Arjun was angry at the people responsible for harming his Di....
Preeta: " So Bhai tell us who is responsible for this".
Purab: " Haan, tell us why have they not been arrested as yet".
Everyone looked to Arjun for an answer, and his phone rang.
Arjun: " Yes, is it done".
Arjun paused for the answer.
Arjun: " Alright start, we are leaving now".
Arjun ended the call.
Arjun:" Di are you feeling upto a short drive ".
Abhi:" Kya, Arjun what do you mean, where will you take Fuggy."
Pragya: " Suniye calm down, Arj this is because you have those responsible right , and thats why they not with the police ".
Arjun:" Haan Di, and Jiju Im not just taking Di, we are all going ".
Pragya: " Fine, we will meet downstairs in 10 minutes, listen everyone if the elders ask where we going, just say we taking a drive for some air".
Everyone agreed.
They drove for about 15 minutes then entered a building surrounded by forestry, The building looked well preserved and well kept even if it was a bit aged, it looked like an old family home.
They exited their vehicles and as they approached they saw cameras on the exterior and 2 bulky men dressed in suits with earpieces at the entrance, the men nodded at Pragya and Arjun and opened the door, the rest of them were a bit confused as to what was going on but no one voiced it as their sister had warned them all not go ask any questions and they would get answers later on.
They were led past a well kept lounge area, seated in lounge they noticed 2 police officers, they went to a lift at the end of the hall, that was surprisingly large enough to carry all of them, the lift took them into a basement area that was lit only with a few lamps on the walls, they heard screams from the middle of the room, each one were drawn towards their partners hands taking it a bit scared while Kriti went closer to her brothers as Arjun and Pragya were leading them.
Arjun went to the wall and flipped a switch, the room illuminated they noticed a man and a woman tied to the chair a man standing over them with a bucket in his hands he looked at them when he noticed the lights.
Purbul and Abhi had a look of shock on their faces while the rest were a bit confused.
Abhirab: " Raj Bhaiya , Nikhil" they said in shock.
The woman looked up with a look of relief.
Woman: " Thank God, please help me".
A man walked towards them who this far was un noticed.
Man: " They are not here to help you but to punish you".
Sidharth Khuranna: Head Of Indian Crime division, close friends with Pragya and Arjun. Is very protective of Pragya and knows of her sisters, he was away on a mission and only recently returned. Will be helping behind the scenes...
Pragya: " Sid, when did you get back " she went to him hugging him.
Abhi walked to them seperating them.
Abhi: " Excuse me, why are you hugging my wife: he said with a bit of jealousy ".
Sid smirking: " She was my Pari, long before she was your wife".
Pragya: " Sid, don't tease, Suniye, this is Siddharth Khurrana, my best friend since college, and this is my husband The Rockstar Abhishek Prem Mehra."
They shook hands. And Sid was introduced to everyone else.
Sid: " So everyone please meet our guests here who think that harming my pregnant best friend will just go unpunished, but Im here to clear the mistaken thoughts".
Sid: " Nikhil switch on the plug".
Nikhil turned a switch which caused the two tied to the chair to scream in pain.
Arjun: " So let me explain what happened. Our friends here Tanu and Raj got together to get rid of my sister, see Raj ,his problem is that without the Rockstar brand and star hes company makes no money as he failed to realise in his and his wifes greed, that Jijus music paid the bills, he felt that getting rid of Pragya means that he would return to them so even after his last mistake he hasnt learnt and Well Tanu as you know shes obsessed with Jiju and even after marrying Nikhil and everything else she has done she thinks he will accept her, You know you 2 people you think my Di is weak and has a big heart you right she does but this time you tried yo harm her unborn children so this time we will show you our methods".
Tanu: " Nikhil, save me, Im your wife right and you love me".
Nikhil:" Yes you are my wife, did that stop you from trying to get Abhi, Love do you think that you will again blind me with that Love, let me tell Tanu, not this time, in your madness and obsession with a man who is obviously not the least bit interested in you, you have lost your senses, to the extent that you lost my child, its all your fault, I was blinded by the Love for you, Not this time" .
Arjun: " See, who do think informed me of your plan to harm Pragya or to trap Abhi and Purab, it was Nikhil, he married you in the hope you would move on, but you are a desperate and crazy witch".
Sid took a razor and made small incisions on her skin while Nikhil did the same to Raj, they screamed with pain while those watching closed their eyes and winced.
Sid;" By the time Im done you 2 will beg for death" .
The youngsters were in shock as to what they were witnessing understanding their feelings he took them back upstairs.
In the living area he dismissed the police officers.
Arjun: " I know this is a shock to all of you, but apart from Purab and Bulbul the rest of you dont know half of what she has done, not even you Jiju".
