The Directors and The Baby
Recap: Pragya got dizzy and fainted just after calling out to Abhi.
Abhi rushed to catch his wife just before she reached the ground, patting her cheek to wake her up, but she remained in state of unconsciousness, he picked her up and moved her to the couch. The rest followed him.
ABHI: In a state of panic " Robin please bring water, Pree please check her" . He was close to tears.
PKL: " Haan Jiju, Shri please get my kit, and call the Doctor. "
Preeta went to her sister and checked her pulse and breathing she had an idea of what might be wrong but didnt tell the family, she stood and said,
PKL: " Jiji i think its just weakness let the gp come and we will know more".
Abhi nodded and went to kneel before his wife holding her hand, tears rolling down his cheeks, she was his everything, his reason, yes at first he couldnt stand her but now he couldnt stand to be without her.
The family watched them some in worry and others in state of appreciation to witness True Love, Robin entered with the doctor, who asked everyone to leave and give them some privacy, but Preeta stayed behind. The doctor took some time and did her inspection of Pragya. She made some notes and then told Preeta to call the rest of the family back.
Everyone returned while Abhi started asking the doctor questions.
AB: " Dr, whats wrong with my wife?, Is she okay? Say something"
PKL:" Jiju calm down and give her chance to respond"
Dr:" Mr Mehra there is nothing to be worried about, these type of things are common in her condition, I have written down some vitamins that she needs to take, and if you can bring her to the hospital in a day so we can do some tests."
PKL:" Jiju, Congratulations, you going to be a Dad".
AB: " what do you mean Congratulations, shes
..... " he paused." Wait what" ?
Everyone laughed And hugged each other.
AB: " DAD" , " you mean me papa and fuggy mama" in excitement he hugged preeta and picked her up, while Karan glared with jealousy.
Dr:" she will gain conciousness soon, please make sure she takes vitamins and rest, heres my card you can make an appointment to visit tomorrow." She smiled and left.
While Abhi went to sit near his wife in excitement and Rakhi ma brought sweets to give to everyone, after all they had been through, the news of pregnancy was much welcomed and celebrated.
Pragya started waking up and looked at everyone confused at their smiling faces.
Abhi: " Fuggy, Im so happy, Thank you, Thank you ,Thank you so much" he hugged a confused Pragya.
Pragya:" Suniye, what are you thanking me for"
All her sisters shouted, " We going to be Maasis" and danced and jumped. Pragya looked at them and then realized what they said and smiled and looked down blushing.
Abhi and Pragya fed each other sweets and the rest of then all congratualed them, Abhi was so happy he even hugged Karan. 🤣🤣🤣.
The family celebrated, while the youngsters all went to Sarlas room to get her blessings.
They all stood around and spoke to an unconscious Sarla Ma, and told her of the news that she was going to be a " Nani" and how they all hoped she would get well soon, there was a slight movement in her fingers that no one noticed, and then they all left to go back downstairs to continue with lunch.
RD: " Ah so now Im going to be ParDadi, we need to have a party" . 😊😊.
RM: : " Yes, Beeji, this calls for a celebration".
Abhi noticed Pragyas sad face and understood why she didnt want a party.
AB: " Rockstar Dadi, we will have a party to celebrate, but now right away, in a few days Sarla ma will be okay and then we will surely plan a party.
Also tomorrow we will go to the hospital for a check up and get vitamins for Fuggy."
Pragya looked at her husband gratefully, while the sisters understood what their Jiju was trying to do.
Disha: " Yes Dadi, and also, our boss Mrs Abhishek Prem Mehra or Mrs Rockstar, she gave us strict instructions that we all have to report to the office tomorrow", she giggled as her sister gave her a shocked look.
BU:" Haan Dadi, and you know our boss is Lady Mogambo" she laughed. All of the family laughed as well, while Pragya glared at them.
RD:" Okay, we will wait for the party. But we will keep a small pooja just for the family".
Pragya:" Haan Dadi, I will make the arrangements and call the pundit to come this afternoon."
After lunch everyone went about their own tasks,
Abhi insisted that Pragya went to go have some rest and took her to the room so she could have a nap. As soon as they reached the room, he kissed her passionately and thanked her for the gift of their child, then they went to lay down and he gave her a head massage till they both dosed of.
While Karan approached Preeta nervously,
TKL:" Listen Babydoll" she looked at him angrily, " Sorry Preeta, could we go over the sports centre files. "
PKL:" Yes they are in my home office, I will just give these meds to Dadi and meet you there. Downstairs left hall 5th door." She said coldly without looking at him and she walked off.
( dont stress we will meet them in the office just now. Lets see wheres everyone else) 😅😅
PU: " Bulbul, you didnt tell me about you knowing the finance aspects of the company, so why did you join my company as an assistant then?"
