Leave Me Alone
I was walking. Walking to where? I'm not really sure either, but I do know that I'm in a shopping place and I see her. As I was walking closer to her for some reason, even I didn't know why I was, she saw me and waved at me.
She was smiling at me just like she used to. She started talking about how we should get together soon and hang out again. I didn't want that, I don't want to be here.
She continued to smile at me, just like she did years ago- just before the accident with her started. She then grabbed my hand and started taking me somewhere, and the next thing that I know we're at our old spot together.
We were in the park that we once came together almost every day after school to hang out. It was so beautiful and peaceful, it was like a dream came true.
But then everything stopped. She turned around and grabbed my other hand, having both of my hands in her's. The grip she had on me tightened and her head was down. I tried to get away from her but couldn't. It was almost like she was stronger than Wonder Women or something.
"(Y/n)...why did this have to happen?" She said while slowly looking up at me. I looked back at her and saw her face, her shoulder-length brick red hair was a mess and her green eyes were darkened, it was almost as if they were the colour black.
For some reason I couldn't move or say anything, I just stood there. The amount of fear and anxiety that is rushing through my body was impossible to described. I don't know what to do, but, even in my dreams, I know that I needed to get away from her.
"...We could have continued to be friends...if only you would have kept your filthy mouth shut!" She spoke with such a loud voice that I jumped, I then closed my eyes and started crying.
"No! Leave me alone! Please! I did nothing wrong! Please..!" I pleaded with her, only for her to laugh at me.
"Oh? How could I leave my bestie alone when she needs me the most? Oh...wait, you did that to me and now it's time for you to suffer the consequences!" She continues to laugh while I'm struggling to break free from her.
I don't want to live this life again.
Please... someone help me... I didn't do it- it wasn't my intention! It wasn't my-
I opened up my eyes when I heard someone calling out my name. Then, slowly but surely, everything around me started to fade away, even her.
"Wake up!"
The voice said,but this time louder. Darkness surrounded me and soon I woke up.
My eyes snapped open and the first thing I saw was Ace in front of me. He was so close that our noses could have been touching, and the look in his eyes held worried and confusion.
"(Y/n)? Are you okay? What happened?" He asked with concern, and once again I stood there, more like I continued to sit in his lap, not knowing what to say or do.
"I...I don't know...I just- I-" before I could continued to say anything else, Ace's right hand moved to my cheek to wipe away the tears that were falling from my eyes. Apparently, I was crying in my dreams and didn't once feel the salty liquid falling from my face.
"Shhhh, it's okay now. You are here with me and in my arms, no one is going to hurt you. I promise you that." Ace said in a serious tone of voice, moving his arms around me and hugging me. I tried saying something- anything to let him know that I appreciate this, but nothing came from my mouth.
So, to show that I acknowledge his concerns and his help to try, and calm me down, I continued the hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my head rested on his neck. Even though I was still crying and I probably ruined his uniform, though he didn't seem to care about that at the moment. All he seemed to care about was me and I needed this.
After a couple of minutes of staying like this, and my tears all gone, I let go of his neck, and he lets go of me but still held me in his arms, and I looked up at him.
"Th-thank you so much for this Ace. You have no idea how appreciated I am towards you right now." He nodded his head and just stared at me with a smile.
"It's fine, I'm glad to know that you're better now." He continued with that smile of his.
Wow, his smile is super adorable.
"Though there is one thing I would like to know," his voice turning all serious and almost sounding death threatening.
Uh oh, I don't like where this is going.
"Who was the person you were dreaming about? You said something like "leave me alone!" Or like, "please stop it!" Just who exactly was it? Was it Law or someone else? Do I need to have a talk with them and set them straight?"
Is he concerned about me? Just before I fell asleep he was crying and now he's the one saying that he needs to set someone straight for me? Adorable! Ace, I don't think you can get any cuter than you already have shown me today.
Then out of the blue, Ace kisses my cheek and retreats back. I grabbed my cheek and turned to look at him, hoping to get an explanation on why he just did that.
"You were taking too long to reply so I thought I would kiss you and bring you back from whatever you were thinking of." He sounded so casual about it, but little did I know that he was blushing too.
"You-you-you can't just kiss someone out of the blue like that!" I yelled at him, still can't believing that he did that.
"Oh? Why not? It's not like you're dating anyone." I looked at him shocked.
"But that still doesn't give you the right to do that! Consent is everything you know!" After saying that, he looked like he felt bad and was about to be sad again.
Oh no, my precious little bean. Please don't be sad, I can't take it!
"Just please make sure that you ask me first or something, before you go and do that again. Okay, Ace?" His eyes lit up like a puppy again and smiled while nodding his head.
"Yep! Of course!"
I swear, if he was a dog his tail would be wagging like crazy.
"Oh, by the way, Ace what time is it? Did the bell ring yet?" Now realizing where we are and that we had classes to attend to. I see Ace turn his head the other way, almost to avoiding looking at me.
"Oh...Well-um, you see that-ah, funny story... I...sorta also fell asleep too and School has been over for the past hour, hahaha. Funny, right?"
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