There is strength in Unity

Pragya turned too all the faces looking at her in the conference room.

Pragya: " I know that the sudden reappearance of Sherlyn is troubling but what's done is done , we can only change the future and present, what I need from you all is too think with clear minds,  be vigilant and alert at all times, Karan for the longest time I have thought that Sherlyn may have an enmity with you and Preeta, in the past she was easily successful in creating doubts and a rift between the two of you. "

Karan:" Di I made a grave mistake in the past I wont let that happen again, I don't trust Sherlyn one bit, I wont let her destroy our family again,  I have come to realize what I will lose."

Pragya: " Good, Rishabh made a mistake in bringing her here,but no worries now she's on my field, my biggest worry right now is Disha and the baby, so guys as much as possible we will need to create a safety barrier for them, Purbul the two of you will be working the media division now as well, that way there are eyes on them always, Arjun has beefed up the security, All I can say is that now we will all stand together, the slightest doubt must be shared,  is that clear"

Everyone nodded and left with the exception of Arjun.

Arjun: " Di, I have already got someone looking into this dr as well as all the prison logs since Sherlyn was arrested, the cameras in the guest house are all active and being monitored 24/7, we have activated access control on all entry points into the house, and Sid is back tomorrow".

Pragya:" Well done Chotu, I hope Rishabh amd Disha are able to sort out their differences and as for Sherlyn ,if she's playing a game or trying to this time I will get rid of her permanently".

Rishabh approached Abhigyas room with trepidation as he didn't know how he would face Disha, he knocked on the door lightly and entered he was surprised to find another female and male in the room with Disha.

The only acknowledgement Disha gave of his presence was informing the female that he was her husband.

Female: " Congratulations Mr Luthra, your wife is 4 weeks pregnant"

Rishabh stood shocked he wasnt expecting this, he now understood his sister in laws concern for his wife, Disha looked at him with disappointment .

Female: " We have done all the necessary blood work as well as given Mrs Luthra medication, Pragya has arranged everything so that all the check ups can be done here, please take extra care of her "

With this the dr and the male left the room

Disha stood up and went to leave the room.

Rishabh: " Disha, Im sorry, its just I didnt know what to do with the situation, I agree that I should have discussed this with you but at the time I didnt think further than the moment".

Dish: " Rishabhji I understand all that but I cannot help but question if you have stronger feelings for Sherlyn than you realised".

RISH: " Absolutely not, I did what I would have done for anyone in a similar situation, I would never want the cloud of Sherlyns death hanging over or lives like a cloud,  that is the only reason I helped her,  Disha I love you and you alone, when Sherlyn was supposedly my wife we never even had proper converstion, please believe me".

Dish:" I believe you but now I'm afraid for us, for our child and for our family,  that woman is evil and for someone with the kind of vengeance she has in her heart, doesn't suddenly change, All I ask is that going foward you speak to me and we decide these things together" 

Rish: " We will, this is my promise, Now please can I have a hug from my pregnant wife"

She smiled and hugged him.

Rish: " Thank you for this news. For making me a too be Dad" he kissed her forehead.

Then they both went downstairs hand in hand to their families.

When Rakhi ma saw them coming holding hands she let out the breathe she was holding, she was glad her son was standing beside his wife, for she couldnt stand for her family to be torn apart once more. Especially with the Aroras and their beautiful hearts, she was truly blessed that her 3 daughter in laws came from such a united family with so much understanding and love.

Everyone settled in the living area deciding on an informal lunch setting. The helpers had arranged a buffet table on the far end and everyone was being served off there.  Almost everyone was present except for Pragya, Arjun and Abhi who had gone to check on the babies befoee joining the family for lunch.

Sherlyn stood in the shadows outside the windows,she was safe in her misconception that she was un noticed, she had watched Rishabh walking in hand in hand with a lady,   How dare he marry again and all these Luthras happy here after destroying my life, she noticed Karan and Preeta walking in smiling and happy, no she wont allow them to all live so peacefully and happily. She fisted her hands, so engrossed in her vigil of the family she failef to notice that the glass door was opened and before she had a chance to acknowledge a hand grabbed her and shoved her into the door where she landed on her knees at the feet of Sarla Arora.

Pragya: " For someone who is claimed to come from a High class background , you seem to lack common manners Ms Khurrana"

She looked at the voice, this woman in front of her looked angelic but her eyes however showed anger and fire, her glare was so intense Sherlyn suddenly Shuddered and looked away"

For the woman in front of her scared her in a way no one else did, her look made her feel like she could see every thought in her mind

Sherlyn: " Wwhhat... do you mean by thhat " she stammered" I ww.. was jus looking at the gardens"

Pragya: " Oh and the gardens were on this side of the glass i assume, I implore you not to try to insult my intellegence, its basic manners that we should not snoop nor spy on people through a glass, anyway let me help settle your curiosity, this is my family. THE ARORAS AND THE LUTHRAS, This is our home, in the event that your depression has made you forget let me refresh your memory".

Pragya now prowled the room standing near her parents" This is Mr and Mrs Raghuveer Arora, Im sure you have heard of Raghuveer Arora and my Mother Sarla, you had her kidnapped right" Pragya smirked noticing the shock om Sherlyns face. She walked on.

Pragya: " Mr and Mrs Mahesh Luthra, your supposed ex in laws , next to them Bani Luthra and Kareena Luthra, Im sure you rememver them , You did push Mahesh Luthra down a flight of stairs right, also you hired someone to kill him, and Rakhi ma, you posioned her food right and planted a bomb in her purse". Beads of sweat formed on Sherlyns forehead, she had no idea why since all her crimes were known.

Pragya: " ah my super cool Dadi, Baljeet Arora amd Janki Ma, Im sure you remember Janki ma, i mean you did try to set her alight, hmm"...

Pragya: " The people you see standing in the far corner Ms Khurrana are my sisters and their respective partners, now that i have clered your questions, you may return to the guest house,  and remember that yoy are a guest, in this house there is no place for drama, if you are found near my family again or even glancing toward them I assure you, these pleasantries will be exempt, guards"  a few men came and escorted a very scared and nervous Sherlyn out

As Pragya turned she noticed everyone looking at her a  bit scared.

Pragya: " Why are you all looking at me this way"

Purab: " You are my Pragya di right my simple sweer Di, I mean Di , I have never seen this side of you before".

Pragya: " what do you mean"

Karan: " He means Di the way you were walking around Sherlyn like a Lion stalking their prey".

Pragyas eyes glittered with mischief as she walked towards Karan who gulped and held Preetas hand tighter .

When she reached him she glared.

Abhi: " Fuggy why are you teasing him"

Pragya" Tum bi na Suniye, it was so fun to see The Karan Luthra scared of a Lady".

Everyone burst into laughter and Pragya patted Karams Shoulder smiling.

Chapter end.

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