echostars destiney

are ya ready folks
heres my first ever warriors book

EchoStar's Destiney.

It was a cold and dark leafbare night in venusclan. IvyStar was asleep in her den and the deputy,EchoDust,was asleep with the warriors. All any cat could hear was the slow snoring of sleeping cats. But a shrill cry broke the silence. All of the clan except elders and kits ran into the clearing of the camp. And all at once, the forest erupted in flames. But then every thing went dark.

Chapter One:leaders question
EchoDust jumped awake in the warriors den. It has been just a dream. She was laying down when a  sound made her jump. But it was just her freind, PetalHeart. "What's wrong EchoDust?" She asked. "Nothing, just a dream" EchoDust mewed back. A few moments later EchoDust was asleep again. No more dreams disturbed her. She woke to find her freind, LeopardHeart, nudging her awake.
When she came out of the den, she was greeted by the leader, IvyStar.
IvyStar soon mewed "please come to my den,now if possible". Then she walked away to her den. EchoDust followed. When they both sat down inside, EchoDust asked what her leader needed to tell her. When her leader spoke, her words wore full of discomfort. "Our clan is in great danger, EchoDust. I don't know what though. I need you to talk to SnowyLeaf for me." "Ok, IvyStar" EchoDust mewed back.

Chapter Two: The Med Cat
When EchoDust reached the med cat den, she called out snowyleaf's name several times before entering. When she came in she saw SweetPelt laying on the floor with SnowyLeaf over her giving her herbs. As SnowyLeaf saw EchoDust, she walked towards her. When SnowyLeaf asked what she could do for EchoDust, the first thing EchoDust said was to ask if SweetPelt was ok. When SnowyLeaf said yes, EchoDust told her the real news. "IvyStar would like to see you immediately" she mewed. "Oh, ok I will ask my apprentice to watch SweetPelt for me" SnowyLeaf answered. When snowyleaf's apprentice, LeafPaw, came into the medicine cat den, SnowyLeaf told her what to do then left. EchoDust left as well. Her brother, TreeFang, was waiting. "Who shall come with you on the morning patrol?" He asked her. "LostEar, WhitePaw, and GrayFur. You shall lead" EchoDust mewed back. When TreeFang nodded and turned away, SnowyLeaf walked up to EchoDust and told her that IvyStar needed to ask her something about hawkkit.

Chapter Three: The Apprentice
When IvyStar and EchoDust sat together in the leaders den under the highrock, IvyStar mewed "I believe hawkkit is ready to be an apprentice, I think you would be a good mentor for her". EchoDust said yes, and she left. That night when it was time for sharing-tongues, IvyStar jumped on the highrock and called a clan meeting. "Hawkkit has reached the age to become a apprentice" she mewed when all the cats had gathered. "Her mentor shall be EchoDust". "Until she has earned her warrior name, she shall be known as HawkPaw" she mewed. All of the clan yowled "HawkPaw,HawkPaw,HawkPaw!!". When the clan quieted, IvyStar dismissed the meeting.

Chapter Four:The Patrol
The next morning EchoDust told who shall go on the morning patrol.
"TreeFang, LostEar, and HawkPaw. I will lead" she told the cats she had chosen. When they set out, they went straight for the river by the aquaclan border. When they got there, the AquaClan scent was strangely stale. But a new patrol came through the bushes on the other side of the river. They glared at EchoDust, then moved on. The VenusClan patrol kept going till they reached meeting-place(four trees). But a strange scent was on the NightClan border. It seemed to cross the border then head toward the thicker part of the forest in VenusClan territory. But it wasn't NightClan scent. EchoDust brought TreeFang and he rest of the patrol to follow the scent. When they reached the lake where the forest grew thicker, the scent grew strong. When they got to the lake the scent trailed around the lake into a clearing on the other side. When the patrol reached the clearing, the scent grew over-powering. The smell was foul and the patrol almost turned back, but EchoDust wouldn't let them. But she grew scared as the bushes on the side of the clearing shook. All of the sudden a badger jumped out and landed on LostEar.

