"A Very Old X-Men Fic" 😅
[I apologize now cause some stuff may not make sense and the language can be way off!!]
Salem: Aubrey Jane Cynburleigh
Born: Edinburgh, Scotland on October 31st 1932
+Mother: Ailis Morgayne Merdachan- Cynburleigh (Scots Irish) is a nurse from Edinburgh, Scotland
+Father: Tristan Jasper Cynburleigh(English) is a doctor from London, England
+Siblings: Only child...[I'll explain later]
Do you ever get that feeling as if you are being watched? I do lots of times.
But do you know what is watching you? I do. Everything. From spirits, to God himself. When you are sensitive as I am. You see, feel, and hear things others can not. Some see it as a curse, others as a blessing. Myself it is fifty-fifty.
Why you may ask? The fact is at times it helps me see not only good visions but also bad ones as well. Terrifying you are probably thinking to yourself. It is sometimes but after years you tend to find a way to block it out. You are probably asking yourselves who is this nut job, right? Its okay I'm used to it in this day and age.
Ghost planes are more believable than my tale.
But then again it is the forties the only thing people believe is war.
You are still thinking well who are you? Well dear people I am Aubrey Cynburleigh from Edinburgh, Scotland.
I knew from the beginning I was different from my parents. My mother was a nurse and my father was a explorer both for the Royal Army. Because of their jobs we moved a lot. We lived in Edinburgh, Scotland for a few months, then moved to Dublin, Ireland when I turned one, finally we settled in London, England when I was two. We were happy and lived peacefully til I was four.
Then the changes started. They thought it was just a cry for attention so they ignored it. Then by the time I was eight the changes took a turn for the worst. Everywhere I walked in the hospital the deceased would be revived and the wounded began to heal.
Everyone was baffled, as was I. I tried explaining myself but they accused me of sorcery. As being a child of Satan. I told them I am not! The voices are real as are these strange occurrences. My parents also tried to reason with the town but they failed.
I was sent to an asylum in France when I was eight. I do not remember the name nor do I wish to. They dropped me off and I never got to say goodbye to them. That was the last time I would see them alive again, for the brutal war would take more from me than I ever thought possible.
The letter came a year later telling me I was now property of the state and deemed unfit for society. They told me I was to endure my remaining life in the asylum. Trapped like a caged animal, and the darkness did nothing but feed my fears.
The guards would take advantage of our weakened state some like myself were passed among them as if we were for their enjoyment and pleasure. The doctors ignored us and fed us more drugs to weaken us more. It worked just as they wanted and for me it heightened the voices. I ignored them everyday trying to block them out as best as I could. I was successful then it all changed.
One night back in 1951 on my nineteenth birthday I had vision telling me to leave for they are just poisoning my mind there is nothing wrong with me. To tell you the truth I was actually starting to believe I was indeed insane. Who in their right minds can hear voices if no one is around. I brushed off the voices.
An hour passed and yet again the same voice appeared again this time it was commanding me to listen. I was too scared to disobey it this time so I did as I was told. While everyone was asleep, without any planning and only with my wits to guide me I made my escape.
After hours of running I finally found a bridge to rest under. I do not recall dosing off, but I was awoken by the rays of the rising sun. The beautiful sunrise, being in the city part of England you really can not see it due to all the buildings. In Dublin I could see it everyday, but nothing compared to this.
After being locked up for so long as if I were a wild beast this sunrise was a breath of fresh air to my dismal soul. It could not last I knew I had to journey further or else be found and dragged back to my cage. I made my way about a few miles away from Paris. I knew I was close to Paris. I could see the Eiffel Tower on the horizon. Maybe another few miles and I'll reach the outskirts.
Finally I made it to the outskirts just outside of the city. Just a half hour before sunset. I made camp under another bridge and watched the beautiful night sky mixed with the colourful lights of Paris. I understand why its called the city of love, it has this alluring sense that will take your breath away.
I slept soundly that night, no nightmares of fires, bombings, war, or torture.
I awoke by someone shaking me. My first instinct was that they have found me so I fought. I felt my fist connect with bone, and I was dropped on the ground. I heard the stranger yell a string of profanities in peculiar accent. I gathered my bearings and opened my eyes to see the scene before me.
The stranger was holding his nose to keep it from bleeding.
[I broke his nose!?]
I was in shock, I have never fought anyone let alone broke their bones.
Finally coming out of my state of shock I rushed over to the stranger.
Theodosia Ianthe Athanasiadis
My name is Theodosia Ianthe Athanasiadis (gift from God purple flower from Athens) or that's what they called me. My family. I can't remember them very well but they were kind people very kind. It didn't last nothing good ever does in my life. The treacherous ocean saw to that, and I curse it to this day.
They were my parents. Not my biological parents but they mind as well be. My real parents I never knew as far as I know they're deceased. No my real parents went down into the briny deep abyss along with that ship on that horrible day.
After the accident I was sent back to the ward I hated it so much. The superiors treated us as slaves. I was their favourite victim cause of my condition. Being different in a Catholic orphanage is like having a target painted on your back.
They tortured me with homemade instruments they saw fit to cleanse me of my sins. They told me I was filthy and they must cleanse me before I infect the other children with my satanic ways. I was continuously dunked over and over again into a tub of ice water blessed with holy water, but nothing changed. Through the years I've become accustomed to my punishments. But still hated them.
One day they left me under longer than usual. My body felt like there were knives being stabbed repeatedly into my skin. I couldn't scream, every time I tried the water entered my esophagus thus silencing my screams. I felt disoriented as if slipping away. My vision began to blur and then all that I saw was black.
