Chapter 11: Cat on the loose

After the interaction with the Monkey Faunus - who he introduced himself as Sun Wukong, Blake is now seen walking with him on the streets.

The introduction didn't really went smoothly as Blake immediately walked away after she saw the monkey boy. Sun called out to her whilst following her, but Blake didn't bother looking back. Sun then mentioned about the white fang, which made the cat-girl to stop on her tracks. He smirked a bit since that gotten her attention, but soon dropped it when Blake turned with a glare.

Blake asked if he was part of the organization, which Sun replied "No.", while shaking his head. In her relief too, since she was right. Speaking of that, Blake couldn't go back to Beacon - not just yet. She and Weiss still had that conflict, and what's worse that she, her team, along with Hartmann - all knew her secret.

She needed a temporary place to stay for just a day or two. So, she look back to Sun and asked him if he know of a hotel that's not that expensive. The monkey faunus thought of a small hotel he passed by once, maybe that could do.

Blake gave him a small nod and let him lead the way to the hotel where as she put her bow back up.

Both Faunus didn't say a word to eachother after they left the bridge, the only exceptions were them giving weird awkward glances to eachother before looking away.

Eventually, they made it to the hotel. The building is only about 4 stories, and the layout is not that wide. It's a cheap hotel after all, which what the feline needs to stay in for the night.

"This is the place." Sun said.

"Right. Thanks for your help, sun." Blake replied, walking into the building. Though she didn't expect that Sun was also going in to the hotel with her. Blake stopped and turned around. "What are you doing?"

Sun raised his eyebrow. "What does it look like? I'm going in to rent a room for the night. It is pretty late to go back to my team."

"Oh..well, alright then." Blake was about to go in, until Sun stopped her by putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Just one thing." He said.

Blake let out a huff, turning back to him. "What?" She exclaimed.

"Can i borrow some lien?" Sun asked, while showing his empty pockets with a nervous chuckle. Blake let out a sigh before taking out her wallet and the lien for him. After that, they both went in and parted ways when they got their rooms.

As Blake was making her way to her room, she was in her thoughts of what she will do now. The main thing she will do is to prove the white fang's innocence from that dust shop, and finding out who were the actual robbers that did it.

Now the other part is her team, and also Hartmann but mostly her teammates - especially Weiss. What would she do if she meet them again. or even what would they think when she ran? She knew herself that running away from them was wrong, so wrong. But the reason is she just wasn't ready for she had to ran, like the old times she did...

Having lost in her thoughts, Blake didn't look to where she was going, which ended up to her bumping into someone's shoulder. She instantly went back to reality, then look back to who she bumped into.

It was a boy in a black hoodie, which if she wasn't wrong - almost the same age as her. Though he had most of his face covered with only his mouth visible to her.

"Watch where you are going!" He rudely said and walked elsewhere away from her. Blake didn't bother apologizing and made her way to her room. Though the hooded boy looked pretty suspicious, but it was probably nothing for Blake to deal with.

Reaching her room, she then opened the door and settled in for the night.



The ride back to beacon was quiet for Hartmann and team RWBY - excluding Blake. Even when they got off and walk to their dorms, they were still in silent, thinking about what happened back in the city.

Blake revealed herself that she was part of the organization after saying the word 'we', and without any word she just bolted and left them. Not even Ruby's semblance could catch up to her as she vanished.

The four stuck around the fountain as Ruby then let out a sigh, breaking the silence. "I couldn't believe that Blake's part of the white fang." She said with a hint of disappointment on her voice.

"Well, we're still not 100 percent sure." Yang assured, defending her partner.

"Still, it's not a sure thing, right? I mean-" Ruby stopped when Weiss let out a huff.

"Hmph. If she didn't have a guilty conscience then why refuse to face us? Why run away?" Weiss said.

"Maybe because you were pressuring her." Hartmann spoke up, with a resentful voice.

"I know what i was doing. Also her attitude towards the white fang, with her being a member of it would explain everything."

"But...there's got to be a reasonable explanation." Ruby questioned.

Hartmann nodded. "When we find her, we could calmly asked her about all of this. Not going in harm's way."

Weiss let out a scoff. "Oh please. If she's a member of a terrorist organization, then there is no explanation. It's inexcusable."

Yang sighed. "Honestly. I dunno what the right move is. Back there i couldn't let myself chase after her. Cuz if i do - and if i learned the truth, it'd feel like we could never go back to how things were."

They stood by the fountain for another few seconds. "It's getting late. We should go back to our dorms. By morning, we should go out again and try to find Blake." Ruby declared. Hartmann and Yang agreed on it, except for Weiss. But since she was outvoted 3 to 1, she went in with it anyway.

