Cat and Mouse

Note: So our last chapter focused mainly on Pragya and her character' there was also some new mysteries and plots and schemes introduced, this scene will start with Preeran who are on their way to the club.

Karan and Preeta left in their car, there was an eerie silence in the car, each on battling their own demons, Karan noticed a car driving behind them that looked a bit suspicious, but brushed it off as his over active imagination just before the reached the club the car took a turn so Karan ignores it and parked at the club while the two of them exited and went about the work.

While working Preeta felt like someone was watching her but everytime she looked around she found no one there, around lunchtime there was a knock on the door.

PKL: " Come in she said" Karan peeked his head.

TKL: " Wo Preeta I just thought we could have lunch together".

He looked at her anxiously hoping she wouldnt reject his offer, she thought for a second and nodded her head and the two of them left to the cafeteria ordered their food and sat down.

Karan tired of the wall of silence between them decided to speak.

TKL: " How has your morning been"?

PKL:" Fine"

TKL: " Babydoll , I know that I have hurt you and done alot of wrong but please can we try to get past it, I cant take this distance between us."

PKL: " First my name is Preeta, the person you knew before shes gone, you killed her, you think you did wrong, No Mr Luthra what you did was sinful inhumane😡😡😡. You cant take the distance that you created huh, did you listen to me once, did you once think your actions through, No right. YOU LOST MR LUTHRA , Im not hungry anymore "

She walked away with angry tears running down her face, while Karan sat there disappointed and hurt and guilty, without touching his food he too walked away.

Someone sitting at the corner with a hat low covering half his face smirked.

PKL POV: " I wish I could forgive you but everytime I remember what you did to me" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Preeta sat on the floor of her office, with an array of thoughts running through her mind. Everything that had happened in last few months. It was a whirlwind of emotions, filled with confusion she put her head on her knees and closed her eyes, a flash back of her and Karans moments. The laughter and the adventure. The pain and the betrayal ,She was now in a conflict between her mind and heart.

On the one hand he was the man who hurt her from his angry actions and on the other he was also her best friend who supported her, stood up for and saved her,heart knew she would forgive him but her mind was constantly reminding her of his actions, she found herself in the very same position that Karan was in after his brothers marriage....

and now he was not just her best friend or betrayer he was also her husband, the man who she took 7 vows with not once but twice, even if he had forgotten those vows she did not, they were sacred too her, they meant something, her duty and responsibility as a wife and the promises that they made has they walked around the fire were apart of who she was and that was the crux of it all. She would need to look foward.

With these thoughts she went out to find Karan, she found him sitting on the stands of the ground, alone his eyes red from crying, that pinched her heart a little, she approached him with caution and sat beside him....

PKL: "Karan, Im sorry for my outburst earlier, I wont say that I have forgiven you completely but I do feel we need to make our marriage work, we need to take steps too rebuild that trust, it will take some time but Im willing to try. So can we start off as Friends ?" .

TKL looked at her with surprise and his lips turned into a smile as he shook her hand and said " Friends, thats a start".

The weight they were carrying seemed to get a bit lighter and then the two of them set out to leave for the day, across the stadium the hooded man who watched them at a distance fisted his hands in anger, he couldnt let that happen he needed a plan and fast, in his anger he failed to notice that someone was also watching him and as he left in anger that person too followed him.

Preeran approached the car and Karan looked around before he got in and started driving.

Meanwhile Disha and Rishabh were in their office discussing various projects they were handling.

Rish: " Dishaji, can I ask you a personal question".

Dish: " Yes off course, what is it Rishabhji"

Rish: " Well you are the cousin sister of the 4 sisters right, what happened to your parents?" .

Dishas eyes filled with tears.

Dish: " I am not their real cousin sister, my mother was a worker at the Arora mansion who died during childbirth, I dont know my father, so I was raised by Sarla Maasi, she treated me like she did her own daughters."

Rish; " I am sorry, I did not know".

Disha: " No thats okay, Maasi didnt tell me either, I found out when I was about 12 years old, I overheard the servants, Maasi was very angry she fired that servant and assured me that my mother was like a sister to her, especially after he own sister had eloped and thats why I am her niece, no mattet what anyone else says." She smiled.

Rishabh felt terrible that he had brought up such a painful topic for her, he stood up to get her a glass of water and Disha stood at the same time, they collided and he snaked his hand around her waist to steady her, they were so close to each other, their breathe mingling, her beautiful eyes like drawing him like a lost man he leaned foward and kissed her softly at first giving her a moment to withdraw when she didnt he deepened the kiss as her hand caressed his hand pullling him into her.  They parted both out of breathe and Dishas face flushed red.