Chapter Five:Attack
When it landed, HawkPaw fled.  But LostEar couldn't move. It was a large badger and it was heavy. TreeFang tried to pull it off but it clawed him on the cheek and eye and he lay bleeding in the dust. Even though all of EchoDust's instincts told her to flee, she couldn't. Her friend could be torn apart and her brother could die! All she could do was attack. She jumped and landed on the badger and bit it. But LostEar could not fight back. Her ear that had been torn to shreds by dogs a few moons before was bleeding, and it was making her lose energy. EchoDust pulled the badger off of LostEar, but it landed on her. Just then, 3 warriors leaped into the clearing. HawkPaw had got help! EchoDust could tell that BlackFur, ThornClaw, and Mistytail had come to help. In a few moments the badger had been torn off EchoDust and ThornClaw was helping her up. In a few minutes the badger was fleeing from all the cats attacking it. When the badger had been chased off, EchoDust rushed to TreeFang's side. HawkPaw joined her. BlackFur too. The other warriors were checking LostEar.

Chapter Six:Bad News(short, I know)
When the warriors got back to camp carrying LostEar and TreeFang. All of the clan soon gathered to find out what happened. The news spread through the camp like an open flame. SnowyLeaf soon came running from her den to see what happened. When she saw what happened she ordered them to bring both injured cats to her den, the others as well.

Chapter Eight:IceClaw
When they reached the med cat den, they layed TreeFang and LostEar on the floor and sat down. IceClaw came in to check on LostEar, his mate. They did not have kits, but we're planing to. When he came in, he ran to LostEar's side, ignoring TreeFang and the other warriors. "LostEar!!" He mewed startled. He was freaking out when SnowyLeaf mewed "keep your tail on, she's ok". "But her ear!! It's bleeding again!" He continued."hush, she needs her rest, they all do" SnowyLeaf answered as if this had happened every day."but.." IceClaw mewed "hush! Now calm down before all of the forest wakes up!" SnowyLeaf mewed back. When IceClaw left, SnowyLeaf tended to all of the warrior's wounds with her apprentice, LeafPaw.

Chapter Nine:New Kits
*A Few Moons Later*
EchoDust had just returned from a hunting patrol and was getting food when FoxHeart and WillowStripe, her sisters, ran up to her. They told her that LostEar was having kits! EchoDust ran to the nursery only moments before the first kit was born. *later cause I can't do dat*
"What will you name them?" IceClaw asked his mate. "FireKit and.. You name the second one dear" LostEar answered. "Umm.. Ok.." IceClaw mewed back. "How about.. OwlKit" he answered after a few moments. "Those are pretty names" EchoDust mewed as she walked into the nursery. "Thank you" LostEar answered. But IvyStar called EchoDust so she said bye and left.
After speaking with IvyStar about who to take on the night patrol, EchoDust went the warrior's den to sleep before the night patrol.
But she was disturbed by a kit jumping on her. When she woke, she found OakKit and SnowKit on her and RavenKit biting her tail. "Go to your mothers" EchoDust mewed sleepily. "Why!" SnowKit mewed after getting off and biting EchoDust's ear a few times. "Because I'm the deputy and I need sleep!" EchoDust mewed tired after shaking OakKit off. "Fine. Come on, let's go" SnowKit mewed after biting EchoDust one more time. After the kits had gone, PetalHeart woke up and left the den to hunt. EchoDust realized it was time for the night patrol. "SwiftTail go get FoxHeart and YellowStripe"

Chapter Ten:Sister!
When the dawn patrol set out, they went towards the small road that the clan called the "LoudPath". When they got their, a monster ran past them. But, I was faster than most times. It was strange. When EchoDust stepped closer, a huge monster with a long body rushed past and made EchoDust jump.
But, after the patrol left, someone stayed behind to hunt. FoxHeart. But she was curious, and a new warrior. She went near the LoudPath, and stepped on it. A vole dashed across and FoxHeart followed it. But when she was only halfway across, a monster came. "Ahhhhh!!!! Help...!!" She screamed, but the monster was to fast. In a few moments it hit her like a blinding wind. Pain rushed through her tail and back leg where it had hit her. The patrol was only about 15 fox lengths from the LoudPath when EchoDust heard her sisters yowl of pain. The patrol ran through the bushes and trees as fast as a hawk. When they reached the LoudPath, a terrible seen lay in front of them.

Chapter Eleven: oh why
FoxHeart was in the middle of the LoudPath bleeding and yowling like she was about to die, which could happen any moment if another monster came. But the path was silent and the patrol could pull FoxHeart off the path in time for the next monster. When she was off, EchoDust sent YellowStripe to get the med cat, SnowyLeaf. In a few moments SnowyLeaf was charging through the woods with herbs in her mouth. She also had her apprentice.
After they came, most of the patrol left and went back to camp to tell the rest of the clan what's happened.

