We ended the previous chapter where the evils boarded their flight and arrived in Goa.
While Prithlyn checked into the hotel and Talia were on the look out for Abhigya and Purbul... but none of the 2 evil duos were able to get even a glimpse of
Them, but they couldn't tired from their journey. They decided to call it a night and begin their search the next day.
Meanwhile our couples and their family boarded their flights and arrived at their destination and were ecstatic to begin their holiday.
Shristi: " Wow Di, South Africa, amazing".
Pragya smiled and smirked when she looked at Arjun.
Flashback: The Plan.
Pragya:" Arjun heres what you going to do, you are going to book seats on a flight to Goa in our names, and book us into a hotel".
Arjun:" But Di, commercial flights, they will find out where we going" .
Pragya: " That my dear brother is the point".
Arjun agreed and left to book the flights and the hotels.
Day of the holiday: 1 hour before the flight
Pragya called Arjun to the home office:
Pra: " Arjun , change the names on the booking to all our servants, the 5 cars arranged for the morning flight will transport them to the airport, they all going on a bonus trip.
Pragya waited until he was done then continued.
Pragya: " Good, now arrange for our private jet and 5 cars to transport us to the airport."
While Prithlyn and Taliya were checking into the hotel in Goa, the Arora,Mehra,Luthra and Khannas all got into the prepared vehicles which drove them directly onto the tarmac of the airport, where the families boarded the private jet to South Africa to enjoy their holiday.
When they were all seated Pragya smirked...
Pragyas Mind: I knew the minute those tickets were booked you 4 would have found out and follow us and you played right into my hands, now no one knows where we have really gone cos all our 5 jets are flying to 5 different places. Not only will you. Be in a different location but a completely different country happy hunting...
End of flashback.
Arjun looked at his sister, sometimes he wondered if he was the one with the investigator brain or his sister, before they boarded their flight his spys had reported that the enemies had checked into the hotel in Goa already. If there was one thing, his sisters mind was sharp.
The families
During the 21 hour flight of the family slept, all were curious as to where their holiday destination would be.
When they landed 5 Vehicles picked them up at drove them to the Beach side mansion on the beautiful shores of Cape Town....
It was a beautiful home with white interior and fews of the vast ocean the scent of the sea refreshing and rejuvenating, after the last few months that they all had this was a welcome change a chance to take a time out and explore a new city and country. They all went to their bedrooms to get fresh .
Having had a long journey the youngsters decide to spend a relaxing evening together on the balcony over looking the ocean, while the elders tired from the flight decided to have an early night after dinner.
As the group sat together sharing laughs, a few drinks and some shy and intimate moments...
They sat in pairs
Bulbul: We should play a game
Kritika: " Haan lets play truth or dare".
Everyone agreed. Roo brought the bottle.
Roo:" these are the rules the person spinning the bottle, will give a task to the person it lands on.
Shristi decided that she wanted to go first
The bottled landed on Karan who picked a dare.
Shri:" Karan Jiju I dare you yo kiss Preeta in front of everyone. "
TKL; " What Shristi, we cant do that"
Kriti: " Bhai its a dare, you have to do it"
TKL: "..but...
Without further argument he pulled a shocked Preeta into his arms, her face flushed red as she looked at him nervously and lowered her gaze, Karan knowing his babydoll was shy decided to make her a bit more comfortable and a bit oblivious to the fact that everyone was silently watching them he used his fingers to lift her chin so she was looking straight into his eyes, he ran his hands gently across her cheek and felt as she shivered by his touch, everyone else watched them in stunned silence not making a sound as they watched Preeran who were lost in their own little world, their eyes only on each other, drawn and unable to look away, slowly Karan bent his head forward and wrapped one hand at the nape of her neck drawing her closer to him he captured her lips in a first tender and then passionate liplock, completely blocking out the fact that they had an audience until Abhi, Purab and Rishabh coughed.
Hmmm. Hmm hmm 😲😲😲
Bringing them back to the game both beet red from blushing and Preeta hiding her face in her chin.
