Webs of Madness Pt 1

On this stormy night, we cut to the darkest parts of New York where Zaun Industries, a well forged skyscraper like building was seen.

In a master office on the top floor, someone was seen looking down at the city from the reflective glass with a cold, collective stare. It was revealed to be a tall, middle aged man with a slim body with a bit of athleticism, pale gray-ish skin, undercut style black hair with grey streaks, right eye blue & left eye black with an orange dull pupil while having a heavy scar on the left side of his face. He was wearing a black, red and dark brown trim trim trench coat, three pieces suit and black shoes.

A knock on the door was heard.

???: You may enter...

The double doors opened as Sky entered the room. The white haired woman then stood before the man who's back was turned to her.

???: Did the shipment deal with Sevika and Titania go smoothly...?

Sky: Though we had some... unwanted attention, we were able to deliver the shimmer to them for the Leader & we have the money for the next project, Silco.

The man now known as Silco turns to face Sky, his cold gaze on her.

Silco: Splendid...


Deadpool: Hello again fellow readers! Again, it's me the Deadly Neighborhood Deadpool with some profiles in this What if crossover! As you see, that man is indeed the cold & ruthless drug lord & ruler of Zaun Silco but in this what if crossover story, His Au marvel counterpart is a powerful CEO and secretly a criminal mastermind of the underworld! Kingpin vibes am I right? Not much is known about this counterpart of Silco's origin other than him mysteriously appearing in New York & building his company from the ground up, Zaun Industries that creates weapons & technology to serve for a better future or so people think...

Deadpool was painting a portrait of him & jinx drawing a moustache on Doctor Doom.

Deadpool: This AU version of Silco is looking to provide weapons and suitable deals to criminals in exchange for his own tasks done & deals made, to do the whole "have the city become a better place under his rule Schick." Crush the competition of Stark, Osborn, Fisk, etc & if someone gets in his way, well... Hehehehe... it doesn't f**king end well for those who fail, disobey or cross him. Now, I know this version of Silco didn't take Jinx in as a daughter like the original in the Arcane universe but hey, more surprises are coming in this story but I'll never tell~. Back to the chapter true believers!


Silco: And tell me... Who was it that gave you trouble during your exchange...?

Sky: A couple of rogues... compromised of the assassin Elektra, mutant and mercenaries Deadpool & Domino, Eddie Brock host of the Symbiote Venom. And two others I'm not familiar with.

Silco: Hmm?

Sky: A dark skinned young man with white hair and hourglass face paint and a fair skinned, pink haired woman with VI tattoo on the left side of the cheek. The pink haired woman mostly was targeting Sevika, I wasn't sure what she wanted with her.

Silco thought about Sky's description of the pink haired woman, then he remembered who she was talking about.

Silco: Ah, the beast of the underground, Violet.

Sky: You know her?

Silco: By... Reputation. Ranked number 6 of the top 10 fighters in the Underworld Abyss Brawl. One of my men were observing her in her fights, betting against her but lose his money. Enraged, he challenged her & the result ended in his failure.

Sky: Oh, and what happened to him after?

Silco: Apparently, he, against my orders, went after Vi to take more than just money but a piece of her as a petty means of revenge but what happened next was unspeakable...

Sky: How unspeakable, sir?

Silco: The group came back and the fool was barely alive, the damage was near fatal... one of them explained that something big wiped them out, a green eyed giant...

Sky: Are you referring to the Hulk, sir?

Silco: No. According to my sources, the gamma monster of the Avengers is not in New York that day or up to this point. It seems Violet has relations with the beast or it's just a gamma mutate let loose. Regardless, it's none of my concern.

Sky: Beasts like a Hulk are destruction incarnate. One is bad enough as it is, but more would jeopardize your plans if your company is caught-

Silco: I'm aware. Preparations have been made for even monsters themselves have their weaknesses...

Sky: I knew sir. You taught me that. 

Silco: As well as the means of power, in result of this test...