I came to later in the hospital beds used for the sick children. Still disoriented I wondered how I got here. The memories came flooding back with great force that I felt I'd faint. They tried to kill me the same way as they read about in their books.
That was their answer to everything when it didn't go the way they wanted it would have to go. By any means necessary to be more clear. As if this were a business and not a orphanage. That was the day I started planning my escape.
We were always taken to town on Wednesdays. I was looking forward to this particular day for today will be my last day in this hell hole. While one of the superiors wasn't looking I made my escape. Stealthily moving like a fox in the woods careful not to make a sound. I reached a crowded street and blended in with the locals no one suspecting I wasn't one of them. All to busy with their own affairs or with a mind set on work instead.
I found a sanctuary under a bridge. It wasn't clean but it was much more homelike than that wretched place. I lived under here comfortably for a few days only venturing out when necessities were needed. The cops began to search around near my home for someone. They carried papers asking locals if they've seen this runaway. My first thought was it was me so I left London and made my way South to Germany.
I pretended to be a wandering gypsy to travel with an on the road show. They welcomed me with open arms. We made lots of money after every show and traveled to exotic places. That lasted for a year before the invasion started. We had to go into hiding or risk being captured. Only a few ventured out during these times, I was chosen to venture with them.
On a cold September morning a few brethren and my myself ventured out in search of supplies. We were gone for an hour and almost shot but did not return empty handed. Upon our arrival back home we were ambushed and my brethren were slaughtered before me. I dropped the supplies and ran towards their screams but were too late to rescue any of them.
The soldiers hit me in the skull with the butt of his rifle. I fell to the snow which was now painted red by the blood of my fallen family. I wept for them, praying for their tortured souls. The soldiers ordered me to stop but I continued. They had seen enough and began hitting me with whatever they could find. I laid there beaten and bloody but still breathing. They thought I was dead or was good as dead for the wolves would definitely finish me off so they left me where I laid.
I woke again in a weird room covered in relics. The curtains were drawn. A candle was lit by my side place upon a table next to bed. I was stitched up though I still felt disoriented. My head now throbbed and my muscles ached. The memories of the slaughtering played over and over in my head to the point I thought they would burst through my head. Tears were streaming down my face I've lost another family.
"Oh good you're awake, please don't cry."
Who was that?
"I can see you're still a bit uneasy."
I stared.
"No need to be frightened miss."
I still said nothing.
"You're wondering who I am aren't you?"
"I'm Charles Xavier, and you're in my school."
My eyes widened. School why was I here at this school? Who was this Charles and how can he know what I am thinking?! Question is where are we?! What country!? Will he turn me back over to those monsters!?
"You have nothing to fear Saoirse, you're safe here."
"How do you know my name?"
"Ah I haven't been telling you the complete truth I am a telepath."
"You read minds, that must make you a..."
"A mutant yes, and this is my school for people with mutations as well."
"I'm no mutant, I'm a freak."
"No love you're a mutant and an amazing one at that, your mutation is so rare I've only ever encountered one person with such an ability."
I blushed.
"No need to be shy you're among friends."
"I can't stay here."
"You are free to go as you please and are welcome to come back anytime you see fit."
"Thank you."
"If you're thinking of enacting revenge on those men please reconsider."
"Stay out of my head."
"You're not a monster."
"You don't know me I've been a monster my whole life."
"You remind me of a friend of mine, so stubborn just like yourself. You know he was looking for revenge to."
"Did he get it?"
"Oh yes put a coin right though the guy's head against my wishes."
"Did he feel at peace then?"
"He felt a bit of satisfaction but not any bit of peace."
"What happened to your friend?"
"I have no idea where he is I haven't seen him since the sixties."
I decided to stay at the school. The school was larger than the orphanage and the rooms were much more spacious. The professors were nice there wasn't many which surprised me in a place like this. Hank was one of my best friends. Charles helped me to control my powers with his vigorous training hank helped as well with some experiments to monitor my ability.
Years later I met that friend whom Charles talked about. He seemed very closed off. His eyes showed years of torment. While his posture screamed guarded. He was like this towering brick wall you couldn't penetrate no matter how hard you try. Though he had a tough exterior he was actually friendly once you got to know him but still quite closed off. I wonder what he has seen to make his eyes so lifeless and his exterior so rough/. I stared a bit too long for he caught my curious eyes.
"I tend to be curiouser than for my own good."
"It's alright at your age children are curious."
"Your eyes they remind me of someone I knew years ago."
"Really? I've never met anyone with my eye colour before, will you bring her next time?"
"I can't, she died the day I met her."
"Did you go to the funeral?"
"There was none she had no relatives and her body was never found."
"She could still be alive."
"No child the current swept her away."
"I'm sorry."
"Is this the same girl who broke yours nose?"
"Yes, Charles the same one quite the fighter she was, and she wasn't afraid of me like everyone else who saw my true form, she was gentle and kind then ripped away like everyone else."
"You loved her."
"Your eyes say otherwise dear friend."
"It seems we have hit a chink in the chain my dear let's not grill him anymore, Goodnight dear friend."
"Goodnight Mr. Lensherr I hope you find happiness."
The man nodded to me and Charles then left through the door. I sat there across from Charles thinking of what to say. I wondered why Erik wasn't searching for the girl. I couldn't help feeling that she is alive. This was odd considering I've never met the girl. This only happens when I have a connect ion to a person but only by blood. Could the lost girl be one of my relatives? I shook off that thought quickly. My family was gone, this is just from lack of sleep. I excused myself, saying goodnight to Charles and went to bed chambers to get so rest.
