Chapter 8: Conflicts

Finally...after months of hiatus, i finally made the chapter. I spent days and weeks thinking of the plot, character interactions and even rewrite the scenes from before. 

Hope it was all worth it in the end.

Quick note: I'll be using some scenes from Bunta kinami's RWBY manga (And other mangas), which was pretty good. I suggest to check it out so you can understand the scenes.

Anyway, enjoy.

Oobleck's class, two months later

A few months passed after the first years enrolled the academy. Some of the students we knew are now taking part of Dr. Oobleck's class. His class is all about the history of remnant and it is very very important to learn about them, unless you want to repeat it.

The students we knew that are in oobleck's class were Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Jaune, Russel, Dove, and Hartmann. 2 members from each team and the specialist.

Oobleck paced around his desk while teaching the students one of the topics of remnant's history; The Faunus.

"Faunus." He said. "Though disparaged as some by Beastmen or half breeds individuals. With a single animal trait are known by the umbrella term of Faunus."

"There was once a great war between the Faunus and the Humans. A war that led the terrible loses on both sides." Oobleck explained. "And with that history guiding us, we now live in a society where humans and Faunus alike are treated as people who can coexist peaceably. Still the gulf has not yet been entirely bridged."

The class took notes of the doctor's explanation, except for Jaune, whom had fell asleep with his head resting on his hands. It's amazing he didn't get caught yet, even when sitting on the front row.

"Can anyone tell me what organization demonstrates this best?" The green-haired professor asked the class, while flicking his glasses. "Anyone...?"

"I do, sir." Oobleck heard Pyrrha's voice and turned to the student, which the she had stood up from her seat. "It's the White Fang." She answered.

"Correct! Well done, Ms. Nikos. Now, can you explain for us the White fang's goals and the issues that have arisen around them?"

Pyrrha inhales. "Well...The white fang's main goal was to address the widespread discrimination experienced by Faunus in society through peaceful means, like debate and negotiation. But five years ago, a change in leadership led to a change in their methods. They started stealing dust. Smuggling it, dealing on the black market, even kidnapping or murder, which became a part of their radical agenda."

She stopped a bit to clear her voice. "Unfortunately, the white fang is basically a terrorist organization nowadays."

"A perfect answer, Nikos! Brava! From you, I'd like 30 pages on the fundamental societal issues suggested by the white fang's existence. As well as potential solutions!" Oobleck demanded.

"Happily." Pyrrha exclaimed with a smile, with her response took surprise by some students of the class.

Dove rolled his squint eyes. "Star student being herself again..." He said to Russel.

"Well, i don't blame her." Russel replied with a shrug.

"Moving on!" Oobleck exclaimed as he moves to the whiteboard with the map of the whole world of remnant. 

"Prior to the Faunus war, humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie." 

He grabs a stick and points it to the big island south of anima. "While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events. Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day." Oobleck grab his mug and took a sip of whatever is in it, probably coffee.

The Faunus war had very bloody battles during it's time, though almost all of it are minimize in Hartmann's eyes. The overall casualties of both sides in this war is almost a million.

Those casualties were but a fraction when he compared it to WW1. Same goes for the great war in remnant, which had about 5-10 million casualties, although the latter almost reached WW1 level.

The battles in the war were pretty much the same, however there is this one battle that is one of the important ones in the history of this war. Even Hartmann took interest in this one battle that is somehow acts the same from Earth.

It was probably a good thing when there aren't any Faunus students in this class right now, since all of them here were Humans.

Oobleck went back upfront and flick his glasses. "Now. which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the War?"
Then he sees Weiss Schnee raising her hand. "Ah, Ms. Schnee. What's the answer?"

"I believe the turning point of the Faunus war was the assault on the fortress of Festungsburg." She answered.

"That is correct!"

Some of the students had the same thought as her. Hartmann look back to his book and he wrote some notes of it. 

Now, Festungsburg does mean 'Fort castle" in English, which is a pretty dumb name for a fort. He wrote some known theories of this battle. Something about deadly dust essence, and then General lagune's Human army swiftly killed by an unstoppable Faunus force, except for the general himself.

He was not the only one, most of the students still has questions about this battle.

"Now, does anyone remember what has happened from the assault on Festungsburg?" Oobleck turned to Jaune, still sleeping. He frowned and went infront of him. "Perhaps you know the answer, Arc!"

This causes Jaune to jolt, waking up from his slumber as he look around and stutters. "W-whu..what just-" 

"Incorrect!" Oobleck shouted.

Some of the students let out chuckles while others thoughted that the professor didn't even give him a chance to answer.

Oobleck then sets his eyes on the specialist. He hoped he remembered after having to teach him a week after his arrival here in remnant. "Mr. Hartmann. Do you know the answer?"