He snaps his finger as the two brutes brought in a blue eyed, blonde haired young man, who was struggling as they brought him in. Silco then walks towards a portrait, pulling it off the wall to reveal a hand scan. Placing his hand on it, part of the wall open to show a secret compartment, reaching for a vial of glowing pinkish purple liquid with a mix of red & blue splotches.

Sky: That's one of the new batches of shimmer, sir?

Silco: Why yes. After observing the city's heroes, one hero proved promising... Ashame he wastes his potential in such acts in protecting those who see him their enemy, a plague... a menace.

Sky: .... Spider-man.

Silco: Precisely, though not the complete strongest or the fastest but he shows true potential in his abilities. Though he won't join me, I believe a simple test is in order against the Arachnid... Deckard.

The blonde man named Deckard flinched under Silco's gaze.

Deckard: N-No, that stuff will kill me!

Silco sighs and turns to Sky.

Silco: This modified shimmer was made with the deadliest aspects of Spider-man's DNA, the blood samples were a gift from an old benefactor in Oscorp. I've alrighty had Singed proceed with the Shimmer Spider Soldier project, the first group batch are clones of ravenous & monstrous spider-men but this...

He turned to Deckard, the thug released him with Silco walks towards him.

Silco: This serum will require someone who can lead them within the hive mind to ensnare their prey. You boy...

Deckard: ...?!

Silco: Power doesn't come to those who are born strongest, fastest or smartest. No, it comes to those who willing to do anything to achieve. For this test... it's time to let the monster out.

Deckard looks at the vial for a moment, a bit of hesitation, fear, desperation and frustration spread across his face before taking the modified vial and gulping it down. Dropping the vial to the ground, pain erupted through Deckard's body as he screams in agony. The two thugs backed away in fear while Sky was unfazed.

Silco: Lead the horde into the city, deal as much damage as you can to draw the Spider out & show him your power...

Deckard held his face as glowing pink-ish purple veins spread & adorned his face and body quite painfully, his scream became distorted, throwing his head back into a primal roar with lightning flashing outside to illuminate his now monstrous visage.


At the hotel...

Luke yawned as he slowly awakes from his slumber. That was the best sleep of the mutant/symbiote host's life as he's never had a good night rest, with all the hunts, experiments, etc.

Luke: Man, that felt good.

The white haired man got, stretching his arms. He looks outside as the storm was still going out in the morning, he then turns his attention to Jinx, who was tossing & turning in her sleep, mumbling.

Jinx: No... No, no, no... Get away... It was a mistake... D-Don't hurt me...

Luke: (in his mind) Must be having a bad dream.

Volt: Shall we... shock her awake?

Luke: No.

Volt: It'll be funny.

Luke: Funny how? She's basically a ticking gamma bomb, shock her could trigger her... green eyed "friend" to  come out.

Volt: Spoil sport. It doesn't have to be full power or lethal. Just get a funny reaction out of her, c'mon!

Luke: I'm not freakin' doing it!

Volt: Hmph. Scaredy cat.

Luke then goes over to the sleeping Jinx, who was mumbling. The white haired man gently shakes her awake.

Luke: Hey, wake up. Up and Adam blue bomb, let's go.

Jinx immediately awoken with a loud, panicked gasp looking around frantically like she saw a ghost.

Luke: Easy, easy there. You had a bad dream, a nightmare. It's over, take deep breaths.

Jinx did just that, looking at Luke with wide eyes. He saw fear and panic in the blue haired young woman's eyes which slowly begins to vanish with relief and a bit of shock.

Jinx: Y... You're still here...

Luke: Uhhh ok, I never really left. Just woke up.

Jinx: (repeated) You're still here...

Luke: (raised an eyebrow) I know, I just woke up. What? Ya thought I was gonna dine and ditch style and leave you to handle the hotel bill-

Jinx tackled the white haired man, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his chest, hugging Luke. He was caught off guard by that, hearing slight sobs from jinx he awkwardly pets her head.

Luke: There, there... It's okay. The bad dream is over.

Jinx: Sorry... I'm sorry...