Chapter Twelve: Battle (part one)
*5 moons later*
"All cats old enough to catch there own prey gather beneath the highrock for a clan meeting" IvyStar mewed as she jumped onto the huge rock above her den. When the clan had gathered below, she continued on speaking "you all know of the threat that HawkStar, the AmberClan leader, set opon us last night at the gathering. She told us that if we don't give up our territory that they will make us" yowls of disagreement rose from the gathered cats. Even FuzzyEar who normally didn't care. When the cats had quieted, IvyStar continued " we must be ready for a battle or ambush. Borders will be checked more frequently. No kits may leave the camp without a warrior or queen. Apprentices training will shorten" when she finished, the clan yowled disagreements about the apprentices training, but they also agreed. There were 5 patrols instead of 3. And no kits left camp as IvyStar told them.

Chapter Thirteen: battle(part two)
*one moon later*
EchoDust woke to find the med cat waiting outside her den. When she came out, SnowyLeaf asked her "will you help me gather herbs this morning?". "Oh, sure SnowyLeaf" EchoDust answered. When they left camp, SnowyLeaf padded toward a part of the forest that was so thick, EchoDust could hardly fit in between the trees. But SnowyLeaf knew the way through it. When they got to a clearing, the smell of herbs was every where. SnowyLeaf went to one side and told EchoDust to get the herbs on the other side. When they had finished, they headed back to the camp. They stopped to get a few more herbs and at twoleg place to get catnip. When they got back to camp, they went back to what they needed to do. SnowyLeaf went to her den, and EchoDust went hunting. When she got back, she saw a mess of a camp. AmberClan had attacked.

Chapter Fourteen: battle(part three)
The clan, venusclan, was fighting as best it could, but they were low on food and not as strong as normal.
EchoDust ran into the camp an fought as many warriors as possible, but then she saw it. DazzleFlare, her mother. She was laying in the middle of camp, dead. An AmberClan warrior was over her, smiling. EchoDust knew that warrior. His name was PaleBlur. EchoDust jumped at him, all the fury of StarClan helping her. She landed hard on his shoulders, knocking him on the ground. She bit him and clawed him like he had just killed her family. But he was strong. He clawed her and bit her harder. But, she would not back down. She jumped away when he jumped towards her, making him land hard on the ground. She jumped and landed flat on his back. Then, she bit his neck. She did not let go until she tasted blood. He lay on the ground, dead. EchoDust ran toward another warrior, only to realize who it was. It was HawkStar, the leader. She was clawing WillowStripe badly. EchoDust jumped at her. She knocked HawkStar down and bit her and clawed her harder than ever. Soon, the two cats were fighting tooth and claw in the middle of the clearing. The AmberClan deputy screeched "HawkStar!!! No!!! Your on your last life!!!!" EchoDust all the sudden grew stronger, as if StarClan wanted HawkStar to die like this. But, HawkStar bit EchoDust's neck and did not let go. But another warrior, a Venusclan one, landed on HawkStar and torn her off. It was MintStripe. HawkStar clawed MintStripe off, and jumped at EchoDust. But, EchoDust moved aside. HawkStar landed on the ground, digging her claws into it. EchoDust landed on her, biting her neck. HawkStar lay there, bleeding and losing energy. When EchoDust tasted the foul tast of blood, her grip tightened. Then, HawkStar went limp. She was dead, forever.

Chapter Fifteen: Meet AmberKit
The battle was over. AmberClan had lost its leader. All of the AmberClan cats left, dragging there dead leader. They glared and hissed at EchoDust.
*a few moons later*
EchoDust woke up to find AmberKit nuzzling her. Amberkit's mother had died in the battle with AmberClan and she had looked like EchoDust. EchoDust took care of her now. She normally slept with MoonTail's kits but she had come in to the warriors den at night. She was only about 3 moons old. EchoDust's old apprentice, HawkPaw, had been made a warrior. Her name was hawk flight. AmberKit was EchoDust's kit now. Her mothers name had been AshPelt. They were loners before EchoDust had found them in the forest looking for food. AshPelt was sleeping in the nursery when AmberClan attacked. She had been killed by a she-cat AmberClan warrior named PebbleFlight. AmberClan had lost its leader, and all the clans hoped that lightningStar would not be as blood-thirsty. But, no cat could tell if he was or wasn't. He had gone to the moonstone only a moon ago. He kept his clan well, but they still disliked VenusClan. All that VenusClan hoped was that AmberClan would not attack again. For IvyStar was on her last 3 lives. She had lost 2 in the battle and only had 3 left.

