to meet you son in law, it's long over due. I'm Victoria but you can call me Mama Tori, Mama, whatever you would like. My daughter been hiding you from me"

He chuckled; "how are you Ms. Vict-"

"Aht aht! Mama Tori or Mama" She wagged her finger at him.

This lady here.

He cleared his throat; "Mama Tori, it's nice to meet you, this is my older brother Jason." He said introducing Jason.

"Y'all some good looking men, my daughter did good" she smirked.

"MMMAAAMMMAAA" Kiari whined.

"Wwhhaattt?" She mocked her.

"I'm just being honest. Let's all go have a seat in the living room and wait on the others" she said as she led us to the living room.

Within 30 minutes everyone had arrived. Mama was hitting it off just right with Mama Stasi as they gossiped about the wedding with the girls, while the guys, Pops and I talked about sports.

"Okay dinner is ready" Mama said as she came into the living room. We all stood, Rel started laughing and smiling. I picked him up and kissed his cheeks.

"I love this dining room Tori" Stasi said.

"Thank you love"

Kiari and Toya helped fix and pass out plates. When I got my plate I instantly was in heaven. Mama made Pot Roast with Carrots, Baked Macaroni and Cheese, Candied Yams, Cornbread, and Collard Greens with Smoked Turkey.

"This looks delicious Mama Tori" Mani said.

"Thank you baby"

We said grace and dug in. Bbboooyyyy I missed my mama cooking.


Author's Note

The two families have combined 💕




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