Luke: Hey, no need to apologize. It was just a bad dream. Don't let it push you around, take that nightmare blow it sky high to the moon.

Jinx snorts with a slight laugh, looking up at Luke.

Jinx: You're a jokester now?

Luke: I'm not good like that with jokes.

Jinx: Well ya got a laugh or two outta me.

Luke: Okay, can you let go of me now?

Jinx frowns, her hug growing tighter.

Jinx: Awww, I wanted to stay like this for a while.

Luke: ... That bad of a nightmare huh?

Jinx said nothing but briefly nodded. Luke sighs and pets the blue haired young woman's head, unaware that jinx was purring like a cat.

Luke: Easy on the hug, don't want to suffocate...

Jinx: You worry too much, white hare...

Luke: (deadpan) Seriously?

Jinx: You have hair as white as a ghost and you're soft like a rabbit....

Luke: ....?!

Volt: Hahahahahahahahaha!!

Luke: Volt, Shut. The. F**k. Up.

A few minutes later, Jinx released Luke though a sudden urge told her to not let go and cling to Luke in a protective manner but she sorted it out and went to the bathroom to freshen over. Luke decided to make some breakfast for him and jinx while Volt was assisting. In the bathroom, Jinx was washing her face, looking up in the mirror tilting her head a bit before her reflection suddenly had jagged sharp, mismatched pink/blue eyes and fangs as a distorted female voice spoke.

Voice: Jinx...

Jinx yelped and backed away against the wall, breathing heavily and looking back to her reflection but to her surprise & confusion, it looked normal. No strange eyes and fangs. She was having another episode, wasn't she? That's usually the only explanation, seeing and hearing things that aren't there.

???: Not quite.

Jinx: Ah!

Jinx pulls out her mini gun, frantically aiming where that voice might be coming from.

???: You are whacked up in the head, the ghosts within your past... your mind breaking inch by inch more than it already is...

Jinx: Where are you? Who are you?! Just another voice in my head?!

???: Maybe. Maybe not. You don't know about me yet but you will... Hehehehe...

Jinx drops her mini gun, clutching her head as the strange voice's echoing laughter rattled her mind until it slowly went away, only hearing the other voices but very dim. A knock on the door was heard.

Luke: Hey! You alright in there?!

Jinx: Y-Yeah.

Luke: Well Volt & I made breakfast, better come get it.

Volt: Or I'm eating it!

Jinx: ...

Jinx opens the door and runs out, yelling.

Jinx: Touch my food and it's war, slime ball!

Volt: I'm no slime ball!


After having breakfast, which made the blue haired mercenary beam in excitement from Luke and surprisingly Volt's cooking, Jinx decided to spend a fun day with him, her... search can wait.

Luke got dressed in the bathroom after freshening up, coming out wearing a dark blue shirt with twin black lightning bolts going downwards, a long black & white trench coat, black pants and boots.

Volt: Gotta thank the strangeling for the new threads, Luke.

Luke: Yeah. I wonder where she got the money to get it much less the hotel room-

The two stopped & thought about it, of course it was obvious.

Luke/Volt: She committed theft.

Then the two spot Jinx but both were wide eyed as she was in the middle of changing, wearing only a black bra with blue double X symbols and purple & pink vertical striped underwear. Jinx looks over & sees Luke & Volt staring at her, her eyes widening as her & luke had a hue of red across their faces while Volt was trying & failing to not laugh.

Luke: (in his mind) ... I am so going to die.

Rather than going raging She-Hulk, Jinx quickly got out a mini gun.

Jinx: (angry/secretly embarrassed) I told you before, no peeking new guy or it's a bullet to the eye!

Luke: (waving his hands in defense) W-Wait, I didn't mean to look! I didn't know you-


Luke was dodging everyone of Jinx's shots, repeatedly shouting "I'm sorry" before retreating back to the bathroom & slamming the door shut with locking it. Bullet holes were all over the front door and walls as Jinx was breathing heavily with a slight blush and narrowed eyes.

