New Entry & Awakening...

The last chapter ended with Preeran at the cricket club. This chapter will open after they have all are  returning home.

The first to arrive is .....


RM: " Rishab Beta. You are back, how was your first day?"

Rish: " Hi Ma, it was good, a new experience and I  learnt alot from Disha ji" he smiled at her.

RM: " Disha Beta, thank you so much, Anyway you two must be tired, you go get fresh and come down for dinner."

Dish: " Rakhi aunty, are  Pragya Di and  Jiju back from the Dr as yet "?

RM: " Na Beta, they called to say they were going straight to office after the hospital. "

Dish: " Okay, Thank You"

As they were leaving to their rooms ...

Abhigya Entered.

DISH: " Di, Jiju, what did the Dr say is everything going well,  did you pick up the vitamins?

Abhi: " Arrey Disha, slow down, breathe." 😅😅

Prgaya: " Haan Disha everything is fine and we got vitamins "

Dish hugged pragya and stepped back and took out something from her bag.

Dish: " here you go, I picked this up on my lunch hour." She smiled

Abhigya took it and hugged her. 😊😊😊😁.

Abhi: "  So Rishabh, how was the media world today" ?

RISH:  " it was great"

Next to Arrive....

And then


Abhigya: " OMG... 😱😱😱😮😮😮😲😲😲😲.

Abhi: " Bulbul that bear is bigger than you 😱😅🤣🤣".

BU: " Jiju this bear is for my nephew "

PU: " And this bear is for my niece"

And everyone else 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.

Before the argument could continue  Preeran walked in...

Shrishmeer behind them.

And then Krijun.

Abhigya looked at all of them standing there with all the bears in shock.

Abhi: " You guys know that we only having one  baby right "?

Pragya:" with all these bears there wont be any space in the room for the baby" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.

SHRI: " No Di, we will just make 2 rooms for the baby, one for toys and one for the baby."

Preeta: " Di, what did the Dr say, Can I see the scan"

PRAGYA: " Haan, the doctor said everything is fine then sent us to a scan." She handed over a picture to Preeta.

Preeta looked at the scan with interest then widened her eyes.

PKL: " Di, did she explain the scan to you".

PRAGYA: " wo... no because the nurse scanned me and then my phone rang. Why. Whats the matter."

Preeta walked over to abhigya and stood between them pointing.

PKL: " See, this, it means there are twins".


Abhi: Hugging Pragya and Preeta in excitement" No no, i think these bears are enough. "

They all celebrated the new news.

There was a knock on the door.

Karan opened it , his face turned into a grimace.  Mumbling" oh here comes my male sautan"



They all rushed to welcome him and hug him, while the other luthras were confused.

Vin was introduced to everyone while he was still standing by the door and then someone shouted from behind  he turned in a hurry and a girl fell into his arms.

Ruchika Luthra.

And everyone else was on shock.

They released each other and Ruchika was introduced to everyone.

VIN: " Pree, you didnt tell me there was a teddy bear party today" 😮😮😲😅.

Abhi responds proudly: These bears are for my twins 😊😊😊😊😊🥰🥰.

VIN: " Wow Twins, Congrats bro, congrats Di. "

Then everyone went to their rooms while Preeta offered to show Vin and Roo to their rooms, and because Karan didnt want to leave his Babydoll alone with Vin, he went with them too.

After dinner was over. Shrishmeer making sure that Preeran were not around spoke to Pragya,Disha and Bulbul about helping them to reconcile the estranged couple. To which they all agreed.

They all went outside to the deck, the only two missing were Preeran because Karan was helping Preeta with his Dads physio ( as pragya suggested to him).

And Shrishmeer and The Arora sisters explained what they wanted to do.

SHRI:  " I think we need to do something to bridge the gap, so they can get closer, at least its the first step to reconciliation" .

AB: " Haan I have an idea... DIVORCE "

Everyone: WHAT!!!!.

Pragya: " Suniye, what are you saying, we want to get them together not get them apart".

AB: " I know Fuggy, but you all have the same values, right( she nodded) and that first Karwachauth what did you say to Tanu".

She thought back...

Pragya: " I said that even if you didnt love me still your kumkum was on my mang, its my bhagya  and I will fight for it" 

AB:" Exactly, and thats what you did, the same way even though Pree is mad at Karan she still wears her mangulsutra and kumkum".

