34 - Flower

•Charms Label•

"HOW THE HELL?!" Jaejun yelled as he threw some files on the floor as Taeri and Jiwook stood in front of him, equally concerned.

"First of all." Jaejun inhaled a deep breath, "No one except for my trusted people know that there's this man who works for me."

They focused on the screen of the tablet.

"I was appointed to stalk Mr. Choi wherever he goes and click pictures which could be used for manipulation." The man confessed in the media, "To cause unnecessary scandals for him."

"Who appointed you for it?" The reporter asked.

"Mr. Park Jaejun, CEO of Charms Label."

"THIS BASTARD." Jaejun threw the tablet away.

"I-I I know who caught him." Jiwook stuttered.

"Who?" Taeri asked.

"Yoon Jeonghan." Jiwook blurted out, "And probably Boo Seungkwan too."

"What?" Jaejun scrunched his brows.

"Yes sir. Do you remember, Mr. Yoon had unfolded Hana's crimes too? Similarly, he's the one behind this." Jiwook explained.

"NO WAY!" Jaejun clenched his jaw, "Kang Chaemin was in Japan yesterday. It's not even possible."

"Sir! I found out that Kang Chaemin is Kang Yeosang's cousin brother." Jiwook scoffed, "And Kang Yeosang is the handler of Rose Quartz's Tokyo branch."

"WHAT-?!" Jaejun was bewildered, "And you're telling me this now?!"

"I just found out." Jiwook mumbled.

"Wait. Even if Jeonghan has strong connections in Japan, it doesn't make sense for him to know that Chaemin is hiding in Japan." Jaejun massaged his forehead, "Someone has leaked our personal information, definitely."

"That's not even the concern right now." Taeri intervened, "We've to attend a business party in two days. It's necessary to increase our reach in this field. How can you show up there without clearing this scandal?"

"There's only one way, sir." Jiwook suggested, "Negotiation."

"What negotiation?"

•Rose Quartz HQ•

Jeonghan, Seungkwan and Jun were sitting in Jeonghan's cabin while staring at Jun's phone for office works. Soon enough, it ringed, displaying the caller I'd Cha Jiwook.

"Wait a few seconds then pick up." Jeonghan stated.

Jun nodded as he recieved the call after a while and put it on speaker, "Hello? Rose Quartz Designs."

"Good Morning Mr. Wen. I hope you recalled me, I'm Cha Jiwook, Charms's manager."

"Yes, Mr. Cha, I remember you."

"Mr. Wen, I need a favour from you. Please arrange a meeting for Mr. Park with Mr. Yoon and Mr. Boo today itself. It's really urgent, I'll be grateful for your understanding."

"Mr. Boo? Sorry Mr. Cha but how can I arrange your meeting with a different company's CEO?"

"I know Mr. Wen but Mr. Boo is your and Mr. Yoon's close friend right? You probably know why I need to arrange this meeting. Please try to understand."

"It's okay Mr. Cha, I'll talk to you in a while." Jun hung up the call after which the three of them laughed.

"They know they're in trouble." Jeonghan shrugged.

"For real." Seungkwan nodded, "Jun hyung, please say hes to him after passing a considerable amount of time. After all, we've to look uninterested."

"Yeah of course." Jun chuckled as he left.

"Hyung I'm leaving too." Seungkwan stood up, "We'll meet in the evening at his HQ directly."

"Yeah sure." Jeonghan nodded as the younger made his way out. It was when he got a call from Seungcheol.

"Should I tell him that I'm going to meet Jaejun?" Jeonghan thought, "He'll either insist to come with me while dropping his work or won't let me go. I'll tell him later."

While he was thinking about a decision, the call was declared a missed call. Jeonghan called him back, "Yeah?"

"What happened? Where were you?"

"I was a bit busy, what happened?"

"I'll pick you up in the evening. What time will you be free?"

"Uh Seungcheol, I've a meeting today and I don't know how long it will last. You can go home directly."

"Don't worry, I'll come and wait."

"Oh no no, it's genuinely fine, Seungcheol. You can just go home."

"Oh okay fine. Take care! Call me when your meeting will end."

"Yeah, you too, take care!" He hung up and sighed to himself. He felt really guilty for lying to Seungcheol but he couldn't help it.

The clock went by as it was finally the time to go to the HQ of Charms Label. He met with Seungkwan on the way as they finally reached their destination. They were respectfully escorted to the meeting room along with their guards.

"Good evening Mr. Yoon, Good evening Mr. Boo." Jaejun stood up along with Taeri and Jiwook.

"Good evening Mr. Park." Both the CEOs greeted as they settled down.

"Yes, Mr. Park? What is the urgent thing you wanted to talk about?" Jeonghan asked.

Jaejun looked at Taeri and Jiwook after which he began, "I'm willing to make a negotiation."

"Negotiation?" Seungkwan frowned.

"You already know about the ruckus going on because of Kang Chaemin's confession." Jiwook asked, "We had sent him to Japan solely because we have finally ended our uh- tricks to umm-"

"Stalk Seungcheol and other BSK artists." Jeonghan stated.

