"The Mad Eyed Captain Roared!"

The looming ship made port shaking the dock when it did.

The people stared with baited breaths awaiting the occupants to deperse from the floating ominous looking vessel.

A deck board was slammed onto the dock causing the crowd to reel backwards a bit.

A figure walked out looking as if he were ready to take on the world.

He had a large portion of his face disfigured, by a huge gash made by that of a sword.

Behind him another man followed suit wearing an eye patch and picking his teeth sinisterly with a dagger.

The ladies who were previously clutching onto the merchant were now being drawn to these mysterious strangers.

More men came out one had a glass eye and a face with so many scars he resembled an Amadillo.

Behind him was a dark haired man with guns a plenty strapped to his person.

Another younger looking man was at the brunettes side he looked to innocent to be apart of these cutthroats he must've been the captain's son.

And finally a man with a glorious blood red velvet coat to put any regal's garment to shame, up top his head he wore a single crow feather in his luxurious looking captain's hat.

"I be Mad Eye and this be me crew and we demand everything ye have! Or ol' Sid 'ere 'll paint the decks with yer innards." The captain hollered pointing to the man messing with a dagger.

"Now you listen here ye burly bunch of scoundrels we are a peaceful port and we don't appreciate ye heathens!" A somewhat young looking man said standing his ground against the captain.

The captain pulled out his pistol and shot the man right in the heart without making eye contact with his target.

The crowd gasped and cowered at the scene that just befell them as the crew of the ship cheered on the captain.

"He just shot Mr. Alexander Promenade!" A woman cried possibly his wife, Rhiannon.

The captain brushed off their shock and glares as he took whatever Mr. Alexander had to offer.

His crew on the other hand advanced on the people mostly going for the women of course, being at sea for years on end men have needs even the sea-farring adventure can't satiate.

Some of the ladies flocked to the pirates while the others were dragged off kicking and screaming, with the town people only able to watch.

"You can't do that!" The merchant yelled.

The captain turned and walked right up to the blonde haired man, they stood face to face neither one backing down though the captain had a good foot over the other man he didn't falter his glare.

"Don't ye be a hero boy-o ye saw what happened to the other man who stood up against me." The captain growled and the merchant backed down but never broke his glare.

The captain pushed him out of the way as if he were mere sand on his coat and made his way towards his men.

Before entering the building he glanced back towards the merchant's direction and spoke in a low yet serious tone,

"Ye have spirit lad." He said then turned away disappearing into the tavern.

Carl ran after them hoping they didn't destroy his semi fixed establishment but knew that was hopeful thinking when it came to pirates.

The merchant stood there in awestruck usually the pirates he met were less forthcoming and always chucking insults, this was the first time he was told he had anything positive by one of them.

"You alright, Lake?" The painter near him asked.

"Yeah, 'm alright, Keith." He mumbled absentmindedly.

"Wonder what they thought of your dress." Chuckled the painter.

"My dress?" The merchant inquired quizzically.

The painter pointed down to the merchant's ensemble, and the merchant followed with his eyes to where the painter's finger pointed.

"Fuck." The merchant swore outwardly trying to cover himself with his hands.

"At least it matches yer eyes!" The painter laughed louder taking off his coat and offering it to the now embarrassed man.

At this remark the merchant gave the painter the finger and snatched the offered garment out of his hands and wrapped himself up in it.


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