He stood up. "If i am not mistaken...General Lagune had used mixed dust essence that is dangerous to living beings when they made contact with them. He had the idea of using them against the Faunus defenders, so they could take the fortress with little casualties."

Oobleck nodded and bring his hand upfront, signaling Hartmann to stop. "That's all we need to hear. Thank you, Jäger." Hartmann smiled a bit when Oobleck used his codename. "And it brings us to another topic we have to learn."

The professor zoomed back to his desk. "As Mr. Hartmann and Mrs. Schnee was saying. The assault on Festungsburg suffered a huge blow to the Human army and a major victory for the Faunus. This event is very questionable to our ancestors even until now."

The class were muttering and whispering to eachother about it, before the doctor continued.

"This battle was known as 'The attack of the Grimm Faunus'!" He said dramatically.

The students starts taking notes, even Jaune manages to catch up on this. Hearing the last two words, it made some of the students to feel a little uneasy. 

One of them was Blake.

There was no clue why she looked like she was sweating a bit during the session. Either she has a secret or she is just scared of the Faunus.

Oobleck begin to explain the background of the battle. General Lagune, with an army of 7,000 men, were planning on to take the well defended fortress by the Faunus. Various Grimm creatures had already assaulted the fortress first, but failed as their corpses lay dead on the field.

They attempted to attack the fortress with atleast 500 men to test out their defenses against Humans. The cost was atleast 100 soldiers killed, but they did a number on the defenders.

That night, Lagune had the idea of using some of the dust essence they had been stored throughout the war. They experimented on a Faunus POW and the effects were drastic.

Their eyes were bleeding, their skin were turning green, until the part that they started coughing up their lungs out. Eventually the POW died from the essence.

This was Lagune's great plan as he ordered his army to use those 20 tanks of the essence they carried. By morning, they released all the dangerous dust essence to the fort.

The students were eager what happens next and Oobleck explained to them.
"The General thought that this essence would kill off all the Faunus defenders in the fortress and take the building easily. However, he was proven wrong. When the essence died out, the Human army make their way to the fortress, but then they were met with a horrible sight."

Oobleck brings up a big picture and stick it to the board. It was a Faunus, but it wasn't just a regular Faunus, they had body parts that resembles the Grimm.

For this one, the Faunus' eyes changed to bloody red, half of their skins were pale, and dark purple veins lining up from their arms and face. Their hair were black as the void. 

The Faunus looked like they were ready to kill someone.

Most of the students shivered from the sight, even Hartmann. He had never seen any humanoid-like grimm creatures before, but then again he would expect the unexpected as soon as he graduates in this academy before exploring the vast wilderness of remnant.

"And i know what you young scholars are thinking. There is no way these Faunus just magically turned into Grimm. Even when we have aura and Semblances, this event is still too confusing to this day and how the Faunus become mixed with Grimm-like creatures. Though one theory, is that the Essence mixed in with the dust of the dead Grimm, merging the gas together to create something more...dangerous."

Dove whispered to Russel as he was writing in his notebook. "You know, all of this takes me back to that song i heard about this event."

"The one from the band called 'Saberton', right?" Russel replied, which Dove gives him a nod. The mohawk chuckled. "Loved those guys."

After the students took notes, they could hear the bell ringing, signaling that this class is over. "Well, that's the end of this session for today. Remember this, students. Always learn your history, because it is important to us. If you don't learn it, then you are 'destined' to repeat it." He flicked his glasses at the last part, eyeing towards his students.

They all got up from their seats and walk out of the class. Jaune was about to walk out, until he was stopped by the professor. "Not you, Mr. Arc. You'll be staying here for an extra half an hour of class!"

"Wh- why?" Jaune cried out, throwing both of his arms.

"For sleeping during the lesson."

Jaune slumped and sit back to his chair, sadly looking down as he had to stay here for an extra 30 minutes. That's what he gets for not getting enough sleep.


All the students, including Hartmann, Pyrrha, Weiss, and Blake walk out from the classroom, excluding poor Jaune.

What they had just learned were pretty interesting, mostly for Weiss and Hartmann, the latter which he didn't know there was a similar battle or event like what happen in earth.

Pyrrha stopped by the door as the trio turned to her. "You three go on ahead. I'll wait for Jaune."

"Suit yourself." Weiss shrugs. She, Blake and Hartmann left Pyrrha alone, to wait for Jaune, as the trio continue to walk down the hallway. "That was a pretty interesting lesson, don't you two think?" Weiss spoke out.

"Ja." Hartmann replied first. "I wish to know more about how it ended."

"I-It was ok..."

Hearing that Blake stuttered, Hartmann and Weiss turn to her, which they saw that the black-bow girl's face seems to be covered in drops of her sweat, if they didn't notice back from class, she'd been sweating lately.

"Are you alright, Blake?" He asked.