Jiwook hesitantly nodded, "We've honestly decided to stop these things."

"So?" Seungkwan asked, "What are we supposed to do?"

"Release a statement that Rose Quartz, BSK and Charms is in peace and good terms with each other." Taeri stated.

"Which is true, I want to end the rivalry between us." Jaejun lied, of course.

"Why are we supposed to release a statement for some other company's scandal?" Jeonghan raised a brow, "That makes no sense."

"It does, at least for BSK." Jaejun explained, "Because it's related to Scoups."

"No? His name is being used, yes. But Chaemin is the one who is saying things, not Scoups." Seungkwan intervened.

"We're not asking you to release a statement over this scandal." Taeri insisted, "Mr. Yoon, you know me. I wouldn't have been here if Mr. Park was wrong but I assure you, he wasn't involved with Leehyuk. He's actually trying to mend things between the three trademarks."

The meeting went on for a while after which they finally came to the decision of a peace treaty. Seungkwan asked BSK's officials to release an official statement over it which began to spread like fire over the internet.

"Thankyou Mr. Yoon, thankyou Mr. Boo." Jaejun chuckled, "I hope this fresh start will also effect our new friendship in business. Mr. Yoon? Now you can do business with me without worrying about any rivalry, right? I hope your husband's reputation, your peace and your friendship won't be at risk because of me anymore."

'Fuck yourself.' Jeonghan clenched his jaw, "Sure Mr. Park, I'll look forward to it."

Jeonghan and Seungkwan left along with their officials as they got into Jeonghan's car while Seungkwan's car was empty with only the driver being there.

"Huh finally that bastard." Seungkwan rolled his eyes.

"He doesn't even know that Chaemin's drama was only to let the media know something is up." Jeonghan smirked, "The final showdown is still yet to come."

"Them being dumb, as always." Seungkwan scoffed as he stretched a bit, "Finally our plan will be hundred percent complete."

"Exactly." Jeonghan nodded, "You're going home right? Dino must be there too."

"Vernon as well." Seungkwan smiled.

"Oh." Jeonghan teased, "I'm ordering food at your address."

"Sure do!" Seungkwan excitedly stated, "Let me get some younger privilege."

"Of course." Jeonghan patted his head. Soon, they reached the JC Mansion. Seungkwan got into his own car and left while Jeonghan walked into the hall of the mansion.

"Jeonghan? Where were you?" Seungcheol crossed his arms against his chest.

"Where was I?" Jeonghan repeated the question, "Office." He shrugged, "Anyways, I'll freshen up then let's have dinner."

Seungcheol held his arm, "Jeonghan, I don't say anything to you doesn't mean you'll start lying to me."

"I'm not lying, I was in the office." Jeonghan retorted.

Seungcheol released the younger from his hold as he felt disappointed, "Go, freshen up. I'll set the table." He walked out of the hall towards the dining area.

'What's wrong with him?' Jeonghan frowned. He felt genuinely concerned but decided to freshen up first and talk to him with a cool mind.

After taking his time in the shower, he finally descended downstairs and approached the dining table which was already neatly organised. Seungcheol shifted the chair for the younger and got into his own without looking at him.

Jeonghan felt the thick tension in the hall as he sat down. He tried to lift up the mood as he chuckled, "What's in dinner tonight?"

Seungcheol glared at him as the meal was already open and visible. He scoffed as he served it for both of them.

"I will-" Jeonghan tried to help but Seungcheol didn't let him. After serving, he began to eat without looking up.

"Seungcheol?" Jeonghan held his hand, "What happened?"

"Nothing?" Seungcheol shrugged, "Eat and let me eat, peacefully."


"Keep it for later Jeonghan, eat first." Seungcheol nodded. Jeonghan agreed as the dinner went on with awkwardness and tension surrounding the couple.

As soon as they finished, Jeonghan asked again, "Now tell me Seungcheol, what happened?"

"Why would I tell you?" Seungcheol looked at the younger, "Do you tell me anything?"


"You went to meet Jaejun." Seungcheol stated, "And I had no clue about that."

"How-" Jeonghan was astonished, "How do you know?"

"I asked Jun." Seungcheol scoffed, "I don't want a third person between us Jeonghan but you oblige me to. Everytime, it goes like that. I tell you every single detail of my entire day to you. When I went to the meeting, I called you before and after it. I told you everything that happened but you?"


"Didn't I ask you to call me when your meeting would end? Did you care to tell me that you were heading home?" Seungcheol frowned, "No. It doesn't matter to you right? I'm asking you to tell me about your whereabouts because I care for you. I tell you everything about myself because I want you to know. But you? You don't."

"Seungcheol, I'm sorry. I was going to tell you everything." Jeonghan confessed, "I didn't tell you earlier because you would have started worrying."

"And? What's wrong in me worrying about you?" Seungcheol raised a brow, "That's such a lame excuse, Jeonghan. Do you want me to stop caring about you? If I won't worry about you then who will?

