Chapter 8

Meow guys next chapter up now You happy?

(you reply)

Good, wait what...? Then why are you here? What the fuck are you playing at?

(you reply)

Oh sorry I thought you said something else well then do enjoy this chapter... Do you want a recap from the last chapter?

(You reply)

I’m going to give you a recap...

~ (O) ~

“Where is he?” I asked them.

“Drake? I don’t know he just got up and left.” Chris said but he was smiling.


“Drake... Now Harry?”

“What?” I questioned confused at the same time as Arnica snapped at Staci. “What the heck Staci!?”


“Back away from her!” Arnica yelled at him so his expression grew fierce.

“You know what? Make me!” He growled grabbing my arm and tried to drag out from the crowd.

“Get off me!” I demanded trying to pry his hands off and then Harry appeared out of nowhere smashing a glass of water onto the creep’s head. I stood there shocked with my mouth agape as the guy fell to the floor completely knocked out. “Oh my God.”


“He’s not a guy you should trust.”

“I realise that. But he may not be as bad as I am thinking I mean I did have a good time.”

“Oh Alicia he can’t help himself because of what he is. You have to understand that he’s a possible danger...”


“Alicia!” He yelled then leaped pushing me away down on the ground. And behind him where I was standing something big landed, something big and gold... and sparkly? Harry helped me up quickly as I stared shocked at Eve as she slowly turned to face us with glowing evil gold eyes.


“Surprised little human?” She said with such hateful venom and then I saw fangs growing out from her gums. “This should teach you to stay away from my man.”

~ (O) ~

“Of course a bitch like her would be an overgrown leech.” I whispered then she hissed and Harry stepped in front of me protectively. Eve glared then laughed.

“I’d be doing Roman a favour since you’re sleeping around wolfie scum.” I realised then that Harry never put his pants back on so he was still in his blue boxers. What I don’t understand is the wolfie comment, then I got a look at his hairy legs and it all clicked in my mind. Ok I’m kidding his legs aren’t that hairy... Eve is just a bitch no research of her past required. I felt a little embarrassed for Harry but then more concerned for my life and his. He’s a big guy he can take care of himself I on the other hand am just me. The girl that talks to wind and if I were to tell someone that, I would have a snicker and a pun vomit from their mouth.

“What are you his creepy stalker?” I snapped over Harry’s shoulder and he shushed.

“You don’t know what you’re dealing with.” He said to me.

“It’s clearly obvious that she’s a vampire Harry. Just a pain in the neck as well as the head. And Luckily for me it’s going to take a lot than psycho blond to scare me.”

“Oh really?” She said too confident with herself and I gulped holding onto Harry’s arm. Now officially sober and then Eve eyed at Harry again. No, don’t hurt my Harry. Before she attacked him I pushed us both down to the ground me landing right on his back.

“Sorry.” I whispered to him I felt something inside me grow cold and a strong hate erupted for this psychopath. Before I could stand I was shoved and thrown across the road slamming onto the wet ground. I sat up and glared at her. “He left me for dead you crazy bitch! You don’t have to worry about competition because he abandoned me as soon as we left the ball. He’s practically all yours!” I shouted at her and I slowly saw Harry looking up behind her but she didn’t take notice. I don’t know if we can compete with this vampire. They have super strength and all that...

“Really? Aw... I think I’ll kill you anyway.” She said and then Harry swiveled around onto the ground knocking her down by her legs with his foot. He stood up immediately and readied his fist swinging it down to her face. But her hand came up grabbing his and their hands lit up into red hot fire. Harry screamed in pain and all I wanted to cry for him. Before He pulled away the fire traveled up his entire arm and she kicked him back standing up to stare at me with gold angry eyes. My body started shivering, from my toes to my shaking fingers and as I stood up I felt like someone was helping to push me up. “You are dead.” Eve whispered but I heard every single word. Not one made me shrink away into fear I just wanted to end this. And stupidly I stood my ground glaring back at her. My whole body is so cold and as I glanced down at the tips of my fingers, little white sparkles seeped out from the skin. I heard her scream and with seconds she was at like a boiling hot explosion but I through my hands and shut my eyes waiting for the blow. The burning heat I felt decapitated but I still didn’t open my eyes. I just listened to my heartbeat and the breezy wind and then the footsteps of someone walking towards me.

