Chapter 18
Hi! So I know this book is shitty and I have no idea why people even read it. Do you guys need help? Should I be concerned?😭 Jk! Lol anyway,
Because of the long wait, I've made this chapter a little long for you guys because I love you all. Now enjoy~
Author-Chan out <3
(Y/n) POV
The next morning when I woke up, I looked around in my room. "Guess he did leave after all.. I should've known" I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms before standing up.
I grabbed my phone, checking the time "oh what a surprise.. I finally woke up early for once" I say out loud. My stomach was grumbling so I went downstairs to make some breakfast.
"Good morning sleeping beauty"
I almost tripped hearing that familiar voice. I did not expect to see Jeff here, because I thought he had left. My heart was racing rapidly and I felt my face heating up. He did jump scare me after all. But a part of me did feel happy seeing him and was glad he didn't leave. I didn't want to be lonely either.
"Oi! Are you just gonna stand there or?"
I snapped out of my thoughts and closed my mouth. I didn't even realize I was staring at him the whole time. And to make it even worse, my mouth was open the whole time too. "S-sorry" I stutter and sit down.
"Good now eat up" he handed me a plate of pancakes. "Well look at you, I didn't know you could make pancakes" I spoke, taking a bite of the pancake. "I can't actually.. I just added some random shit that I found in your fridge" he says taking a bite from his. I stopped eating and glared at him while he was innocently eating his pancakes. Okay and there goes my appetite. "well okay.. atleast you tried.. you get a thumbs up for effort". I got to remember not to eat anything he makes. Remember that future me!
"Damn right I did and I did a pretty good job too princess.. you better thank me"
Yeah- no... not gonna happen.
"Sure" I giggled and looked over at the mess he made in the kitchen. 'This bitch...' trying to hold my anger because I know how much my mom hates it when the kitchen is dirty or anything in general. If my mom sees this she is gonna ✨murder me✨.
"So uh... you stayed" I said, breaking the silence.
"Yeah so? What about it? Don't get too comfortable sweetheart, it was nothing"
"Nothing? Are you sure? You even made breakfast" I smirked.
He rolled his eyes and brushed the back of his hair. "Whatever, I was feeling nice... I was also too lazy to get back home so shut up before I shove those pancakes up your ass" he growled.
I giggled. "Sure princess~" I teased and waited for his reaction. It took a while. He was processing what I just called him.
"Who the fuck are you calling princess?!"
"You obviously"
"Oh shut up, you're just jealous that I'd make a better princess than you"
"Sure like I'll ever be jealous of you"
He laughed sarcastically and lightly bumped my shoulder. "Anyway... I have to go now. I'll be back later" he stands up and heads out of the kitchen. "Huh? wait where are you going?" I asked confused. "Home!" He yelled but then came back poking his head in the kitchen. "Why do you ask? Are you gonna miss me :3" he teased. I turned my face towards him and stuck my tongue out.
"Oh hell nah! In your dreams princess Jeffy" I flipped him off.
He didn't question it and just rolled his eyes. "Whatever, just don't do anything stupid. I don't wanna see half of you when I get back"
"Awe is Jeff the killer worried >:3"
"Fuck no! I'd rather die" We both laughed.
"Anyways.. see you later" Jeff said before heading out.
"Okay bye!" I sighed as I looked down at my pancakes and the mess. I better start cleaning and also head out. After I finished cleaning up and myself, I grabbed my bag and my phone to head out. I've been thinking about a few things and the weird things that has been happening around me. I came to the conclusion that a lot of things don't make sense at all.
(Like this whole story)
I'm starting to question myself if I really am on drugs. Am I? Maybe I'm slowly losing my sanity... haha no. Maybe, because I am talking to myself. It's normal.
I close the door behind me, locking it and double checking if I locked it. Remember what happened the other day? Don't want it happening again. I call out for my dog and gave him the pancakes from earlier. Yes, he's a real dog and not a figure of my imagination. Could be tho? You are a real dog right? Yes ofcourse you are, that'll be weird if I just gave pancakes to air.