I know you're independent and self sufficient but let me care for you. I'm here to love you, why can't you simply accept that fact? I'm your husband Jeonghan, I've all the rights to worry about you."

Jeonghan just looked down as he knew he was guilty.

"This is not done, Jeonghan. You shouldn't lie to me in any possible situation." Seungcheol took the plates and went away to keep them in the sink.

Jeonghan walked behind him, "Seungcheol, see, I'm really sorry. This would never happen again, I swear."

"Don't follow me here and there." Seungcheol warned as he left the kitchen.

"Forgive me please!" Jeonghan didn't leave the older.

"I said don't follow me." Seungcheol muttered.

"See, I know what I did, was wrong."

"Good for you."

"Listen to me- wait- why are you walking so fast uh-?" Jeonghan managed to match his pace.

"I'm not in the mood to talk right now." Seungcheol shrugged as he walked into their room while Jeonghan trailed behind.

Seungcheol stared at him with a dejected face as Jeonghan stared back, "What? Are you going to kick me out of the room now?"

Seungcheol sighed as he went into the the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"Wow." Jeonghan collapsed on the bed, "What do I do now?"

"I'm sorry Seungcheol but this is all I can think of." Jeonghan stood up as he walked out of the room. He stood by the wall while peeking into the room.

Soon enough, Seungcheol walked out of the bathroom while drying his hair with a towel. He looked around for Jeonghan but didn't react much.

Jeonghan tiptoed behind the side table that was kept by the wall. He kicked the table as it fell and he sat on the floor while screaming in pain.

Seungcheol rushed out of the room, "Jeonghan?!" He went beside the younger and held his shoulders, "What happened?"

"My knee!" Jeonghan clutched the older's t-shirt, "It's paining a lot! Seungcheol! It hurts!"

Seungcheol tried to make him stand but Jeonghan shrugged, "I can't stand right now!"

"Okay wait!" Seungcheol immediately lifted him up and walked into the room. He cautiously laid the younger on the bed and sat beside him. He gently held his leg and massaged his knee, "Should I call a doctor?"

"NO!" Jeonghan's eyes widened, "It's not that serious. It's just a bit painful."

Seungcheol patted his head in concern, "I'll bring the first aid kit."

"No, just stay here." Jeonghan held his hand, "I'll be fine."

Seungcheol was extremely worried as he nodded, "Okay."

"How can you be so mean?" Jeonghan cried in disbelief, "I'm hurt and still you're being angry instead of taking care of me."

"I just asked to call a doctor and bring a first-"

"No you didn't kiss my forehead." Jeonghan whined.

Seungcheol stared at him in disbelief, "Yoon Jeonghan? Are you acting up?"

"Wow so now I'm even acting up?" Jeonghan continued, "Go! Just go away! Leave me and my knee pain alone."

"Why would you say that?"

"Why would YOU say that?"

"Okay I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Seungcheol kissed his forehead and caressed his hair.

Jeonghan immediately embraced him tightly and pulled him on the bed, "Don't be upset at me! It actually hurts."

"So you were acting up huh?" Seungcheol looked at the younger as both of them were lying on the bed in each other's embrace.

"Sorry." Jeonghan snuggled into his embrace.

"You always find ways to give me a mini heart attack." Seungcheol kissed his head.

"You're not upset, right?" Jeonghan rested his chin on the older's chest to look up.

"How can I be?" Seungcheol chuckled.

"Thank you." Jeonghan smiled, "I swear it won't happen again."

"Yeah, it shouldn't." Seungcheol whispered, "Or your little drama won't work again."

"Oh trust me, it will." Jeonghan flicked his hair.

"I'm not joking right now." Seungcheol stared at him, "I'm serious. Last time you tried to keep everything to yourself and told me too late. Then you even asked me to stay quiet. What happened? You got- anyways, don't repeat that mistake Jeonghan."

"I know, I realised it and I accept my mistake." Jeonghan mumbled, "I'll never do that again."

"Good." Seungcheol chuckled as he kissed his forehead, "Lying to me is the last thing I would want you to do. Be it anything, just tell it to me honestly. The truth might not hurt that much but your lies would definitely hurt."

"I know Seungcheol, I won't do that." Jeonghan patted his arm, "I won't do anything to hurt you."

"Hmm so your knee?" Seungcheol raised a brow.

"Is fine." Jeonghan giggled.

"Seungcheol, it hurts a lot. It's paining!" Seungcheol managed to mimic the younger, "Huh?!"

Jeonghan pressed a kiss on his cheek, "I'll intentionally make you angry if you'll look this adorable."

"That's not funny." Seungcheol rolled his eyes.

"Yeah shut up." Jeonghan closed his eyes, "Let me sleep in my husband's warmth."

"Your wish-"

"My command." Jeonghan completed the sentence while laughing.

A/n : So guys, this book is ending soon! Don't worry, I've a lot more to feed your delulus (istg I hate this word for unknown reasons).

Anyways, take care everyone!

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