“Alicia...” Harry whispered and my body started to slowly stop shaking. “Open your eyes.”

“Do I really want to?”

“You really do. Trust me.” He said and when I opened I jumped back in fright seeing Eve’s deformed face consumed crystal like ice. When I a good look at all of her body I saw that her body is covered in ice. What did I do?

“I killed her?”

“I don’t know... I think you just froze her.” Harry said smiling as he checked her out. Then he laughed. “If you look from behind her butt looks huge from the way you’ve shaped the ice.” It doesn’t seem appropriate but I would have said ‘OMG you should Facebook that’ if I wasn’t so freaked out.

“Harry what did I do?” I asked as if he would know the answer but he actually surprised me.

“I remember you did this to a rabbit when we were kids.”

“What?” I asked shocked and then hugged myself seeing that Eve’s gold eyes are still glowing. “I can’t believe this...” I shuddered then stared at my hands. What does this mean? Harry must have sensed my discomfort or something because he pulled in for a hug.

“Hey don’t be scared.” He whispered and his breath fanned my cold face as I rested my head in the crook of his neck. Literally hearing his pulse.

“I... I...”I have no idea what to say but I did gasp when I saw his bloodied arm. “Harry!” I screamed and he looked at it as if he just noticed.

“It will heal.”

“And scar oh Harry.” I feel like this is my entire fault. She came after me because I insulted her at the party and I was Drake Valdymar’s date but that’s hardly my fault.

“Don’t blame yourself.”

“You’re right I’ll blame Drake instead.” I said and Harry chuckled staring down at his arm. He frowned and poked his arm then inhaled, scrunching up his face in pain. “I’ll call an ambulance.”

“I don’t think they’ll not notice the frozen girl in the middle of the road.”

“But you need help!” I exclaimed and he chuckled resting his forehead on mine. It’s an odd thing to do for me but I don’t mind him being so close.

“I’ll be fine Alicia. There’s a first aid in the car.” He pressed his lips on my forehead and I simply blinked in surprise. “I’ve been dying to tell you everything for years.”

~ (O) ~

We drove back to my place, Harry pushed Eve off the rode into the trees and I’m just assuming it will melt when the sun hits her. Then Harry and I bandaged his own arm poorly because he did have enough to cover his entire arm but he didn’t seem to care anyway. I guess maybe he likes battle scars.

We got home and one light still remained on, my parent’s bedroom light which probably means mother is up waiting. Just waiting...

“Hey uh... Harry sleep over tonight.” I told him and then I saw the kitchen light turn on. Oh lovely.

“I’m cool with that.” He said getting out of the car but forgetting his pants. So I laughed and picked up his jeans and waving them to him through the window. He chuckled then opened the door again to grab it from me. And then I jumped out of the car thinking about helping him. I mean his hand is burnt to a crisp, but I discarded the thought when he appeared beside me leaning on the car. He stared down at me curiously and I just stared at his arm. “I’m fine Alicia. You should be thinking about yourself.”

“But that would be selfish if you’re skin is literally peeling off.”

“You froze someone. Think about that not me and anyway do you think your parents will mind if I stay over?”

“They’re going to have to because I will not have you driving with that arm or put you in danger with another vampire who I pissed off at that stupid ball.” I almost cried, damn it I need to pull myself together. What if Charles decides to come after me? Harry cupped my face with his good hand and shrank himself down to my eye level so he could smile up at my worried face. His closeness and his warmness is comforting, I’m cold as ice but I feel like I’m melting under his big brown eyes. He’s like a sun big happy and warm... “Dear God I’m going all Twilight.” I whispered and he chuckled gazing at me confused. “Don’t worry about it let’s just get inside before you freeze.” I said and he pulled a big black leather jacket on to hide any marks or signs of hurt. From the suspicious eyes of my mother. We walked to the front door and I heard something smash and we both jumped.

“No don’t answer the door yet let her get her goodnight kiss.” My mum said and I winced blushing like crazy and gaze Harry a sideways glance before whipping my head away.

“She left with another boy.”

“But she came back with a good one. I’ve always loved Harry!”