"Huh?" Blake turned to him, before regaining her composure. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine, why did you ask?"

Weiss followed. "Well, you seem pretty uncomfortable after Doctor Oobleck's lesson of the attack on festungsburg. Not to mention you're sweating right now." The heiress pointed to one of the sweatdrops by Blake's cheek, which the latter quickly wipe it off.

"I just never seen how the Faunus can turn something like that."

"From a group of freaks, it's not that surprising they would turn something like that." Blake was taken aback by this. She was going to reply by how wrong she was about Faunus being just 'Freaks', that is until Hartmann stepped in.

"Hey now, do not call the Faunus like that. They are more than just Freaks." He defended.

"How can you tell?"

"I am friends with one of them." Hartmann said, referring to Velvet. "And she is pretty nice to me and her team too."

Weiss rolled her eyes. "Well, i guess there are some exceptions." Weiss thought back of how her family has a few number of Faunus acting as Butlers in the mansion. She didn't know why her family did it, but since they're useful for the manor, she'll let them slide. "But that doesn't change the fact that most of them are filthy, murderous and evil. Bunch of scums, i must say."

Blake crossed her arms, giving the heiress a frown. "You do know most of those kinds of Faunus are usually in the white fang, right? Innocent ones doesn't just do stuff like that for their daily lives"

"True. They are a terrorist organization after all." Hartmann said.

"Okay, you're kinda right on that. Still doesn't change my view, though." With that attitude, Hartmann almost viewed her as a Miststück, which is German for "Bitch". He and Weiss would continue to argue about this topic.

Blake, meanwhile, was hiddenly tightening one of her fist, as it look like she was in the verge of hitting the Schnee.

She also appears to be holding back her emotions. If she didn't hold it back, this argument would've escalated to a fight. Thankfully she did so, and exhales.

Hearing the two of them bickering, like old-married couples, she had enough and then decide to change the topic.

"You guys want to go to cafeteria after this?" She suggested. Both Weiss and Hartmann stopped arguing, turning to the bow-haired girl.

"Sure." they unexpectedly said in unison.

Both of them turn to eachother when they suddenly spoke it at the same time. They awkwardly stared at eachother for a few seconds, before letting out slight laughs and giggles because of it. They decide to stop talking about this whole "Faunus" non-shiz, quickly apologizing to eachother right after.

After that, they joined with Blake to the cafeteria, while also contacting the rest of their team members if they want to join, JNPR too.


Beacon Cafeteria

Lunch time was like any other time, ignoring the fact that the cafeteria's very crowded, but it didn't mind for teams RWBY and JNPR, along with the specialist, Erich Hartmann. The nine students sat together in one table, and they're chatting while eating their food.

Hartmann had plate of baked beans and 2 toasts. The usual stuff. The rest of the team had a different variety of food. Some may look a bit strange, but he didn't mind what they eat.

Nora, Pyrrha and Ren were chit-chatting of their experience in class, and the trio had a pretty good time. Nora was once sparing with Yang and both of them took a beating, but the former won as the latter congratulate her.

Jaune heard the chit-chatter from his team and let out a long sigh, getting the attention from them "Look at all of you so cheerful when i had to stay in class for half an hour straight.." he grouchily said.

 During those 30 minutes, he had to re-learn all the things Oobleck had teached from the beginning of class, up until the attack on festungsburg topic. And as the time ended, Jaune was task to write an essay from pages 51 to 91 as punishment. 

"And now i have to write a 40-page long essay for it until his next class!"

"Be glad that Pyrrha was there waiting for you, Jaune." Ren said. " But, you should have slept on time."

"I know..." He slouched, playing with his tray of food. "I just had too much freedom being away from my mom and seven siblings, that i just decide to stay up for an hour or more.."

"Just don't let it happen again, alright?" Pyrrha said, as the blonde boy let out a small sigh and nods. "And i'll help you with the essay, if you want." Jaune now smiles, since Pyrrha was willing to help him as he accepts her offer.

"Hey!" Nora intervened. "Ya'll wanna hear this awesome dream i had?" She called out to the rest of the teams, changing the subject.

"Oh gods..." Ren muttered, shaking his head as he knew what dream that Nora's going to talk about. Both Jaune and Pyrrha agreed. Blake, Yang and Weiss decide to listen too.

Hartmann didn't feel like it and focus more on finishing his food, which consists of baked beans and bread. He then notice that Ruby was also not listening to Nora's dream story. Which he just realized how awfully quiet Ruby was during lunch. It's strange when she used to be very active when she's around with him, her team and her friends. Something seems wrong with her.

And so Hartmann decide to investigate, as he call her out. "Hey, Ruby?" It gotten the girl's attention as she stopped eating and turn to him.

"Y-Yeah?" She replied, with a stutter.

"You have been quiet today, is there something wrong?" Hartmann asked. He knew there was something wrong when she stuttered. Like he expected, Ruby shook her head.