They all left the fountain and walk back to their dorms. Hartmann parted ways with the girls as he was walking to his own dorm. He still felt bitter with Weiss and her attitude towards Blake. Thanks to her, the bow girl is missing.

That doesn't mean he hates the heiress, she just doesn't have to be a bitch sometimes, then she could sort this situation out with Blake.


Hartmann went to his dorm and had fallen asleep on his bed. About a few hours later, he woke up and opened his eyes. However he didn't felt the soft matress of his bed, instead he was met by a hard surface of rocks and dirt.

He sat up and look around his surroundings. He wasn't in his dorm room, and it is obvious when around him were destroyed houses and dead trees. It looks war-torned. That's where he realized that he must be dreaming again.

Hartmann let out a sigh since this had happened again. If he remembered, this happened for about four times now.

He tried to wake up, but he just couldn't. He tried it again in this dream sequence, and the result is still the same. He inhaled and got up on his feet. "Okay...hit me with what you got." Hartmann muttered to himself as he was searching for a weapon.

He saw an MP40 a few feet away from him, which he then walk over there to pick it up.

Hartmann would expect of what's gonna be in the dream. The three times he was in the situation is when he saw that dark figure which he followed, and then led him to danger. Two times he got himself killed cus of it.

Though dreams are meant to be unexpected, so he went with it. He looked around seeing if- no, when the black figure would appear. It wasn't too long when he find the figure infront of a house. The figure looked at him before running into an alleyway.

"When will this ever stop..." He sighed before following the figure through that alleyway. He sarcastically couldn't wait what's gonna happen to him after he follows the figure, and what's gonna wake him up from the dream.

He noticed he had followed the figure for about a minute in this long alleyway that appears to be never-ending. What he didn't notice is that the further he goes, the environment around him is changing. He finally realized when he reached the end of the alleyway, into another street.

He looked around and saw that the buildings have changed. It was more modern than the buildings in cologne. It wasn't just buildings though, infact he looked to the streets and it was drastically changed. Everything looks modern. He observed his surroundings until his mind clicked that this place was oh so familiar.

That's when he realized that this place was Vale.

He was surprised that Vale is in the current condition like in Cologne. War-torned and abandoned. It felt weird to him. What could've cause this?

The real question is; Why did the figure bring him here?

Speaking of the figure, Hartmann searched around for the figure again. It was nowhere to be seen, it vanished again.

He walked around the war-torned Vale for a bit. He knows this is a dream, but all of this was new to him, it almost feels like it could happen in real life. No - it won't be. This is just a dream.

He stumbles upon a bridge, destroyed in half, unable for anyone to cross the other side. He walked closer to it, till he saw something familiar on the ground, few feets away.

It was a black bow. The same bow that blake wore.

He went over there and picked it up, wondering why would Blake just leave it here. Unless...

Immediately his thoughts broke away when someone dropped behind him. He turned around only for his neck to be met by a frim grip of someone's hand.

He was gasping from air as the figure still kept a firm tight on his neck. Hartmann looked at the figure and was shocked that it resembles Blake. "B-Blake..?" He said with a raspy voice due to his throat being held.

He was sure it wasn't Blake, but the figure somehow happens to be shaped like her. He don't see her face or any clothes at all, just a faceless shadow figure that resembles her. He was then surprised when he saw single tear coming out from the part of her right eye socket. He wondered why it was crying before it spoked.

"Why..." The sad and ominous voice sounded similar to Blake. The figure then took out one of Blake's weapons, transforming to its blade form. Hartmann didn't get a chance when the figure then stabbed him to the chest.


Hartmann opened his eyes and immediately sat up while touching the part of his chest where 'Blake' stabbed him. He breathe out a sigh as it was just another dream. Another damn dream of him being back in his world.

Though that one felt different. He didn't know why he was in Vale, a war-torned vale to be exact.

Was that supposed to be a message? A future? No, it can't be. Grimm won't do that much damage to the city. Can they?

Further more, why was that thing shapeshifted itself into Blake? Why was she in tears?

Hartmann's head begin to ache, probably because he woke up in the middle of his slumber. He look to the scroll and turned on to see the time. 4 AM. He agreed with the girls they will begin to search for Blake at around 8 to 9 AM. Letting out a sigh, he went back to sleep.


8 AM

Blake was all set to head out and find out the true criminals that did the dust robbing and the murder of the shopkeeper from yesterday. She knows the white fang couldn't be the perpetrators of this, and may be just some human thugs that wants to frame them.

