🇷🇺Oneshot: A Ghost Like Me (Pt. 2)🇺🇸
A/N: Together Forever Part 2. I'm really glad this had majority. Lol, I voted for it cause I knew the next part was gonna be my favorite part!
Well, except the gore from last time.
I had WAY too much fun writing that.
So no voting this time, next I'm going to do the AN0na family crack, and then GerPol Crash and Burn, and then we'll see.
Um. This might be cringe cause there is A LOT of fluff. Like. A. LOT. And information about the ghost AU here. Yeh. Anyways...
3rd person's POV
Russia shouted, overjoyed that his plan had worked. He leapt up and gave the dead country a big hug, tears of happiness now streaming down his cheeks.
America grunted in pain. "Ow...Wait...Why does this still hurt so much? Aren't I, like, dead?"
Russia immediately jolted upright, an elated grin still plastered onto his features. "Ah! Right! I'll explain."
America raised an eyebrow, and Russia continued. "So basically, the 'energy'I 'eat' is ectoplasm. You know, gooey haunted stuff like that? Yeah. So, it's spawned by haunted events, like a murder, or even just scuttling around the house being creepy. Graveyards are good sources, so are dark corners. Ooh!! And mirrors! And dark hallways and dungeons and-"
America cut off Russia's tirade with a weak flop of his ghostly arm. "A-and? What d-does this h-have a-anything to d-do with why it s-still f-feels like y-you just stabbed m-me?" America tilted his head quizzingly. "And also, c-can w-we talk about wh-why I'm so dang TIRED right now??"
Russia was not perturbed by this. "I was getting to that part, silly! Anyway, When someone first becomes a ghost, they don't start out with a lot of ectoplasm. They will be as weak as a new born baby. BUT!" Russia added in response to America's miserable expression. "Absorbing some will make you stronger! Right now, you are pretty much a crawling ghost. You can't be seen by others unless they are dead, and pretty much the most 'haunting' you can do is scratching windows or floors."
Russia thought for a second. "Or ringing on doorbells and crawling away. That's pretty fun, I'm not going to lie..."
America groaned and slumped down on the floor. "Aaaauuugh. S-sounds like so m-much work..."
He started in surprise when Russia scooped him up with a grin. "And that's why I'm the one who is going to be doing it all!! And don't worry, the pain will fade away soon."
America started to smile, but it dropped when realization struck him suddenly. "HOLY CRAP!!!" He yelled, trying to squirm out of the Russians grasp. "YOU FRICKING KILLED ME!!!! WHY DO YOU STILL THINK WE CAN BE FRIENDS?!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?"
Russia didn't seem to notice the wriggling country screaming profanities at him, and his enthusiastic grin never faltered. He slung the furious American over his shoulder, and walked towards the locked library door, picking up the blackened, old fashioned key and twisting it sharply in the lock.
America pounded his fists against Russia's broad backside. "PUT. ME. DOWN. THIS. INSTANT!!!! YOU JEeeEEerrRrrRrK!!!" His voice wavered and cracked on that last word as Russia 'accidentally' bounced him roughly. America sighed and slumped over, resigned to simply watch the darkened halls as they passed by.
He scrunched up his face. This place looked waaaay different now that he was...dead. It was much easier to see into the darkened spots of the hall, and there was a cool misty gray-blue trail coming from Russia's path. America raised a hand curiously to see if he had one too.
Yep. It was a lot fainter than Russia's, probably because he was a 'younger' ghost and didn't have as much energy or whatever.
Russia turned a corner and America gasped.
Little blueish flames danced on the tips of torches that were spaced evenly throughout this section of the hall. They cast dancing shadows on the walls that looked oddly like humanistic creatures.
Hold on.
Did one just wink at him???
One shadow had a gap where it looked like an eye would be. The eye had disappeared shortly, and soon after a thin slice of light formed under, modeling a creepy grin.
Russia happened to notice the...flirty shadow, and stepped closer to the wall with a menacing growl, cool white trails of fire leaking from his eyes.
The shadow person thing left rather quickly.
America squirmed again, this time to get into a more comfortable position to speak to his...murderer. "Hey uh, Russ? I still hate you but...what was that thing?"
