chapter fourteen

Song for the chapter: Tenerife Sea, by Ed Sheeran

"Maddison!" I hear being screamed from down the hall.

I sit up, on high alert as I jump from the bed. I squint at the bright lights I turn on as I half-run down the hall.

"Maddison," my father called, groaning.

I ran into his room and saw him hugging his stomach, on the floor.


He grunted. "I don't feel so good."

"What's wrong?" I walk closer, but he scrambles on his knees and hugs the toilet, throwing up.

I wrinkle my nose as I look the other way.

"I think somethin' went down wrong." He groans as he wipes his mouth and leans on the toilet.

"Okay, ew," I walk in. "Don't do that, so unsanitary." I grabbed him and had him lean against the tub. "What happened tonight?"

He shrugged. "I think I ate something bad," he burps, making me curl my lip in disgust. "Where's the stomach medicine?"

I sigh. "Why don't you shower, cause you stink. I'll get you some of that and some water."

He only weakly nods as I walk out of the bathroom. I inhaled as I went down the stairs and to the kitchen. I filled a glass of ice and water, then rummaged through the cabinets for some stomach meds. When I found it, I grabbed it and looked at the time—4:19. Of course.

I roll my eyes as I walk back up the stairs and hear the water shutting off. I set the cup on a coaster beside the bed and set the bottle down next to it. I was gonna leave, but I just had a feeling to wait.

When he opened the door a few minutes later, he almost fell forward. I lunged forward and steadied him, helping him walk to the bed.

We both knew how awkward this was, especially after our last fight.

I helped him get ahold of his bed and he climbed in, blinking heavy.

"When did the roles become reversed?"


"I'm supposed to take care of you."

As his eyes shut, he immediately passed out. He didn't even take the medicine, nice. I just stared at him, frown etched on my lips.

He's right; he should be taking care of me. And yet, here we are. Where we have been for almost seven years.

I shake my head as I walk towards the door and turn off the light. I slowly walk to my room and lie back in bed, but it's no use—I couldn't fall back asleep.

After about an hour or so of tossing and turning, I just got up and opened my laptop. I waited for it to boot up and started doing research.

I researched who would be the best family lawyer in Bozeman, what a custody trial would look like so I knew what to expect, how much it'd cost. My brain was on overload as I switched to real estate and tried to see if there was any places I'd be able to afford on my own. While there was a few apartments, I was angered. It wasn't good enough.

My phone vibrating is what finally tore my attention away from the computer screen. I rubbed my eyes and reached for it.

Unknown: Are you awake?

Maddi: Who tf is this?

Unknown: I'm in your closet....
Actually, just across the street. It's Ryker.

My heart skipped a beat until the next message came in.

Unknown: Conned the kid into giving me your number, since you didn't seem to be giving it to me anytime soon

I laughed.

Maddi: Of course you did

I quickly saved his number into my phone as he was typing.

Ryker: Can I come over

Maddi: No

Ryker: Please?

Maddi: No

Ryker: Fine do you work today?

Maddi: Until seven-thirty, why?

Ryker: We're going on an actual date tonight

Maddi: Are we?? I don't recall being asked

Ryker: Please?

I smile.

Maddi: Fine.

Then my grandma started calling.

"Hi, Gran." I smile.

"Hey, baby. How's my favorite girl?"

I laugh. "Don't let Joey hear you say that."

"Ah, it's okay. She can't be angry at an old woman too long."

"What's up, g?"

"I was wondering if you could come by some time this week. We're missing you up here, and I feel like seeing ya."

I shake my head. "Sure, Gran."

"Wonderful! Just tell me when."

"Of course, Gran. I love you."

"Love you, too, sweet pea. Bye."

I hang up, my mood already instantly better. When I check the time, it's already almost ten. I groan, knowing I needed to get up and get ready for work. But now I was slightly more excited to get it over with, to see what Ryker comes up with.

* * *

"Sure you don't need a ride?" Ali looks at me.

"I'm positive." I assure.

She tucks her hair behind her ear as she nods. "Okay. Oh! Isn't your birthday coming up soon?"

I nod, grinning at her. "Just like I know yours is coming up, too."

"Please, the only way I know is because your birthday is a couple days after mine. I have a terrible memory." She giggles nervously.

"It's okay."

Not like many people really know my birthday, anyway. Just Joey and Karmiah.

"I wish I could have a party so bad," Ali groans as we walk outside. "I hate that my parents are so, like, controlling. I'm almost nineteen."

I give her a sympathetic smile. "I know. It'll work out, I promise."

What she didn't know is that I'm planning a surprise party for her; I reached out to her best friend on Instagram and asked if she'd be interested in it. So while her parents think she's with her, and they're going to go out for dinner and a movie together, we're going to be partying. At a club.

"Okay," she sighs. "See you tomorrow."

I smile at her. "See you."

I wave her off before I start to walk down to my normal spot where I'm positive Ryker's waiting for me. It's become a bit of a thing now, minus the couple times Ryker was working late. I was so happy when he told me that he was working at Ben's, even though he tried to stress the fact that it was temporary.