Ruchika: " how romantic bhai"
Kritika:" How cute"
Bulbul:" Haan , haan better than the movies now lets continue.
Everyone laughed.
Karan spun the bottle next and it landed on Abhi.
Abhi picked dare too .
Karan: " Okay Jiju, you need to sing to Pragya di".
Abhi:" Jiju , 😳😳, wait first tell me how Im your Jiju...
TKL: " Haan, you are Jiju to Babydoll, so Jiju to me" .
Everyone laughed.
PURAB: " haan. Now sing a song For Di, Rockstar".
Abhi gladly made his wife stand under a light with the breeze blowing her hair and he sang...
Tu hi toh jannat meri
You are my heaven
Tu hi mera junoon
My final tryst.
Tu hi to mannat meri
You are my prayer;
Tu hi rooh ka sukoon
My soul’s bliss.
Tu hi aakhion ki dhandak
You are the calm that I seek.
Tu hi dil ki hai dastak
You are in every heart beat.
Aur kuch na janu mein
I know nothing else;
Bas itna hi janu
Now except;
Tujhme rab dikhta hai
I see my god in you
Yaara main kya karun.
Oh beloved, I don’t know what to do
Sajde sar jhuhta hai
I can’t help but bow before you.
Yaara main kya karun
I don’t know what to do.
Tujh me rab dikhta hai
I see my god in you
Yaara main kya karu.
O beloved, I don’t know what to do
Kaisi hai yeh doori
So far somehow
Kaisi majboori
I’m helpless now
Maine nazron se tujhe choo liya
But I touch you with my gaze.
Kabhi teri khusboo
Sometimes your scent;
Kabhi teri baatein
Your words somtimes;
Bin maange ye jahan pa liya
I’m in paradise in a daze.
Tu hi dii ki hai raunak
You’re the light inside my heart
Tu hi janmo ki daulat
You’re the treasure I’d never part.
Aur kuch na jaanoon
I know nothing eise;
Bas itna hi jaanoon
Now except;
Tujh mein rab dikhta hai
I see my god in you
Yaara main kya karoon
I don’t know what to do.
Sajday sar jhukta hai
I can’t help but bow before you
Yara mai kya karu.
I don’t know what to do.
Vasdi vasdi vasdi, dii di dil vich vasdi
Reside, the thoughts of heart reside in it.
Nasdi nasdi nasdi, dil ro ve te nasdi.
She runs; if the heart weeps she runs away.
Rab ne bana di jodi hai
It’s a match made by god.
Cham cham aaye
With anklets that ring;
Mujhe tarsaye
Leave me longing;
Tera saaya chhed ke choomta
Your shadow teases with its touch.
Oh ho tu jo muskaaye
When you go by
Tu jo sharmaye
Smiling so shy
Jaise mera hai khuda jhoomta
Even my god can’t take so much.
Tu hi meri hai barkat
You are that shine;
Tu hi meri ibadat
My light divine,
Everyone : Aww 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍💞💞💞💞.
So they took their seats and Abhi spun the bottle. It landed on Rishabh....
Rishabh: " Truth" he said quickly.
Abhi:" Hmmm, okay you tell us how do do you really feel about Disha" 😊😊😊 abhi smirked
Rishabh: " Wo, shes an awesome person, shes very intelligent, and I really like her( he smiled at her and she blushed a bit) and Im glad shes accepted me.."
Everyone" Accepted you" 😱😱😱😳😳😳😲😲😲!!!.
RISH: " yes ..huh I mean as a friend" 😰😰😰.
Everyone smirked knowingly.
Rishabhs turn and it landed on Bulbul who picked Dare.
Rishabh: " okay, you should take 3 shots"
Bulbul happily agreed. And everyone else joined her with the exception of Pragya. After a while everyone was a bit tipsy and got bored of playing so they decided to just relax and chat.
Abhigya went to bed as Pragya was a bit tired.