She thought back about her three teammates. She knew they would be in the city to find her, which is a problem because they would stop her plans on investigating the true perpetrators.

Shaking out of her thoughts, she decide to not think about them right now. She took a quick shower, and wore the same clothes from yesterday. She was now ready to find the criminals.

Though when she opened the door, she did not expect the Monkey boy standing infront of her.

"Sun!?" Blake stepped back, surprised from his presence.

"Mornin kitty cat. Was waiting for you to wake up." Sun gave her a smile, which Blake wasn't too fond of it. "'re after the criminals, huh? Mind if i help you with it? You could use an extra hand."

Blake let out an exhale. "Just leave me alone." She went out of her room - passing by sun and walked away from him. Though Sun catch up to her, sticking by her side, much to the cat girl's annoyance.

"You should go back to your team." Blake suggested, hoping that would let him to not bother her anymore.

"Don't need too. I called them and i said that i'll be back after i help the gloomy Faunus lady - which is you." Sun smirked at the last part. Blake furrowed her eyebrows and frowned.

What's with this monkey's deal with her?


9:30 AM

"This is gonna be a long search." said Hartmann, letting out a sigh. He along with Ruby, Yang, and Weiss were now at Vale again. This time they weren't looking around the parades and such, instead they're all focused on finding Blake. Like they expected, Blake did not return to the school, which means she was still out in the city, possibly investigating on who did the robbery.

In the meantime, he was also wearing his regular old tank uniform, along with his hat.

"We'll find her before nightfall. I'm sure of it." Yang said, confidently.

"I'm worried, though. She won't even answer her scroll." replied Ruby while showing the missed calls that wasn't answered by Blake.

"Blake's a big girl. She could take care of herself. If not, she might ask her white fang buddies to help." Weiss said, stoically.

"Weiss, you are not helping." groaned Hartmann.

"Yeah, give her a break. She's one of our teammates." Yang followed. "I don't really care if my partner is or is not part of the white fang, but she's missing and she needs our help."

"You know who might be able to help us? The VPD." Weiss suggested, getting the irritation from the other three.

"Weiss..." Hartmann crossed his arms.

"Hey, it was just an idea!"

"A bad one that is." Yang said.

"Just wait till you see that i was right when Blake really is part of the organization." declared Weiss.

"We still have no evidence!" Hartmann countered.

Ruby grumbled and pull up her hood. The constant arguing is slowing her and everyone else from finding Blake. The other thing slowing them down that she couldn't think to where they would begin the search.

Vale's a pretty big place, and it'll took the entire day to find her.

"It's you!" A shout was heard behind them, which startled them as they quickly turn around. Then they noticed that the one who shouted was Penny - the same ginger girl that Ruby bumped into yesterday.

"Penny?" Ruby said.

"We encounter one another once more, miss Ruby. Or of what you had said to me; Friend." Penny said with a smile. The four were a bit confused about it. Ruby was the most confused until she remembered that she did call her 'Friend' before she left.

Though this didn't really mean she was friends with her, she barely gotten to know her. Penny spoke again. "I analyze the word that Friend means a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection to another person. You calling me friend means you do have mutual affection to me. So, you really are my friend?"

Weiss, Hartmann and Yang all turned to the silver-eyed girl with confused faces as Ruby was struggling to answer it. "" It gets worse when Penny stepped closer to her, still giving her smile. "Are you really my friend?" She repeated, hoping for an answer.

Ruby look to her sister and her friends, mentally asking for any help. Weiss shook her head and hand, saying that she should reject the offer from the weird girl. While Hartmann and Yang only respond with a shrug, which didn't really help her at all.

Not wanting to hurt Penny's feelings, she inhaled and answered. "Sure thing.." This caused Weiss to slap her forehead so hard that a red bruise appeared.

Penny smiled widely from her answer as she threw her arms in the air. "Sensational! Thank you for being my first friend!" She lowered her arms. "So, what are you doing right now?

"We're...looking for our friend. She's missing since yesterday." Ruby said.

"Oh, that's horrible! Don't worry, Ruby. I can help you find your lost friend!" She said enthusiastically

"No Penny, that's okay. We got this all covered. Right, guys?" There was no answer. "Guys?" Ruby look to where Weiss, Hartmann and Yang was but they weren't there. Her jaw dropped realizing they left her.




Blake's cat ears perked up when she heard the faint sound of Ruby. This means that her team are looking for her in the city. Maybe bringing Hartmann with them aswell. Hopefully, they won't find her that easily.

Blake's currently in a cafe where she would eat her breakfast. A tuna sandwich and ice tea. She would've been done about 5 minutes ago if she didn't waste her time staring at Sun, who followed her here.