He needed more stability other than those stupid fights.

It took close to ten minutes for me to walk to the main square, nearing the park bench that's become so familiar. Ryker, though, was leaning on his car waiting on the street before the turn.

I felt myself smile as I saw him, illuminated by the street lights. He had on a fitted black shirt, black pants and pushing his hand through his hair.

At the sound of my approaching footsteps, he turned and a smile formed on his lips.


"Hi." He breathes. He opens the door for me, making my cheeks burn. "After you."

I bite my lip as I climb into his car. He politely shuts the door behind me and walks around to get in the drivers side.

I curiously look at him. "Where are we going?"

"If I tell you, then it wouldn't be a surprise." He grins.

I roll my eyes, but turn away to smile. Honestly, this was my first actual date. Marco just wanted to hang out after we went to the gym, pick up something to eat and go hang at his place. I've never been surprised like this before.

It made it all the more special.

Ryker drove for about fifteen minutes, pulling up to the old drive-in that got shut down. I looked at him with a raised brow as he parked.

"Just trust me," he smirks as he kills the ignition.

He gets out and I follow. He opens the trunk, grabbing an adorably huge picnic basket and blanket and shutting it. My heart was beating erratically as he laced my fingers with his and pulled me further along the grass.

When I look up, I know why he chose this spot; the stars, you can see them so clearly from here. And with the growing grass and surrounding trees, everything just looked so serene here, so beautiful. It touched my heart.

Deciding on a spot, he set the basket down and threw out the blanket. He placed the basket down on the middle and opened it, pulled out an electric candle and turned it on. My smile was beyond goofy as he sat down and held out his hands to me.

"I, uh, tried my best here. So don't laugh." Ryker's cheeks flush pink.

I don't think I've ever seen him blush before, but it made my heart skip several beats knowing it was me who caused it.

"I'll try." I tease.

Ryker narrows his eyes at me before reaching in the basket and pulling out, his favorite, sandwiches. He had even Saran wrapped them, causing the condiments to spill out of the sides. I couldn't help the chuckle the escaped my lips, making Ryker frown.

"It's not a bad laugh," I shake my head, biting my lip. "It's just..." I lift my shoulder and twist my lips. "No ones ever done this for me before."

Ryker's gaze was soft as he leans forward and tucks some of my loose hair behind my ears.

"Let me be the one who does."

My heart was beating so fast, I don't think it was healthy. I was almost positive it would jump out of my chest—there was no way Ryker couldn't hear how loud it was being right now.

Instead of saying anything, he gave me the softest smile and unwrapped his food. I was so nervous to eat in front of him, anyone, but the fact that he had done all of this for me: tried to replicate a mushroom Swiss burger on sandwich form, remembered I liked pink lemonade, even remembered I preferred wavy chips and not regular...I don't know, but it touched me. And I decided to eat, just a small portion.

And my goodness, Ryker can cook. The sandwich was amazing; I wanted to eat the whole thing, but I didn't want him to think I was a slob.

I watched him finish his food with a smile on my face.

"What?" He asked.

I shake my head. "Nothing."

"No," he tosses everything back into the basket and looks at me as he leans back on his palms. "You got that look in your eye. I know somethings in that pretty head of yours."

I smile lightly. "It's nothing."

Ryker leans up and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers together.

"It's never just nothing with you, Maddison."

"You just," I sigh. "You surprised me. You continue to surprise me. You remember these small things about me that nobody else has and it just..." I shake my head, at a loss for words. "Thank you."

Ryker carefully grips my waist and brings me to his lap, my knees around his waist, causing me to straddle him. My breath was caught in my throat as he just stared at me, with a deep intensity.

He lifted his hand and tugged at the band in my hair, letting it all fall down around me.

"I already told you I want to see you, Maddison. I want to know every part of you." His fingers trail down my jaw to my neck. "I'll take every part I can get."

My breathing picks up as he presses his forehead against mine.

"Let me."

My breath comes out almost choked as I smile and press my hands on his neck. I nod before pressing my lips against his eagerly.

He responded instantly, his lips pressing against mine in the most heavenly way. His lip ring pressed coolly against the skin just below my lip, making me shiver. I never thought I'd feel this way for him, for Ryker freaking Brooks.

But he makes me want more; makes me want to explore more, open myself in ways I never have before and show him the real me, but only him.

He dug his nails into my hips, making that feeling spread through my body to the pit of my stomach as he slips his tongue into my mouth. He takes my bottom lip between his teeth and tugs, making me whimper. The deepest, hottest noise that sounded like a growl came from his throat as he looked at me with hooded eyes.

I chuckle and lick my lips. "Ryker." I warn.

"I know," he groans and rests his head on the crook of my neck.

I smile. I move from his lap and lay down on the blanket, watching the stars. Ryker laid beside me, wrapping his arms around me and bringing me close to his body.

And maybe because of the lack of sleep, or the hectic workday I had today, or just the way his warm body felt against mine, but before I knew it, I had drifted off into an actual peaceful slumber.


Raddison 🥺❤️

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