Russia's grin stretched wider. "That would be one of the Shadow People. We call them Shades around here though. They are one of the many creatures that haunt this place. I can't wait to introduce you to everyone! We are going to have so much fun together America!!!"
As he said this, he stopped by a door, opening it with an eerie squeak that resonated through the halls. Inside was a dark bedroom, shadows lurking in every corner possible. The room's only source of light emanated from a candelabra with the bluey white ghost flames again, the candelabra being positioned in the center of an old wooden bedside table. Hung on the walls were several pictures of America and Russia hanging out and having fun together.
Pictures that America never recalled taking...
The bed board was carved, intricate and ornate wood spirals and patterns decorating it. A bronze, burnished chandelier hung on the ceiling.
The bed itself had large squishy pillows, and a huge fluffy comforter blanket that made the bed seem like a giant marshmallow.
On top of the fluffy comforter were two stuffed animals, a little stuffed cat and a bear, slumped against each other.
(Image not mine, replace bedding and replace creepy doll thing with Mira and Russell and that's what it would look like)
America squealed when he saw the stuffies, forgetting the creepy pictures. Russia gave a low chuckle and plopped the American down onto the fluffy bed. America tried to sit up quickly and grab the stuffies, but he over-balanced and face-planted into the sea of blankets, making Russia laugh heartily at his antics.
America lifted his head to glare at Russia. "Shut up and give me the stuffies. Um. And..." He seemed to be a little embarrassed. "Could you...maybe...tuckmeinpleaseI'mwaytootiredthanksIstillhateyouthough."
Russia was happy to oblige, picking up the tired ghost and laying him in bed, propped up on the large fluffy pillows. He lifted the large comforter and plopped it on top of America's head, who slowly peeked out.
Russia's face glowed a bright blue blush. Why does he look so cute help.
He hid it by turning to get the stuffies, handing them to America without turning his face. America snatched them and held the two stuffies to his chest, cuddling them and snuggling into the pillow more with a tired yawn.
Russia, now more composed, turned back and booped Ame's nose, to which the newly made ghost wrinkled up in response. "I'll be right back!"
A Shade glided into the room, making hushed guttural whispering sounds. Russia perked up immediately, using a bit of energy to translate.
His face soured. "...Crap. America, I really got to go. Just holler if any creatures disturb your beauty sleep!!!" Russia yelled out as he quickly fled the room.
"IT'S JUST A NAP AAaaaand he's gone. Whatever." America sighed, turning and snuggling further into his little pocket of warmth.
With Russia...
Russia glided through the halls, following the Shade that had warned him of the situation. Being the strongest ghost in the mansion, the other ghosts were required to respect his wishes and leave him for the most part alone.
If they refused to do so, this was seen as a challenge to his authority, and the faulty ghost would have no choice but to either submit or fight back.
Russia had specifically told each and every ghost in the mansion to leave he and America alone, and not to go anywhere near the library, even after he finished his 'work'.
A murder with so much drama and such would be the ideal breeding ground for ectoplasmic energy, and new ghosts need as much energy as they can get. Usually this works out because a new ghost would simply stay by the area and absorb the energy as it formed. Sometimes older and more powerful ghosts would bully the newer ones out of the energy, and the newer ghosts would fade.
Of course, Russia could've just kept America there, and not have taken him away, but he wanted the new ghost to like and trust him.
Despite the fact that Russia was the one who killed him in the first place.
The Shade slowed down and stopped at the library door, squeaking and pointing furiously.
Russia growled and phased through the door, entering the room.
Whitish wispy orbs with hints of color bobbed and floated around the pool of blood. Some were small, and just beginning to form while others were fat and ripe, ready to be collected and absorbed. Three faces immediately snapped towards him from, their collecting halted as shock and fear appeared upon their ghostly features.
Chubby, Slim, and Anklebiter.
Ok. Well. That wasn't their actual names, but it was easier to remember.
Chubby was squat and stout, bearing true to his name with his large, round belly. He had big, rosy cheeks and a mischievous expression usually apparent on his face.
