2 : All Crossroads Lead To You

It has officially been a week since my first successful heist, and I've only been getting better and even picked up pickpocketing too. I could see the warning poster here and there, calling me Ravens omen. I chuckled slightly shaking my head, could it be the raven feathers I'd leave behind no one knows. When I was walking back to Benzo's I felt a presence following me. I quickly turned down an alley that had a dead and quickly but quietly climbed up to a small ledge and waited for my stalker. When I saw their dark shape in the shadows I jumped on top of them, they landed on their back with me on top and I held a knife to their throat.

"Why are you following me?" I spit gripping them tightly, when I got an actual good view of their face I saw it was Powder. "Powder?" I quickly got off her and helped her up, she was breathing erratically. "I'm so sorry if I would've known it was you I wouldn't have trackled you down like that. But still why are you following me?" She took a deep breath and gulped before speaking. "It's you. You're the Raven aren't you?"

I gave a low bow. "Pleased to meet your acquaintance." I grinned at her with a mischievous glint in my eye. "That is so cool! Maybe you could join our group! You'd be a really big help, pleaseeeeee." she begged her hands together giving me a puppy stare. "I don't know Powder." I put a hand on the back of my neck looking off to the side. "Please, just come on one job with us, and if you don't like it I won't ask you to ever go again. We're doing one tomorrow." I sighed, She's lucky she reminds me of Ekko.

"I'll think about it." She grabbed me in a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I chuckled, patting her back. "You're welcome. Now you best be getting home I'm sure the others are worried about you." she nodded and started running off. I chuckled, shaking my head and continued on my way home. Maybe going on a job with them won't be so bad.


I greeted Benzo when I walked back in, then went to the back where Ekko was, tinkering with some random gadget. "Hey Buddy, I got you some more stuff." He nodded at me continuing his work, too engrossed in his task. I set his stuff down on a chair before walking up front to Benzo. "I got some more stuff for you to sell." He sighed at me, shaking his head lightly. "I'll never know how you do it." he chuckled, I shrugged giving him a playful smile. "A thief never shows their hand."

Benzo raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Just be careful out there, Raven; the more you show, the more shadows will creep in." I nodded, a thrill coursing through me at the thought of what tomorrow might bring—an adventure with Powder and the others, a chance to show my skills, and perhaps a few more secrets to keep. "Speaking of which, I want you to head to the Last Drop, Vander needs an extra hand with something." I raised a brow. "Any idea what it is?"

He shook his head. "Alright I'll head over, keep an eye on Ekko for me!" I called as I walked out and started making my way over. I had only met Vander once and that was when I had to carry a barely conscious Vi all the way back. What could he need my help with and how did he know I'm with Benzo? It started to rain, even were called the Undercity didn't mean we were completely underground.


By the time I made my way over there my hair was soaking wet and I had water starting to run down my back. I walked in and could feel a blanket of warmth wrap around me. Vander was behind the bar serving drinks. "Well if it isn't, Hound of the Underground." I said playfully walking up. "I was told you need my help?" He looked at me, giving me a glass of water. "Yes, we're still waiting for someone before we start though."

We ended up sitting there for ten minutes before a woman walked through the door. With dark tan skin and hair, and brown eyes so dark they almost look black. She walked up to the bar and sat down. "You're late." Vander said to the woman his voice grumbly. "Had to check on a few things first. Anyway, what's the job? Need us to go collect payment, or check on smuggling?" she asked though her body language said she was bored her eyes said she was aware.

"I need you to check on a warehouse, people are saying that a gang has been terrorizing some of the citizens." She nodded before getting up, I followed right after. We walked out into the pouring rain and started heading close to docks where the warehouses are. "So what do we do?" I asked , keeping a steady pace. "You don't do anything, I'll handle it if it comes to bashing their faces in." I frowned at her. "I've been through worse, and have crawled through hell just to get here, a few thugs don't scare me." I snipped.

From the corner of my eye I could see her smirk very faintly as if she thought it was funny, I rolled my eyes. Soon we were at the warehouse and I could hear low murmuring chatter inside. The woman who's name I still don't know just opened the door and walked in like she owned the place. I followed in my shoulders tight and back straight just like I was taught. "Sevika." One of the people sneered at her before glancing at me slightly.

