One Way Ticket
1:00 am is what the radio was shining out. Been six hours on the road and already five hundred miles away from him. The car was almost on E. I found the nearest gas station and grabbed my wallet and headed inside.
It was a small convenient store so I decided to look around. I found cheap hair dye and grabbed a few bottles. Then a pair of scissors. I saw phones by the cash register. Cops called them burners and I knew they couldn't be traced and I needed it incase of emergencies.
I then grabbed a hot sandwich from the machine they held them in.
"Will this be all for you?" the gentleman asked without even looking in my direction.
"I need fifty on pump three." I say to him.
"That will be 103.37." he says. I handed him three fifties.
"Here's your change. 46.63." he responded and I took the money and went to pump gas in my car.
I filled the car up and headed back to the road I need to find a place to get a couple hours of sleep at least.
Down the road I see a bright shining light the said Border's motel. I decided here would be a good place.
I went in to get a room.
"How much for the night?" I ask the lady at the front desk.
"50 a night plus tax." She said seeming bored with her job.
Okay here is sixty. Keep the change." I said laying the money down as she then handed me a room key.
"Room 63. Enjoy your stay." She said now with a smile on her face.
I went back to the car grabbing the items I just purchased and went to my room.
I opened the door and the room smelled of alcohol and regret. I turned the light on ad at least it looked decent. I checked the mattress and there were no bugs or stains, thankfully. I went to the bathroom and got to work.
I stripped the clothes I was wearing so I didn't make a mess. I looked in the mirror at my long blonde locks knowing they would be no more. I took a deep breath as I grabbed the scissors and got to work.
Chopping away at my hair and styling it to where it did not look awful. I then followed the instructions on the box dye and covered my hair in it.
As I waited I decided to set up the burner phone. It only took about twenty minutes to get everything done and I headed into the shower. As the hot water hit my skin I looked to my stomach where there was once a child. No longer a child but left with my skin covered in bruises.
Blotches of dark purple, black, and blue covered my entire stomach. I just let the tears fall. My heart was broken and the small time of joy I felt was taken from me. How does one heal from that. I do not think I ever will be able to.
After washing everything out I dried my body and hair and headed to bed. I set my alarm for 5am to get at least a few hours of sleep before driving another five hundred miles.
I jumped awake hearing the alarm on the cell phone. My heart was racing. Hoping everything was all a bad nightmare but I was very wrong. I hurried and put the sweats from the hospital back on and rushed out to the car.
I took off heading farther west. I knew in just a few hours the hospital will have found the pillows in the bed are not really me and would have informed Cyrus. I had to keep driving with as few of stops as possible.
With Cyrus on the east coast I knew west was the only choice for me. New York has its flaws but it is beautiful, intriguing, and full of life. I needed to find a place where he would never be able to find me. Hopefully after time he would lose his interest and I would be free from his clutches.
I drove another hour and decided to top off the gas tank and grab food so I wouldn't have to stop for a while. Just in case someone reported me missing and my face ended up on the news or something.
I grabbed a sandwich from inside along with a few bottles of water and a couple red bulls to keep myself awake and alert. I also grabbed some candy and chips to make it through the day at least.
As I was paying for my items and gas I then seen my face on the television screen. Thankfully, the cashier was too busy to pay attention. I read the words coming across the screen since the volume was turned off.
'Arrow Newman was kidnapped from the hospital late last night. No visuals or clues on who the suspect could be. There has been a fifty-thousand-dollar reward for any information leading to her safe return.'
My heart dropped knowing that people in this world were greedy and if anyone caught wind of me they would turn me in. I hurried back to the car and sped off. Nothing was going to make me stop. The farther I drive the more miles I put in between me and him.
Sitting in the car was less painful then walking but when I find a place to stay and start over I will be able to rest my injuries. I need to hold off the tears and pain a little while longer.
I never expected my life to be the way it turned out to be. First my father was an abusive asshole. He beat my mother repeatedly. It was like he hated the mere sight of me. I have never known a fathers love. After my mother's death I was put in foster care. I swore to never be in that position again but here I am. Now I am on the run from another maniac.
I wish my mother was still here to help me through this. This moonstone is the only thing I have left from her. She gave it to me when I was a child. Told me it would protect me but I feel like right now it has failed to do what she promised.
I am so lost; I need a sign something to keep me sane to know I can make it through this nightmare. I turn on the radio hoping the music helps calm my nerves. Anything to ease the fear in the pit of my stomach. But I am strong I can do this.
Six hundred more miles down, now almost one in the afternoon. Now somewhere in Missouri. My mind was racking and honestly I need to ditch the car. It may take them a while to trace exactly which car I am in but I need to remain stealthy and hidden.
I found a small town where I found a back alley and decided to ditch the car. I grabbed the small trash bag with my wallet and left without looking back.
I walked around for a few minutes until I found a bus station. I did not realize they still had these. Well, need to keep going and I should be far enough away that I should be fine taking a bus.
I walked into the station where there were a few older people sitting in the chairs in what I believe is the waiting room. I headed to the front desk to figure out where to go.
"Hello ma'am, where are we going today?" An older lady asked with a smile smeared across her face.
"What is the next bus coming to the station?" I asked nicely.
"The next bus will be arriving in about fifteen minutes going to Denver Colorado ma'am." She told me and her face lost the smile.
I saw her eyes staring at the bruise on my neck from where Cyrus gripped my throat. I saw sadness cross her face but I had to ignore it.
"I will take a ticket for that one please." I tell her.
"That will be $121.97." She tells me and I hand her the exact change.
She then began printing off the ticket and handed it to me.
"Have a safe and wonderful trip. God bless." She says as I began to walk away.
"You to ma'am." I tell her as I head back outside to wait for the bus to arrive.
Time flew by as the bus pulled up and people began to exit. I got on the bus and took a seat in the middle of the bus by a window. I was so tired and worn out from everything. I knew I still had eighteen more hours before I would get to Colorado and decided to close my eyes for just a few moments at least. Darkness was close behind sending me into a deep slumber.
I woke and the bus was still moving. There was now a woman next to me who looked to be in her forties.
"Where are we?" I asked hoping she was nice.
"About three hours away from Denver honey." She told me.
I was shocked. I slept for fifteen hours. My body must have been extremely exhausted, more than I realized.
"Go back to sleep dear, you seem you could use the rest." She says as she touches my hand.
Instantly I felt tired again and felt my eyes getting heavy and just gave her a genuine nod before I blacked out back into a slumber.
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