Purbul and Dishrish followed not long after them , Preeta was feeling the effects of the shots decided to take a walk on the shore, Karan followed her.
They walked side by side in a comfortable silence, until Preeta wanted to walk in the water, with the waves lapping softly against their feet it, and the clear blank skies with the stars twinkling like little fairy lights and the moon shining upon the water, it was beautiful to behold and very romantic but they both felt an unknown calm inside them, as though there was and unspoken truce between them
They started to walk back, Preerans room was one that was downstairs on the sea shore, Preeta fell into the water and Karan fell over her, they laughed as a small wave hit them soaking their clothes, lost in each others eyes their faces drew closer to each other , intoxicated by the alcohol and the atmosphere they kissed passionately and his hands roamed her waist kissing her hungrily....
****Mature scene****.
He picked her up into his arms and kissed her as he started walking back towards their room, he placed her on her feet and they both began to undress each other before their bodies crashed into each other, in this moment of intoxicated passion, Preeta had forgotten her anger and Karan his guilt, in this moment, they just wanted to share love, to do something about the insane attraction they felt for each other since they met....
He picked her up in her under garments and her legs curved around his waist and the lips not leaving each other, he walked her over to the bed and lay her down gently, kissing, touching, nibbling he lay over her, all the world forgotten, all the betrayal out of their mind and they succumb to the nature of the flesh, the union of man and wife, even though neither of them were sure what was happening in their marriage.
Screen blurs.....
The sun rose bright and hot on the shores of Cape Town, the rays glaring down on couples on the terrace of their CapeTown holiday home.
Kritika woke up feeling heavy headed with a manly scent filling her nostrils she raised her head and found herself lying on Arjuns arms on one of the couches on the terrace, she quickly moved out of his embrace, the movement waking him, his head also heavy from the previous nights fun and drinks, he looked shocked at Kritika realizing what may have happened he thought to explain before she got yhe wrong idea.
ARJUN: " Look Kritika, nothing happened we just had too much to drink and fell asleep on the couch, dont take tension, you fell asleep on my shoulder.
Kritika: " Arjunji , I know that, I wanted to apologise, I will just go to my room" and she left nervously.
On the other side Ruchvin found themselves passed out on the grass beside the pool where they had fallen asleep, they just laughed it off And returned to their rooms.
While Pragya was ready and walked out her room to go prepare her husbands coffee , she noticed a very dis shelved looking Sammy sneaking out of Shritis room and back to his own, while she was a very traditional woman she was also aware of how things were between youngsters these days and afraid that her younger sister may find herself in an embarrassing situation she decided to discuss with her other sisters making a more permanent condition between these two.
With that thought she set off to the kitchen , however she also noticed the scene on terrace between first Krijun and then Ruchvin she just slapped her hand on her forehead. 🤦♀️🤦♀️
...but that was not the most shocking part of Pragyas morning, as she stood at the door of the kitchen she was shocked to see the normally both shy Dishrish in a passionate liplock, Not wanting to make them uncomfortable she walked back a few steps and dropped a vase as she walked to alert them that someone was approaching, she entered the kitchen to find them both on the other end of the counters, a bit red, but with straight faces, she smirked in her mind.
Disha: " Good morning Di, did you want something, you could have asked me, you know you shouldnt overdo it now" she babbles.
Pragya: " Haan Disha, take a breathe sister, Im pregnant not sick and Im here to make your Jijus coffee or he will never get out of bed" she smiled and went about preparing coffee and tea for herself, then she called the cooks and instructed them on what to prepare for everyone for breakfast as well to serve tea to everyones rooms.
Once done she pulled Disha aside and whispered in her ear" Disha Beta, next time you want to smooch use the rooms that have doors and where no one can walk in on you", Disha 😱😱😳😳😳🤭🤭🤭🤭
Pragya left the kitchen smiling at her sisters blushing and shocked face.
She returned to her room and found that her rockstar and already had a shower and changed, she went to him and handed him his coffee when he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him,
Abhi: " No,No Fuggy. No cheating I need my pre coffee dose first."
