Chapter 10. P2 Private Matters.

I apologise greatly for the delay of this chapter. I have been working in the dark with some other planned books specifiaclly putting together the OC's and waiting for my friend to find what he needs since the internet has much but requires too specific data. Other then that I did not have the time to work much on this book but like many say, I the writer will tell you if it's done. Unless I am in a coma because I drank and drove. Uhhh ignore that part.
Anyways here you go...

3rd POV.

Redacted sat with the two Prisoners who started to introduce themselves.

Prisoner 1: My name is Karl.

Prisoner 2: I am Geng.

Redacted: Geng?

Geng: Yeah more weird than logic behind the name. I don't know why my parents gave me the name but meh whatever.

Karl: Well it ain't shit since I heard worse names.

Redacted: No worries on that.

Redacted puffed from another inhale of his cigarette while looking at the two.

Redacted: So what's your story?

Karl: Nothing much just a farmer turned lung trooper.

Geng: Same, except the farming part since I used to be a delivery boy.

Redacted: Post Office?

Geng: Yep.

Redacted: Seems we all have a similar thing in common; We used to have a different place before becoming Soldiers.

Karl: Agreed.

Just as the troops were talking the Hunters arrived.

Redacted: You received the encrypted message?

The Leader nodded.

Redacted: Alright I'll leave you to it comrade.

Major Ivan walked towards the group and took a seat next to them.

Major Ivan: Comrade all the Civilians are safe.

Redacted: Good.

Chen: You keep your words huh.

Redacted looked at Chen who stared at him with a mix of Trust, Fear yet Questioning.

Redacted: Your not sure whether to Fear or Trust me? Then I suppose our treatment towards you was not enough proof?

Chen: I just am having a difficult time trying to process all of this.

Karl: We all are but I honestly am glad to be on this side of the Warzone.

Redacted: Reunion would've slaughtered you where you sat. We are not barbarians with no brain and only the bloodlust to kill. We are organized and focused.

Chen: I can see that from so far. But what's your relationship with Lappland?

Redacted: Adopted Sisters you can say. Also inculding the fact that she works differently. When I say apologies to them in her mind she is being punished more than normally sent to. Due to her mental state punishment works differently for her. Atta king and torturing her won't work. Showing dominance and control can and forcing her to apologies which is basically for her the wrost punishment is how you do it.

Chen: But that's like a completely wrong set up mindset.

Redacted: Who said she had a normal one to begin with? Let me be clear Chen, some people will not or simply don't think or function like others. You cannot force it upon them. It is the same as forcing you to do things against your will is it not?

Chen: Well yeah in some cases but Lappland is a Psychopath.

Redacted: She may be but to a certain degree. I would say sociopath due to the fact that altough she does what she does she knows it's bad but has no control over it. A Psychopath is similar but they either think it's ok and normal to do the things they do or just don't care and do it for the thrill. Basically we are all in a way a Psychopath due to it's description. The only difference is what is Moral and what is not. Make sense?

Chen: Weirdly yes but still confusing a bit.

Redacted: It's all I can add for it right now.

Major Ivan: So quick question Sir.

Redacted: Go on.

Major Ivan: Who were those big guys with the hacked SHD equipment.

Redacted: Some call them Hunters. To us they are Task Force E.S.A.O. also known as Elite Silent Assasin Operators. They focus and Targeting Specific VIP's, Leaders, Division Agents and even Armies.

Major Ivan: But aren't they normally from Black Tusk?

Redacted: Nyet, not them. They are actually like a Wolf Pack. They have an Alpha, Beta, Charlie and Echo. They  consist of more then what you just saw. Classified on how many exactly. Their Leader, is Velikan. He is my Brat and Aarons Half Brat.
(Just in case you forgot Brat in Russia means Brother)

Major Ivan: I see....

Redacted: He works alone unless the Family is in need of help. His mission right now is none of your concern altough he might enjoy it a bit too much.

Third POV.

Wei: You dare enter my private Chambers?! *oof*

Velikan: *punched wey and proceeded to dunk him*

Wei: You will, *cough haff cough* pay dearly.

Wei tried to punch Valikans gut but it did nothing. He looked at his fist and saw it did not even scrape him.

Velikan only stared at him.

Wei decided to keep attacking.

(You guys should be able to tell who is who and where. Shoutout to Toucan for this magnifisant Idea. Also no it's not supposed to be a shitpost but this was too good to pass and only meme Lords shall understand it.)

Wei was out of breath as Velikan simply punched him once in the jaw and like that it was a 

K. O.

After that they proceeded to lock him up in a Cell they brough with them while looking around the building and mostly taking Weapons or Tech they found especially if it's Division Tech.

Back with Redacted...

Geng: Can you tell us his story?

Redacted: Mostly plain obvious just like me he was an experiment. I was placed in my own but he was sent to be made a literal blyating wall. Insane how some things don't change.

Karl: I suppose. But what about you. I see that blade your carrying.

Redacted: .... ....

Major Ivan: Please... do not ask him about it. It is his burden to bear. Not yours to ask of.

Ivan gave off a aggressive aura for the two and Chen could feel it.