He was also having his own breakfast. He only ordered a banana and some water, not that appetizing but it's still food.

Sun finished the banana he was eating and then gulped down his glass of water. "Man, bananas sure are delish, huh?" He smiled and laid back on his chair.

"Why are you here hanging out with me?" She asked as Sun looked to her. "I mean, you don't know a thing about me, but you're willing to help about my objective."

Sun let out a sigh. "Look, i'm just the type of guy who can't abandon someone who's down in the dumps. Just like you. Is that so weird? And if the problem's us not knowing eachother, then why not throw me a bone and tell me more about yourself? Like what's your deal with the white fang?"

"I didn't tell you this, yesterday. But i used to be part of them." She confessed.

"You were?" Blake give him a nod. Sun kind of expected that answer, but it still surprised him.

"Yeah, but I left a year ago."

"What made you to leave them?" He asked.

Blake inhaled. " 'Fangs of pure white need not shed blood.' That was the true meaning behind the white fang's name. I became a part of them as soon as they allowed new members. I was so proud of myself. Then five years ago, a new leader stepped up, with a new way of thinking. That new way of thinking, is by shedding the blood. I was still a youthful optimist even after the change, which i thought this idea would work for our cause, until i start to think back of how wrong this was. The worst part of this is that it's working. We were getting treated equally, but not out of respect...but out of fear. That's when i knew that the white fang that i know and loved was gone. So i left. I decide to no longer wanted to use my skill to kill people and aid in their violence. Instead, i would dedicate my life on becoming a huntress to protect them."

Sun look down a bit, coming to terms. "I hear ya.." He look back to her and asked. "Don't ya think you oughta tell your friends about this?"

Blake kept quiet, blankly staring at the table while thinking about it. She still needed the time to think.


After having to leave Ruby with the Penny girl, Hartmann split up from Weiss and Yang so they can have a better success on finding Blake. If either of them know where she is, they'll go to their scrolls and call them.

Three hours have passed, and the German kept walking to the streets. He was still searching for Blake, albeit she wasn't anywhere to be seen. He felt his legs tiring out, realizing he had been walking for those two hours, not catching a break.

He stopped by near a cafe to rest and order a drink to freshen him up. He sat down by the bar table as one of the employees came to him.

"What are ya havin'?" They asked.

"Just give me a warm coffee. With sugar and cream." He said, while giving them the amount of cost of Lien. The employee took the lien and went to make the coffee. It didn't took too long, only about a few minutes as the coffee was done. "Here you are, sir."

Hartmann muttered 'Danke', which didn't really care to the employee as they left afterwards.

Taking a sip at the coffee, he thought about today's search for Blake. Taking out his scroll, he messaged to Ruby, Weiss, and Yang about their progress. Weiss and Yang said they're searching through store after store, asking any of the owners if they saw a black-haired girl with a black bow pass by. Most of them said no.

Where as Ruby haven't replied for about a few minutes, until she said that she is still continue her search, with Penny deciding to help her. Though she still a bit mad when she was abandoned with Penny. Hartmann regretted it now and apologized.

Nonetheless, they still haven't found blake.

He let out a sigh. Hartmann may not be part of team RWBY - which means that he shouldn't be here, but he was a specialist of Beacon, willing to help any of his huntsman comrades in need. This was one of them.

"Feeling a little down, kid?" Hartmann heard a familiar voice. He turned to his right and there he saw the Military man he met, yesterday. Still wearing the same outfit, with the absent of his shades.

"Oh, um..." He stuttered, struggling to think of a correct response. "A little.."

"You want to talk about it?"


"So, you were slashed by a beowolf, huh? I guess that explains that sewed marks by your chest." Richard pointed out to the sewed part of his tank uniform in the middle, the one where he was slashed by that wolf back in forever fall.

"Yep. Lucky that my Aura protected me from getting a huge flesh wound." Hartmann replied.

The two had talked about an hour now. Hartmann told the man that he was a specialist huntsman in Beacon, which had him interested. Though he didn't expect the so-called "Specialist" to look that un-trained.

Hartmann countered that he didn't even mean to be one, since during initiation he found the hidden relic that accepts him to the program. Also, he was still training to be a better specialist.

Richard just shrugged it off and then come up with another topic, which regards his current state being in the city. "So this 'Blake' friend of yours. She left after a beef with one of her teammates?"

"Yeah, i didn't think it would escalate like that..." He tried to hide the fact about the whole white fang conspiracy.

"And you're here with her teammates, wanting to find her too? Despite you not part of their team?"