Three months later Erik came back asking me to join his team. I accepted without Charles' permission. After Erik left I sat with Charles in the study playing chess like him and Erik did on countless night long ago. He had my knight cornered and took victory. I was still thinking about what I was about to do tomorrow. I was beginning to doubt my decision.
Charles eyes looked confused at my expression. I looked down til he looked away. Guilt coursed through me entirely. When I did looked back over to him he was gazing at the garden. He seemed so serene today as if he were at peace. Maybe seeing an old friend gave him this state of mind. I felt drawn to it. He could be quite stubborn and guarded just as Erik but now, now he was tranquil. As I was admiring his relaxed aura our eyes met and I forgot how to breathe.
"You're staring."
"I'm sorry."
"Care to explain why?"
"You look peaceful."
"I'm always peaceful."
"Of course."
"Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?"
"Just that."
"Are you sure, my dear don't make me read your mind."
"Please don't, I wanted to tell you I am leaving tomorrow."
"Yes I knew this day would come why now"
"Erik.. uh."
"Ah yes Erik, it's always Erik in the end."
"You're not the first to leave me cause of Erik I don't blame you though he is very persuasive I mean that's how he convinced Raven to go."
"Charles, I think you misunderstand."
"No i understand perfectly, you've fallen in love with him..."
"No I haven't, I've fallen for someone else, here."
"Then why leave?"
"Cause this is no place for a monster and they'd never love me."
"You're not a monster you're beautiful! Please."
"I'm sorry. Goodbye Charles."
As long as I've been alive I known I've been the odd man out. It was always me and mama. I never knew my real father, he left before I was born. While I was still in her womb, my mother remarried. I believed that man to be my father, I was told that was incorrect.
A year after me Zale was born. He always looked up to me a his hero instead of a monster. We were raised in Thessaloniki a beautiful Grecian village near the sea. One day while playing in the water it began to freeze. Odd I thought it's summer...Then I realized it was me. I was freezing the water just by touching it.
I flipped out, I mean who can freeze a sea by just one touch? The villagers were in an outrage and threatening my parents. I was sent back to Agincourt to be with my aunt. And here is where my story starts..
I became a well known artist and traveled a lot.That is how I got here.
"Hello? Excuse me sir do you by any chance speak English?" I said to the stranger.
"Was?" He answered.
"Oh blast. Where is my guide? Alright um... Sprehken See Englisch?" I said in broken German.
"Nein. Nein, ich nur Deutsch sprechen, sorry." He answered in perfect German.
"Gamó̱to! (Damn it!)" I swore.
Calming myself I decided to ask if he knew someone who did speak English. He took me to a place filled with gypsies and carnival folk.
A family of outcasts here in this little place felt like home.
"Hallo? Fraulein? Khan you heere me?" The stranger asked in broken English.
"Oh, sorry I spaced out for a minute I haven't seen such a beautiful place since my youth." I said feeling embarrassed for being caught off guard.
"You're das first to think that our band of misfits is beautiful." The stranger said.
"Well when you're treated as a leper in a village where they are supposed to be close knit then you find beauty in even to oddest places." I said proudly.
The stranger smiled.
"Vell Velkomme Fraulein to our band uf misvits. Mein Name ist Kurt Vakner." The stranger said holding out his hand for me to return the formality.
"Xellestyna Wynterose." I said return the hand shake.
"Please to meet you Sapphyre." He said happily.
I spent two days there and became closer to Kurt. I began to find him fascinating with his blue skin and golden eyes.I was like a moth and he the flame, a mesmerizing hot blue flame. He told me about his life with the band of misfits. I told him about my childhood and Agincourt. I felt like even thought I just met him that I could trust him. We would have little debates on who was a better artist in history. One night we were alone gathered by a fire while the others slept.
"The fire it's beautiful I just love how it draws you in." I said not paying attention to anything but the fire in front of me. "I kind of reminds me of you." I whispered once more.
"Me? How?" He choked out looking at me with confused golden eyes and furrowed brows.
"Because you are this exotically beautiful creature like a flame dancing before my eyes." I said finally looking at him staring deep into those eyes.
"I'm afraid if I touch you I'll be burned or consumed." I finished saying with a blush painted on my pale cheeks.
He was a shade lighter blue and his cheeks had a tint on them.
"Danke, Fraulein." He said lowly hanging his head to hide his blush.
"Hey don't hide." I said grabbing his face so he was looking straight at me.
His eyes piercing my soul, those sad, sad eyes I wanted to fix them.
"But, I am dangerous, Fraulein I do not vant to hurt you." He said closing his eyes.
No don't close them, I screamed in my head.
"I'm a grown woman Kurt I can make my own decisions and fend for myself." I said a matter-of-factly.
He exhaled still his eyes were still shut.I felt his breath on my lips.
When did we become this close? I thought.
"Sapphyre?" He whispered.
Screw it I thought and closed the remaining space between us.
I completely caught him off guard, his wide eyes said so.
After awhile I pulled away and just stared at him.
"Kurt?" I asked nervously.
Did I rush things? I was lost in my thoughts I didn't even feel him grab my face until his lips were back on mine. He's kissing me back?! Oh Mein Gott!!
I could feel my skin where he touched break out with goosebumps.
I shivered at this feeling. He must've thought I was cold because he drew me closer.The close proximity and the feel of my skin set ablaze made me want more. I crawled into his lap and deepened the kiss.
Hey I was raised in France I know it sound stereotypical but those boys teach girls the art of kissing properly.
He's a good kisser himself, wonder where he learned. My thoughts were interrupted by a moan.
That was definitely me.
He bite me right on the neck.
