Chapter 14
The next morning (y/n) woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. "No.. let me sleep forever"
After a few minutes, it stopped and
(y/n) peacefully went back to sleep. After 5 minutes, the alarm went off again.
Out of annoyance, (y/n) tossed her phone on the ground but soon realized what she's done.
(Y/n) jumped out of her bed and picked her phone off the ground and hugged it like there was no tomorrow.
"I'm so sorry my love.. I should have just turned you off" She cried.
"Why am I even crying.. lol I'm crazy it is just a phone" (y/n) says and puts her phone away.
(Y/n) POV
"Wait.. There's actually no point in waking up early since there's no school. Speaking of no school, what the hell am I gonna do?"
I walked out of my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen. My stomach was growling, so I checked the fridge for something to eat.
"What the- how tf am I out of food!"
My worst nightmare just came to life. I ran out of food! How! Oh yeah.. my fatass hungry all the time.
Well shit..
"What am I gonna do? Do I even have money? No! Of course not"
I closed the fridge angrily and walked to the phone. I dialed my mom's number and hoped this time she'd pick up.
"Hi, this is Diane
Please leave a mes-"
I hung up and called again but it kept going to voice mail.
"Holy shit I'm actually gonna starve here! What have I done to deserve this torture"
I grabbed my cell phone and tried calling Marissa.
"The person you are trying to reach is unavailable, please leave a message..."
"This is getting ridiculous..
Karma you got the wrong person!"
I'm starting to think I'm going crazy that people are starting to magically disappear out of my life.
But I'm not doing drugs..
Or am I...
Okay okay no worries, time for plan B. Lol do I even have a plan B? I never even had a plan A but yeah, it's worth the try.
I called Ken, my classmate and he picked up saying "what..." with his normally moody tone.
Lifeless Ken.
Phone conversation:
"Hey Ken"
"So, here's the thing..
I'm coming over"
"Don't question me, I'm coming over this is an emergency"
"But I didn't even give you permission"
"Did I tell you to give me permission?"
"No.. but-"
"That's what I thought.. I'll be there ASSAP"
Conversation ended
I hung up. Was I being rude? Nah he doesn't mind. He better have some food too because I'm dying of starvation.
I ran upstairs to get dressed and then back downstairs. I opened the front door and stood outside putting on my jacket. It was a little cold but it felt so refreshing.
I felt good for some reason..
I feel much better cause the past few days were shit. literally.
But today feels different. It feels so magical. Almost feels like I'm in a Disney movie. I feel like singing now. Hold on, let me get my singing voice ready.
Right before I wanted to sing, a bird pooped on my face. "Son of a- yeah fuck you to world! Thanks for killing the mood"
How do Disney Princesses do it!
(A/n: it freaking happened to me irl XD)
That didn't make sense..
Idc! Nothing makes sense. Right now I need food! If I don't eat, I might turn into a cannibal and eat people... ALIVE.
We don't want that..
Ken doesn't live that far from me, so I made it in no time.
Two hours later...
Well.. that took me way longer then expected. Fuck! I hate walking.
When I finally made it to his front door, I barged inside to see his moody face stare at me.
"Uhh.. hey" I awkwardly said to him.
"Mind explaining the big emergency to me"
"Oh.. yeah about that.. I uh well.. I ran out of food" I smiled nervously.
Ken sighed and motioned with his hand to follow him to the kitchen, which I did. He didn't even question me, wtf.
"So? Where are your parents?"
"Work" he replied short and opened his fridge.
"Alright" I said and looked around his kitchen.
He handed me a soda and a plate with pizza on it. "Here you can have the left over pizza" he says and sits down.
"Thanks" I said to him and ate.
"Where's your mom?" He asked and looked up at me.
"I have no clue.." I frowned
"How do you not know?" He curiously asked
"I don't really know.. I tried calling her but she doesn't pick up. It immediately goes to voice mail"
"When was the last time you saw her?"