Jinx: .....

In the bathroom, Luke was against the wall breathing heavily while the Symbiote was in a laughing fit.

Volt: Smooth move, genius! Hahahaha! You-You really got a show from the strangeling! Hahahaha! Did you like what you saw?

Luke: Will you can it?! I wasn't trying to peek in on Jinx like that nor did I know she was going to change! I thought she was waiting for the bathroom until I was done!

Volt: You could have at least stayed and took the bullets while watching the strangeling jinx like a real man, you can heal from the wounds.

Luke: 1. I be pervert, not a man if I stayed & watched, 2. I can heal yes but I still don't want to get shot at, and 3. I don't want to get my bones smashed.

Volt: Please, we shouldn't be afraid of Jinx, we've handled worse things than her.

Luke: Look, aside from you, Jinx is the very first thing I have in a friend... don't wanna make an enemy out of her since we have that twisted foundation breathing down our necks hunting us...

Volt: Then you best make your move on her now.

Luke: Are you deaf or don't listen to reason, we just met and I don't like her THAT WAY.

Volt: Keep telling yourself that...

A knock at the bathroom door was heard, following by Jinx's voice.

Jinx: I'm done, you can come out now...

Luke: This isn't a ploy to get me to come out to receive bullets to the head, right...?

Jinx: (sly tone) Mayyyyybeeee...

Luke: ..... Volt, smash open the ground. We're going underground.

Volt: Got it. We're outta here, see you never strangeling!

Jinx: (Alarmed) Wait, no! I... come in peace... no guns, no bombs & no hulk. Please... come out...

Her tone went from mischievous to calmly sad with a bit of desperation. The white haired man unlocked the door and slowly opens up while keeping up his guard, finding Jinx who was fully clothed in a white top with a bizarre monkey skull symbol, sleeveless black jacket with blue & pinkish purple bizarre graffiti like art, ripped black jeans and brown boots. She was rubbing her right arm with an uneasy look.

Luke: Look... I ummm, I'm sorry for walking in on you...

Jinx: It's fine. R-Really felt like a deer caught in the headlights there, hehe... (Half jokes) enjoy the show...?

Luke: I-It wasn't my intention to peek on you like that, okay?!

Jinx: You could say by your voltage powers, it was "shocking" to you, Haha!

Luke groans.

Jinx: Anyways...

Jinx hits him over the head with the butt of her revolver.

Luke: Ouch!

Jinx: That was the peek.

Jinx hugs him Luke strongly.

Jinx: And this is me accepting your apology. C'mon, let's go.

Jinx released him and walks out with the white haired mutant slowly following him and sees the hotel room completely empty.

Luke: What the? How the-

Jinx: I redecorated. (Pulls out a small, strange silver and glowing blue box) Call it the Proto Box, could fix an entire house in here like an endless storage.

Luke: Wow. Nice.

Jinx: Thanks, made it myself.

Luke: You made it?

Jinx: My old man... dabbled in machinery, scientist and technology, remember?

Luke: Oh.

A loud knock at the door was heard followed by the manager's voice.

Manager: Check out time, Ms. BoomBerry! Your time is up and I expect payment for your check!

Luke: BoomBerry?

Jinx: I may or may not have disguised myself as a fat, polish rich woman with money I stole to pay for one night here while sneaking you in here while you were unconscious in a duffle bag.

Luke: (Deadpan) Of course.

Manager: (knocks on the door) C'mon, open up! It's check out time!

Jinx: (clears her throat; faux polish accent) Oh hold your horses, I am partaking in a rare suitable meal. Come back when I'm finished, peasant!

Manager: (angry) Excuse me?! No, you gotta go now! Rich or not, everyone has a check out date and yours is today!

Jinx: (faux polish accent) Oh! How dare you?! I will have your head sir, do you know who I am?!

Manager: Do you know who I am?! I own this hotel, and when I say your check out time is up, then it's up! You got to go! Now open this door and come out to pay or I call security & have them 'escort' you out!!

