This scene starts with....
" Prithvi Malhotra... POV
We have taken over the Luthra Properties but still something is amiss, I want whats mine...
Yes Preetaji, She is mine and that Cricketer stole her from me but now( 🤪🤪🤪) I will get her back, Yes Prithvis Preeta and Preetas Prithvi but first Sherlyn."
Prithvi is shown putting a drop of liquid from a small bottle in to a cup of tea and smiling ," This is the start to get rid of the problem "
Sherlyn walks down to Prithvi , when he smilingly hands her the cup of tea, which she takes, looking at him lovingly and drinking it.
While Prithvi smirked in his mind...
Scene Changes.
In a small little cottage hidden by many trees there are 2 ladies and 3 men.
Lady 1: " We have to do something, we cant just stand by and watch them be happy, for as long as we do that our revenge cannot be complete"
Man 1: " Yes and the best way to attack them is where they least expect it.
Man 2: " First through business, we need to get them through that"
Lady 2: " Yes then through Discord , we need to make them question each other" .
Man : " We need to watch them closely, we must follow them "
Lady 1: " Yes its time to make our first move, and then watch the players fall, Victory will only be ours".
The Arora Mansion:
The family were bustling about here and there preparing for the prayer, while PKL,Shri, Bulbul were looking for Pragya and Disha, who were found at the front door making the rangoli.
PKL: Di"s, we have been calling for you for a while now.
Pragya: " sorry we didn't hear you, any problem?".
PKL: " The priest is calling you ".
So all the sisters went and did their prayer with all the family.
It was evening and Pragya had requested that all the youngsters and Mahesh uncle meet in the conference room.
After everyone had taken their seats, Pragya began.
Pra: " I wanted to check in with everyone and make sure they are settling in at their new positions." ?
Rish: " Ha Pragyaji, Dishaji has been very helpful in showing me the ropes at the media centre, so far all is going well".
Purab: " Yes Di, everything is fine" .
Everyone else also gave their input.
Pragya: " That's good, Im glad. The next thing I want to ask of you all is your vigilance to whats happening around you ( everyone looked at her a bit perplexed). I mean saftey, don't been drawn into a false sense of security, Prithlyn are not just going to stop their plot for revenge"
Sameer: " But Pragya Di, they achieved what they wanted they took over all the Luthra properties and companies".
Mahesh:" Sameer, you have alot more to see of life, Pragya is correct in her assessment".
Pragya: " See, those two came here on a mission to take revenge on Rishabh but during this thirst for vengeance and while implementing their plans they created new enmities, for example with Karan and Preeta, because from the start they learnt about their plan and did everything to stop their truth from being exposed, while doing that Preeran became and obstacle and a new target for vengeance, their hatred for Luthra family had grown but also I believe that Prithvi has developed real feelings for Preeta, feelings which broader on obsession and that is just as dangerous as revenge.
This is why I need to request that we all be extra careful with everything we do, and the need to be honest and forth coming with every situation is now of vital importance".
Mahesh: " Yes Pragya Beta, you are right , we need to be careful until such time that those two are punished."
Pragya: " Yes,this is why I allocate 2 people in each division so that someone is always around, the only person I need to now consider is Ruchika, what are your qualifications, lets see if we can place you within the group as well. "
Ruchika: " Haan Di, I just completed my neurology studies so I need to join a hospital as an Intern for training".
Pragya: " Then that will work out, as Vin has just returned from abroad to join our PTY hospital as the Chief , I am sure he will be able to place you, right Vin."
Vin: " Yes Di, I can do that. "
Pragya: " Good, then thats settled, remember that I dont want anyone going anywhere alone, Every member of this family needs to go everywhere as a pair, if you have any problems or any doubts, they must be declared ,discussed and cleared immediately, a solution can only be found if the problem is known"
Everyone nodded in agreement and left. But Mahesh and AJ remained behind.
Mahesh:" My child, Thank you for all you are doing for my family, I have no words to Express my gratitude".
Pragya:" Uncle,what are you saying, we are all one family now, my sister is now apart of your family so automatically you all are apart of ours, there is no need for Thanks, its my duty and Im glad we can support you all.
He smiled and left.
Arjun: " Di, what is it that you are not saying".
Pragya: " Arjun, that is only one enmity that we discussed but Taliya still remaina threat, as much as Prithvi has an obsession with Preeta, Aliya has the same if not and even worse obsession with Purab and Tanus obsession with my husband is no less. For Aliya more especially the money is not what she is most desperate for, Its Purab, Aliya is like a spoilt child because she was given whatever she wanted, she fails to understand that people and feelings do not work the same way, love is not something that can be forced or even bought. This is my worry, Aliya has tried to take Bulbuls life before. I Dont believe she can Change so easily.
Arjun: " But Di, why didnt you discuss this with Jijus and Bulbul as well.
Pragya: " Because Arjun, Bulbul is still a child, she does things without thought, instead of calming a situation she will provoke it, and we cant let that happen, and your Jijus, Aliya is ones sister and the other ones best friend, they are easily swayed by their emotion towards her and Aliya is well aware of that and she will use it, Not many can easily accept that someone who they have known their entire lives will turn out evil but unfortunately thats how People are, they are unpredictable, we need to be really smart, as all these people hold a grudge, Prithvi, Sherlyn, Mahira, Tanu and Aliya and Im still on the fence about Raj Bhai, he changed once it wont take lot for him to change again especially with his mother and wife edging him on, it could be potentially dangerous."
Arjun:" Right so I expect you want me to tighten the security around the Arora Mansion".