Abhi: " What do you mean Arjun? Fuggy what is he speaking of".
Purab: " Bhai, do you remember when you lost your memory and went to find Di leaving your wedding with Tanu, it was Tanu and Aliyah who had her kidnapped, she ordered that sniper to kill you and Di, they kidnapped Munnis children and tried to use her against you, But he biggest crime which you dont know about is that shes the one responsible for your Dadis death".
Abhi:" What do you mean shes responsible for Dadis death it was Simonika right ".
Pragya: " Tanu was helping her, it was Tanu who lured me to the warehouse and Dadi followed , when Dadi saw that Tanu was there holding the gun and pointing it at me, she pushed me out the way and "
She broke down into tears, Disha and Preeta held her and
Abhi stood astounded, if he had reacted differently after his Dadi died, if he had blamed Fuggy, the thought alone frightened him, how much his wife had endured to save him, to protect him and his family.
He went to her and took her into his arms holding her tight, telling her of how thankful he is that she was his wife.
Abhi: " Arjun, your methods maybe unorthodox but I agree with them, That Bitch should suffer for every single tear she caused my wife " 😡😡😡😡.
Sid entered the room.
Sid: " Dont worry Rockstar, we agents know how to treat our guests well". The coldness in his voice sending shivers down the rest.
Arjun: " This is just the beginning, all those who made my sisters suffer, each one will be punished and in our way".
The Luthra brothers got a bit nervous, they would need to tow the line, these quiet and innocent girls had support in high places.
Abhi: " So we have Tanu and Raj, what about Aliyah, she needs to ne punished too".
Arjun: " I agree Jiju,but Aliyah is smarter than Tanu, she covers well or so she thinks and on the attack on Di And Dadi she wasn't involved ".
Preeta: " Bhai isnt what you doing illegal" 😬😬.
Sid: " No, these 2 have been charged with multiple attempts of murder, its no longer a single offence, it doesnt matter that the attempts where all on one person, they are serial criminals. (😂😂😂😂😂 sorry ) so now its my job to punish them its legal."
Everyone nodded.
Sid: " So Pari, tell me now you said we have some other problems ".
Pragya: " Yes my sister Preeta, also has an obsessive admirer, Prithvi Malhotra, it started with a revenge plot against Rishabh, he involved his wife Sherlyn, then to get Pree out the way who was constantly saving the Luthras they approached Ma with a marriage proposal for her however it seems Prees choice in men is similar to mine ( she giggled), my brother in law here Mr Karan Luthra he replaced Prithvi on the mandap, and he also has someone mad crazy obsessed with him Ms Mahira Khanna".
Pragya went on to explain everything to Sid in detail.
Sid: " Damn, its like some crazy crimes around you, so I assume you already have a plan in place for these Malhotras. "
Pragya:" Off course, my brother and best friend have taught me a few tricks" she smirked.
Arjun: " Ha please Di, we know you the brain we the brawn".
Sid: " Yes, KK informed me of his part in the plan". (Sapta_22 Hint for you)
Pragya;" Yes he already got the signatures we needed now the game just needs some time ".
Shri: " Di what game? , we don't understand".
Bulbul:" Haan Di , what are you talking about ".
Rishabh: " yes Pragyaji, we don't want you to be at risk, you have already done so much for our family".
Pragya: " Rishabh , are you not by family too, and Im not at any risk. My brother and best friend have made sure of it and My Rockstar husband, you will learn about him , and Shri Bulbul, you all just need to watch what happens".
Pragya: " Now lets go back home, Im sure Ma must be getting worried, Sid you coming with us right ?.
Sid: " You all go ahead, I will meet you later".
Everyone agreed and left
In their minivan.
Sameer whispered to Karan:
Sam:" Wo, Bhai, Bhabis Di is dangerous, you better control your temper".
Karan glaring: " Ha and you better be careful, shes also your Lambus di".
PKL and Shristi giggled as they heard what they were speaking of.
Abhi: " Having fun alone, why dont you 2 share with us ".
PKL: " Jiju, these two are talking about how not to cross Pragya Di". She laughed while Sammy and Karan turned red.
Everyone laughed.
Purab: " You afraid of Di now when you have only see n her calm side , you should have seen her Mogambo side ". 😂😂😂
Bulbul: " Haan even Jiju was afraid of her" 😂😂😂
Pragya: " Hmm, you all better be quiet before I become her "
Everyone went silent.
Abhigya laughed.
End chapter.....
Hi everyone I hope you all good. Happy reading, all comments and criticism welcome.
Also tell me about how you would want certain scenarios to play out.
Thank you 💞💞💞
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