"She's still my friend, though. And this is what i should do as a specialist. Helping my fellow huntsman comrades." He sighed, leaning back to the chair. "But i feel useless."

"Hey, don't get too hard on yourself, kid. You actually remind of me when i was just a Corporal back then." Richard chuckled.

"Hm?" The German raised his eyebrow.

Richard lean back, with his arms behind his neck. "Yeah me along with a platoon were engaging a horde of Grimm that breached through and attacked one of the cities. We had to hold em off before the huntsmens arrive. When the sergeant died, i was responsible for leading the surviving members, all were privates. I felt i was going to be useless and will get all of them killed, but...i manage to find my pride and led the platoon to victory. Thanks to my comrades' trust, we held them off just as the huntsman and reinforcements arrived. They were surprised when most of the Grimm were already dead by us, alone.

"Because of my leadership and credibility, the VDF promoted me to second lieutenant." Richard said proudly.

"Wow, that was amazing." He was intrigued by that short story of him.

"The point is, Hartmann. If you ever feel useless, don't think of it too much that it could ruin your credibility. I'm sure somewhere inside you, you will find that pride and lead your comrades. And along with their help and trust, you could be an amazing specialist."

"I see." Hartmann nodded, understanding it. "Thanks you, Mr. Marlowe."

"Ah, don't mention it." He shrugged it off. "Now..tell me where did you get that hat of yours?" He asked, pointing to his grey hat.



Blake and Sun were walking in an alleyway. They were still investigating for any traces or evidence about the perpetrators that robbed the dust shops. It was almost everywhere when she kept seeing several dust stores ransacked and vandalized. Luckily, no one was hurt or killed.

She even had to re-visit the dust shop from yesterday for any nearby traces from the robbers, but to no avail.

"So, what's the plan now?" Sun asked with his hands behind his head.

Blake put a finger below her jaw, contemplating. "Whoever the criminals are, they sure were good on hiding their steps. And I still don't believe the white fang's behind all these robberies. They'd never needed that much dust before."

"But what if they did?" Sun stopped as Blake turned to him. "I mean, the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there!" He theorized. "Right?"

"The only thing is, I've no idea where that would be." Blake frowned while crossing her arms.

"Well, i heard some guys talking about a cargo ship from the schnee dust company, hauling a huge amount of dust to the port. If i'm not wrong, it will arrive tonight." Sun said. "If we do a stakeout, we're sure to run into the robbers, yeah?"

Blake seems to agree with the idea. A huge amount of dust coming out of cargos is a perfect place for any of the robbers to get their hands on. Though she also think that the whole stakeout thing might be a terrible option that will lead to unnecessary violence or even deaths.

But if this is a way to find out who the real perpetrators are, then there's no other choice.

She then let out a sigh. "Fine, we'll do the stakeout."

Sun smirked. "To the port!" He shouted, earning an eye roll from Blake.


Hartmann left the cafe before saying goodbye to Richard, or Marlowe - which he likes to prefer himself. With that he continue on his search for Blake.

While walking, he thought back of the talk with Marlowe. What Marlowe said had motivated the German that he is sure he can be the best specialist and a trusted friend or comrade in Beacon. For the latter, he'll help team RWBY - or in this case RWY, to find Blake no matter what.

Looking at the sky, it was afternoon. Seeing the clock right at 3 p.m. Can't believe they were out for a while and yet Blake was not found.

He check his scroll and see any new messages from the girls. Weiss recently asked on how is his progress, in which he would reply that he's still searching. She and Yang were also still searching for her, taking short breaks in the process.

Which then leaves to Ruby.

Speaking of Ruby, Hartmann was going to send a message to her, but didn't need too when he look to the front and saw a familiar crimson-haired girl with a red robe.

"Ruby!" He called out to her as the latter turned around.

"Oh, Hartmann!" Ruby replied walking towards him. "Heh, i supposed to find Blake but instead i found you instead." She joked.

Hartmann give a little chuckle at it. "Goes the same for me finding you." His mood then went serious. "So i guess that means you didn't find Blake?"

Ruby sadly sighed. "Nope. Even with Penny with me, we still can't find her." She gestured to Penny which she was currently standing behind her, giving a wave to the German. "Hey, since you're here. Why don't we go together to find Blake?" Ruby suggested.

Hartmann thought about it, before nodding in agreement. "Okay, sounds good."

"Great!" She exclaimed. "Oh also-"

"OOF!" Abruptly, Ruby send a punch to Hartmann's stomach. He recoiled from the punch, taking two steps back while holding his stomach. "W-What was that for!?"