"I'm totally fine. I'm quiet because...i just feel like it..y'know?" Ruby giggled nervously after.

"Ruby. You and i both know about eachother for 2 months now. I honestly can tell that you are hiding something. Just please tell me what is wrong. Even then, why not asking your whole team?"

"I don't want too!" Ruby whisper yelled. "Otherwise Yang would find out, that i was bullied." She lowered down her voice so that only Hartmann could hear.

Hearing the last part, Hartmann raised his eyebrow at that. "Wait, you were bullied?"


Both of them suddenly heard Yang's voice raised in an exclaim, as the blonde turn to her sister, seemingly also getting the attention from the rest of the guys, because of her voice raised. "Ruby! Did you told Hartmann that you were bullied?" Yang continued, with a protective voice.

Hartmann thought this might not end well, where as Ruby was sweating a bit, struggling to answer. "U-Um..well-"

"Who bullied you?" Yang cut her off and asked her, with the hint of stern.

Ruby totally knew that her sister is pretty pissed at this. The last time she was bullied was at Signal academy. When she was being bullied by her bully, Yang didn't even hesitate to take action. What she had done were pretty drastic, that the bully was sent to a hospital, and Yang had to be suspended for 2 weeks.

Ruby didn't want to answer, because she didn't want to same event to happen here in Beacon, but she sighed in defeat and answered.

"It was Cardin Winchester.."

The table was now filled with sighs and groans. He was one of the first years that enrolled in the academy, and known for bullying students.

"Ugh, that guy." Nora exclaimed, while frowning and crossing his arms.

"Not surprised." said Blake with a hint of spite.

All of them knew about Cardin with his bullying acts. He done it several times to the other fellow first years. Even Jaune had to experienced it three times. One time Cardin threw down his books to the ground, the other time he activates the button from Jaune's shield that extends it by the doorway, leaving him stuck for a few hours.

But the last one that Cardin did to him will never be forgettable, to Jaune and to his team.

Flashback, a few days after the enrollment

Jaune was by the locker room with Cardin, along with a few other students. They were all listening to Glynda explaining to them about the lockers.

"Each of you will be assigned one rocket-propelled locker to store your weapons and extra armor. Additionally, your locker can be sent to a custom location based on a six-digit code."

Hearing this, Cardin looks at Jaune - standing between him and the only open locker in the room. Then he quickly pushes a shocked Jaune into the small dark space and closes the door on him, pressing random buttons on the pad right after that. While ignoring Jaune's protests.

"Hey! W-what are you doing? Stop! Don't do it!"

It was too late for Jaune as the locker scrunches down and launches up with a burst of blue fire coming from its base. Cardin watches as the locker slowly soars across the sky, whilst he could hear his muffled screams inside the locker.

End of Flashback

"Hey, atleast you didn't land far from the school." Ren said.

"It was still a terrible experience!" Jaune exclaimed. "Can't believe he got away with it too."

While the others were bickering, Yang focus her attention back to her little sister. "How long had he been bully you?" Yang asked.

"Um...a few days ago.." Ruby answered hesitantly.

"Why didn't you tell me back then!?"

"I'm sorry, but i don't want the same incident to happen again back in Signal!" Ruby raised her voice now, as the sisters were arguing of this. "If it happens again here, i'm worried you might get suspended again. Or maybe even expelled."

Yang thought back from that incident a few years back when she was still a student of signal along with her sister. She was really pissed seeing her baby sister being bullied physically. Being her big sis, she had to be protective of her, and that means using violence as the answer. Which the cost of it was her being suspended and the bully taken to the hospital. As time passed, she felt guilty of it. Now hoping the bully would be ok if they ever met again.

With that she let out a defeated sigh. "You're right, i guess i was a little violent back then." Yang chuckled a bit and so did Ruby, before the former turned serious again. 

"But that doesn't stop myself for beating the crap out of him. And you shouldn't kept quiet of this bullying thing, Ruby." Ruby kept her head down in shame, since Yang was right. How stupid of her to stay silent about it.

"Besides." Yang continued. "We're a team, remember? We'll always look after eachother no matter what. Right, gals?" Weiss and Blake give them nods of approval.

This gave Ruby some confidence. If she was placed to be their leader, then she will try hard to be a good leader to them. "Thanks, sis." Yang give her a smile in return.

Hartmann only stare at the team with a small smile. It reminded of his tank crew; Peter, Kertz and Schröder. Though he didn't get to know about them much, but they did simply care for him. Well, aside from Schröder, he cared about his country too much rather than his crew.

Hartmann missed them, but soon he shook all of that away and focus on his present. Here in this school with his new friends, and possibly a mother-figure. With friends like RWBY and others, this life in Remnant wouldn't be much as bad. After all of that was sorted, they all went back eating and chatting peacefully.