BU: " Haan Purab, I studied Finance and business, but remember Mama want us to grow up middle class, so I joined your company to gain some experience and to earn on my own, Di always insisted that we learn to work and live independently, so that if ever we found ourselves in a difficult position, we knew how to survive. "
PU: " Pragya Di is amazing yaar, she managed so much responsibility".
BU: " oh, you have a lot of appreciation for my sister ,but none for your wife" she said slightly jealous.
PU: " OH my wifey wants some appreciation, No problem, come here."
He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him and used one hand to move her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear, she wrapped his hand around his neck and pulled him closer, they kissed passionately while his hands roamed around her waist, drawing circles, they parted and he moved his head to her ear nibbling and giving her neck kisses, he picked her up and moved towards the bed and lay her down,he joined her and she shuddered beneath his touch as he ran his fingers down her body leaving behind a trail of heat and and fire ignited in her blood, she kissed him wildly and switched positions with him returning the favor, their hands touching and feeling each other as they shared a passionate make out session....
Screen blurs
End of mature content.
Kritkia and Arjun sat outside at a table near the poolside with the the information files they received from Ronnie.
Kri: " So when did you decide that you wanted to be and investigator".
AJ:" Actually, when I was a child, I used to love watching investigation shows, so I decided when i grow up, thats what i wanted to do "
Kri:" okay, so since we will be working together, we should learn a bit more about each other , what do you say ?"
AJ: " Lol okay, no problem, what would you like to know.? "
Kri: " Where are you originally from, and Pragya and Disha are your Di, How ?.
Arjun looked a bit sad.
Kri:" its okay if you dont want to talk about it" .
Arjun: " No, actually its okay, Sarlama and my mom were sisters, but my mother fell in love someone that my grandfather didn't approve of, so my parents ran away and had me, they died in a car accident when i was a year, at that time Sarla Ma found out and brought me to live with them, at 16 I went to boarding school, and then too College, i only came back to Mumbai after Pragya dis marriage."
Kri: " Oh okay, Im really sorry".
AJ:" no its okay dont be, my Di has always been very fair to me, she has never made me feel like i didnt belong, so in that way I am blessed. And what about you," he asked.
Kri: " Well you have met my Mom 🙄🙄🙄😬😬, shes always been a bit controlling, my parents split up when I was 3 and we have live with Mahesh Marma since then, I have never heard from my Dad, so i know nothing about him" .
AJ: " Im sorry".
Just then there was a strong wind and there file papers started flying they both ran trying to chase it and Kritka tripped over a house and was about to fall into the pool while Arjun tried to prevent the fall, but as he grabbed her hand she lost her balance and dragged him as they both fell into the pool, he held her by the waist and they were both lost in eyeland.....
Like this ... Just imagine
Disha and Rishabh sat in the library looking over their file....
Rish: " Disha ji, how long have you been managing this media company."
Disha: " For the last 3 years, I started as and Assistant to learn as soon as I finished college, then over the last 2 years i was promoted. " she smiled.
Rish: " thats good so what events are we covering "?
Dish: " We have the ministers daughter wedding thats coming up, shrishmeer will be managing the even" .
They continued to discuss business and then Disha said.
Disha: Rishabh ji, let me just show you the financials" she stood up a fetched a file from the table then returned to the couch.
As she came closer she tripped over the table and fell over Rishabh.... &&&& Eyeland 🤣🤣.
Something like this
We will focus on them later, right now they forgot the files and are busy playing Minecraft...🤣🤣🤣🤣
Preeta took as long as she possibly could so as avoid Karan, and hoped he would get tired waiting and leave. However she had no such luck, she opened the office door and walked in to find him studying his file intensely, he looked up as she walked in a smiled but she ignored him and went to her desk and picked up a file and returned to sit beside him.
Looking at him she began:
PKL: " as di explained this morning we do have coaching for youth in a number of sports. But it mainly focuses on Cricket, as much as its a private club where the elite come to learn she also has a number of orphans who come there to be trained at no cost, this is a list of trainees, they are split between the two, either way they are trained and the best players are selected regardless Of the Status( she emphasises).
TKL: getting the jibe he decided to break through the ice, " Look Preeta , I know you are angry but can we talk" he pleaded.
PKL: " isnt that what we are currently doing right now" 😐😐.
TKL: " i mean about us and everything that happened"
PKL: " If i remember correctly Karan Luthra , I tried to talk to you, Many times in fact, 😡😡😡 but you never listened, so now there isnt anything to talk about, Concentrate on the task." She snapped angrily.
She stood up and turned and Karan stood up too. As Preeta stepped foward she heard a rip, Karan looked down and gulped in fear.... her duppata was under his shoe....
Preeta turned and picked it up and looked....
PKL: 😡😡😡😡😡😡.