Chapter Sixteen:IvyStar's Goodbye
*one moon later*
EchoDust heard yowls of pain and fear rise from the camp entrance. They were from IvyStar. EchoDust ran toward the yowls and then she saw what was wrong. An adder had bit her side. EchoDust yowled for her sisters, but only her brother came. Her sisters were out hunting. "IvyStar!" He yowled as he saw the snake. "Get SnowyLeaf!! Now!!!" EchoDust yowled. As TreeFang ran off, more cats came into the clearing. All were screeching and yowling. When SnowyLeaf came, she ordered all cats away besides TreeFang and EchoDust. Once the cats left, SnowyLeaf gave IvyStar herbs and other kinds of twigs and leafs. But IvyStar's breathing only slowed. Until, it stopped. Forever.

Chapter Seventeen: no IvyStar
"I'm sorry, I couldn't save her" SnowyLeaf mewed dropping the herbs in her mouth. "No.." EchoDust mewed as she started to cry. A few tears slid down her cheek before she fell next to her dead leader. "Oh..StarClan why? She had 3 live left!" EchoDust yowled in grief and confusion. "I don't know why.. Oh.. I'm so sorry I couldn't save her!!" SnowyLeaf yowled as she grieved for the leader. "Kill that stupid snake!" TreeFang yowled before he killed the adder. All 3 cats sit there, they could not do anything about this. But then, EchoDust realized something. She was leader. She sat up, and all of the clan slowly crept into the clearing. But when they saw what had happened, they all yowled in pain and sadness.

Chapter Eighteen: moonstone(part 1)
Later that night, EchoDust walked to the med cat den for traveling herbs. "Who should I take with me?" She asked SnowyLeaf. "How about WillowStripe??" She answered as she looked over the herbs. "She's watching camp though" EchoDust pointed out. "Oh, yeah" SnowyLeaf sighed. "Hmm... I know! AmberKit!" EchoDust mewed. "What! She only 5 moons!" SnowyLeaf mewed in protest. "Yes.. I shall also bring a warrior" EchoDust answered. "Do you think I should bring TreeFang, or FoxHeart?" EchoDust asked. "TreeFang should be good. FoxHeart too. TreeFang has excellent hearing and FoxHeart is strong, maybe both" SnowyLeaf answered. "Yeah, your right. Thanks" EchoDust mewed as she padded out with the herbs. As she gathered the cats she had chosen, she headed toward highstones.

Chapter Nineteen:Moonstone(part two)
As they approached AquaClan territory, EchoDust stopped to check that no patrols were coming. None were so they continued until they reached a river in between AquaClan and AmberClan. They crossed safety, but EchoDust kept checking that no AmberClan cats were around. Until, she scented someone. It was PebbleFlight, the deputy. There was also another two scents. She knew who. FawnLeap and BlackTail. Both strong warriors. EchoDust waited until they passed, but instead they came toward the small group of VenusClan cats.
"Who do we have here? A couple of VenusClan warriors? And a kit? What are you doing so far from home little kitties??" BlackTail taunted as that approached. Then, EchoDust smelled another cat, lightningStar. "Wy, hello EchoDust, TreeFang, FoxHeart and AmberKit. What are you doing here?" He asked the group. "We're going to the moonstone. I'm the new leader" EchoDust mewed standing up. She towered over FawnLeap, she was a new warrior and was not good at fighting. "Oh, really??? Where's IvyStar gone then???" BlackTail added, padding up to lightningStar's side. PebbleFlight did too. "She was bit by an adder" TreeFang added to EchoDust, standing up. The rest of the VenusClan cats stood up as well. AmberKit huddled close to EchoDust. "Well.. Only one thing we can do.. Attack!!!" LightningStar yowled as he leaped at EchoDust.