Slim was tall, not as tall as Russia himself, but the closest he's ever seen anyone come. Along with being tall, he was thin and stickly looking, as if someone had stretched him out. He had a small pointy nose and squinty eyes that strongly resembled a rodent of some sort.
Anklebiter was short, around the height of a 10 year old. But what he lacked in height he made up in ferocity. Anklebiter was the leader of the three, and one of the scrappiest ghosts Russia had met at the house, always throwing hands and looking for a fight. His eyes always glittered darkly with hatred whenever Russia came into view, and he had on more than one occasion challenged the Slav to a fight.
Anklebiter was the first to compose himself. He stood up straight and sneered at Russia. "An' to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing head honcho's hisself?"
Russia clenched his hands, struggling to keep his temper in check despite the provocative manner of the other. "I think you know very well why I'm here 'Ank. Stop taking what belongs to me."
Anklebiter shared an amused look with his posse. "Why don'tcha make me lover boy~??" He said nastily, leaning in with a disgusted scowl.
That was the last straw.
Russia closed his eyes, to which the trio shared a victorious look. It was obvious that he was going to surrender.
Slim bent down to grab an orb of the ectoplasm.
His hand never even grazed the surface.
A smoke-like beam of white energy streaked from Russia's palm, connecting with the tall ghost's chest and sending him hurtling backwards into a dusty pile of books with a thunderous crash.
Chubby barely had time to process what had happened to his friend when a ice-cold disembodied fist came out of nowhere and slammed into his nose, making him reel backwards and fall down hard on his rear, ectoplasmic blood flowing out of his nose.
Anklebiter turned to run, hoping against hope to be somehow forgotten in the chaos.
But in his panic, he failed to notice a shadowy leg peel off of the wall and solidify directly in his path, resulting in him tripping and sprawling across the old worn floor.
Anklebiter groaned and rubbed his head, slowly getting to his feet.
An abrupt and heavy force on his back denied his attempt, a foot connected to a very powerful, and very mad Russia.
Anklebiter whimpered as the pressure on his back increased.
Russia looked in contempt at the piteous figure literally underfoot. He rolled his eyes and flicked the stump of his wrist, calling the disembodied hand back into it's original location where it snapped and sealed back on in a flash of blue light.
Russia leaned down to the short ghost's ear.
"Next time I give an order, you will follow it to the letter , do you hear me?"
Anklebiter gave a shaky nod.
"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you..."
Anklebiter gulped nervously. "I s-said y-y-yes!!"
Anklebiter gasped when the heel of the Russian dug down deeper, twisting painfully.
"Yes who?"
"Y-y-yes sir!!"
The pressure abated, and Anklebiter gasped desperately for air.
"Good! Now get your whining, cringing, pathetic butt out of my sight before I change my mind. I'm sick of hearing you mock me to my face. If I ever catch you disobeying or disrespecting America and I again then I will not hesitate to throw you and your 'friends' out on the street to fend for yourselves."
Anklebiter scrambled to his feet and raced out of the library after the rest of his gang like his life depended on it, which it probably did.
Russia chuckled at his hasty departer, and turned to the Shade. "Thank you Umbra. He would've gotten away if you hadn't stepped in like that."
Umbra grinned and gave a shadowy salute.
Russia returned to the pool of crimson blood that was slowly seeping into the carpet. It would cause a lovely bloodstain that would spawn more ectoplasm for years to come.
His fingers pinched lightly at one of the orbs, the plumper one of the bunch. The sensation was akin to squeezing a bruised and beaten plum, but in this case, it wouldn't be considered ruined. The white 'skin' of the orb was smooth and cool to the touch, stretching slightly as the orb was pinched, the lick of amber inside the orb pulsating gently.
Deeming it 'ripe', Russia lifted the orb gently, giving it to Umbra, who eyed it greedily.
"Don't you dare."
" >:( "
With America...
"Amerrrrrricaaaaa...wake up...!"
America's eyes jerked open, glaring at the impatient Russian. His face brightened for a split second before he soured, remembering what had happened.
"Go'way..." He muttered, stuffing his face back into the pillow.
"I brought you someth-"
"I don't care. Go away!!"
"You'll fade if you don't eat something!!!"