"Hope it doesn't kill you and if it does, haunt Jeff" I pet him before taking off. I sigh and look around me. Not many people were out today. Is it maybe because of the kidnapping that's been happening recently? Because I've been seeing posters of missing kids all over town. Or is it because of the ✨Corona✨ (stay safe kids, haha anyways)
I stop at my favorite diner and take a seat. "Oh hey (Y/n), how's it going? Haven't seen you in a while" the waitress says as she came with a cup of coffee. I nod and greet her back "It's been a rough week".
"Don't blame you, it's been a rough week for everyone. Have you seen the news? More kids gone missing, it's crazy"
"No I haven't seen the news yet" although I do know about the missing kids. You know, the posters I saw on the way here.
The waitress hands me a newspaper. "See, most of them are little kids and just a few teens. You should be careful when you go out hun". I nod.
"Should I get you anything?"
I take a look at the breakfast menu and choose an omelet. She takes my order and goes to the kitchen. While I wait, I continue reading the news paper. To my shock a plane crashed with zero survivors. "No way, it can't be the same plane my mom was on... right?" When did this even happen? And even if it was the same plane, why didn't anyone from her workplace contacted me? This makes no sense. The waitress comes with my omelet and hands it to me. I thank her and start eating. After I finished I paid and left the diner.
I go for a walk around town till I stop in front of the police station. "Should I go in? Or not?" I stare for a full minute at the door thinking if I should go in. "Who am I kidding... what am I gonna say? I don't know how to talk to people, they're scary". I hold the door nob and let go off it. "Forget it, I'm going home" I turn around to see a tall man standing in front of me. 'Holy shit he looks intense... but also very ho-'
"Are you okay ma'am?" The man asked. 'Pfft.. ma'am...' I shake my head "yes sir, I was just about to leave"
"Okay if you say so, be careful on the way home. The streets are dangerous"
I nod and walk passed him. I sigh and continue walking. 'Why am I like this' I thought and passed the park. 'I think i'm just gonna chill at the park, got nothing better to do anyway'. I find a swing and go sit there. It was quite windy and the park was empty, it looked like it would rain too. I sigh and just swing. "Are you okay miss?" A voice next to me asked. I turn around to see a little girl in a pink dress sitting on the swing next to me. "I- I'm okay" I look around me searching for the girl's parents cuz I was a 100% sure I was alone. There's no one, just me and this little girl that magically appeared on the swing next to me. Yep, not weird at all. Totally not that weird for me not to question how she just popped out of nowhere.
Hehe... *internal screaming*
"Uh.. are you alone?" I ask the little girl which she answered no. If I'm being honest, this kinda freaked me out, but I tried to stay as calm as possible. "Are your parents around?". The girl smiled and stared at me "I don't have parents"
I stared speechless at the girl. This is too weird I'm leaving. But I can't leave a little girl here alone by herself, dammit why me? Why is it always me?!
"Oh sorry to hear that... then who are you here with? It's dangerous to be alone out here"
She stopped swinging and stood up "I have to go now, my father just arrived" she smiled and ran to the gate.
Wait a minute
Wait a damn minute
See this is what we not gonna do...
"Wait hold on a minute!" I stood up wanting to follow her but stopped when a tall male stood in front of her. I couldn't really see, my vision was suddenly blurry. Hold on- didn't she say she didn't have any parents? Girl got issues.
The little girl turned around and waved at my direction. "Goodbye (Y/n)!"
Right when I wanted to say something, a strong wind started blowing and before you know it, it started raining. 'Shit' I try covering myself and looked back in front of me. The little girl and the tall male were no longer there. I stood there in question, my clothes were soaked and I was freezing in the rain. I ran to stand under one of the tents in the park and waited for the rain to stop.
How did she know my name, I never introduced myself. The rain isn't stopping anytime soon, might as well run home since I'm already soaked. And so I did. On the way, my mind was invaded by thoughts of that little girl in the pink dress and that strange tall man. Probably best not to think too much about it. The rain was getting worse so I ran to find shelter. I waited a while but the storm was getting even worse and to top that off, the sun was setting 'shit, I need to get home'. I have no choice but to run. While I was running, something felt off. It felt like I was being watched. I shrugged it off and continued running, I was almost home anyway.
(Jeff POV)
I looked down at the couple that were laying on the ground, while holding my knife. The woman still struggled and cried for help while the man was already dead.
"Please just let me go!" She cried.