Chapter Twenty: moonstone(part three)
"Agh!!! You piece of doxdung!" EchoDust yowled at the leader as he failed and landed next to her, skidding in the dust. When the rest of the AmberClan cats attacked, EchoDust left the leader and fought like she was about to die. When the leader leaped again, he struck her down. But, EchoDust was supposed to be at the moonstone, and StarClan was angry and fighting with VenusClan. But, PebbleFlight leaped at AmberKit, knocking the small kit on her side, her leg bleeding. When PebbleFlight turned around, EchoDust jumped and knocked her down. "Get off of me!!" PebbleFlight screeched. "No!" EchoDust answered, pining her down. "AmberClan, retreat!" LightningStar yowled. As the AmberClan patrol fled, the VenusClan warriors got up, and kept on going to the moonstone.  "Are we almost there? My paws hurt.." AmberKit complained as they reached a hill. "Yes, almost young one" EchoDust answered, smiling.
*a few minutes later*
"We're here" EchoDust mewed finally. When she went inside, she left TreeFang and FoxHeart to guard the entrance.
*a few moments later*
EchoDust and AmberKit had reached the moonstone. It glittered and glowed like a moon in the dim room. When EchoDust layed down beside it, AmberKit nuzzled her. When EchoDust touched the stone with her nose, she fell asleep. AmberKit did too.
When EchoDust woke up, she was at meeting place. But instead of all the clan warriors, there were StarClan warriors. 9 cats that had been special to her all gave her lives, and then a cat that's paws glittered like the moon padded up to her. It was IvyStar. "IvyStar!" EchoDust mewed. "Hush, I must give you your leader name" she answered calmly.
"I now tell this before all of the StarClan warriors ever. All of the StarClan cats. I now name this deputy, EchoDust, EchoStar. She shall watch my clan well, and I will watch her from the stars. We all will"
As the StarClan cats yowled her new name, EchoStar felt stronger than ever before. She had been refreshed, she was like a new cat now.
All of the sudden, a voice of all the StarClan cats combined spoke to her in her head. "Great danger is
Coming soon, EchoStar. It will bring death to all cats, unless you trust the cat that never looks to you. The cat that does not believe, to guid you through the darkness." Then, EchoStar woke up. She ran into the open world with AmberKit hard on her paws. When she ran into the open, TreeFang and FoxHeart ran after her at full speed. All 4  cats charged through the grass and heather. As they broke into the forest, EchoStar was soothed by the smell of home, but she could not stop the force that was making her get back to camp.

Chapter TwentyOne:A Great Danger
As she ran into camp, she stopped, panting. She had ran all the way from highstones to the camp. She couldn't walk nor move. She just kinda layed there. SnowyLeaf burst from her den with herbs and ran towards EchoStar. "EchoStar! What's wrong!" She yowled as she ran. The rest of the clan ran from there dens and ran the EchoStar. "Im.. Just tired" EchoStar mewed as she layed on the ground. "Follow me, I must speak with you in my den" SnowyLeaf mewed. As the two cats made there way to SnowyLeaf's den, the rest of the clan left. AmberKit, TreeFang, and FoxHeart all went to sleep. "Yes SnowyLeaf" EchoStar mewed as she lay in the med cat den. "Well, I can tell something is wrong with you" SnowyLeaf answered. "It's.. Just..." EchoStar mewed sputtering. "It was at the moonstone. It's a prophecy about someone" EchoStar mewed finally. "What about?" SnowyLeaf asked as she lay beside EchoStar. "It said that a great danger is coming, and all cats will die if I don't listen to a cat that dose not believe nor looks to me. Who do you think it means?" EchoStar told SnowyLeaf. "Really? I'm.. Not sure" SnowyLeaf mewed. "But I can't let every cat die! I need to know who- I know!" EchoStar mewed. "Who?" SnowyLeaf asked. "BlackFur" EchoStar answered. "What! He never listens to any cat! Except, me" SnowyLeaf mewed surprised. "You must help me, please SnowyLeaf" EchoStar pleaded. "Ok, I will" SnowyLeaf sighed. "Thank you" EchoStar mewed happily and thanking her.
When the two cats padded out into the open, they went to the warriors den. BlackFur was sleeping in the corner of the den. "BlackFur, get up. It's not midnight" SnowyLeaf mewed at him. "Go away I'm trying to sleep you mouse-brain!" He hissed at the cats. "Get up. Now"EchoStar told him. "Fine" he mewed, getting up. "Ugh. What do YOU want??" He mewed as he saw the leader. "I need your help" she mewed to him. "Why should I help?" BlackFur mewed, slightly hissing. "Hush or I will exile you!" EchoStar hissed at the warrior. "Ok, ok. Keep your tail on I'll help" he mewed, slowly backing away. "A great danger is coming and I need your help" she told him after explained what had happened at the moonstone. "Oh, ok EchoStar" he mewed. "Thank you" she mewed and left with both cats following. As that walked toward her den, MintStripe ran up to her. "Yes, MintStripe?" EchoStar asked. "SnowyLeaf, BlackFur wait at my den" EchoStar told the cats before turning to MintStripe. "I think my apprentice can be a warrior now, he's 9 moons" she mewed. "Oh, do you mean WhitePaw? Yes, I guess so. I shall hold his meeting at sun-down" EchoStar replied.