"You know the rules down here as well as I." She replied not even greeting, venom on her tongue. The rain dripped off our soaked bodies making puddles on the floor. "Who's the kid you got with you? Vander needed to send a babysitter with you." The women taunted me, I could feel myself begin to bristle like a dog who's been threatened. "Well you could either walk out now, or you could deal with broken bones. What's it going to be?" Sevika took her stance as the lady looked around at her comrades before looking back and giving her a smirk before charging.

Five of them surrounded Sevika and three surrounded me. They tried throwing punches and kicking me but they failed as I moved through like water. I took them down one by once, and only another took their place. Eventually I got punched in the temple and I stumbled to the side, my eyes watering and my vision blurry as colors exploded across my vision. I swung out a random fist widely, only it was caught and I was punched hard in the ribs and I could feel the breath leaving my lungs.

I was held back by the others while I was punched in the face a couple of times. My nose was bleeding and my lip busted while a headache was forming behind my eyes. Blood dripped down my face as I focused on what to do next. I slowly heated up my hands to a burning point my tattoos slightly glowing a light blue while my eyes seemed to be highlighted in cool white, and the person holding me soon let go, surprised by the heat that burned them. I then punched out the last few just as Sevika finished with the others. She looked at me with a bit of respect while spitting out blood.


Back at the Last Drop when I walked in, Vander looked me over, only a tint of concern etched in his features.I rolled my eyes, he's the one who sent me in the first place don't act concerned for me after putting my life on the line. "There's some medical stuff in the bathroom downstairs." he said to me and I walked off before he could say anything else. When I walked in through the door I could only see Vi asleep on the couch, the others must be off somewhere. I went to the bathroom and got the medical things from the cabinet.

Out of respect for her sleep I was trying to get the things I needed quietly when I heard her voice, I didn't even hear her get up. "What are you doing?" She asked accusingly, I sighed and stood up turning around to face her. "Trying to clean myself up, is all." I gestured to the old beat up medical box in the cabinet. "Or you were snooping through our stuff trying to find something to steal?" Her body was tense as if I was about to attack her at any moment. "What? No, why would I? I just got back from a job Vander sent me on!" I tried to reason but she seemed unmoved.

"Bullshit! for all we know you could just be an undercover scout for a gang or the fucking Enforcers." She grabbed my shirt and held me up against the wall. I tried taking calming breaths to keep my panic from taking over. "Put. Me. Down." I said it with a deadly calm, she didn't waver. "Or what?" She challenged, but there was a flicker of fear of uncertainty. She has never dealt with someone who has a murderous glint, and she knows I've killed. "Don't say I didn't warn you." I spit out with venom on my tongue, before I grabbed her arms twisting out of her grasp and slamming her into the wall. She turned around and tried throwing a wild punch but missed.

She knew how to fight but clearly not well enough to hold her own against someone like me. I punched her in the gut and she doubled over trying to take in a gasp of air. "Are you done yet cause I am and I'm tired and just want to get myself patched up and go home." I snapped my blood boiling with anger. She only yelled at me while tackling me down before trying to bash my face in whileI covered with my arms and trying to push her off.

Vander barged in through the door. "Break it up you two!" He said his voice rumbled demanding attention. He pulled Vi off of me and I got up wiping my bloody lip. "Sorry sir, didn't mean to cause trouble I'll be going." Vi was glaring at me the whole time, I was turning to go when he stopped me. "You still need to get patched up. I need to go talk with Benzo. Vi, you have to do that, try not to kill her this time."

She gave him a disbelieved look, then Vander turned and walked out the door. I only scoffed at her before finally retrieving the med box and going to sit down. When I wiped the blood from my nose I could see her boots on the ground before me. I looked at her giving an annoyed huff. "You need something from me or you just going to punch me in the face again." I said sarcastically, she looked down guilty. "I-"

"I don't care what you have to say, just leave me alone." I cut her off harshly, she looked like she wanted to snap back but thought better of it before retreating to the other end of the room and cleaning up the mess. "This is fucking stupid I need to get back before he gets worried." I muttered to myself. "He shouldn't even be worried about me, he's too young for that." I made sure I had everything before putting the medical kit back in order.

I got up but hissed in pain when I tried to stand and breathe correctly. "You ok?" Vi asked. "Fine, now fuck off." I walked to the door and made about halfway up the stairs before almost collapsing, Vi was at my side in an instant. "You can't leave yet clearly you need more medical attention." She tried to stop me but I grabbed her shirt. "Fuck. Off." I repeated slowly, I could see her shrink slightly. Something in my voice said I wouldn't hesitate to knock her out cold if she kept talking to me. So she backed down, I shoved her away and made my way up the stairs and out of the bar onto the street.