Volt: ...I'm going to eat his head.

Jinx: (faux polish accent) Hold that thought, simpleton.

Jinx pulls out a few of her bombs from one of her duffle bags, sticking them to the walls, floor & ceiling.

Jinx: (normal tone) Luke. We're outta here, grab the bags.

Luke: (sighs) Fine.

Grabbing the duffle bags of jinx's stuff, Luke let Volt take over as the large Symbiote monster carried everything.

Manager: Last chance!

Jinx: (faux polish accent) Oh oh! Oh no! What was in that dish you gave me! Oh I'm bloating up frantically like a blowfish!

Manager: Wait, what?!

Jinx: (faux polish accent) Oh what have you done, you buffoon! I'm allergic to this spice, I say, I'm expanding like a pufferfish! I don't have my medication to stop the immense bloating! Oh dear... My dress, I'm gonna... gonna...

Manager: Get security! And bust this door down-

Jinx: (faux polish accent) EXPLODE!


The hotel manager fell back from the sudden kaboom sound which rocked the whole building, many customers came out of their hotel rooms in a panic to see what was going on. The door in front of the manager fell like a domino, seeing the explosion that didn't take the whole building but the room Jinx & Luke was staying in, the place was a fiery blue shell of it's former selves, followed by a crazy display of graffiti art, most of them were bizarre looking monkey heads & the letters that said...


The Manager let out a loud scream before fainting.


(League of Legends ost featuring Djerv: Get Jinxed plays)

Jinx and Volt were seen jumping from building to building, the Symbiote beast was carrying bags while Jinx was throwing more explosives in the air and random places, in a laughing frenzy as the areas & sky erupted in a blue light from her bombs.

Volt: That was unbelievably insane, I'm starting to actually like you, strangeling!

Jinx: Thanks, Talk about grand slam fireworks! Hehehehe!

Jinx jumped off the next building, taking a rail slides on the cable lines before crashing through a nearby apartment window where a family was having Thanksgiving feast, she stole the turkey!

Jinx: I'll take that, (to the family father) Doing you a favor, cut it back to lose the pounds, pudgy!

She ran out of the home, kicking the door down, leaving the family shocked and bewildered. She runs through the halls, makes a right to the stairs, sliding down the rails while landing on the bottom floor feet first.

Jinx: Perfect landing!

Jinx ran to the next floor, bumping into a group of punks.

Punk: (angry) Hey! Watch it b***h!

Punk 2: (pervy grin) Ya know guys, that blue haired babe don't look bad. Love the style, fit her curves very well, especially in the rear view Hehehehe.

Punk 3: (smirks) How about we take you out for some fun and rock your world, huh beautiful?

Jinx: (frowns) Oh... Well in that case, (grins) try the turkey!

Jinx shoves the hot turkey in the first punk's face, knocking him down while getting her revolver and shooting down 5 punks but three of them tackled Jinx & held her down as the first punk got the turkey off & stood up with an angry look, taking out a knife.

Punk: Hold her! Seems like she wants it the hard way.

Jinx: (smiling) Oh... I don't think my friend would like that...

Punk: Oh, what friend, ya crazy girl?

Jinx tilted her head as her eyes glowed green. But before she would change into her Hulk state, the wall near them busted down, revealing Volt.


Punk: What the f-

Volt bit the punk's head off, eating it. Jinx managed to get loose as Volt shot his electric tendrils through the three punks, electrocuting/killing them. Two punks backed away and ran the other direction scared, Jinx took out two bombs & unclip them, throwing/rolling them across the hall like bowling balls as they reached the two running punks, detonating and caught them in the blast, killing them.

Jinx: Strike! Oh, this way!

The blue haired young woman took a straight path with Volt following her as Jinx basically jumped out the window, breaking the glass while yelling in a giggling glee.


Volt: She really is crazy!

Luke: (in Volt) Well go after her!

Volt went through the window, shooting down like a missile to pass the falling Jinx, landing feet first on the ground with a crater forming, getting his arms ready as Jinx fell four stories down and got caught by Volt.