DISHRISH:" WO IM SORRY" they both said at the same time.

Rish: " Dishaji, I don't know what it is but when Im with you I feel comfortable like i found all the answers I have been searching for all my life".

Dish:" I feel the same way, but we shouldn't rush this, we need to take our time, theres alot of unresolved issues our family is facing currently, so for now we should keep this between us, do you agree".

Rish:" Ha, you are right."

They hugged each other a feeling of safety and warmth settling over them.


Purab and Bulbul were at a cafe, they had just finished a meeting with a new company they were helping, once the clients had left the two of them decided to stay a bit longer and have a bit of alone time.  They were both enjoying their private time away from the hustle and bustle and drama of their lives, they shared some light hearted banter and were smiling lost in each others eyes.

Across the road a woman was parking her  car  when she noticed the 2 of them, anger and resentment bubbled up inside her taking over her mind like a fire, her eyes reflecting pure hatred, she could not allow them to be happy, her Purab was stolen from her by that middle class witch and she was going to be damned if she just let it happen, she sat in her car and watched them , her mind plotting on ways to separate them, suddenly she watched as Purab went to pay the bill and Bulbul started  walking across the road to get to their car, without a second thought The woman put her car into gear and sped towards her, Purab cant save you today Bulbul, this Aliyah Mehra will remove you once and for all... she picked up speed, Purab looked up and watched the car approaching Bulbul, , his voice caught his throat as fear overtook him, he started running but he was too far and the car so close

As  the car was about to crash into her ,a man pulled Bulbul out the way, the force of which causing  the two of them fall to the floor, Purab was shocked and Aliyah drove away fast before anyone could notice. Purab and another lady rushed to Bulbul, who had a wound on her head that was bleeding and scratches on her hands, she was being held By her Arjun bhai and in shock as to what had happened.

" Bulbul, bulbul are you okay, omg you bleeding".  Purab rushed to her taking her into his arms holding her, touching her with tears pouring from his eyes , he looked at her and cupped her face as if needing to make sure she was okay.

Kritika: " Purab Jiju, Arjun we should take Di to the hospital shes losing alot of blood".

As she completed her sentence Bulbul fell into a state of unconsciousness, Purab picked her up while Arjun opened the car doors for them to get in and then got into the drivers seat and the 4 rushed of to the hospital  while Purab begged Bulbul to open her eyes and Kritika was in tears, Arjun called his Pragya di.

ARJUN: " Di." He cried.

Pragya immediately alert: " Arjun, what's wrong, why are you crying".

Arjun: " Di , Bulbul had an accident we rushing her to the hospital, please meet us there" .

Pragya in panic: " Okay Arjun,  Im going to call Vin and tell him you on the way so hes prepared for you when you arrive,  Jiju and I will leave now".

They hung up.
Pragya called Vin and roo and informed them that Arjun was bringing Bulbul in and for them to prepare and then she called her other sisters and informed them to meet them at the hospital.


As soon as Arjun and crew arrived Bulbul was rushed into the emergency room and Arjun was taken to clean up the few cuts and bruises he picked up, as he walked into the foyer he saw his other sisters and their partners walking in, Pragya rushed to him.

Pragya: " AJ are you okay ? , what happened? Wheres Bulbul?".

Arjun: " Im okay Di, Bulbul is in the emergency room, we waiting for Vin to give us an update".

Abhi: " But Arjun, what happened" ?

Arjun: Jiju, Kritika and I were going for lunch at the cafe nearby to our office and I noticed Bulbul crossing the road and a car speeding towards her, in my hurry to get her out of the way, I never got a look at the driver "  while saying this he shared a knowing look with his sister.

Purab: " I don't understand, I went to pay the bill and Bulbul was going to the car, I was too far too reach her on time, if Arjun was' nt there" 😭😭😭😭, he fell to his knees and Abhi bent down to hold him.

Pragya gripped his shoulder: " Purab its not your fauly, calm down Bulbul will be okay" 😢😢😢

Vin and Roo walked out of the emergency ward and everyone ran to them. 

Vin:" theres nothing to worry about Bulbul just hit her head, she has a slight concussion and a few bruises, shes awake now you can all go in and see her".

Everyone rushed into the ward except Pragya and Arjun.

Pragya: " Did you really not see the driver"?

Arjun: " Di , we were not there for lunch thats just what I told Kriti, The guy I have tailing Purbul told me he had seen Aliyah, thats the reason I was there, luckily I arrived there just in time when I saw her car speeding towards Bulbul and I grabbed her just in time. I Shudder to think what would have happened if I was a minute late."