Chapter TwentyTwo:Kits Too Early
"All cats old enough to catch there own prey gather beneath the highrock for a clan meeting" EchoStar mewed. When the cats had gathered, WhitePaw sat next to EchoStar on the rock. "WhitePaw has come the age to be a warrior. His name shall be, WhiteFang" she mewed. All of the clan cheered the new warrior's name over and over again. When the clan left the highrock, EchoStar padded towards the med cat den. "Oh, hello EchoStar. What may I do for you?" SnowyLeaf welcomed EchoStar. "I.. Think I may be having kits soon" EchoStar mewed, smiling warmly. "What!! Your the leader!!!" SnowyLeaf mewed in protest, even though she couldn't change it. "I know, but nothing in the warrior code says a leader can't have kits" EchoStar mewed. "Your right, wait, who's the father?" SnowyLeaf asked. "ThornClaw" EchoStar answered. "Oh, really??" SnowyLeaf mewed. "I'd better check you out then, LeafPaw!" She mewed as she yelled LeafPaw's name. As the young apprentice ran into the den, she explained what was going on. "Oh, er, ok" LeafPaw mewed after.
*two moons later*
As EchoStar padded into SnowyLeaf's den, she saw the med cat's apprentice waiting there. "Where's SnowyLeaf?" EchoStar asked. "Oh, one moment" LeafPaw mewed as she padded into SnowyLeaf's den. As SnowyLeaf padded out, she asked "hello EchoStar. How are ya felling?". "Oh-afghan!!" She yowled in pain as she fell on her paws. "EchoStar!" SnowyLeaf yowled as she ran to her side. "Ahh.. The kits.. My kits are coming.." EchoStar mewed as she fell. "No! There not due for another two moons!" SnowyLeaf yowled. Then, ThornClaw ran into the den. "EchoStar my mate, what's wrong!" He yowled, worried. "Her kits are coming!" SnowyLeaf mewed back. Soon, her brother and sisters where there. But, EchoStar was shaking on the ground.
As the third kit was born, EchoStar. Relaxed. She was done with her kitting. But, when she looked at her kits, she was horrified.

Chapter TwentyThree: Goodbye My Kit
What she saw made her shake. As she stared, she saw it. She was dead. A pretty gray kit like her father, she was dead. "No... My kit.." EchoStar mewed as she cried. But, she liked the two remaining kits. One looked like a badger, and the other was a pretty gray and brown shecat. Both kits were beautiful. When she went o sleep that night, she named her kits. "BadgerKit, and TurtleKit" she announced as a few cats looked at her kits. When she slept, she dreamt of her kits running through the forest at top speed. And them chasing prey and fighting. Every battle they won. But, as they where running, a small, gray kit stood in the woods, chasing after them, crying. As EchoStar watched, she knew who the kit was. It had been the kit that died at birth. She was chasing after her siblings, hoping to join them. But, TurtleKit fell, and her brother and sister ran to her side. But turtleKit faded, along with the gray one. All that remain was BadgerKit. He kept running, running away from the place where his siblings had left him. Until, he reached a cat. It was EchoStar. The cat nuzzled her kit, before she ran away. He was left there, al alone. Then, she woke up. When she looked at her kits, she cried. A kit lay there, covered by herbs. SnowyLeaf was sitting there, crying. "Huh? No! TurtleKit!" The young kit had died.

Chapter TwentyFour: BadgerKit
When she got up, she buried the small kit outside her den. Her sister too. Then, she ran to BadgerKit. When she reached the med cat den, she saw it. It was BadgerKit, he was sniffing the den. He had opened his eyes! "BadgerKit! My love!" EchoStar mewed as the kit stumbled toward her. "Momma!" The kit squeaked as he saw her. She nuzzled him, and they lay together. EchoStar didn't tell him he once had sisters, well, not yet.
*5 moons later*
"All clan gather beneath the highrock for a clan meeting!" EchoStar called as she lept onto the rock. "All of my clan, my kit, BadgerKit, has reached the age to become an apprentice. Until he has earned his warrior name, his name shall be badger paw" her mew rang around the clearing as the clan cheered on her son. "I shall be his mentor, I hope that he will be a fine warrior someday. Clan diss missed" she ended, bringing BadgerPaw with her as she lept off the rock. "I have a mission for you" EchoStar told her son. "I want you to fetch 3 birds for SnowyLeaf, me, and you" she continued. "Ok mom" he mewed as he ran through the camp entrance and into the open world. As he reached the lake, he climbed a tree in search for birds. But, the tree was old, and the branch was weak. He went on the branch, but, the river rushing underneath him made him worried. All of the sudden, the branch broke in two.