“Um ignore that.” I whispered and he smiled curling his lips in before leaning his head down. What? I stepped back and he froze his lips pouting a little. “I’m sorry I don’t want to kiss you after I just kissed Drake on the same day.” I said because to be honest if I didn’t meet Drake. Harry would be the one that I would have kissed. I wouldn’t have gone with Drake to the ball. Arnica would have texted me about the party and instead of meeting Harry tomorrow I would have seen him like I did before. And then avoided all of this!

“I understand.” He said and then I just turned the doorknob because when I go out they just leave the door unlocked for me.

“Mum! Dad!” I shouted and they pretended to act surprised when Harry and I walked into the kitchen.

“Oh Alicia we just came downstairs cos we were hungry.”

“So you were asleep before?”


“Did you change out of your pyjamas?” I asked catching her out and she hesitated before nodding and my dad chuckled. He wore his grey robe over his baby blue pyjamas and his hair is ruffled and messy from actually sleeping.

“Hello Harry how’s your dad?”

“He’s well. He’s got the new stereo you wanted for your car.”

“Ah yes when can he bring it over?”

“I’ll bring it tomorrow if you’d like?”

“That’d be...”

“You’re not planning on driving home this time of night?” My mum quickly interrupted my dad and he sighed.

“Yeah um mum dad? Is alright if he stays the night?” I asked walking around to them behind the island bench. “Also do you want a hot chocolate Harry?” I went to the fridge lowering myself to grab the milk then trailed over to the pantry looking at him.

“Love one.” He smiled at me then beamed at my parents. I can tell that they really like him from their approving glances.

“You can sleep on the couch.” My mum said and then my dad started walking upstairs.

“I’ll get some blankets.” He said and then my mum started following him up.

“They love you.” I snapped playfully at him as I turned on the stove. He came up behind me and his arms reached up opening the cupboard above my head and he pulled out two mugs for the two of us. 

“Of course they do everyone loves me. And Alicia you’re freezing up the milk.” He said and when I looked at the carton I saw ice slowly devouring it. He took it off from me then gently nudged me with his hip so he could take over with the beverage.

“How am I doing this?”

“It’s your supernatural power. You’ve always had it.”

“Did I get it from my parents?” I paused as he glanced at the staircase. “Not them my real ones.” He stared down at me unsure of whether to be surprised or not. “Harry please I want to know, I want to remember...” I pleaded.

“I promise I will tell you. Just not now because your parents are coming.” As soon as he said it they descended down the steps.

~ (O) ~

I tossed and turned in my bed for over an hour so anxious and frightened. My parents stayed up and made us all sit together to discuss the night. And well, I attempted to lie but Harry did his own thing. He explained our night in perfect detail adding humour and the story about a guy having a go at me, but avoided the sprinklers and fire psychopath. I wasn’t sure how to feel about him explaining how Drake left me. My mum gave me a concerned glance when she heard that and I simply just looked away. I remember silently wincing when I remembered the pleasurable feel of his lips. And his cold hands delicately caressing my bare skin but Harry interrupted that thought by holding my hand under the table. I remember his hot hand warming up my frozen one and I concentrated on that as they talked. But now I’m alone in bed and I don’t his heat to distract me from my thoughts. Sometimes I go back to Drake but then straight to Eve, and my ‘supernatural powers’.

“That’s it.” I whispered and sat up kicking off the covers that were tangled around my legs. I flicked back a loose strand of my hair then held my hands up at my face analysing them. “Ok... I’ve got to try something.” Maybe I should try a snowflake...? I inhaled then exhaled before closing my hands together. Let that shivering erupt throughout my body and feeling the cold snow escape from my pores. I peeked between my thumbs to see a sort blue glow and opened up my hands to see the gleaming snowflake that sparkled under the silver moon. I awed at it then quickly jumped out of bed to creep downstairs. I want to show Harry this so I crept over to the couch to lean over and see him asleep. Do I want to wake him up? Yes. Do I care if he gets mad? No. I walked around so I faced him and then kneeled down next to his face.

“Harry.” I whispered and he stirred. “I made a snowflake.” I said louder than a whisper and I got a whimsical feeling that I’ve said this before. He instantly woke up blinking a few times before leaning up to see my snowflake.