Chen: If it's ok to ask is it that bad? The burden that is.

Redacted flinched simply hearing it the question of how bad it is makes him want to leave.


Redacted: IVAN!!!! Do not even think, act or dream of touching the Prisoners!!! Remember our Code, Cyka Blyat!!!

Major Ivan: Da Tovarish, forgive my outburst Sir. I just think we should drop the subject.

Chen for the first time has seen what Major Ivan is capable of if he were to get angry. He is no normal Human.

Redacted: Ivan normally never does this but if you anger him he can be... "different".

Karl: Different... h-how....?

Major Ivan: Like the Cold Frozen blood of Stalingrad. War, Death and Blood.

Redacted: A killing Machine with no second thought. Why do you think he is so kind and caring. It is the only way to return if only partially to ones Human self.

Major Ivan: Once a Soldat, always a Soldat.

Redacted: Anyways, let us move on from this subject.

Everyone was talking calmly again and simply enjoyed the chats. Soon most where sleeping again and so Guards where switching postions and shifts with others.

Sgt. Bolski also was on Patrol to see Chen trying to acces some data. Looks like its of Redacted. Oh if only she knew.

Sgt. Bolski: Private Matters should not concern you Chen.

Chen: Huh? *spins around*

Sgt. Bolski: You deaf? I said Private Matters should not concern you Chen.

Chen: Well its not Private if you invade.

Sgt. Bolski: Your also not if you support slavery, torture and buring people due to being infected with Oripathy.

Chen: I do not-

Sgt. Bolski: Still happened though. You did not even try to question it or stop it. Means you still did nothing about it. You may not support it but you still followed orders blindly. You could've sneaked in and shut it down or leave it all together. But, you didn't.

Chen: .... I, .... You-

Sgt. Bolski: Do I look like a Civilian Killer Chen?

Chen: Uh... no....

Sgt. Bolski: Then stop defending yourself and learn from you mistakes and work on stopping this madness.

Chen: ...

Sgt. Bolski: Excuse after Excuse let say something you cyka blyat, instead of looking up Redacteds history why not look up your Uncles or even solutions to the situations your City gave to the ones with no future because you gave them none. Why not that? Hm?

Chen: I don't, ... know. I am just so confused and need answers.

Sgt. Bolski: What you need is to rest up and sleep. If you don't it won't get any better. Go meet up with Hoshiguma if you will. Seriously though stop trying to meddle with things you cannot change or act upon. Do you think we wouldn't have done it if we could? Some things are best left in the dark.

Chen: ... Fine...

Meanwhile with Velikan...

Velikan smashed Wei into a knock out again before locking him up. This time breaking his arms and legs.

Velikan: ...

He then proceeded to eat a sandwhich with cheese and crackers.

Back with Redacted...

Redacted did not sleep. He almost never does. Due to his genetic mutation thanks to the experiments upon him it prevented him from sleeping. Altough he can force himself to sleep it's not real sleep.

Redacted: As usual. No real rest these days.

Lappland: Brother?

Redacted: Go to sleep sestra.

Lappland: And you?

Redacted: I don't have the ability to truly sleep anymore Lappland. You should at least you can.

Lappland: The voices are always waking me up.

Redacted: PTSD, I am not suprised. Well you can rest here but I am taking the couch. No need to use the small bed anyways so you can use it. Not that I sleep anyways.

Lappland: Ok...

Lappland tucks herself to bed and slowly drifts asleep. She is calmer now but it makes sense. She is in the presence of her Alpha. Well by according to the pack altough he is not really one of the Lupos Family Packs can have non Lupo Alphas.

He was elected last voting in the family before, ... the War.

Lappland: Bro why is it that you were chosen?

Redacted: You and the rest lacked Logical acts or better said you were too aggresive. They made me Alpha because I do not lead my pack to a random place to get themsleves killed.

Lappland: Oh.

Redacted: Being an Alpha isn't just power it is also Inteligence. If you know where and how to lead your pack it is more worth then the strengh you hold. After all strengh only gets you this far.

Lappland: I suppose. Goodnight Brother.

Redacted: Sleep well Sestra.

(Russian for sister jeez i hope no one forgets this so easily.)

A Red moon was visible. When blood is spilled during the night a Red sun rises. But if it was during the day a Red Moon will rise.

It almost makes no sense but it is not impossible. The world is not exactly normal as one can tell. And it must be in mass quantity for it to happen. Considering how Reunion is they may have more bodies to count then the LMB-Rouge.

Redacted sighed and simply started gattering data on his pad and storing it up. Recieving updates every now and then.

It will not be long until things take place into action. Tomorrow after all will be a big day.


Ok the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow we need to establish a Base here. For now Reunion should not attack unless Talulah says so. Talulah the fool made a big mistake coming here. We will never be allies. She has a history with Redacted but still is a situation where he prefers her out of his sight.

They will have to meet though. Let us hope it will be in a more suitable circumnstance.


There, finally did it.  It may not be much but that was what was planned for chapter 10. Now both parts are out. Chapter 11 may take a bit more to read hopefully so that it can stay interesting.

Blin this is difficult.

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