I didn't respond but just looked her dead in the eyes as I got down on one knee, grinning at the woman as I held my knife directly at her neck. "Now why would I do that huh? Do you know who I am? Do you know what I'm capable of? Huh!". The woman trembled in fear and trying to hold back any more tears but failed.
The woman screamed. 'So annoying..' I Slid her throat and watched the woman scream from the pain and watched the blood spatter everywhere.
"Now... let's end this misery don't you think?" My grin became even wider as I watched the woman choke on her own blood.
"N-no p-please"
"Shhh... now..."
The woman widened her eyes as I lifted my knife. "N-NO!"
"Go to sleep" I whispered and aimed for her head. It was suddenly quiet. Usually I end things quickly but this time, I took my time when I killed these two. Not killing for so long made me sick and I wanted to watch them suffer, cry and beg for their lives.
"What's the matter? Dead already? You're no fun!" I kept stabbing her head and laughed maniacally. I'm losing it.
I slowly got up and stood in front of the corpses. My hoodie covered in blood and blood dripping from my knife.
I lied about going home...
I just wanted some fun to get my mind of things...
Things I don't understand
No harm in that right?
I turned around to head back to (y/n)'s house. Why? I don't know, I just feel like it. After what happened last night. I couldn't forget the feeling. The feeling of her warm body against mine. She was already asleep while I was still awake. When she was deeply asleep, I heard her mumble something and then she started crying. Tried waking her up but she stayed that way. I sighed and then layed on my back but a few moments later, she snuggled up in my arms. I wanted to kick her to the side but she looked so... so comfortable. She's so fragile.
I mean she isn't! she did beat me with a bat. DAMN THAT BASTARD!
But still, I felt different and eventhough I was confused at first I wanted more. 'Wtf what am I thinking?! Keep it together Jeff! You disgust me...'
I let out a deep sigh. Whatever that feeling was I want to find out and by that I'm going back. Sounds stupid and lame. So not like me.
Oh- would you look at that. I stopped walking only to be soaked in the rain. My hair, my clothes, atleast my knife is clean and the blood washed away from my knife and my hands.
I looked up at the sky. The rain washed away the blood that was also splattered on my face. The sun was setting too.
There it is...
The feeling of emptiness crawling back inside me. I grinned while I was fighting back the tears but why bother? You can't see my tears in the rain.
I put my knife away and put my hands in my pockets. I then started walking again but with a smile on my face.
'You're so cruel!'
'Jeff how could you!'
Shut up...
'Stay away from me!'
'You're a monster'
Shut up
'What the hell are you?!'
'Leave me alone'
"I SAID SHUT UP!" I bawled my fists and fell on my knees. "I said shut up... please..."
Killing was the only thing that made me happy. It made me feel alive. But now it comes back to haunt me.
I feel empty...
(Y/n) POV
"Finally made it back home! Haha! In your face rain!" I sneezed and my stomach was aching. "Okay well nevermind. Sorry for disrespecting you rain, don't want no beef with you. Don't want lighting to struck me or something"
I unlocked my door and head inside. "I'm home- oh yeah..." I had just realized, I live alone. Suddenly lighting struck which jump scared me. And to make it worse, the power went out.
"Seriously?! Look rain! I know I offended you but didn't I apologize?! The disrespect" I took my phone out of my pocket just to see that it got wet and it didn't wanna turn on. "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! WHAT HAVE I POSSIBLY DONE TO DESERVE THIS?!" I stomped to the kitchen and put my phone in rice. "Chill there for the next few hours.. and rain, YOU GOT ISSUES"
Actually I'm the one who has issues cuz I've been shouting at myself for the next few minutes I got home. I sigh and grabbed a flashlight and some candles and put them around the place. "There... that'll do... haha! Let there be LIGHT". Lighting struck again, making me jump for the second time "FUCK YOU RAIN! I had just about enough of you!"
The weather is pretty awful today. I sneezed again and that reminded me that I needed to change into my dry clothes. I went upstairs but stopped as I heard a loud thud coming from in my room. "Huh? Oh shit not again.." I gulped and grabbed my umbrella. "This will do... I hope"
I slowly walk up the stairs and stood in the dark corridor. Not knowing what's waiting for me behind that door sends shivers up and down my spine. It felt like I was in a horror movie, AGAIN. Bro how am I not dead yet? Guess I'm just too stubborn to die.