Whoa when did we stop kissing?
Who cares, I want more I thought wantonly.
I began to grind into his lap, teasing and taunting him. He groaned and spouted a string of German curse words.
"Ich will dich." I whispered into his ear.
He groaned again. "Ich kann nicht, können wir nicht" He tried so desperately to say but I continued my ministrations.
I knew how to get what I want I don't do it often but I really want him, I've wanted him for so long and now he's mine.
"Fräulein, Fräulein, bitte hör auf ... Oh fick sie alle in die Hölle!"
He said in a raspy low tone and pinned me to the ground.
Oh God his eyes are even more golden now, it's so erotic like flames.
I moan feeling of fire licking my skin.
Wait, wait this hurts! Oh shit!!
My arm during our passionate struggle had managed to get to close to the fire.
"Ow!" I yelled.
He quickly jumped off trying to extinguish the fire and succeeded after four tries.
"Are you alright Fraulein?"
He asked nervously.
"That's not suppose to happened I'm supposed to freeze things I touch." I said panickly.
"Maybe it doesn't work while in that state." He offered.
"Maybe I can't imagine turning you into a Popsicle while we are in the throws of passion." I said winking at him.
He pinned me down again onto the ground and began to kiss me.
This time he began to tease me.
"Oh mon Dieu, s'il vous plaît ne taquine pas moi!" I moaned trying to get more but he always backed away when I did.
"Was willst du?" He whispered in my ear.
"Ich will dich, du Arschloch Hänselei." I said grabbing him to emphasize my want.
While temporarily caught off guard I pushed him off me and straddled him.
He looked confused till I start to ground into him once more.
Wait when did I do this? I didn't feel cloth like I did before, no this time I felt skin pure hot skin. I moaned at the sensation. Heat radiated through my thin layer of garments as I ground more into him. I was too into what I was doing too concentrated that I didn't see his hands disappear up my long skirt. I gasped as I felt his fingers play with the outer layer of my garments.
"We haf to stop Fraulein." He panted out.
"Why?" I choked out trying to stay quiet as he continued his exploration.
He didn't answer instead he slipped past the fabric.
I bit my lip trying to stifle my moan, the place was very small hell we were even at risk being in the open. We started to get more needy but were interrupted but the siren call.
"I Varned you." He teased.
"Arschloch." I groaned jumping off the man on the ground.
He chuckled at my disheaved and pissed off state.
"Ve haf to hide Fraulein." He said in a serious tone.
"What's happening Kurt?" I said completely forgetting about my unfulfilled needs. Terror replaced that instantly.
"It iz a raid, Fraulein. They are bad if ve get caught ve die." He said looking just as frightened as I did.
We hid for days underground. They were rounding up gypsies and sending them away with the Jews to some camp. I read enough papers to know they weren't just any camp, no they were camps you never returned from. I felt horrible for these people being executed just cause of their race? They've done nothing to deserve such a cruel fate but they still were slaughtered. I held onto Kurt for dear life til the raid was over and it all was safe. I felt horrible having to leave this which had become my home and the people who had become my family but I had to my leave was up, sadly. I bid them all farewell and had raced off to see Kurt.
"I vill miss you Fraulein." He said hugging me close.
"I'll miss you too." I said hugging back.
"Das ist nicht Aufwiedersen, I vill see you again, do not vorry Fraulein." He said releasing me from his grasp.
I reached up and cupped his face bringing it close to mine and kissed him. He returned it as well. Though we were not kissing goodbye we were just kissing farewell. We broke apart and smiled at each other. I turned around and boarded my coach that was waiting for me. I made myself comfy as we drove away I watched as Kurt's smiling figure disappeared over the horizon. I didn't cry no not a tear I smiled instead, knowing one day I'd see him again. Sadly that was over five years ago. I did go back but they were gone. Completely vanished as if a phantom. The place was ransacked you could tell scorch marks littered the ground. My heart stopped, I could feel it in my throat.
Did he get taken? I thought.
I shake myself out of that memory and back to now. I sat in front of a painting I've been working on. I called it Carpathia, the scene reminded me that of a scene I read in Dracula. The Carpathians were where the massacre happened in the story. I sighed finishing my work.
"One hour left then I gotta be at class." I said to no one in particular.
After I left I was contacted by a man who ran a school and was looking for teachers. I quickly accepted. When I arrived he explained that it wasn't a normal school it was a home for people just like me where they can be themselves and learn lessons, like in a regular school. He was taken aback when I didn't walk away after hearing his confession. I've been working here for five years now and I'm happy that now I don't have to hide.
I broke his nose!?
I was in shock, I have never fought anyone let alone broke their bones.
Finally coming out of my state of shock I rushed over to the stranger.
"Oh mon Dieu, je suis vraiment désolé monsieur. Je pensais que vous étiez un officier." (Oh my God, I'm truly sorry sir. I thought you were a officer.)
He looked at me skeptically.
"Un jeune homme de dormir sous un pont demande à être pris."
(A young man sleeping under a bridge is just asking to be caught.)
Wait he thinks I am a boy? Oh well better safe than sorry.
He spoke his French with a distinctive accent. I quickly identified it as German.
"Restez à l'écart! Vous parlez avec l'accent de l'ennemi!"
(Stay away! You speak with the accent of the enemy)
" Je ne suis pas l'ennemi, ni ce que je vais te faire de mal mais il semble que vous pouvez gérer vous-même si cette action se passerait-il, que vous me montriez si gracieusement première main."
(I am not the enemy nor am I going to hurt you though it seems as though you can handle yourself if that action would happen, as you so graciously showed me first hand.)He said still holding his broken nose.