Chapter TwentyFive: rocks and stones
He fell, plummeting to the river below. But, instead of the freezing water, he hit a huge boulder flat on his hind legs. A terrible cracking sound rang in his ears, before he blacked out. He woke to find the spray from the river dampening his pelt. His hind legs felt like stone and they hurt like huge boulders were on them. He could scent other cats, but far away. He was tired, but he called for help a few times before collapsing on the rock again. When he woke, the cat scent was closer. "Help.. Please, help.." He wimpered as he stared into the brush. "Huh??" A voice sounded from the bushes as a tiny head popped out. It was WhitePaw. "WhitePaw..?? Get help.." BadgerPaw mewed, groggily. "What's wrong?? Just get- haa!!" The young apprentice squeaked as he saw the pool of blood around BadgerPaw's legs as it slowly flowed into the river, tainting it red. "Uh.. Wait here" WhitePaw mewed as he ran back into the brush. It was a few moments before another head appeared in the bush the cat padded up to the river and gasped as it saw BadgerPaw. It was MintStripe, she was patrolling with WhitePaw. Another cat padded to the river bank, gasping then leaping into the water. BadgerPaw didn't know this cat, it was AquaClan though. It was saving him. "Who..  Are you..?" BadgerPaw asked the cat. "I'm RiverPelt, the AquaClan med cat. I'm gonna help you, your friend told me that your hurt and they can't swim"
RiverPelt mewed as she put BadgerPaw on her back. As they reached camp, all cats gasped at the scene in front of them.

Chapter TwentySix: not a warrior any more
All cats were fleeing from camp. When they saw the camp, a single cat stood in the middle. His coat was musty and covered with ash. "Run!! Fire!!! It's FireAsh!!! He's burning the camp!!!" The cats yowl as they flee. The large Tom named FireAsh runs after the cats, as he needs them or something. RiverPelt and MintStripe bring BadgerPaw to SnowyLeaf. Once RiverPelt leaves, SnowyLeaf mews "what happened?". MintStripejh answered "He fell out if a tree and something happened to his le-" "who was that?" BadgerPaw mewed as he woke from sleeping. "Oh, that was a power cat, his name is FireAsh. He controls fire. Now, let me see your legs.." SnowyLeaf  explained.
*a few minutes later*
As the clan came back to camp, EchoStar dashed towards SnowyLeaf's den to find her son.
"BadgerPaw!! What happened!!" EchoStar mewed as she came into the den. "He fell out of a tree near the river and hit a rock.. He shattered his hind legs. I'm afraid he can't be a warrior now" SnowyLeaf mewed. "What! No! He has to!" EchoStar mewed as she cried. "I'm sorry.. He can't move his hind legs, he can't hunt, patrol, and he defiantly can't fight" SnowyLeaf mewed as she stroked EchoStar's back with her tail. "Ok.. But what will he do in the clan then?" EchoStar asked. "He will become a med cat with LeafPaw and me.. We could use an extra paw" SnowyLeaf answered. "Ok that's fine... I will come back soon to check on you..." EchoStar mewed as she padded out of the den. "I can't be a warrior?" BadgerPaw asked when she had gone. "Yes.. I'm sorry but you can't even run now" SnowyLeaf mewed. "Ok..." BadgerPaw mewed as he fell asleep again.