Pragya: " Not just the mansion, but the offices as well, going foward every single employee must be vetted thoroughly, back ground checks, finger prints, everything, the cctv footage for both the mansion and all the company's must be backed up to external servers, that will require yours, dishas and my codes to access, that way no one can delete things and tamper with the evidence."
Arjun:" Di, with brains like yours you can work for the CIA, FBI and MI6, but as you say I will start implementing all that you have mentioned, I assume that this conversation needs to be kept between us".
Pragya: " Yes, for now, and not because I dont trust everyone here but because I dont want to create and atmosphere of panic, as long as you and I are behind the scenes and monitoring everything carefully, we should be able to keep everyone safe, but as when the threat becomes an active one we will need to bring everyone onto the same page".
With that the two of them went out to join the rest of the family.
In the living room:
Abhi: " Oh here are the brother and sister duo, what took you two so long".
Pragya: " Nothing Suniye, we were just going over some finances for the Investigation division."
Abhi: " Fuggy,we have been married nearly 3 years and I feel like there is a side of you I dont know at all, I married a shy, timid and quiet college professor, but you like an atom bomb". 😂😂😂😅.
Bulbul:" Jiju, think of all that my sister did when she was saving her home and husband she must have a great strength".
Pragya blushed slightly and took a seat beside her husband.
Vin:" Now that you have all finished teasing my Di, I had a chance to look at Sarla Auntys medical reports, it seems shes making quiet a good improvement, there have been some movement in hands and legs and an increase in brain activity."
Rakhi: " Wow beta, thats very good news".
The evening continued with some light hearted banter and jokes, while Pragya started observing everyone.
Pragya Abhishek Prem Mehra was all the things her husband described her too be but she was also a woman of great intelligence, she was more a thinker, than an interacter, on the surface she was a kind,sensitive, caring and forgiving woman but she was alot more than that, she was an epitome of strength who had learnt at a young age to master her emotions, being very little when her parents split up and watching her mother struggle with the seperation she had to grow up very soon this meant that she thought with a calm mind every action she did was well planned and thought through, she realised that alot could be learnt by observance, a woman who angered very slowly and gave too many second chances but also one who would fight like a lioness to protect her own, she loved completely and selflessly, it was these traits that made her a great woman and her general disposition to be good was what set her apart, she had a good perception of peoples characteristics and personalities and these qualities that are rare to find in one so young is why she is victorious because she understands that her fight is for the good, she overcomes and most times that what God looks for he tests and tried but eventually it is the Light that overcomes the darkness.
Pragyas Pov :
( she observed the room, those who were drawn together and there body language expressing to her what was going on)
Preeran these two have not overcome their difficulties and differences yet but there is an immense love between them, as long as Karan keeps trying to earn her back he will eventually breakthrough the wall she has now put up. Her love for him is yet unknown to her and when she realizes her feelings she too will fight for him, I pray they have the strength...
Purbul these are two people who have overcome alot for their love, they have known the pain of separation but their love is new and wonderous but Bulbul has a childish and a bit of an overpowering nature, while Purab is a strong man he is weak to his love for her, Bulbul will need to mature a bit more or Aliya can use her nature against her, I hope she grows.
Dishrish theres an attraction there though i dont know if either of them realise it as yet.
Shrishmeer, shri is very similar to Bulbul in nature, but Sammy is a good boy its obvious there is a growing love between them, they just need to be open to the family about their feelings.
Krijun... I really hope Arjun doesnt shy away from Kritika because of his past experience my poor brother he deserves a good woman and Kritika is
Essentially good if only a bit shy and over powered by her mother.
LuthraDadi. She has become to set in her way of giving into her daughters persuasion, this flaw in her nature could lead to alot of heartbreak.
Mahesh&Rakhi... Mahesh uncle is a good man who sides with good and Rakhi aunty is a sweet and simple lady however she waits to long to stand up for what she believes,she is too easily overpowered without the support of her husband.
Rockstar Dadi , my lovable and funny Dadi who always encourages and finds the humor in every situation but she has faced alot, her smile is well deserved but it hides her pain.
Ruchvin: Vin is always so happy go lucky, and Ruchika well shes new to me only time will tell how these two gel together.
And Kareena Luthra now there is a bitter woman ,theres more to her hatred of middle class people maybe it has to do with the failure of her marriage , her hard and cold exterior to me seems to be a facade a form of self protection, she thinks that money means you are protected from pain but this is alienating her from her family from love i hope she realizes that shes robbing herself of her true potential.
And my darling husband the love of my life, he too carries the pain behind his smiling face, I know he feels a bit lost without his Dadi and his sister, for the longest time they were closest too him, and he blames himself for not giving Aliya the right upbringing but I wish he understood that we can teach someone so many things but if they are unwilling to learn then we are not responsible for that but that's okay because he has me and I will hold onto him and give him my support and now we are going to be parents, I know he is very excited but also a little bit scared that he will do the wrong thing, but we are not in control... its all destiny.
There are two people missing from this gathering our loyal and devoted Janki Aunty who has been like a second mother to us always going out of her way... and my precious mother, who tried so hard to teach us the best values and instill strength and love for us oh how it pained her when we struggled and when I see her laying there it breaks my heart but she will be with us soon lending her ear and giving us encouraging words, holding our hand...a mothers work is never complete.
I felt my husband's hands on my shoulder and looked into his smiling face, I got lost in his eyes which reflects so much love, appreciation and respect, I smile back at him thanking God that this man was chosen as my life partner.
The screen focuses on all the faces in the room all cheerful and smiling and then zooms in on Abhigya smiling at each other.
End of Chapter
So I bring this chapter to a close. I hope you enjoyed it. 🙂🙂🙂🙏🙏
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