Russia sat back from his seat next to the bed, an expression of hurt on his face. It was swiftly replaced by determination, and his hand shot forwards, cramming a purple-hued orb into the angry Americans mouth, just as he was about to yell again.
America sputtered and gagged around the orb that had suddenly been half-shived down his throat. He was about to spit it out when Russia forcefully shut his mouth, reopening and closing it in an attempt to make America eat it.
America slapped Russia's hands away, preferring to eat his food by himself rather be forced to.
Also the sphere was good.
Really good.
It tasted fruity and sweet, the cool purple juices seeming to melt on his tongue like sorbet. The outer whitish 'skin' of the orb provided a satisfying crunch.
It was the best thing America had ever tasted.
When it was gone, America felt much better, stronger, and more full of energy than he had prior to eating. This time when Russia offered a red-hued orb, America accepted it reluctantly.
"The purple ones are good, right?" Said Russia in a slightly awkward attempt to start up a conversation.
"Mmyea..." America replied around his mouthful of ectorb, which he later learned was what they were officially called.
An awkward silence spanned between the two, neither of them even looking at the other. It was only broken by America reaching for more ectorbs.
"I'm sorry!!!!!"
America choked on his ectorb. "What???"
Russia looked at the ground, fiddling with his fingers nervously. "I-I'm sorry. I really am. I just..."
"I didn't want to lose you."
America started at the embarrassed Russian, his meal forgotten.
"I've had abandonment issues ever since my friends left me for dead. I mean, I get why they did it, but it still hurt me. I was really lonely around here. There was no one I wanted to talk to, no one who could understand me. It was a dark time."
"And then you came crashing into my world. Literally."
"Suddenly I had a friend to talk to. Someone who wasn't scared of me, or constantly trying to usurp me. Someone I could play with, have fun with, bond with. Someone who made my world better."
"But I realized that if you graduated, you'd leave me."
America opened his mouth to protest, but Russia put a finger against his lips, shushing him. America complied and let him continue.
"You may say you wouldn't, but you would have to. You'd leave for college, and if you didn't, you'd just leave. You've told me about your family situation before, you wouldn't want to stay around their toxicity any longer than you'd have to. Even if you somehow stayed in this town for the rest of your life, you'd grow old, and I'd still be young in this STUPID IMMORTAL BODY!!!" Russia yelled the last part, his voice cracking and his eyes filling with ghostly tears.
"No matter what you'd do, I'd lose you."
"Unless I made you like me."
"A ghost."
"I had to lie to you, I had to make you feel betrayed. You wouldn't have had enough emotional tie to become a ghost if I hadn't! I know I'm being selfish, I know it's unfair for me to force you to be with me forever, but I...I......I-" Russia cracked, breaking into tears.
America saddened to see Russia in this state. He crawled over to the sobbing male and started to rub his back soothingly. "Hey, don't cry! If you had asked me if I wanted to be a ghost..."
Russia perked up.
"...I would've said yes."
Russia beamed, and threw his arms around the new ghost in excitement and happiness. "I'm so happy you're dead!!!"
America chuckled and hugged back. "That sounds strange out of context..."
The two reconciliated 'friends' hugged it out in the room, Umbra watching and chowing down on some spare ectorbs like popcorn.
Russia yawned, catching the attention of America. "Hey dude, you alright? You look pretty tired."
Russia yawned again into his hand. "Y-yeah...I had to fight some jerks for the orbs, and I used a lot of energy...I could use a nap..."
"Well, since you woke me up from my nap, I'd say you owe me some cuddles!" America said bossily.
"Mmmkayyy..." Russia said sleepily, climbing into the squishy nest of blankets and pillows and continuing to hug America, resting his chin on the other's head.
His eyes closed, but fluttered open in confusion when something soft and squishy bopped into his nose.
"Why did you shove Mira into my face...?"
The American giggled. "She wants cuddles too!! You can have Mira and I'll have the bear...Russell!"
And so the two tired ghosts rested, cuddling the stuffed animals and each other while Umbra fanboyed heavily in the background.
"Yeah Ruskie?"
"I have something to tell you..."
"You're such a dork."
3266 words
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