" Je suis désolé pour la perte de mon nerf et en prendre ni je veux casser le nez monsieur, je viens d'être sur le bord de ces deux jours passés surtout avec cette guerre de passe." (I'm sorry for losing my nerve and lashing out nor did I mean to break your nose sir, I have just been on the edge these passed two days especially with this pass war.) I explained.
"Ah, un emballement. Qu'est-ce que vous utilisez à partir? Si je peut demander?" (Ah, a runaway. What are you running from? If I may ask?) He asked looking at me quizically.
I stayed quiet.
How do I know I can trust him?
"Pardonnez-moi Monsieur. Je peux voir votre visage vous vous demandez si vous pouvez me faire confiance. Ai-je raison?"
(Forgive me sir. I can see by your face you're wondering if you can trust me. Am I correct?)
"Je suis désolé Monsieur, mais comment puis-je sais que je peux en fait vous confiance? Comment puis-je sais que vous ne me trahir, si je me fie à vous?" (I'm sorry sir but how do I know I can in fact trust you? How do I know you won't betray me, if I confide in you?)
He lifted his sleeve of his shirt and showed me numbers.
"Parce que moi aussi je suis un prisonnier." (Because I too was a prisoner.)
I looked horrified. I have read enough books to know what those numbers represented. He was a Holocaust Prisoner.
"Un prisonnier de l'Holocauste." (A prisoner of the Holocaust) I said lowly.
Then looked at him with sad eyes.
Oh the horrors he's seen and the pain he's endured makes my time in the asylum look like a walk in the park.
"S'il vous plaît ne me regarde pas avec pitié. Nous passons par des épreuves de torture dans nos vies." (Please do not look at me with pity. We all go through torturous trials in our lives.) He said rolling his sleeve back down and covering the numbers.
"Comment savez-vous que je suis un prisonnier?" (How do you know I am a prisoner?)I asked looking at him with curious eyes.
He stared at me with sad eyes and began to talk.
"Parce que vous avez le même triste, regard sans âme dans vos yeux que un animal en cage a quand enfermé pendant des années." (Because you have that same sad, soulless look in your eyes that a caged animal has when locked up for years.)
I was in awe. I snapped out of my awe, noticing blood dripping down his hand.
He looked unphased by the injury.
"Ne vous inquiétez pas. Je vais aller à l'hôpital et l'ont fixé." (Don't worry.
I will just go to the hospital and have it fixed.) He said turning to leave.
I do not know what possessed me but I grabbed the stranger.
He looked taken aback.
"Pas besoin pour le voyage inutile que je peux fixer votre nez cassé dès maintenant." (No need for the unnecessary journey I can fix your broken nose right now.)
He looked at me with a quizzical look.I grabbed his broken nose, gently.
It began to heal under my touch. I let go and stepped back away from the stranger. He said nothing, just kept staring at me, as if judging me.
He probably is disgusted by this sorcery.
I was so caught up in my negative thought I did not hear him speak.
"Monsieur, ne vous écoute-moi?" (Sir, did you hear me?)
At that moment I felt fully exposed. I wanted to flee at that very moment.
"S'il vous plaît ne pas avoir peur. Je ne vais pas vous juger." (Please do not be frightened. I will not judge you.) He said.
I felt as if I could trust him.
"Monsieur. Je suis revendiqué comme un malade mental. Je suis venu pour faire confiance à personne dans ce monde tordu." (Sir. I have been claimed as a mental patient. I have come to trust no one in this twisted world.) I said to the stranger.
He approached me. Carefully as if I were a scared deadly animal ready to attack at the slightest threat.
" Monsieur vous pouvez me faire confiance comme je l'ai dit précédemment, je suis comme vous." (Sir you can trust me like I said before I am just like you.) He said as he levitated a coin in his hand.
I looked on with amazement. I have always thought I was alone. A freak from society. Yet here is another just like me.
"Combien de temps avez-vous eu votre cadeau?" (How long have you had your gift?) The stranger asked.
"Cadeau?" (Gift?) I scoffed.
Its been more of a curse.
"Monsieur. I have been cursed since I was four years old." I said facing away as if ashamed of my mutation.
"You speak English, very well for a French native."
He said with a curious look on his face.
"Oui Monsieur. After being locked up in a cage in a foreign place far from your home, you are forced to learn the language or else be an outcast.
I have not spoken English in nine years." I said.
He did not say anything just kept staring.
"I was born in Edinburgh. I moved to London when I was 2 with my parents, and have lived there since my imprisonment." I explained to him.
"Why are you not with your family, Monsieur?"
At that question my face fell.
"They were killed during the air raids in London." I said.
"Je suis désolé Monsieur.
I apologize, I too have lost the only family I had, during this horrendous war, my mother was shot in front of me."
He said.
I saw the hatred in his eyes.
"Je suis désolé pour votre perte ainsi, monsieur." (I am so sorry for your loss, sir) So what brings you to this beautiful city?" I asked curiously.
Why is he here?
"Business." He said too quick for comfort.
"La réponse habituelle des hommes." (The usual answer from men.) I said lowly.
" Pardon?" (Pardon me?) He asked.
"Rien, juste parler à haute voix." (Nothing, just speaking out loud.)
I said.
Then it hit me we haven't introduced ourselves.
"Monsieur?" (Sir?) He said.
"Oui?" (Yes?) I answered back.
"We haven't been introduced yet. I am Erik Lehnsherr. And you are?"
He asked.
I wanted to say my name but instead:
"Ah vous êtes allemand." (Ah you are German.) Was the first thing I said. I knew he was if anything. I always knew my accents.