"That is for abandoning me!" She said, lividly. Then rubbing her fists. " Still saving two more of these for Weiss and Yang."

"I said i was sorry, okay?" He said. "You saw what i texted in the message."

"Well it wasn't enough. But now i forgive you." Ruby smiled afterwards. "Now come on." She gestured to come along with her and Penny, which he then followed suit.

Catching up to her, Penny turned to the boy and offer her hand to him. "Hello, my name is penny!" She introduced, even though she already did yesterday.

Hartmann reluctantly accept the handshake. "Hartmann..." he said before letting go.

"Do you want to be my friend?" She immediately asked.

"Uh..." He then felt a light hit to his side from Ruby as she was leaning close to him.

"Say Yes. Even if you don't agree, just say 'Yes'." She whispered before pulling away from him to not cause suspicion from Penny. Hartmann exhaled, before turning to the girl.


An ecstatic feeling took over the girl as she immediately grab both of his hands, tightly. Hartmann could feel a strong grip coming for her. A really strong grip that could possibly crunch his bones. He tried to hold the pain.

"Sensational! Thank you for being my friend! Now i have two friends in the same day! Isn't that amazing?"

"Y-Yeah..." He said weakly, still feeling the strong grip from her hands.

"We can do anything together with us three! We can go shopping, play games together, explore the city, and-"

"Aaand easy for us to find our friend, Blake!" Ruby intervened, walking in-between the two, letting go of Penny's hands from Hartmann's. "With the three of us, we can cover more ground and eventually find her."

Penny lightly gasped. "You're right!" She exclaimed, raising one of her fingers. "We must find her, stat! And she could my new friend, too." Penny then starts to march forward. "Let's go new friends!"

Seeing her acting like that, Ruby whispered, "Such a strange girl.", before turning to Hartmann, the latter re-adjust his hands after that strong painful grip from her. "You good?" Ruby asked.

"That girl's strong." He commented. " Almost as if she is a machine."

"Come on, Harts. You know that's not true." Ruby denied. "Now let's go before she bothers anyone else."

"Right behind you." He adjusted his hands one more time before following Ruby and catching up to Penny. Though he was sure the latter's hands felt like the steel of a machine.


6:45 PM

It is now past 6 PM in the evening. The sky has gone dark and the shattered moon slowly rises from its slumber. At the port, Blake was laying down on her stomach on top of one of the cargo containers that made it here. Sun was right, it did belong to the SDC.

Sun left about fifteen minutes ago, which leaves her by herself as she observed her surroundings. The place was pretty empty and dark, not include the two security guards that pass by her spot a few times. Thankfully she was hidden well that they weren't able to see her.

Though they do need to work more on the security in this port. There's hardly a security camera in place. Nonetheless, she kept an eye on the port when the dust robbers get here to get their hands on the dust.

She heard a thud behind her, but didn't need to turn around since she knows it was Sun coming back. The monkey boy then went by her side, crouching down.

"Did i miss anything?" He asked.

Blake shook her head. "Not really. They've offloaded the crates from the boats. Now they're just sitting there. Security's doing fine too."

"Cool." Sun then took out a green apple and offers it to Blake. "I swiped this apple for you, incase you're hungry."

"Do you always break the law without giving a second thought?" Blake asked, giving a questioning look.

"Hey, you were in a terrorist organization before, no?" Sun countered, but this cause Blake giving an angry glare to him. "Okay, too soon!"

She sighed, extending one of her arms. "Just give me the apple."

Sun chuckled. "Told you." He said before tossing the apple to her. Blake took a few steps back and sat on the container. She took a bite of the apple while still watching and waiting for the perpetrators to show up.

"So..." Sun broke the silence. "What are you gonna do after?"

"Huh?" She turned to him.

"I mean, once we caught the robbers, what are you gonna do next? Return to your friends?" That thought still cloud Blake's mind. Sun was right though. It was only the matter of time before she has to go back to Beacon and back to her team.

"I'm actually planning to. But, i don't know if they'll like me anymore." she said.

"Ah come on now." Sun threw his arms back. "You really think that's gonna happen? They're your team, and teammates always look up to eachother no matter what."

"I guess, but i don't think Weiss would forgive me."

"The schnee girl?" Blake give him a nod. "Hmm, schnees are a different breed, and had more conflicts with the Faunus white fang than anyone else...but i'm sure that Weiss girl is not like that." Sun lighten up of the last part. "She may have change her mind."

Blake exhaled, thinking about it. Again she had her doubts, but running away from her and the team won't solve anything. She just has to swallow her pride and apologize, even if she won't like her anymore.