...That is before a conflict started.

"You think you're just gonna steal someone's spot are ya, Faunus!" Suddenly, they all heard a familiar voice, whom was the same guy who bullied Ruby, Jaune and others. Judging from the last word, they knew he was gonna cause trouble to a faunus.

All of them turn to where the voice was. And there he was. Cardin Winchester.

He was four tables away from them, and he can be seen threatening a female rabbit faunus student. Cardin towered her over a few inches, and he was looking down on the scared faunus.

Hartmann got a clear look on the familiar Faunus that Cardin was threatening, it was one of his friends in the second year, Velvet.

"Velvet?!" He exclaimed.

"That is your friend?" Weiss asks. Hartmann nodded but he is currently focused on the situation. Cardin and Velvet was exchanging some words before the former let out a smirk and then unexpectedly grabbed one of her ears, which he then begins to pull it really hard.


Hearing her scream in pain causes Hartmann to act quickly before anything goes wrong. He gets up from the seat and starts walking to them, in which RWBY and JNPR noticed.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Ruby tried to get up aswell, but Ren stopped her.

"Let him be. Don't know what he's going to do, but it may stop him from hurting the Faunus." He said.

"Well, alright." Ruby sat back down to the table.

"What's he gonna do?" Jaune thought.

"I hope he breaks his legs!" Nora grinned.

"He's gonna get himself hurt!" Yang said with a worried look.

"I'm sure he'll be okay." Pyrrha followed, with Blake agreeing on that.

Weiss look a bit worried and wonder to herself why would he trying to save that Faunus. But if that rabbit is his friend,  then she won't mind. She hoped what he is going to do to both of them will work out okay in the end.


Velvet was backing away from the brown-haired boy, scared and confused. She didn't mean to cause any conflict. All she did was getting her lunch and then sat on one of the tables. That was it. And then minutes later, Cardin saw her and seems pretty pissed off.

Not to mention, that he is a first year student where as Velvet is a second year. She should atleast had some dominance over him.

"I-i didn't know this was your seat. All of them looks the same!" Velvet replied, scared.

"Well you should've noticed by then when you see us sitting in this exact same spot!" Cardin shouted.

Velvet seemingly had enough and then straighten herself up. "I'll..have you know, that i am a second year in beacon, which means...i'm a senior here. S-So.. you should respect me." 

She attempted to act dominant towards him, but Cardin could tell she was failing from all of that stuttering and pauses.

"You're a second year, huh? Giving me some respect to you?" Cardin laughed from her attempt. "Then why you acting scared around me? To a first year, too." He mocked.

 Velvet seems to blush in embarrassment. Cardin was right, she should act over him. She's a second year, dammit. But even when she was trying, she still couldn't stand up to him.

Cardin only watch her with a smug smirk. "Would you stood up if i do...this!" He suddenly grabs one of her rabbit ears, really hard.

"AHH!" This causes Velvet to scream in pain, getting the attention of more students. They only stood there and watched. 

Even her fellow second years were not even trying to help her. How rude.

"You're gonna stood up, huh?" Cardin kept pulling her ears tight as he exclaimed to the Rabbit Faunus. The Latter tried to answer, but the pulling made her to stop and let out a shout of pain.

'"Stop. I-It hurts!" Velvet begged.

"I'll stop when you admit that i'm above you, and that you're also a freak and an abomination!" Cardin pull her ears harder.

Velvet started to let out tears from all the pain. She also didn't want to admit all of that, because she'll embarrass not only herself, but all of the second year students seeing her being picked on by a first year. Her team might be disappointed in her too.

Cardin smirked more and was going to pull her ears tighter

"Hey, stop!"

He then heard a voice coming towards him, before turning to the direction. He saw the fourth specialist of Beacon. Erich "Jager" Hartmann. Cardin frowned seeing him. "What do you want, specialist?"

"I ask you kindly to let go of her ears, please."

"Why would you care? She's a faunus freak like the rest of them. What are you, friends with her?"

"Indeed she is." Cardin frowned more where as Velvet look to who was stopping Cardin, and she smiled a bit when it was Hartmann. "Now please let go of her ears and not pick on the Faunus like her, or i would inform the teachers."

Cardin give him a scoff. "Call the teachers on me, huh? How about we fight instead?" Cardin let go of Velvet's ears as the latter rubbed them. The former was readying one of his fist for a fight in the cafeteria.

Hartmann however denied this. "We don't have to fight, there is no need for violence here."

"Oh so you're going easy on me? If you really are an 'Elite' , why you're acting soft? If i were you, i would show you and her who is boss around here."

"And being feared upon from every first year huntsman? That is not how a specialists do to their fellow comrades."