"Oui, Monsieur, mais seulement une partie.
Je suis surtout juive." (Yes, Sir, but only part. I'm mostly Jewish.)
"I'm sorry please don't think me rude. I meant to say my name is Aubrey Cynburleigh." I said nervously.
"Oh vous êtes une femme?" (Oh you are a woman?)
He said in a surprised tone.
"Oui, Monsieur." (Yes, Sir.) I answered.
"Vos les cheveux courts et la façon dont vous êtes habillé me jetaient, mes excuses les plus sincères, Madamoiselle." (Your short hair and the way you are dressed threw me, my sincerest apologies Miss.) He said apologetically.
"Il est un simple malentendu, monsieur pas besoin de présenter des excuses." (It's a simple misunderstanding, sir no need to apologise.)
I said.
"Still I apologise for the mix up." He said.
Though this person was a stranger I felt oddly comfortable with him.
That night we laid in a field gazing at the stars.
"I've been locked up in that dismal hell for so long.
Mon Dieu how I've missed the stars so beautiful and mysterious." I said.
"Mademoiselle?" (Miss?) He asked.
"Oui, Monsieur?" (Yes, Sir?) I answered
"Comment avez-vous vous retrouvez dans l'asile?" (How did you wind up in the asylum?) Erik asked.
I exhaled sharply. I've never told anyone how I came to the asylum. But as I've said before I felt I could trust him.
"Je suis chassé loin de Londres par leur peuple on m'a appelé une sorcière et ont menacé ma famille que si elles ne m'a pas envoyé à l'asile, ils me tueraient. Et je suis ici, sur la piste de mon maître." (I was cast out of London by their people they called me a witch and threatened my family that if they didn't send me to the asylum they would kill me. And here I am, on the run from my master.) I explained.
"Je suis désolé Mademoiselle." (I'm sorry, Miss.)
He said.
"Ne pas être, mon ami. Je l'ai appris que les cicatrices de notre passé sont un rappel de ce que nous pouvons survivre." (Don't be, my friend.
I have learned that the scars of our pasts are a reminder of what we can survive.)I said.
It was true. That's something they don't teach you in life. It is do what you can to survive this world. All conversation stopped after that. I really don't remember falling asleep.
--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
But the next thing I know I am being shaken awake.
I punched, but this time I hit nothing. I felt my arm being grasped. My instinct was to kick next so I did.
"Aubrey, ouvrez vos yeux!" (Aubrey, open your eyes!) The stranger said.
I know that voice.
My eyes shot wide open.
"Mon Dieu! Je suis tellement désolé, Erik! Je ... je ..." (My God! I'm so sorry, Erik! I... I...) I said finally relaxing.
"It's alright but I did wake you so abruptly for a reason I saw an officer close by we must leave now." He said as calmly as possible.
"Maen nhw wedi dod o hyd i mi ... Dydw i ddim eisiau mynd yn ôl! Ni allaf fynd yn ôl!" (They've found me... I don't want to go back! I can't go back!) I started yelling in my birth language.
"Calm down, Mademoiselle. We have to leave now." He said. Grabbing my hand and dragging me along.
"Arrêtez! Tous les deux! Arrêtez!" (Stop! Both of you! Stop!) Cried the officer.
"Aubrey!" Erik yelled.
It all happened so fast. I remember slipping on the bridge and falling into the water below being sucked into the under current. The officer fished me out further down the river. Thank god for the rock in the middle of the river.
And I was sent back to the Asylum for a few more years.
Turns out the asylum was being investigated then shut down for malpractice so all the patients were sent to a sanatorium in New York.
I haven't heard from Erik since it's been years since that day.
Sometimes I think I won't ever be free from this cage, but today my luck changed. I was being set free.
But who? I have no relatives, unless...
I didn't have time to think my mind was invaded. He spoke of a school for people like me and asked if I would like to go there. I agreed quickly without any hesitation. Anything to get out of here. So he took me with him.
We got there and everyone stared at me like I was the main attraction. Whispering mean things. Judging me with their eyes. I didn't like it. Then I was saved.
"Hey! Stop judging her. We all were new once, guys cut her slack!" The stranger said.
"Thank you, Peter." Charles said.
Huh Peter. He seems cool.
Charles smiled at me.
Can he read my mind?
"I can but I will respect your privacy, Zaylem." Charles said.
"Duly noted." I said.
"So X who's this?" The silver haired guy asked.
"Zaylem." I said confidently.
He stood there and stared at my hand like it were going to bite him.
"It doesn't bite you know. It punches though. But I have yet to see it bite someone." I said smugly.
"I don't shake hands that's for old people." He said.
"Bâtard suffisant." (Smug bastard) I said lowly.
He kinda reminds me of....
I shake my head.
I miss him.
Charles looked at me as if he saw a ghost.
"So Peter, what brings you to our school today?" Charles asked smiling.
"Just came by to visit Professor." Peter said shrugging.
"Ah well will you please take Zaylem to Hank for observation?
I'm late for a meeting with Logan." Charles said quickly.
"Sure professor." He said turning me into the direction towards Hank's office I assumed.
I'd been here for a few months and have gotten closer to Peter.
We became close friends, but there was still a little voice telling me not to get too close. I found out why Charles was so pale when i thought of Erik.
He apparently turned into a villain calling himself Magneto and killed many people over the years. My I guess his business went well cause the last thing Charles told me was his sister Raven went with him.
I felt a pang of jealousy swell up but I pushed it down.
Soon I found myself forgetting Erik little by little and finding myself attracted to Peter. I started dating Peter and he began to open up as did I.