Chapter TwentySeven: hello, stranger
*2 moons later*
BadgerPaw was out of the med cat den for the first time since he broke his hind legs, he was practicing how to move around. "Good morning, LostEar!" He called as LostEar came out of the nursery. "Good morning" she mewed back. "How are OwlKit and FireKit?" BadgerPaw asked as he went over by her. "Oh, they are fine. They are quite active, they said they want to be a med cat like you" LostEar answered. "Amazing!" BadgerPaw mewed as OwlKit and FireKit charged out if the nursery after SwiftKit. "You can't catch me!" SwiftKit called as he hid behind BadgerPaw. "Where did he go?" FireKit asked his mother. BadgerPaw moved said to show SwiftKit, and OwlKit and FireKit pounced on him. "Hey!" SwiftKit mewed as FireKit bit his tail. "SwiftKit!" SweetPelt mewed as she called for her son. "Coming mother!" SwiftKit mewed as he ran towards SweetPelt. "Neat legs!" FireKit mewed as he batted BadgerPaw's hind legs. "Please stop that" BadgerPaw mewed as he batted FireKit away. "What happened to them?" OwlKit asked. "Yeah!" FireKit mewed as he went to stand beside his sister. As BadgerPaw told them what happened, EchoStar called a clan meeting. "Come my kits" LostEar mewed as she nudged her kits towards the highrock to sit next to IceClaw, there father. "Cats of VenusClan, LeafPaw has reached her age to become a full med cat" she mewed when the clan gathered below the rock. "Her med cat name shall be, LeafPelt" EchoStar mewed as the clan cheered for the apprentice. When she diss missed the meeting, BadgerPaw and LostEar went on talking about the kits, and the rest of the clan went on with the day. A few moments later, EchoStar padded out of her den. But then, a strange, new scent filled the camp, coming from the camp entrance. It smelled of twolegs, but also it smelled if herbs and a salty river. It was weird, most cats went into there dens, but BadgerPaw and EchoStar stayed. A  large black Tom emerged from into the camp, a small silver shecat followed him. They padded up to EchoStar. "I am RavenWing, and this is my mate, Miya. She will be kitting soon, I was hoping that we could shelter in your camp until we can leave" RavenWing mewed. "What clan are you from, and why do you smell if twolegs rubbish?" EchoStar mewed as she padded toward RavenWing. "We aren't from a clan. She was a kittypet, and I'm a loner. May we shelter here until my mate was kitted??" He asked her again as BadgerPaw padded away towards the med cat den. "Why should I? You don't even know how to live in a clan" EchoStar mewed, slightly hissing. "Please, only for a moon or two, please?" RavenWing asked as he padded toward his mate. For the first time EchoStar looked closely at the two cats, they were scared and beaten, and Miya's collar was shredded, and her belly was lard he with her kits. These cats were no threat, if anything, the clan was a threat to them. These two cats came to the clan for shelter and food, not for a fight. RavenWing had fresh scars on his ears and body. These cats wouldn't hurt anything unless they needed too, they would be excepted, even if the clan did not want it.

Chapter TwentyEight:Welcome To VenusClan
"You may stay, forever if you like" EchoStar mewed after a few moments. "Thank you, so much" the silver tabby cat mewed as she padded slowly towards EchoStar. "How old are you two?" EchoStar asked as she saw how small this cat was. "I'm 15 moons old. And RavenWing is 16 moons old" the silver tabby replied. "Oh, ok.. What's your name again?" EchoStar asked as she stepped back from the silver tabby. "My name is Miya" the cat replied as she padded back to her mate. "Follow me, RavenWing and Miya" EchoStar mewed as she padded towards the elders den. "FuzzyEar, PatchTail you have company" EchoStar mewed as she poked her head inside of the hollow log where the elders slept. "Huh? Oh, hello EchoStar. What company?"  PatchTail asked as she sat up from eating a vole. As FuzzyEar woke, he saw EchoStar and greeted her. "You two remember the cats from the camp entrance?" EchoStar asked "yes, we do. Why?" PatchTail replied. "They have been excepted into the clan, the black cat is named RavenWing and the silver tabby is Miya. Miya will be kitting soon, I was thinking that they could sleep in here with you two" EchoStar mewed as RavenWing and Miya padded into the log. "Ok. They may stay here, we could use some company" PatchTail mewed. "Thank StarClan. Well, I must go, make sure they are comfortable" EchoStar mewed as she left the den. Miya laid down, and RavenWing sat next to her.

Chapter TwentyNine:Miya's Kits
*two days later*
"Mew.." Miya complained as she lay in the elders den. "What's wrong, Miya?" PatchTail asked Miya as she sat next to her. "I can't sleep... My belly hurts..." Miya went on as PatchTail licked her neck fur to calm her. "Mrrow.." Miya mewed as she twitched in her nest. "Do you think your kits are coming?" PatchTail asked. "I could get LeafPelt or SnowyLeaf for you if you'd like" PatchTail added. "No.. I need to use the dirt-place.." Miya mewed as she got up to leave. "Ok.. Don't take long" PatchTail mewed as she layed back down.
*a few minutes later*
As Miya returned, she still felt strange. "Oww.." She mewed as she laid down. "PatchTail.. I'm gonna get some fresh-kill.. You want any?" Miya asked as she got up. "No thanks" mewed PatchTail, half asleep. As Miya padded out into camp, she fell to the ground.

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