Meanwhile. Russel, Dove and Sky were still standing there, behind his leader as they watch the standoff between him and the fourth specialist of Beacon. They expect them to fight it out, but turns out the latter was trying to end this peacefully.

Russel let out a sigh. "This is taking too long...we should just find another spot."

"And let that Faunus just take the spot where we used to be?" Sky followed. "No way in hell i'm letting that happening. What do you think, Dove?"

Dove just shrugs. "I don't know. She is a faunus freak, but all of this is just a waste of time." He said, seemingly on neutral grounds. "I'm hungry too."


As minutes passed, Hartmann had told Cardin to stop picking on Velvet and apologize for pulling her ears really hard. Otherwise, he will inform the teachers of this behavior to a second year student. Hartmann tried to not solve this with violence and hoping talking Cardin through would be enough to do so.

"So, what do you say?" Hartmann asked, waiting for an answer.

Cardin thought of what Hartmann said to him as he closed his eyes and exhaled, before glaring back at him. "Then you shouldn't be here in the first place."

Without any warning, Cardin send a quick punch to his face. The punch was really strong that it made Hartmann stumbled and fell to the ground. This action shocked all the students watching when he punch the school's fourth specialist.

"Hartmann!" Velvet went over to help him, ignoring Cardin laughing at the fallen german.

Cardin was about to give him another punch to show him who is boss, but was stopped by one of his teammates, Russel thrush, as the latter grabs his arms and yank it away.

"Dude, what the hell? You just punched him." Russel said.

"Yeah, no shit. And i'm gonna give him some more." Cardin tried to give Hartmann more of his beating, but his path kept getting blocked by his teammate.

"All of this is not worth it, Cardin. You'll get in serious trouble if you kept this sharades on. And not just you that will get in trouble, but me and them, aswell!" The mohawk gestured to Dove and Sky, both were still spectating the situation.

Cardin didn't care as he want to teach that specialist who is the boss around here, which Russel still blocking the path as they both argued.

Meanwhile, Velvet knelt down next to Hartmann, with the latter covering his punched face. "Hartmann, are you okay?" The German bring one of his hand to her, which she immediately grab it.

But when she did that, she felt something liquid on it.

Velvet look to her hand and some of them was covered in red. Velvet didn't know what it was at first, until she realized...that red can mean blood.

When she put his other hand away from his face, her eyes wided.

He is face was bleeding. Cardin's punch had broke his nose, causing blood to come out. Velvet let out a loud surprised scream, causing Cardin and Russel to stop bickering and look back to the downed specialist, and they too were shocked when they see him bleeding through his nose.

"H-He's bleeding!"

RWBY and JNPR were all shocked from the sight. Hartmann was actually bleeding from his nose, and the bleeding looks bad.

Ruby quickly got up and dash towards him to help, with Weiss following her too. Yang gritted her teeth seeing one of her friends on the ground, bleeding. She was this close to beating the crap out of him.

She was stopped by Blake, whom held her shoulder as she shook her head, implying that it was not worth it to beat him up.

Pyrrha was in her thoughts when that happened. How did Cardin broke his aura that fast? Or maybe Hartmann didn't have Aura in the first place. But it was strange to her, all hunters should unlocked their aura by the time they were training from their past lives.

"That's it!" Nora shouted, which made her team caught off-guard from it. "I'm gonna break his legs!"

She was about to get up and beat the shit out of Cardin, that is until Ren and Jaune stopped her for doing so. The duo were struggling to hold their grip at the redhead, since the latter was so strong even before she and Ren went to Beacon.

Seeing this, Pyrrha hiddenly aim her hand to Nora. Jaune and Ren felt Nora becoming lighter now, giving them the chance to hold her back .

The boys then put her back down on the chair, still holding her tight if she decide to escape from their grip.

Nora was still eager to rip Cardin to shreds without hesitation for what he just did, locking her eyes on him like a hawk, waiting to attack it's prey.


Cardin was really confused of how he was able to punch the Specialist so hard to the face until his nose bleeds, which he also impresses himself for doing it. Maybe he had gotten stronger or maybe he didn't unlocked his Aura.

Russel, seeing Hartmann bleeding, then turned to his leader. "What the fuck did you do, man!?" he shouted.

"I didn't mean for this to happen." He replied.

"By punching straight to the face? Look at him, he's fucking bleeding!"

"I thought he had his Aura on!"

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" All the students in the room heard the booming voice of Glynda Goodwitch. They all immediately fall silent and scared, hearing the voice of Professor Goodwitch.

Irritated when she didn't get an answer, she went to a random student and ask them what is happening. The student then pointed to where Cardin, Russel, Velvet and Hartmann was. She didn't know what was going on until the student mentioned her about the specialist.

Glynda then knew they were talking about Hartmann, and then her instincts kicked in.