"You're a smart arse you know that!?" I said having lost another battle of wits with Peter.
"Thank you you're pretty quick witted too." Peter said smiling.
"Well when you're me you've gotta be quick witted or you won't survive."
I said.
"So Sal where are your parents?" Peter asked.
I looked distraught.
"I'm sorry I didn't me too---" He quickly apologised.
"Don't its a touchy subject they died when I was young." I answered
"How about you where's your family?"I asked.
"Well my sister is with my mom at home and my dad is I don't really know where he is. Ya know you kind of remind me of my dad with your whole family feelings.Well from what I heard from my mom he lost his parents at a young age too. I Met him once." Peter said
"Really, what was he like?" I asked curious to know.
"Yeah, busted him out of the Pentagon. He kind of seemed like a hard ass.
I really didn't know it was him till a year later. But had a suspicion when Mr. X told me he can manipulate metal." Peter said.
Wait! Wait! Manipulate met--?! Son of a bitch!
"Fils de pute! Que ... que ... salaud!" I yelled getting up and cursing in French. "Pendant tout ce temps je pense à lui, lui manque et il ne sent rien ici?!" I said storming out of the room.
"Sal? Sal? Huh wonder what I said to piss her off?" Peter said.
I was so ticked off I decided I needed air. I wasn't paying attention and slammed into someone. Not just anyone the one person I wanted to punch in the face.
"Aubrey?" He said.
I punched him right in the nose and continued on my way.
After getting my air, I headed back. There were some chicks sitting on the porch conversating. One was smoking a cigarette the other was talking.
I walked up to them, I really didn't feel like going in there yet and facing my past.
"Oi new girl!" One called.
"I have a bloody named Ya Tit!" I yelled back.
"She's sassy I like her." The one said.
"Come, pull up a chair!" The other said.
I sat in the vacant seat. One with Dark Red hair smiled and held out her hand.
"Xelestyna Winterose, people call me Saffy for short this here is Lunetta Lodovico, She prefers Silver Raven and you are?" She said.
I returned her handshake.
"Zaylem." I said.
"Ah your English?" Lunetta asked.
" My Da is English and My mum is Scots-Irish." I answered.
"Cool, my papa is Italian and my mama is German-Welsh." Lunetta said.
"I too am part too, my dad is English-Greek and my mom is Irish/French/Native American." Xelestyna said.
"Ah parle vous Françias?" I asked
"Oui." Xelestyna said with a smile.
Everything was going great until...
"ZAYLEM!!!" Peter yelled
I heard it my named being called and I knew I had to face facts.
"Merde!" (Fuck!) I said.
Getting up and making my way toward the figures.
"Oh, pour l'amour de baise!" I said.
"Salem come over here and meet Dad."
Peter said dragging me right to the person I wanted to be as far away from as possible.
"Dad, this is my girlfriend Salem." Peter said introducing me.
Erik was talking with Charles and didn't turn to greet me right away.
"Please to finally meet you Salem--" Erik started to say but stood there in shock and could only say my name. "Aubrey?" He said with his eyes wide.
Charles could sense my anger.
"I'm sorry Sir, you must have me mistaken for someone else." I answered plastering on a fake smile.
"Then my apologies Miss." He says with his jaw clenched.
"So you are Peter's father I've heard good things about you.
Darling I'm not feeling to well I think I'm going to turn in." I said faking ill.
"Sure feel better I'll be back tomorrow." Peter said hugging me goodnight.
We have kissed but I'd rather not in front of his father.
"And goodnight to you too, Charles, Erik." I said turning to leave.
"How did you know his name was Erik?" Peter asked curiously.
Shit! Gods I wasn't thinking! Be calm Aubrey. Be calm.
"Charles told me when I arrived." I said calmly.
Charles nodded.
"I did, I was explaining to her about Raven joining you." Charles answered.
Thank you.
You're welcome. But don't thank me just yet my dear.
I walked away.
What did he mean, by don't thank him just ye--
And there right at this moment is what he meant.
Pulled into the darkness like at the asylum.
Who in the Hell!?
"Donc, vous prétendez ne pas se souvenir de moi?
Pourquoi?" (So you say you do not remember me?
Why?) He said.
I know that voice!
"Pour vous faire du mal!" (To hurt you!) I said.
"Pour me faire du mal? Pourquoi? Qu'ai-je fait pour vous? Je vous ai aidé. Je n'a pas vous jette en pâture aux loups quand je ai réalisé que vous étiez un emballement." (To hurt me? Why? What have I done to you? I helped you. I did not throw you to the wolves when I realized that you were a runaway.) He said lowly.Dangerously low as if trying to make a point.
I shuddered.
"Non, vous venez de me as laissé pour eux!" (No, you just left me for them)
I said raising my voice an octave.
"Je pensée que vous étiez mort parce que je n'ai pas vu la surface de votre corps!" (I thought you were dead because I did not see the surface of your body)He said looking thoughtfully in my eyes.
"Vous pensiez mal, monsieur. Je ai été traîné à l'institution et a été torturé jusqu'à l'établissement a été fermé. Ensuite, je ai été expédié à l'Amérique à une autre institution! Quelqu'un at-il le deuil pour moi?
Non, je crois qu'ils ne ont pas! Parce que la seule personne que je pensais me sauver ne est jamais venu! Non, il était trop occupé à diffuser les fruits de ses reins pour se occuper! Pendant ce temps je ai été obligé de vivre comme un animal battu et abusé! Vous ne avez aucune idée des horreurs que je ai endurées." (You thought wrong, sir. I was dragged to the institution and was tortured until the establishment was closed. Then I was sent to America to another institution! Does anyone mourn for me? No, I think they did not! Because the only person I thought to save me never came! No, he was too busy to spread the fruit of his loins to care! During this time I was forced to live as a beaten and abused animal! You have no idea of the horrors I endured) I said breaking contact.