BU: " ah so what you saying Jiju is that we should tell Preeta di to get a divorce and if she says No then  our first step will be to put them in the same room, Right" .

AB: " Haan my smart Saali Sahiba"

Preeran enters.

PKL: " oh Jiju all the praise for Bulbul, dont forget you have 3 other sister in laws. "

Ab: " Yes Preetaji 😅😅🙏🙏. "

Everyone laughed.

PKL: " So Jiju why are we praising Bulbul"

AB: " Wo....
Pragya: " Because Purbul were having their niece/nephew argument, then Bulbul said since theres twins they will both get their choice"

Everyone: " Haan"

Preeta nodded convinced while Karan had some doubts.

Pragya: " anyway now that you 2 are here, Preeta we need to talk to you".

PKL: " Haan Di, what do you need to talk about"

Rishabh ,Karan, Sameer, Vin and the Luthra sisters leave understanding they needed to move Karan away so they could convinve Preeta. 

AB: " Preeta, we want to talk to you about your marriage" .

PREETA : " Okay Jiju, what do you want to talk about" .

PRAGYA: " We contacted the lawyer to draw up your Divorce papers" .

PKL: " Divorce 😱😱😮😮😮😳😳, Di what are you saying" .

Abhi: " Yes Preeta, you and Karan live in the same house but you dont speak to him and even share seperate rooms, so its not a marriage, you should file for a divorce. "

Disha: " Haan Preeta and once you both sign the papers, we can look for another groom for you"

Purab: " Yes, I have a friend who would be perfect for you " .

BUL: "  So then its decided, we will wait for the lawyer tomorrow before we all leave the office" .


Shri: "  what do you mean Di, that you not getting a divorce" while she smirked in her mind.

PKL: " Exactly that,  we will speak to Karan now, he can move his things into my room tonight".

Pragya: " Are you sure " ?

PKL: " Yes Di, those Vows they meant something to me, and I married Karan twice, so yes, no divorce".

ABHI: " okay if that's your decision, we will support you" .

PURAB: I will go call the others...

PKL: " Haan Jiju, I will walk with you".

They left.

While the others hifived and smiled. 

Abhi: " See Fuggy I told you. "

Pragya" Haan Haan" .

Everyone returned and sat down.

Abhi: " Karan, we have asked Robin to move your things out that room."

Karan looked at him a bit confused.

Abhi: " hes moving your things into Preetas room" .

TKL looked a bit shocked and then looked at Preeta who nodded. So he just responded  okay.

PRAGYA: " So Pree, you and Karan go and  tell Robin, its almost bedtime anyway" .


everyone else celebrated their success on their first step.


Preeta waited nervously for Robin  to bring Karan to her room.

PKL POV:  I dont know if I will ever forgive Karan, but I know that I dont want to get a divorce, to me Marriage is sacred and even if he didnt take the vows seriously I did, so for me Divorce is not an option.  This is going to be hard,  but I have to try,  Oh God 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Do we have to share a bed 😮😮😳. No no, I will take the couch. Yes thats what I will do.

A knock interrupted her ramblings she opened the door to find Robin and Karan with Karans belongings. She stepped aside while Robin arranged the things.

PKL: " Huh I will be right back and she left.

She walked in after 30 minutes and was shocked....

She shouted and turned her head . 

TKL: Wo sorry, I forgot my clothes.... he grabbed his clothes and left to the bathroom.

She turned making hearing the door close and walked into the room and went to the cupboard fetching her pajamas and waited for him to come out, as soon he exited she rushed into the bathroom to change. Karan sat on the couch and waited for preeta to return.

She came out...

TKL: " Can i get an extra blanket and a pillow"

PKL: " What ".

TKL: " For the couch"

PKL: " No you take the bed, I will manage on the couch"


PKL: Yes


PKL: " Okay fine lets fo this we will both take the bed" .

TKL FLIRTING MODE: " Wow Preeta Luthra you want to share the bed"

PKL: " Let me finish. We will make a pillow border" .

So they both went to the bed and made a border with the pillows. While they were walking around the bed they both bumped into each other and...