She immediately rushed to the scene, pushing Cardin aside and looked down at Hartmann. She let out a slight gasp seeing him bleeding. She remembered that he came to the world where there were no aura or semblance, leaving him vulnerable in a close fight and a spar.

Focusing on Hartmann, Glynda turned to Weiss and Ruby whom were already helping him. "Ms. Rose, Ms. Schnee. Take Hartmann to the clinic, now!" They both nodded and carefully helped Hartmann up. They put his arms on eachother's shoulder, as Weiss was trying to stop the bleeding from his nose.

While that was happening, Glynda turn to Velvet. She still had one of her hand covered in Hartmann's blood. "Take this." Glynda gave her a handkerchief. "Go and clean your hand." Velvet nodded and left to the bathroom.

After that, Glynda immediately turned to Cardin with an angry frown. "Did you do this, Mr. Winchester..?" She said with venom.

Cardin croaked. "Well...y-yeah, b-but, i didn't mean to have him bleed out.."

Glynda didn't listen to the last part and whipped her crop near Cardin's neck. "You and your my office. Now." Cardin replied with a scared nod, not even trying to speak if he wants to get his ass shredded.

Russel heard what Glynda said and argued. "Wait what? But i didn't do anything-"

"I said now!" Glynda turned to Russel, with her same angry look to Cardin. She did the same to Dove and Sky. "All of you. To my office!" The four didn't say anything and obliges. Soon they were walking out to the door.

"Way to go, dickhead.." Russel whispered angrily at Cardin.

"Shut up." Cardin replied.

"Man i haven't even eaten yet..." Dove whimpered, rubbing his empty stomach.

After they left the cafeteria, Glynda thought off helping Hartmann to the clinic, but she sighed as she had to deal with those four students first. She hoped Hartmann will be fine. She'll visit him at the clinic as soon as she is done with Cardin and his team.

Outside the cafeteria

Weiss and Ruby got out of the cafeteria and continue their way to the clinic.

"I think the clinic is just half a mile from here." Ruby stated.

"Good." Weiss turned to the German, with his nose covered from her tissues. "You're gonna be alright." He didn't say a word than exhaling. "Hartmann? Hartmann, answer me."

Hartmann didn't feel anything but the blood flowing through his nose holes. All the blood flowing out from him made him feel weak, and dizzy, probably from the amount of blood loss.

With that, he passed out.


Hartmann woke up for about an hour and he expected to be back in beacon academy, but he wasn't. He felt something rough on his back, and he noticed he was lying down on debris.

"Where am i..." He thought as he stood up.

He look around the area and he was in some kind of almost familiar kind of house. It took him a moment before he realized that this was the house that he got transported too. It also means...that he returned to cologne.

Hartmann walk out of the ruined house, and look over the environment. It was filled with destroyed buildings and debris, the roads were covered from dried blood and more debris. The plants and trees around the area were all become brown and dead.

He was back in earth, back when Germany was losing the war.

"How did i end up here..." Hartmann muttered before walking around the destroyed city. The sky was night, but he still could see his way to the streets from all the smoke and fire. Possibly from the allied soldiers from a firefight with his countrymen.

This may be just a dream, he thought. But all of this felt so real.

As he was walking, he stumbled upon an unused MP40 on the ground. Someone must've dropped it by accident.

He then picked it up and check the ammo. There was still 32 rounds in it, a full mag. He insert it back and carry it around for his protection. The environment felt quiet, too quiet for him. The entire city felt like a ghost town.

Hartmann walk for about a good minute, before he stopped in his tracks. He saw something in front of him. A few meters away stood an unknown black figure that was minding it's own business. Hartmann thinks it was a person, so he decide to call out to him.

"Hey, you there!" The figure noticed his presence, and instead of greeting him, it ran away. Hartmann didn't realize the figure would run away like that, he then chase after it, demanding some questions.

He ran pass building after building, street after street, over debris after debris, yet the figure was still running away from him.

He kept following the unknown figure for 5 minutes straight. The figure was pretty fast, but Hartmann can catch up to him.

A few minutes passed and Hartmann was still after the figure. He chased the, through the streets and across the destroyed buildings, while avoiding any falling debris.

He was getting a bit tired from all this running, but he still has to catch up to the figure.

He went in another building before he saw the figure exiting to a huge gaping hole on the wall. Hartmann stopped as he can see the figure standing ontop of a small hill filled with Debris. He then aimed his MP40 to the figure, incase it was an enemy. "Hey! Who are you?"

Again, the figure said nothing, before he vanished from the hill. But what comes next was a tiger tank, but it was no ordinary tank, it was the tank that Hartmann recognized as 'Stefan'.

Hartmann lower down his gun and slowly walk to the tank, hoping that his crew would be in there. He decide to call his commander's name first.


There was no reply, he tried calling out the driver.


Also no reply. He inhales before calling out the last crew member.