“It’s beautiful.” He whispered and like dream a vision floated past my mind.

Snow covered trees and clouded skies sometime early in the morning came into view. I stood in front of a younger Harry with crazier hair and bigger brown eyes that made him look like some kind of cartoon character.

“Harry.” I said in a young voice that I don’t even recognise. Like a six year old. “I made a snowflake.” He just stared at me smiling in a daze.

“It’s beautiful.” He said ignoring the floating ice in my hands.

“You’re not even looking at it.” I giggled as his cheeks turned pink.

I zoned back and the snowflake broke into millions of pieces onto the floor.

“Alicia?” Harry called out.

“Alicia come inside.” Someone called out from inside a cabin.

“I know that cabin...” I whispered.

“What cabin? Alicia what are you seeing?”

The vision changed to me inside sitting on a porch swing between two people. A man and a woman with the same black hair like mine and shiny blue eyes that stared down at me in adoration. Although I seem older at least eleven or twelve.

“Mum dad? Can I go with Harry?” I pleaded and they both frowned at each other.

“Again?” My mum said


The vision changed again with Harry and I running through the woods while light snow fell. But we were really fast, I slowed myself down just for him and I smiled at him when I caught him gazing over at me again.

We stopped at a snowy clearing and Harry took my gloved hand in his warm bare one and pulled me to the middle.

“Look at this.” He said staring up.

“I don’t see anything.”

“Just wait for it...” After a few dragging seconds snow started swirling into different formations in the air and I gasped.

“Are you doing this?”

“No I’m a werewolf Alicia. It’s just the wind.” He replied and I awed.

I snapped back again and beamed at Harry brightly.

“Children!” A big man shouted disturbing Harry’s and my fun ice skating. “We must run now!”

The vision blurred and I saw myself surrounded by black ashes and the burnt bodies of my family.

“Alicia.” Harry called out and I started crying.

“Alicia! Alicia look at me!” Harry yelled out at me holding my limp body in his lap. Tears streamed down his face as I saw myself slowly fading away from life. My eyes slowly closing... “No! Don’t leave me please. Don’t go away. I won’t let them take you! Please!”

Then the scene changed to Harry running and holding me in his arms. He brought us back to the clearing and I saw that I was dead. Harry kneeled onto the ground still holding me bridal style and stared up at the sky. Face stained with frozen tears.

“Please bring her back.” He whispered then stared down at me. “Bring her back to me.” He wept.

“Alicia!” Harry forcefully shook me but the vision wasn’t over yet.

Snow circled us and trees rustled as the wind forced a blizzard. The roar of it caused Harry to hold onto me tightly until he was simply knocked away and my body was being lifted.

“Bring her back.” Harry said...

I burst into tears and fell to the floor shaking all over from shock. Harry lifted me up bridal style onto the couch and cupped my soaked face into his hands.

“Alicia! You’re here, you’re home. You’re safe with me.” He assured but all I can think is...

“I died.”

“You did.”

“And my family, never abandoned me they are just. Dead.”


“How am I alive now...? Harry why can’t I remember everything?”

“It will all come in good time.”

“I... I can’t even...” I shut up to concentrate breathing and then I hugged Harry close to me. “There’s a reason I feel so close to you. I’ve known you forever. Years have been lost, but you found me... Why haven’t you said anything sooner?”

“Because she told me not to.” I don’t need ask who because even I can guess.

“The wind.”

~ (O) ~

I lay with Harry under the covers on the couch and I snuggled into him. We were peacefully silent for a long time but it was nice. Sometimes he would play with my hair or I would hold his hand because the warmth that radiates off him soothes me. I just need him now for my own sake.



“... I have so much to ask but I don’t know what to say.”

“We don’t have to talk about this right away. I just finally got you, I don’t want to scare you off.” He rested his arm over my side to pull me closer to him and our noses started touching. I don’t know where to start. I don’t think he does either. We’re both just winging it, and he’s right the truth can be told some other time. But for now I need to rest and resting in Harry’s arms are making me so sleepy. I stared up at him and then gently cupped the side of his face.

“I wasn't going to do this.” I whispered then I kissed him.

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