Fell onto the bed. They stared into each others eyes, like there was a magnetic pull none able to look away their eyes reflecting their emotions as they got lost in their own world, it is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul and as they stared into each others eyes, there were a wave of different emotions but the one that pierced there minds at that present moment was Love, he bent closer to her waiting to see if she moved away, when she didnt his lips gently touched hers in a kiss that held only Love, she responded to her hands automatically curling into his hair as she pulled him closer as though she wanted to stop time when suddenly reality hit her and she broke the kiss and he rolled away, she quietly walked away without a word and went to her side of the bed, switched of the night lamp and closed her eyes, while Karan went to his side of the bed and did the same. There was complete silence.

PKL: " OMG what was  I doing , did i really just kiss him,  what was i thinking, I could i just forget what he has done to me, but its that look in his eyes, the regret, the guilt and remorse and also hes eyes shone with Love but he doesnt love me he couldnt possibly....

TKL:  shit Karan what did you do,  you supposed to be earning her forgiveness, kissing her is definitely not the way to go about doing it but what can i do its her eyes when i look into them nothing else exists....

With these thoughts they fell asleep.

Karan woke up the next morning with a warm weight on his shoulder he opened his eyes and found his wife laying on his shoulder, snuggling into him, he admired her, she was so beautiful and innocent, he had been a fool to ever think her wrong.  He saw her eyes flutter and quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Preeta opened her eyes she was so warm and comfortable and she realised she was in Karans arms, she moved slowly so as to not wake him up and. Noticed that she had moved past the pillow border. She woke up and went to the bathroom.  He woke up with a sigh as the door closed.

Everyone came down to breakfast and before the could be seated, the nurse who was taking care of Mahesh came rushing to them...

Nurse: " Mr Luthra has come out of his coma and regained consciousness, the Dr is on his way, you please come"

They all rushed to Maheshs room, only the Luthra family went in while the rest stood outside when Karan noticed Preeta remaining with them he grabbed Preetas hand and pulled her into the room with him.

Mahesh looked up at looked at Rakhi who approached him she took him into hug and cried tears of joy,  she had waited for this moment for months, for the comfort and safety that only her husbands arms would bring. She was complete again, he comforted her and then released her when Kareena said Bhai and she and Dadi approached hom but he raised his hand to stop them.  Instead he called Preeta to his other side and blessed her and took her hands in his.  He smiled at Sameer and Rishabh. But didnt even look at Karan.

MAHESH: " Rishabh beta, whose house is this" ?

Rishabh: " Dad this is Preetaji and her sisters house, but we will explain everything to you later"

KB :  " Bhai" 

Mahesh: "✋✋ Not today Kareena. ?"

KB: " But why Because of this Preeta Arora" 😡.


RM: Maheshji calm down.

The doctor arrived everyone stepped outside, while the Dr check on him and said everything is fine and he left. The Arora sisters and their partners went to the living area, while the Luthras returned to the room. Rishabh helpef his father to the wash room and when he returned he was fully dressed and requested to be taken to where everyone was .

Seated in the living area were everyone but abhigya.

Preeta: " Papa, are you okay"

Mah: " Haan Beta, Im fine, so tell who are all these people."

PKL: This is my older cousin sister Disha.  Over there is my younger sister Bulbul and Jiju Purab, she is younger to me but older to Shristi. Over there is my cousin Bhai  Arjun and next to him is my best friend  Vin.

Mahesh: " So you are oldest" ?

Before she could answer Abhigya walked in .

MAHESH: 😱😱 Mrs Mehra.

Everyone was a bit confused.

PKL: Thats my elder sister Pragya Di and My Jiju Abhi, but how do you know her ?

Abhigya: 🙏

Mah: " She has been an investor at the Luthra company for years, she was the one who helped us out when our business wasnt doing too well"

Kareena was left speechless 😱😱😱😳😳😳😮😮😮😐😐.

Mahesh: " So Rishabh please explain why we not at our house"

Rishabh started explaining all that had happened. And the new positions they had started because of Pragya.

Mahesh: Kareena still you didnt learn, now Preetas status is way higher than yours what do you have to say to that. ? 😡😡😡.

Kareena stood silently looking at the ground.

Mahesh: " Karan, the things that you did in your search for what you comsidered justice only created an even bigger injustice and to the person you took a vow to protect, you have disappointed me greatly, however if Preeta has agreed to make things work, I sincerely hope that you take those vows and promises more seriously. "

Karan: " Yes Dad" he said in tears and hugged his father.

After their very emotional reunion the family all spent the day chatting and preparing for the pooja to take place the next day after which time they all had dinner and went to bed.

End of chapter 10.

All criticisms and suggestions welcome. Happy reading.

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