"Je ai vu beaucoup d'horreurs pour durer un temps de vie." (I have seen many horrors to last a life time.) He said lowly.
"Pas aussi mauvais que le mien, ont été vous déjà pris avantage de nuit après nuit? Passé autour comme un morceau de viande, puis jetés comme des ordures !?" (Not as bad as mine, were you taken advantage of night after night? Passed around like a piece of meat and then discarded like garbage?)I said still looking at the ground.
I saw his fist clench at his side.
"Diese Bastarde!" (Those Bastards!) He said through clenched teeth.
I flinched at the angry tone.
He reached out to calm me but I put my hand up.
"Ne pas." (Don't)I said still not making eye contact
I could tell he was hurt but I went on.
"Le jour je ai été sauvé, je était recroquevillé dans un coin, je avais été violée et battue et laissé pour mort. Je me suis battu Charles. Je ai pensé qu'il était là pour me faire du mal. Si ce ne était pas pour lui, je ne serais probablement pas ici en ce moment." (The day I was saved, I was curled up in a corner, I had been raped and beaten and left for dead. I fought Charles. I thought he was there to hurt me. If it was not for him, I probably would not be here right now)I said finally looking at him.
His face gave away a mix of emotions which finally settled on remorse. I was not expecting his next move. He gathered me in his arms.
"Je suis tellement désolé, mon ami. Personne ne mérite de subir les horreurs que vous avez. Je jure les salauds vont souffrir quand je les trouve!" (I'm so sorry, my friend. No one deserves to suffer the horrors you have.I swear the bastards are going to suffer when I find them!) He said while holding me closer.
I finally returned the hug.
Oh how I've miss this bugger.
I smiled at my use of the word I haven't used since I came to America.
"Well I hope I'm not intruding on this lovely little reunion." The new voice said.
I pushed Erik away forcefully and looked to see Charles.
"Care to explain or would you rather I read your mind?" He asked calmly.
I glared at him but finally gave in and retold my story and how I knew Erik.
"Ah, I apologise for my intrusion. My dear I had no idea how bad it was for you." Charles said looking remorseful.
" I'm tired. Goodnight Charles. Bon Nuit, Erik." (Good night, Erik) I said then faced the opposite direction and walked towards the entrance of the mansion.
My heart was pounding out of my chest. I tried calming myself.
God Aubrey you're acting like you've just kissed him, he only hugged you. Kiss. What would it be like to kiss him?
I groan in frustration.
I'm thinking about kissing my boyfriend's father!? I'm such a basket case and I need sleep, lots and lots of sleep!
I started to doze off when I heard a tap at my window.
I climbed out of bed and headed to the direction of the noise.
Slowly I pulled back the curtains ready to attack with a bat.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled at the intruder.
He was levitating outside my window but didn't speak.
"Monsieur, I am tired. I have no energy to speak to you." I said trying to distance myself from this man I despise.
But as soon as I tried walking away he grabbed onto my arm.
Spinning me around to face him he look very angry with me.
Guess he thought I would welcome him with open arms.
"Why must you be so cold to me mademoiselle?" He asked lowly with a voice that chilled me to my very soul.
I wanted to get out of there and fast before I did something I would surely regret, but I stayed glued to the spot. Finally gathering my bearings I pushed him away from me. And slapped him very hard across his face.
"Don't touch me, I've had enough of being manhandled by men!" I yelled at him and again tried to walk away only to be stopped once more.
"Dammit why can't you accept my apology?!" He yelled at me.
I stayed still staring at his eyes with so much hate that could burn a hole through a person with such a gaze.
"Because I refuse to play your little games, anymore!" I said again pushing him away from me as far as I could.
"Games the only one playing games is you, you disappear then are dating my son!" He said looming over me trying to intimidate me but I just stood up to him keeping his glare.
Then he just smirked at me, I was confused as to why.
"Oh now I see, this is your revenge for me, dating my son to get back at me, huh?" He said so arrogantly.
"Get over yourself! Not everything revolves around you I loved you once but that time has passed!" I blurted out and instantly regretted my speech.
"Love?" He said with a Cheshire Cat like smile.
"Just leave already it's what you do best!" I yelled trying to get free of his grip, I succeeded halfway til I felt myself being turned around and slammed up against my wall.
"Why do you always shut me out! You open up then go back into your metaphorical shell!" He said looking me in the eyes.
They were piercing my soul, I just wanted to kiss him right then.
Wait wait no no danger! danger! He's too close! Abort! Abort!!
I tried fighting to get free of his grip the more I struggled the tighter his grip got, so I began to kick with no avail he closed the space between us so keep my in place.
He's too close!!
Too very close so I tried pushing him he saw my action before I could react he held my arms over my head to restrain me. My heart was going haywire I couldn't think he was so close. Too close I could feel his heartbeat going crazy too.
Was he just as nervous as I was being this close?
Seeing that he was zoning a bit I took it as a chance to try escaping again but he again pinned me to my wall I was about to give him a piece of my mind but he shut me up with a kiss.
This is what I've been fighting to not happen? Why?!
I was a loss of words.
"Je suis avec votre fils, souvenez-vous."
"Je suis désolé. J'ai oubile."
"I think I should go back to bed and you should leave now."
"Good night, Aubrey."
"Bon nuit, Erik."
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