"Two? Maybe three days ago"
"And she hasn't called you back?"
"No.. nothing"
"That's weird.. did you maybe try calling her colleagues? Or maybe where she works?"
"I did but non of the numbers dial"
"But that's not the weirdest part, I haven't heard from Marissa either
I even went to visit her but they weren't there
I tried calling again but it goes to voice mail"
"And I thought you two were super close..."
"We are! Well.. at least, we used to"
"I'm trying to understand your situation but I can't get anything out of it"
"it's fine, I should get going to.. thanks for the food btw"
"Wait here" he says and leaves the kitchen.
He then came back with an envelope in his hand and handed it to you.
"I uh.. normally don't do this, especially not for you since you're a dick most of the time but.. I don't know when your mom is coming back so yeah here.. it's not much but it's the least I can do"
"Uh wow.. Thanks Ken.. now you're making me feel guilty"
"That's the point but yeah.. consider yourself lucky cause I normally don't give a shit"
"Well what can I say.. I'm irresistible" I smirked
He rolled his eyes at me and smiled a bit. "Now it's time for you to go.. no hard feelings right?"
"Nah.. It's fine" I said and walked to the door.
Gotta admit.. that was a nice thing of him to do. He really didn't have to..
Wait.. did he call me a dick!
Jeff POV
As I made my way back to the mansion, I barged through the window and speed walked to Toby.
I wanted to strangle him! Kill him! You have no idea how fucking mad I am!
All this because he was near.. (y/n)? Why do I even care about her.
Toby "h-hey J-jeff.. w-what's up?"
"Care to explain why you were with (y/n)!?"
Toby "D-dude calm d-down! I-is she your g-girlfriend o-or something?"
Ben "he prefers soul mate"
"Stay fucking out of this!"
Ben "I would if you two would just discuss your shit somewhere else"
EJ "Can you guys keep it down! I'm trying to- ... to- ... Oh no not again Jeff!"
EJ "you just HAD to break the window again.."
Toby "Oh h-he's t-the one w-who k-keeps b-breaking the w-window"
"If you don't shut up I might have to break your face!"
EJ "Jeff! I just had that fucking window fixed!"
"Does it LOOK like I give a fuck!"
Ben "Can you shut up"
"I can but I won't!"
Ben "Stop shouting please.. I'm right in front of you"
"Go fuck yourself"
Ben "For your information Jeffy! I would gladly fuck myself, I mean look how fabulous I am"
EJ "Can someone explain to me why you all are fighting?"
"None of your damn business"
Toby "C-calm d-down.. JEEEEZZZ"
"Tell me what I need to know"
Ben "Damn! (y/n) really got you acting crazier than usual"
EJ "Hormones.."
Ben "He's on his man period"
Ben "oh boy.. I shouldn't have said that"
EJ "Run.."
Ben "right on it.. YEET"
Ben "fuck that! I'm out"
"I'm coming for your ass!"
Ben "Please no.. leave my perfect buns out of this"
"I will fuck you up if you stay any longer!"
Ben "how many times do I have to tell you Jeffyboy.. I know I'm fabulous and sexy but I'm not gay"
EJ "Now you've really done it this time"
Ben "Oh shit"
"You better start running! But first I'm gonna deal with you"
Toby "W-what d-did I d-do?"
"Why were you with (y/n)!?"
Toby "D-dude! It w-was my m-mission"
EJ "Right.."
Toby "B-boss orders"
"That's a great idea don't you think! Letting a human know we exist so that she can run allong and spread the word out"
EJ "But don't you see her everyday?"
"N-no.. shut up! I gotta go.."
Toby "W-where are y-you going?"
"None of your business"
EJ "he's going to see his girlfriend"
"Can't hear you~ I'm walking out of the door"
EJ "you actually know how to go through a door?"
"Oh wait
thanks for reminding me
*glass shattering*
EJ "Fuck.."
I.. don't know what I want to accomplish with this XD
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