Pragya: " I knew that Aliyah wont leave them in peace, do you think she was following them AJ. "

AJ: " No Di, I think she just saw them there and acted, but we need to be more careful, and we need a to put our plan into action, we cant take the risk of waiting."

Pragya:" Yes you right,  Ronnie managed to find us someone who will be able to go in and monitor things for us, apparently Aliyah needs a Personal Assistant, this girl will not be able to trace back to us, since she doesnt know of our involvement.  She will join tomorrow she has already  been interviewed."

Arjun: " Lets go in and see Bulbul before anyone comes looking for us ".

The duo walked into the room and checked on Bulbul, who was okay just a bit shaken after her ordeal but she too couldnt remember seeing the driver, the police came and took her statement and Bulbul was discharged and they all left for home".

The Arora Mansion:

Everyone went inside and the elders were shocked to see Bulbul after a lot of fuss they all settled down for supper.

ABHI:" You know I think we all need a break from this drama, maybe we should go out of the city for a while".

Shristi: " Ha Jiju. Most of our projects that are oustanding are all done so we don't have any urgent pending work at this time".

Preeta:" Haan the club closes tomorrow for a team break, so We also have some time off".

Pragya:" what about the rest of you, anything pending ?".

Arjun:" No Di, we have closed our investigations nothing new on the books at the moment."

Vin: " Pragya Di, since you are my boss, only you can tell me if I can take leave " he teased.
  She smiled and looked towards Disha and Rishabh who were quietly lost in their own worlds."

She coughed bring back their attention,

Dishrish:" Huh Sorry Di. What were you saying" .

The youngsters giggled, Rakhi and Mahesh smiled knowingly.  The Dadis decided to pull their legs a bit.

LD : " We were talking about Rishabhs wedding".

Rishabh: " Wedding 😱, what wedding".

Rockstar Dadi:" Haan beta we think its time to look for a partner for you".

Dishrish:" NO" 😱😱.

Everyone smirked and continued.

PRagya:" No, Disha why are you saying No".

Disha: " Hmm huh, No nothing Di," .

While everyone else started laughing Disha and Rishabh looked confused.

Pragya:"  yes well, Dadi was just joking,  we were asking if you and Rishabh have anything going on" she smirked.. 🤭🤭🤭

Dish:" G...g..going on, Huh what do you mean Di, we have nothing going on" 😰😰.

Everyone was silently giggling.

Pragya: "  okay so we were asking so we can plan a family trip"

Dishrish sighed in relief.

Rish:" Haan Pragya Ji currently we have no pending work".

Pragya: " Pree is it safe for Ma to travel?"

PKL:  " Haan Di, she has regained alot of movement and so forth, and has a good understanding of everything going on, just to get back her speech now."

Pragya:" okay then Arjun and I will make the arrangements and you all start packing ".

Everyone completed their dinner and left to their rooms for packing, while Arjun and Pragya left to her home office. 

Arjun: " Di, are sure about going away, at least here i have back up but in another place we may have a problem".

Pragya:"  Arjun, dont worry I have a plan".

Pragya goes about explaining her plan and then asks Arjun to book the tickets to Goa for the family. She leaves to get her packing done.

Meanwhile in the Luthra and Mehra mansion.

Luthra mansion:

Person on call: " Mr Malhotra, there were tickets booked for the Luthras to Goa leaving tomorrow morning at 10am."

Prithvi:" Do you have all the details including the hotel".

Person:" Yes sir, it looks like some sort of family vacation. "

Prithvi: " Listen, I want a booking to Goa on the flight following theirs and also a room at that hotel, a different floor to theirs."

Person: " Sure sir".

The call ended and Prithvi smirked,  "now Preeta ji will be mine,  that filthy Cricketer wont even know Im in Goa. " He laughed 😈😈

The Mehras:

Tanu: " Aliyah someone just told me that Abhigya and Purbul are on a flight to Goa tomorrow".

Aliyah: " What Goa, where do they have money to go there".

Tanu: " I don't know Aliyah, maybe there is some work there that they going for, but we can't let that happen."

Aliyah: " You right Tanu, but we will let them go, But Pragya and her sister will have an accident in Goa and they will never return". She smiled.

On a call.

Aliyah: " Listen I want 2 tickets on a flight to Goa tomorrow and book us a hotel.

To Tanu;

Aliyah:" Just a few more days Tanu and Bhai will be yours and Purab will be mine." 🤪🤪🤪.

The next morning 5 cars pulled out of the Arora Mansion and headed to the airport, everyone reached there and boarded their flights, all excited for their holiday to Goa.

While Taliya and Prithlyn got onto the next flight. All with their own evil intentions.

End of Chapter.

* sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, all comments, suggestions and criticism welcome.🙂🙂

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