He thought no one would reply, until he saw that the tank was moving it's cannon towards him. He let out a smile when they finally noticed him, but it was short-lived when the tank's cannon was aiming directly at him.

Hartmann took a step back, then he saw the hatch open, revealing a black figure of his commander. He couldn't see his face, but he can tell that 'Peter' was looking right at him.

Then 'Peter' pointed at Hartmann as he shouts, "Shoot that coward!"

Hartmann gasped when he said that and was about to run away from the tank, but the latter was faster as the cannon fired directly at Hartmann's position, exploding him to bits.


Hartmann jolted up from that dream as he hold his chest tight while hyperventilating.

"Woah woah woah there!" A voice called out. "Calm down, kid. You're okay." Hartmann look beside him to see a man in his 30s. He had tan skin and brown hair. He wore a purple shirt and blue sweatpants.

"Where am i?" Hartmann asked the person.

"Well you're in Beacon's medical center. Two students, which was part of team RWBY if i remember, brought you here to me." He explained. "By the looks of it, your nose really took a beating. So i patched it up."

Hartmann rubbed his nose as he could feel cloth right covering it. Top it all off, he didn't feel any blood flowing out of it. "Oh. Thank you, um..."

"DuFrense. Nurse DuFrense. But you can also call me 'doc', since i always refer myself as the doctor here in this school."

"Danke, doc." He said in german, before asking again. "How long was i out?"

Doc looked to his holo-watch. "You've been out for about two to three hours." Hartmann was a bit surprised of that. He was out for that long over a bloody nose? Guessing he did lost quite a lot of blood.

"That long?"

"Yup." Doc nodded. "By the way, someone's waiting for you, let me go get her." Doc left the room and went outside, Hartmann could her him talking to another person from outside. After a few moments, the door opened.

Glynda walk in to the room with Doc tailing behind her, which the former then turned to the German when she got to the bed

"Oh..miss goodwitch, i-"

"Are you alright?" Glynda asked, cutting him off.

"Uh, y-yes, i supposed."

Glynda exhaled, "Good." Then she sat beside him. "Weiss and Ruby told me everything. Did you really stood up to Cardin?"

"I had to, he was hurting one of my friends."

Glynda sighed. "Well, i can't blame you on that. But, that was a risk move for you. Look at what you did to yourself."

Hearing the disappointed voice of her, made Hartmann felt guilty of what he did. But he had to do it so Velvet wouldn't get hurt. He knew he don't have Aura, but he was still willing to do something to protect her.

"I know what you did was best, but i have to tell you that not everything can be solved peacefully." Glynda continued. "Some times you have to do things the hard way."

Hartmann nodded. "I understand."

Glynda was glad he is following what she said. "Also, consider yourself lucky." She continued, on a different topic.

Hartmann raised his eyebrow on what Glynda said. "On what?"

"I was going to sent you against Cardin in a sparring match after what happened in the cafeteria, but then i realize you don't have any aura or even a semblance, and because you were still bleeding out. So, you were replaced by another person to deal with it."

"And who is this person?"

"Ruby Rose." She stated. "I heard she was also experienced some of Mr. Winchester's bullying. So i had her pair up with him for the sparring."

"Oh, and how did it go?"

Glynda chuckled a bit. "Let's just say, Cardin wouldn't walk straight for a day." This imply that Ruby won the spar.

"Ah, good for her then." Hartmann felt proud of it, if only he could see the fight though.

Glynda turned serious again. "But remember what i just told you. Don't try to make a scene like that again. Do i make myself clear?"

Hartmann give her a nod. "So, can i..leave now?" Hartmann asked.

"Not quite." Doc answered. "Your nose still need to heal up for a few more hours, before i can take the bandage off. That Cardin kid really broke your nose that hard."

"I see." Glynda said, before turning back to Hartmann. "I'll see you then, Mr. Hartmann." With that, Glynda leave him be with Doc.

Hartmann let out a sigh, while thinking what Glynda said. Maybe she was right that all conflicts couldn't be solved peacefully, which some had to resort to fighting. Atleast she wasn't really mad about him.

All of that energy was wasted on Cardin and his team. He may deserved it, but not for Russel and the rest of the team.

He then think to himself. Will he really stuck here with no aura or a semblance? Those two things are what used for the huntsmen. They are consider apart of the individual, helping them in dangerous situations. And yet he doesn't have either of them.

He feel scared, and if he doesn't have them until his fourth year, then he just have to accept it.


And that is all for this chapter. I apologize if some of you waited too long, but like everyone else in this website, we all have lives. 

By the way, i am very grateful that this book had reached over 10k reads in just 8 pages. That is amazing. Thank you all for reading this story. I'll promise to make more of it until the end of this volume.

That aside, i hoped you enjoyed Chapter 8, and i think chapter 9 will come out less than 6-7 months from now. 

See you next time.

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