He looked at his wife who was blushing, it never ceased to amaze him, how even after almost 3 years of marriage she could still blush like its the first date.
Knowing that her husband wouldn't back down she went on her tiptoes and kissed his cheeks and then his lips.
Abhi:" wow, no arguments today" he teased her.
Pragya: " Suniye, we need to talk about something, you made me promise that I won't deal with everything alone".
Abhi: " Haand Fuggy, but why do you sound so serious".
Pragya: " It is, Arjun and I we tightened securitu around everyone, we were afraid that our enemies will try to harm us in some way, so on the day of Bulbuls accident , Aj had an operative following Purbul, he informed Aj that Aliyah was also nearby there, that's why Aj decided to go there, Suniye, Aliyah was driving the car, I have the reports and the pictures if you want to see them."
Abhi:" Fuggy, if you say it happened I believe you, too many times I made the mistake of doubting you and all those times I nearly lost you. Never again. But why didnt you tell me."
Pragya: " I only received the completed reports this morning and also. Taliya and Prithlyn they thought we booked in at a hotel in Goa an hour after Arjun booked our flights those 4 booked as well. Thats why I changed the locations and used the private jet".
Abhi: " Wow my Chashmish is a regular CIA. 😂😂😂. So Fuggy I assume you have a plan ".
Pragya:" I do but for now lets enjoy this break and once we get back home I will fill you in ".
Abhi agreed and they both left downstairs.
Meanwhile our Preeran, woke up in a haze.
Karan opened his eyes and felt a familiar warmth on his shoulders he opened his eyes and saw the face of his beautiful wife in deep slumber, shes extremely beautiful and innocent even more so while asleep he thought and remembered their night, an unknown fear crept in his heart that she would regret what had happened or blame him for their intoxication, he noticed her stir and quickly closed his eyes.
Preeta woke up with a warm comfortable arm holding her at first she snuggled into him, then realizing their proximity she started pulling away, as she sat up in bed she realized that beneath the sheets she was bare , and flashes of her loosing herself in her husbands arms played in her mind, her cheeks reddened with a blush as she thought of what had happened, unsure of how she felt she found a sheet nearby and wrapped herself and rushed to the adjoined bathroom.
Leaving a bereft and nervous Karan behind.
She has no reason to feel guilty, Karan was her husband and these things happen between husband and wife, what really worried her was she didnt know how she felt about him, she was in a state of confusion, when shes near him all that he did in the past is forgotten but deep inside her heart she has a fear that he will hurt her again, this holds her back from him, but she started to realise that even still somewhere along the line she had fallen in love with her best friend /husband. Yes she loved him and becoming intimate with him was bound to have happened at some point in their relationship, just last night they were intoxicated and also overwhelmed by passion. Deciding that she would move on from that, she showere and dressed then entered the room. She noticed Karan looked worried and sitting on the bed and wanted to ease his tension.
PKL: "Good morning Bajarbattu."
Hearing that Karan smiled and walked to her.
TKL: " Good morning Babydoll. "
He noticed that she was applying her kumkum and took it from her and applied it himself then kissed her forehead and walked into the bathroom.
The family took breakfast together and then the youngesters left to do some touring.
And over the one week they stayed...
They visited the market place in Cape town and took a boat across to visit the Robben Island and the penguins. They visited some parks and tried some of the local cuisine, there was alot of laughter and joy as they all had a fun day out and returned to the house tired but in high spirits.
The entire family sat on the seashore and watched the beautiful sunset during the evenings and a bonfire later in the nights or some nights they just lazed near the pool before they all retired to their rooms.
On the last day of their holiday, they all got ready to go back to their jet, all happier and tanned and well rested.
Meanwhile their enemies after 2 days searching through Goa for them and frustrated at not being able to locate them, fighting amongst their partners for their stupidity, they gave up and returned to Mumbai, frustrated at not being able to reach the goals.
Chapter end.
Thank you for all the votes and support.
Not proof read, suggestions and criticism welcome.
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