TKL: 🥺🥺😰😰😰😱 " look Babydoll,that was a mistake"...
TKL: " Its not my fault , your duppatas are always attaching themselves to me ".
PKL: " They attach themselves to you 😮😮 she pointed at him, " YOU BAJARBATTU"
TKL: he looked at her smiling🙃🙃😢.
Preeta realised what had happened and she just left the room, while Karan watched her go with a little happiness that for a little while he saw his Babydoll".
It was evening and everyone came to the table in pairs for supper...
Abhigya: " Fuggy, Why are you walking around, when you pregnant"
Pragya 🤦♀️🙄🙄 they both sat down.
Krijun arrived blushingly smiling as they thought of earlier and they took their seats.
Purbul arrived.
PU: " girl"
BU:" boy"
BU:" boy"
PU: " boy"
BU: " girl"
PU: " see even you agree its a girl" 🤣🤣.
They stopped.
Pragya: " Whats wrong with you too why are you fighting like children"
BU: " Di, we not fighting like children, we fighting about a child".
Everyone: Huh ...
PU:" Haan about if its going to be a boy or a girl"
Everyone slapped their foreheads 🤦♂️🤦♀️.
RD: " chup, you too and sit down "
They quietly sat down.
SHRI: " You shorty 😡😡, why did you attack my village"
SAMMY: " Oy Lambu, you attacked me first" .
Shri:" ME. NO YOU.:
Sammy: YOU.
RM: " Arrey Chup duno, what are you arguing about.
Shrishmeer: Rakhi aunty/ Chachi this Shorty/ Lambu attacked my village He/ She is a cheater.
Everyone: HUH....!!!
RM: " What".
EVERYONE: 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️.
RM: " both of you be quiet and take your seats now"
Shrishmeer: 🤫🤫 and sat down glaring at each other while everyone else giggled.
DishRish came out of the library corridor both lost and sat down quietly.
Karan came smiling and took his seat while Preeta came puffing having to go change her duppatta.
The meal passed in silence and everyone went to their beds.
The next morning after breakfast, they all left for their offices.
DishRish left together and arrived at the media centre.
Media offices
Shrishmeer left together.
Event offices.
Krijun offices.
While Abhigya left with a lot of excitement to the hospital/ Baby clinic.
Shri: Listen Shorty, I think we have to find a way to make Karan Jiju and Di patch up, I mean how long is this cold war going to go on.
Sammy:" Haan Lambu, but how Preeta Bhabi doesn't even look at her, I Know Bhai realised his love but Bhabi, she has no idea.
Shri: Yes but how are we going to do this.
Sammy: we need to first start by getting them back to the old ways, but Bhabi wont forgive Bhai so easily.
Shri: I think we must get help from my Didis.
Sammy: right, now lets get to work cos Pragya di will skin us if our projects are not done.
The two of them started going over designs for the events they needed to arrange.
After they were done some 4 hours later,they ordered lunch and ate together at the corner of the office where it was private and had a door
When Sammy stood up he tripped over Shristi s foot and fell over her, the two of them really close lost in each others eyes they went closer until there lips touched and they kissed each other passionately, lost in the moment they forgot their surroundings until their was a knock on the door. Quickly sitting up and straightening themselves, they told the person to come in, it was the assistant who informed them that their next appointment was there.
They left both of them smiling.
Preeta took Karan into the offices and introduced him as the new director Karan Luthra, it hurt TKL that she failed to mention him as her husband but somewhere he knew he deserved it as he remembered how he never introduced her as his wife at the old club. As they were walking into the field a handsome guy came and hugged Preeta and lifted her of the ground. Karan fisted his hands in anger and jealousy.
Preeta looked at Karans face and immediately asked to be let go.
PKL: Yaar Vin when did you come back ?
Vin: This morning my sweetheart and how are you, and my favorite arora ladies.?
PKL: They all good, you better come home today, or you wont be forgiven.
Karan coughed.
They turned to see him.
PKL: : Ah sorry, This is Karan Luthra.... TKL interrupted : Preetas Husband.
Preeta looked at him a bit shocked then nodded.
PKL: and Karan this my best friend since college, Hes a neurologist but he visits the club to check on the orphan students. VIN RANA. 😍😍😍
VIN: Nice to meet you, Pree you got married and didnt even tell me, Im hurt. ×× He acted sad.
PKL: Oye Drama King. Okay Vin. I hope you coming to stay at Arora Mansion, all of us are there, we will see you tonight.
Vin agreed and Preeran went to the grounds where she introduced Karan to everyone, then went back to their offices to continue working.
PS; *** Im ending this chapter here. I did try to fit an equal amount of each couple, but also i don't want to drag chapters, I didnt forget the bad guys... I hope you all enjoy the chapter. As its my first fanfiction all criticism and suggestions are welcome.
Thank you 🙏🙏
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