When I got back to Benzo's, Ekko ran up to me and hugged me tightly. "I was so worried, are you ok? Do you need anything? Can I-" "Little Man I'm fine." I gave a reassuring smile. "Just tired is all." I gave him a hug ignoring the burning ache in my lungs. I went back to our room, skipping dinner and sitting down in the chair I've been sleeping in for the past two or three weeks. I lifted up my shirt seeing the skin starting to bruise.

I decided to skip dinner and get some rest, I need to be up and ready tomorrow for powder and the other's heist. Slowly slouching the chair I could feel my eyes drooping, but I was scared to see the horrors behind my eyes, that layed just at the of sleep. I wasn't ready to relive those memories of my friends- no my brother and sisters screams of help and begging for death. Even when no mercy was given and they were tortured to their dying breath not a single one left in peace.

I could feel the title wave of darkness wrapping around me like a blanket, only it was cold and unforgiving in its rather harshness of the reality I lived through over those three long and grueling years. No amount of time or well fed riches of forgetfulness will ever ease or erase those horrors that live in my head. The voices that still whisper to me asking why I left them and it's all my fault. Maybe they were right and maybe I'm a coward, and I will never forgive myself, or forget them. Slowly I fell into the blackness with my knife gripped tightly in my hand, holding it, as if it were my only anchor to the world.

I woke with a sweat in the early hours of the morning, no surprise that my demons didn't let me rest for a moment even in sleep. As I calmed my breathing, I looked over at Ekko who was passed out in the bed. Slowly I got up and grabbed a pair of clothes before going to go and shower to take my mind off of everything. The water was cold because of the bad piping down here half made and shit faced because Piltover doesn't give a fuck about who needs it fixed all the way. I'm not even sure the water is clean, in fact I'm positive it's not.

I didn't mind the cold. I could heat it up easily with my fire ability but the risk of losing control is something I couldn't handle if it happened. I didn't mind the cold anyways, it reminded me of home in a nostalgic painful way. When I finished I put the other pair of clothes in the laundry in our room before going to get breakfast for Ekko. My lungs still struggled to breathe so it came out in short quite breaths of wheezing, every muscle felt sore, while every bone popped from my cramped position in the chair. Everything ached and I regretted not trying to find some salve to help it.

The streets were dark- wait who am I kidding the undercity is always dark but you could still tell when it was day. My perception of time seemed none existent and I wandered through markets of food early in the morning. When my eyes landed on Ekko's favorite stand I walked up and ordered his favorite meal and paid a tip to the person behind it. He gave me a grateful smile and tried to give me something extra. I declined speaking in his native tongue easily, telling home he needed it more than me.

He stared at me bewildered as I walked away and I gave a slight smirk you'd miss if you weren't watching closely. One of the main things they taught you in the army was to know every language and tongue. To be able to speak it perfectly like it was your own. I kept walking and picked something up for Benzo before heading back. I'm thankful Benzo took us in, he has shown us kindness I haven't seen in a long time that's not shown by just random strangers anymore.

In a way it gave me a sense of peace, of hope, that humanity is still in all of us. That we can all have redemption, even if we seem too far gone. I was lost in thought not looking where I was going when I ran into somebody. I stumbled and almost fell, barely saving the food. "I'm sorry sir I didn't see you there. I'm just so out of focus this morning-"

I felt myself being slammed against the wall. The guys and a gas mask on that covered half of his face. And he was dressed in what looked like officer clothing, draped in blues and bits of gold here and there. He glared at me, I felt myself seething at the contact of his assault. "Trying to pickpocket me you thief?" He accused, I shook my head trying to keep my breathing calm. "No sir I wasn't looking where I was going and I-" He interrupted me shoving in the wall harder again I smacked my head into it. I could feel my muscles tightening under my shirt coiling so tight I felt like my bones were breaking. "I could have you arrested for that." He looked at me up and down and I shivered in disgust. "You're not from here are you." He took a closer look at me.

My e/c more vibrant than that of a normal person, his eyes scanned over the white strand in my hair. Before I could the shift in his eye his whole body language changed but he didn't drop me. I could recognize it all too well... fear. He was afraid of me which meant he knew of what I was and could do. Good. "You're- you're a Wildling." Before anything could continue further. Another person came out of the building next to us. she didn't have a gas mask, and you could tell she was of higher authority than him as her clothes were nicer and seemed to just scream high status.