Hear cat ears then perked up as she quickly went back proning, getting Sun's attention. "What is it?" Blake shushed him as her ears focused on what it's hearing.

"Hey, you're not supposed to be here!" She heard another one of the security guards talking to someone. "Get out or- aagh!" Then it follows by a shout, implying that they got attacked.

Apparently the shout got the attention of the two security guards as they readied their weapons.

Sun also heard the shout. "What was that?"

"They're here." She said, knowing that the ones attacking the guards were the dust robbers.

"Should we help them?" Sun asked, gesturing to the guards.

"No, we can't risk it. We might get caught." She continued to watch the guards, now in alert. Just then, as one of the guards were about to radio their comrades, two more figures in black appeared behind them.

The guards weren't able to react quick as the figures swiftly knock them out hard. "Port's clear." One of them said, implying they might off taken out all the guards in the port.

"You know this place really needs to up in the security." Sun whispered.

"Touché." Blake replied, turning back to the figures.

The two of them walk out to the open, with three more coming out from the blind spots. All of them wore black or grey hoodies that Blake couldn't tell who they were. However she then saw one of them had a lizard tail exposed, which means...they're Faunus. It follows when the rest of them took of their hoods, revealing their traits.

"Afraid to say this but...guess the white fang are behind this." Sun said, observing the Faunus thieves.

"No, that can't be true." Blake doubted. "Just because they're Faunus, doesn't mean they're automatically part of the white fang." She hoped that these Faunus were your ordinary thugs, and not affiliated with the White fang.

Blake then could her the sound of jet engines as she and sun saw three bullheads coming to the port. They slowly descend to the ground by the middle of the containers from where the black hooded Faunus were. The doors then opened and the ramp extends as more figures came out of the bullheads.

The figures also wore black hoods, but were accompanied with white vests along with a mask, a mask that Blake recognizes. Anyone with half a brain would know who those guys were. They're the white fang.


Blake stared at them in disbelief. All this time she thought the white fang were being innocent in those recurring dust robberies, but here it is infront of her face, it was them who caused it.

"Guess they really are the culprits..." Sun said, looking at the white fang. Atleast there were about 35 of them, including the five hooded Faunus', which makes it 40. Enough men to carry the dusts in the port.

Sun look back to Blake, seeing her reaction which he had expected. "You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?"

She frowned sadly. "No. I think deep down i knew. I just didn't want to be right.." She then closed her eyes in despair.

"Uh, Blake." Sun tapped her shoulders, causing her to open her eyes again.

"What?" Sun pointed to the bullheads where an orange haired man walks out, bearing a white coat and a bowler hat along with a cane.

Blake and Sun could see that he didn't have any Faunus traits, but they didn't need to know since both of them knew he was the notorious criminal, Roman Torchwick.

"Now then..." Roman began. "Time to put in a night's work. Wouldn't you my fanged friends?"

The white fang soldiers stopped and nodded, which then Roman continued. "Now pronto with the dust! We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so pick up the pace, you animals!" The soldiers did so, while some still hating the fact they were being ordered by a human.

Blake and Sun stared at Roman in disbelief. "What's he doing here?" Sun wondered.

"This isn't right. The white fang would never work around with a Human." Blake said while getting up, taking out her weapon. "Especially with a guy like him..."

"Blake, what are you doing?" Ignoring Sun's protest, Blake drop to the ground from the side and make her way to Roman.

She went to one of the containers and hid behind it, peeking around the corner to see Roman berating a white fang member holding a rope. "You buffoon, this is not a leesh! Get it right." The Faunus nodded and went elsewhere.

Roman lights up his cigar, unknowingly that Blake was slowly approaching him from behind, sneaking like a cat. When the opening's clear, Blake swooped in behind him, activating one of her gambol shroud's to the blade from and aiming at his throat.

"What the-" Roman was cut off when Blake pushes the blade to his throat, making his Aura sparked a bit.

The nearby white fang members noticed her presence. They rushed to the scene and were about to draw their weapons, before Blake spoke.

"Nobody move!"

That seemed to stop the members as they stared at Blake holding Roman hostage. Blake then removed her bow, revealing her cat ears to the Faunus.

"Comrades of the white fang. Why are you aiding this rotten man?" The members looked to eachother for a moment, unsure of what to do.

However, Roman let out a laugh.

"Ha ha! Perhaps you didn't get the memo, kid." He said.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"The White fang and i have joined together in service of a grand, sublime plan. We are partners, equals, even."

Blake frowned. "I don't buy that for a second. You must've deceived them and took their pride away."