But did this really had to happen now out of all times. It felt like as if the hallway went longer. Shit am I hallucinating? If that's the case I'm screwed. I slowly walk up to my door and grab the door nob. My steps felt so heavy and my arms too. I'm alone, Jeff isn't here yet so there's no one to protect me but me. I slowly turn the door nob and push the door open and barge in. Hitting whatever made that noise.
I gave it all I got, this is life or death! But I need to survive. I'm not just some weak girl, I'll prove that I can protect myself because I am strong. I put some full force into that swing and kept hitting. I'm not stopping until the impostor is dead! This is for Marissa! This one is for my mom! And this one is for Jeff! Let's not forget about my dog!
Whoever you are or whatever you are, you shall not harm anyone ever again.
Feel my wrath demon! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
"Huh? Oh- Jeff it's you..."
"What the hell is your problem?!"
"My problem? You're the one who came in through my window! Wait... MY WINDOW?! JEFF SERIOUSLY"
"The door was too far"
"You say that everytime! Bitch it ain't that hard to use the door!" I scolded him but then sighed. "Whatever it doesn't matter, are you okay?"
"No! You beat me with an umbrella!"
"And I can do it again. PERIODT!
I looked over at Jeff. He was soaked too. "Um Jeff you should change. Don't wanna catch a cold right?" I asked but he didn't answer. 'Ugh rude' I slowly walk up to him and tap his shoulders. "Jeff you okay? Need some help?" And he ignored me.
I sigh and grab a towel and begin to dry his hair. It was so soft, I'm kinda jealous like dude donate some hair I'm in a crisis. I made my way down to his face but his hand stopped me.
"Aren't you afraid of me..."
I stood there silently, unable to reply. I was confused. We've been through this already, dammit.
"Why the sudden question?"
"Answer me..." he said in a low voice which concerned me.
"No? If I was I wouldn't talk to you right now, right? So stop acting weird and let me wipe your face"
He got up and threw me on the bed. It caught me off guard. 'What the hell, why'd he do that? And so fast. Hold on my clothes are still wet and these are new sheets. Damn you... I shall not forgive you'
Jeff slowly crawled up to me. He was on top of me, his face inches away from mine.
Uh too close dude.
"Why aren't you afraid then?"
"Idk dude you're chill"
"I'm not joking and give me a straight answer! Aren't you scared I might kill you? Look at me! Look at my face!"
"Well damn calm down Jamal... plus you're face is fabulous. Who hurt you dude? Who do I need to kill?" I tried getting up but he pinned me to the bed.
"Don't you think this is a little, idk, weird?" Especially in this position if you know what I mean.
"Give me an answer. Tell me why"
'Ain't nothing but a heartbr- sorry, I do these kinds of things when I'm nervous' I sigh. "What do you want me to tell you man? Look Jeff I'm not afraid because I see you as my friend"
"A friend..."
"Yeah you weirdo now let me go-"
"Just a friend?"
Don't make me feel bad for pulling an Adrien Agreste on you.
I stayed quiet and looked up at Jeff trying to figure out what he meant. "What? No friends? We can be besties if you want? Idk, buy some Starbucks, watch movies, gossip about people we don't like-" he clearly wasn't satisfied. He sighed and took a deep breath.
"Did I like do something or?" Trying to break the awkward tension between us. He slowly leaned and I could feel my face getting red. 'Tf is happening?'
He leaned down to my ear and whispered. "Can I?" He said softly which made my ear tingle. "Huh? Can you what? I'm confused"
He lifts up his face and was now inches apart from my face. 'Oh... I think I get it now... haha, oh no I'm in trouble'
"Kiss you?"
I was speechless. That's something I didn't expect, not from him. "W-why?" I stuttered. He just looked at me dead in the eyes. 'Stop looking at me like that... it's making me uncomfy'
"I may... or may not have fallen for you..." He said in a low voice.
"Y-you? The great Jeff the killer"
"So... may I? I'm not gonna do anything without your permission"
Hold up, I need to process the words that just came out of his mouth. If you're gonna be like that, might as well ask for permission if you wanna kill somebody. But, I may also have fallen for you. I just didn't want to accept it.
Just kidding love y'all❤❤
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