Volt: What were you thinking? You could've died!

Jinx: (snorts with a large smirk) Except for the part where I didn't. Good catch by the way, and it'll take more than a fall off a four out of six story building to do me in.

Police sirens were heard. It was the cops.

Volt: More heads to devour...

Luke: (in Volt) Volt, we're not here to eat good people, alright? I only let you eat our enemies or very worst individuals.

Volt: Grrrr, fine...

Jinx: Let's move out (climbs up Volt, sitting on his shoulders) Mush, Voltage Mush! Hyah!

Volt: It's Volt & I'm not a horse!

Volt run out of the alleyway with Jinx on his shoulders, a bus full of passengers was approaching with the bus driver seeing the duo and immediately hit the brakes to a solid halt with the passengers caught off guard, seeing Volt & Jinx.

Bus driver: What the hell is that?!

Volt: (Grins viciously, forming electricity) I'm the Monster of New York's Future!

Bus driver: Ah... Ahhhh...

Jinx: (smirks) This is the part where you scream.

The driver and passengers screamed and exited the bus in a panic as Volt with Jinx on his shoulders, climbed up the bus running back to jump back from vehicle to vehicle before crashing to a nearby bar through the window, alerting the bartender and biker customers who spot Jinx and Volt.

Volt: Give us your best drinks, please?

A bunch of click sounds was heard as the bikers and bartender had guns out & aimed at the duo.

Bartender: (glares) No mutants and super powered freaks in my bar. So blue hair and whatever you are sludge, get out or be pumped full of led.

Luke/Volt: (in their mind) Oh, they're one of those anti-mutant protestors./ I hate them as much as I learned about them from you.

Jinx: Aww, is that anyway to treat your customers?

Bartender: Shut it, this is your final warning! Leave now or die!

Jinx: The "leave now or die" gag. (Sarcastic) Oh no, don't shoot us, we're afraid to die. Tch. Like I haven't heard yelled at me before. Of all people-


Jinx was shot in the chest, falling off Volt's shoulders to hit the ground.

Luke: (in Volt) Jinx!!

Volt: Strangeling!!

Bartender: I told you to leave, you just blew your last chance to walk away freak.

Volt slowly turns to the Bartender and the bikers with a cold and menacing stare, electricity forming around his body.

Volt: (snarls) And you all just blew your last chance to LIVE!

He shot his hand out to grab the bartender, ensnaring him as he fired at Volt but the bullet shots only irritated him, bringing the bartender closer with him screaming upon being electrocuted and his head bitten off. The bikers then begin shooting at the Symbiote beast, who threw the headless corpse aside and roared.

A low growl was heard behind him, Volt turns to the motionless body of jinx who's eyes shot open with glowing green pupils. The Symbiote beast and the bikers were wide eyed as Jinx begins to transform before their very eyes from her height now growing to 8 ft 7, her skin turning pale green with glowing green veins, her body growing with abnormally large muscles and overly endowed curves, teeth growing slight fangs and to finally her casual punk clothes expanding along with her, made like her mercenary attire so it wouldn't rip or tear.

The change was completed as Hulk Jinx sat up Deadman style with a narrowing glare, shocking Volt and the bikers greatly.

Luke: (in Volt) Holy...

Volt: ... Sh*t. Forgot Jinx said she could do that...

Biker: She's a hulk?!

Biker 2: I haven't seen or heard a hulk of this description!

Biker 3: Who cares?! Let's shoot her & the slime creature!

Hulk Jinx got to her feet and walks towards Volt, grabbing one of the duffle bags he was carrying. The left side of Volt's face peeled off, revealing Luke's.

Luke: Are you still... you? Jinx?

Hulk Jinx: That's meeeeee~.

She pulls out her machine gun, Pow-Pow, locking & loading it up.

Hulk Jinx: You put a bullet in me so I'm returning the favor. (to Luke & Volt) Wanna bust some heads while I shoot 'em?

Luke and Volt both smirk.