"Well then kitty kat, witness with your own two eyes then." Roman said turning to the white fang members, with Blake doing the same. She saw that the members were taking out their weapons, with smirks on their faces.

"You speak of 'Taking away their pride'? Really?" Roman asked with a huge smirk on his face. "Did that pride ever even existed?"

Blake continue to stare at the members in horror, each of them taking out their guns or swords, still having those evil smirks. She couldn't see it, but behind their masks had eyes of evil intention.

"Well, surely you already know..." Roman readied his cane, with Blake not knowing. "After all...this is the true nature of the Faunus." He then manages to fire his cane at Blake's feet, resulting in a large explosion.


"So, Blake is really your friend?" Penny asked to Hartmann and Ruby as they were currently resting beside a bench, with the girls sitting on it.

Ruby sighed. "Yes, penny."

"But you two seemed to be mad at her. Are you?"

"No, we're not." Hartmann said. "But probably Weiss."

"Weiss is not friends with her?" She asked again.

"Well, not really's just that Blake might not be who we thought she was." Ruby said

"...Is she a man?"

"No!" Both Ruby and Hartmann exclaimed, the latter then continued. "Not that penny."

"Then what is it?"

"She might just be a Faunus. A cat one per se." Ruby did remember she liked tuna a lot.

Penny slowly nodded. "I see. Such are the circumstances concerning friend Blake." Ruby drooped to the ground, thinking of this situation, letting out a huge sigh after.

"You doing okay, Rubes?" Hartmann asked, concerned.

"I'm just thinking of what should we do if we stumble across her? What would we even say to her?" Ruby said while sitting back up, groaning. "Gaah, this is stressing me out!"

"Me too." He then put a hand on one of her shoulders. "But you cannot just give up like that. You're the leader of team RWBY."

"I'm still learning to be a proper leader, okay?!" She exclaimed. "I just didn't thought how hard it would be."

"Hey, you have people that can help you. Me, Yang, Jaune, Blake, and then penny here.." He briefly look to the ginger girl for a second, the latter giving a smile to them. "But all and all, if you have friends by your back, surely you can be a good leader of you team."

Ruby felt a bit positive now. "You know what...i guess you're right." All those things he said really mean to her, while surprised that out of all people, Hartmann's the one who said it. Makes her wondering, what was he even doing the past afternoon?

Penny then joins in the conversation. "I may not have that many friends, but if i were you two, i would want them to talk to me about things. Positive things. No matter what they are, friendships remains unchanged."

That seemed to really lighten up the mood, with Ruby and Hartmann giving her a smile. The latter replied. "Danke, Penny." Unknown to him, Penny was processing the word he just said. 'Danke'.

It seemed completely foreign to her.

"It's night time now...i'm afraid we have to call it a day and search for her tomorrow." Ruby said. Hartmann sighed, but nodded. Tomorrow is Sunday, and that is still another 24 hours to find Blake.

As they were going to call for Weiss and Yang, a big explosion was heard near their area.

"What was that?" Ruby asked, a bit franticly.

"I believe it's an explosion. Located at the northern docks, right near us." Penny stated.

"The docks?" Hartmann said, confused. "But how could there be an explosion in there?"

"The SDC did send a bunch of cargo to Vale, all filled with dust located on that port." Penny explained.

"Dust? Wait that means..." Him and Ruby stared to eachother, remembering that a bunch of dust shops were robbed by culprits. Said Culprits presumed to be white fang, which is the same organization that Blake defended from all those robberies.

This could only mean one thing.

"Blake!" They said in unison, leaving Penny raising her eyebrow.

"She must be in trouble. We have to do something!" Ruby said.

Hartmann nodded as he dial in the numbers for his rocket locker in his scroll. Not even a minute, the locker crashed a few feet away from them.

Hartmann opened his locker and take out his weapons in it, which was his trusty MP40 and his sword, along with a few grenades. He load a mag in the weapon and cocked it. He then turned to Ruby.

"Let's go."

"My locker will be here in a few seconds, but you should go ahead first and find Blake!" She suggested.

He nodded. "Okay, see you there." With that, Hartmann sprinted into the docks to where he would expect a fight happening between Blake and the possible perpetrators of the dust shop robbery.

He just hopes that nothing bad will happen.


Sometimes i feel like when i gave other characters screentime than the Main character, i feel the latter being left out in the story. Which is how i felt when writing this chapter when Blake had more screentime in this

But anyways, that was chapter 11. Leaving it in a slight cliffhanger, sorry.

Chapter 12 will be fight in the docks.

Leave any comments, be either in this chapter or maybe some predictions of the next chapter.

See you next time.

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