"Marcus what's going on here?" Her voice was gravelly and she looked at him annoyed like this has happened more than once. He put me down fixing his clothing and gave me a disgusted look, but the fear still lingered in every part of him. I could see, hell I could practically smell it rolling off him, it made my adrenaline kick in. "Nothing at all ma'am." He replied back, his voice slightly muffled because of the gas mask. I picked up my food thankful it didn't open and spill when I dropped it and continued on my way. Asshole. I thought to myself as I walked back. I could've easily ripped his vocal cords out and played like a flute if I so wanted.

But I did come here just to bring my past of bloodshed with me. Well it seems that everywhere I turn people want only to see the monster in me brought out. But I'm not a monster. Am I? I am, it's true but they made me into it... when I walked in it was still early in the morning Ekko was still asleep but Benzo was up and getting ready to open up shop for the day. I set his food down and he gave me a warm smile nodding in greeting and thanks. I gave him a small one back before going to the back and into mine and Ekko's.

I set the food down on the desk before walking back out to the front where Benzo is. " I probably won't be home for a while." I made sure to fix my coat and stuff and checked to see I had everything. "Keep an eye-" "Yeah, yeah. I know kid, go have some fun, don't get yourself arrested or anything." He waved me off in a playful manner, I gave a slight chuckle before stepping out back into the chilly air.

I made my way over to The Last Drop and nodded at Vander as I walked in he waved me over. "How are you doing? I know you got pretty ruffed up yesterday." I shrugged at him, my hands in my pockets. "Not much to talk about really. I'm fine though. Have you seen powder and the others." He nodded towards where their room downstairs is.

I thanked him before heading and knocked on the door. Powder opened it and her eyes lit up like fireworks. "You came!" She opened the door allowing me to step inside. "Of course I made a deal didn't I?" I gave her a light shove, she giggled and I looked up at the others. Claggor gave me a small smile and wave, while Mylo was giving I assumed his best flirtatious smirk. I rolled my eyes at him before finally looking at Vi. She was glaring at me as if she stared long enough a bullet might go through my head.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." I said in a tone that I knew would irritate her, she scoffed. "What's she doing here Powder?" She looked down sheepishly. "I wanted her to come with us on the job." Vi's eyes widened, before she shook her head. "No, absolutely not. We barely know her!" the others started to protest to her answer. "Come on Vi we could use the extra help. Means a bigger payday." Mylo started Claggor joined him a little. "She doesn't seem so bad and she could help us." she looked at them with a frustrated frown resting on her face. "But that also means we have to split it." They seemed to look down, not thinking that I spoke up. "Well luck's on your side because I don't want any of it. I can do fine on my own jobs thank you very much." Vi looked at me annoyed and the others all had brightened faces.

"Fine, let's go. But don't get in my way." she pointed a sharp finger at me before beginning to walk out the others following. "No problem Darling, just keep the sunshine temper of yours in check, before I do it for you." I could hear a small snicker from Mylo but Vi glared at him and he shut up immediately. I could hear her growl in annoyance, making me smirk in satisfaction. She was really fun to pester with, especially when she doesn't like you but has no ideal reason to get rid of you.

When we finally got to Topside it was on the outskirts. We kept going, mostly outside of it all avoiding the busy streets and bustling people going from roof to roof. Powder had trouble keeping up sometimes but I looked out for her, and shut Mylo up when he complained. When we finally got there we jumped down onto the balcony. The door was unlocked, (typical) and we easily slipped inside. The people weren't home so that meant we didn't have to be as quiet.

Mylo was filling the bag with useless junk while Claggor rummaged through other things actually looking for something valuable. Powder easily found the most expensive items while Vi sorted through anything that looked important. I brought my own little bag with me but only to fill it with useless trinkets that Ekko would enjoy and some books that looked interesting to me. we cleared the place in less than half and hour before we were already out and on our way back.

We were celebrating the huge load we got and I was given pats on the back for the help as thanks. we were almost home laughing and having a good time even Vi smiled a little towards me very slow, she was slowly but surely warming up to me. When we were almost half way there when we all turned the corner and spotted a group of officers similar to the two I met this morning, except they all wore googles too. My only thought, Shit.

A/N- well if it isn't my lovely readers hope you enjoy this chapter so sorry for being late I'll try to do better and also please let me know if you see any mistakes just be like hey i think this is supposed to be this or whatever but let me know your opinions and ideas for what you think of this chapter and what might happen next chapter. also I read of it kind of and i feel like my story is being to fasted paced is it? anyway until next time bye!!

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