Luke/Volt: Our pleasure.

Volt covered half of Luke's face as he roared, firing electric induced tendrils to pierce/shock some bikers while Hulk Jinx would fire Pow-Pow, rapid bullets filling some bikers and basically nearly the entire bar with holes.

Hulk Jinx: Now this is fun! Hahahaha!

Police sirens were heard as the cops showed up just as Hulk Jinx and Volt got finished killing the whole biker gang, the authorities aimed their guns at the two. Hulk Jinx turned her machine gun on them, firing rapid bullets as the cops got out of the way, some got hit and most of their vehicles got the worst of it, heavily shot with the vehicles exploding, drawing attention to civilians screaming and running.

Volt: Let's get going!

Hulk Jinx: Right behind ya!

As the two left in a hyper jump, two figures were watching them from an alleyway with narrowed eyes and disappeared into the shadows. But they aren't the only ones watching Jinx and Volt as Sevika and Titania were watching from the rooftops, the bionic armed woman pulling out a communicator to contact the Leader.

Sevika: Yeah. It's me, seems Jinx has made her little "trip" to New York.

She heard the gamma mastermind curse under his breath.

Sevika: Want me to drag her ass back to you?

The Leader: No... Let Jinx have her fun. But now, keep an eye on her & under no circumstances do you allow S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers to capture her, understand?

Sevika let out an annoyed sigh.

Sevika: ... Yeah, I understand.


Meanwhile, we cut to Grand Central Park where we see everyone's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man (ultimate Spider-Man series version) web slinging.

Spider-Man: Ah, another peaceful day another dollar of patrol. The only thing that's missing is J. Jonah Jameson yelling his head off. Maybe today he's finally off-

J. Jonah Jameson: (on the giant high definition screen) This is J. Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle News Report out to those who follow my voice as what I say is the absolute truth!

Spider-Man: I spoke too soon.

J. Jonah Jameson: The pink haired She-Hulk is still at large (shows Hulk Vi's picture) and now we have sightings of another She-Hulk with blue hair and a strange Symbiotic creature causing a ruckus south of our great city (Shows pictures of Hulk Jinx & Volt) No doubt this is being orchestrated by that wall crawling menace Spider-Man!

Spider-Man: And there is it... Wait, She-Hulks? Last I heard, there was only one. And another symbiote, gee, he looks like a combo platter of Venom and Electro.

Then his spider sense went off and multiple screams.

Spider-Man: Spider sense. And screams,  where-

His spider sense went off again as he was dodging a bunch of webs shooting at him. Webs? The web slinger leaped and landed on a flag pole.

Spider-Man: Okay, who's the wise guys...? What the? 

He stares wide eyed a group of bizarre monsters that resembled Spider-Man himself but the mask was black with glowing pinkish purple eyes, the mouth exposed with sharp, dripping fangs, they possesses a slight abnormal muscular body with pulsating pinkish purple veins, wearing a black and silver trimmed suit with a glowing pinkish purple spider emblem on the chest.

Spider-Man: (jokes) What a resemblance, I don't recall seeing any of you at the spidey family reunion.

Out of the carnivorous spider-men appeared Deckard, the shimmer infused monstrous brute, who was clad in an armored version of the suits the bizarre spider-men were wearing, breathing heavily with a low growl.

Spider-Man: So you're the big dog or big spider on campus, huh? What'll they call you, Web bulks? The primal-tacular spider groupies? The Wild Web clones? The Bizarre spider unit?

Deckard: Kill!!

The group of ravenous spider-men lunged at the wall crawling hero.

Spider-Man: Uh oh. (Prepares to fight)

To be continued...

(Chapter 7 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Silco makes his debut, hope you enjoy his AU marvel counterpart & origin. Jinx has an interaction with the voice of the slime creature that meld with her last night but she doesn't know... yet. The duo cause some chaos and Spider-Man himself comes face to face with the bizarre, shimmer spider men clone hive with Deckard leading the charge by Silco's orders. What's gonna happen next? Find out in part 2, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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