The Beast of the Underground, Vi
4 weeks earlier...
We cut to some sort of underground facility, the area illuminated in black and red lighting as a ring was present in the center where a large crowd was behind the barricade was chanting and shouting for a fight.
Announcer: In tonight's match is the Underworld Abyss Brawl, this fight will result in a winner by knockout, submission or forfeiture! Bring out the opponents!!!
From the entranceway, two figures came out and walked down the ramp, entering the rope less ring.
Announcer: Here's the first fighter, The Breaker of Bodies himself, the Devourer of Souls, DOMINIC HAVOK!!!
The first fighter named Dominic Havok was a 6 ft 7 ft tall man in his late 20s, fair skin with numerous monstrous tattoos, long black hair with both sides shaved, icy blue eyes, goatee and has a large muscular body. He was wearing a black tank top, bandages wrapped around his arms, black pants with symbols of a skull and wailing souls on the left side and the words Havok on the right side and black boots.
Dominic raised his arms with an arrogant smirk, the crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and boos.
Announcer: And Here's the second fighter, The Beast of the Underground, VI!!!
The second fighter named Vi, short for Violet, was a 6 ft tall woman in her 20s, light skinned, blue eyes, natural pink hair in a punk style with her bangs going to the right side of her head, a scar on the left eyebrow and the left upper lip, has a beautiful yet highly athletic & muscular body & mechanical augment tattoos on her back & arms and a VI tattoo on her left cheek. She wore a left nose & ear piercings, wearing a black, white and dark gray-ish blue punk style custom, studded sleeveless hoodie with a VI symbol on the left side, bandages wrapped around her arms, custom punk style pants with the same color scheme and black boots.
Vi only stared silently with a stone like expression.
Announcer: Ring the bell!
The bell was rung as the Announcer left the ring, Dominic and Vi circle one another with the big man having a smug look while the pink haired woman still had a stone like expression.
Dominic: Ya ready to get slug?
Vi: ...
Dominic: Too scared to talk, eh? Why don't you just forfeit right now and you can leave with your pretty face intact.
Vi cracks her neck, her expression unchanging which annoyed Dominic that he couldn't get under her skin and stomps towards her to slug her with a left hook, her face going to the left as the crowd roared. Dominic smirked but Vi slowly turns to him with blood from her nose & mouth, her stone like expression, spitting some blood to the side of the floor, causing the man's eyes to widen for a moment before he yells and fires back with more strong punches.
Vi got in a boxing stance and would dodge and counter the big man's strikes, exchanging fists with him. The crowd was erupting in cheers and boos as Dominic and Vi were grappling with one another, trying to overpower the other with tackles, limb targeted blows, submission moves or reversal and solid shots, jabs and straight punches and kicks with damage taken. Dominic had the size and power advantage but Vi was no stranger in fighting an opponent bigger than her.
Dominic: Heh! This all ya got?! Beast of the Underground my ass! And some of the guys & gals in the roster fear you, pathetic!
Vi slowly got up, her back turned to the big man as her expression looked straight up pissed off, her eyes shifting color but got herself under control. Dominic approached her and grabs her shoulder.
Dominic: Time to knock your lights out, B***h.
Dominic turns Vi around to land a knockout blow but Vi caught the punch and cracks it in a strong grip, causing the large man to scream in pain.
Dominic: Gaaah!! You're gonna pay for that!
Dominic charged at Vi, who uses his momentum against him with a monkey style flip to him, knocking him on his back, the crowd getting off their seats & roared in excitement or outrageous. Dominic got up with a snarl and rushes Vi with a bizarre set of swings & punches but Vi would block and return hard jabs to the stomach and face, Dominic swung a big right to nail the woman only for Vi caught the arm and twist it, not letting go as crack sounds were heard followed by Dominic grunting.
Dominic: Agh... Ack... Graaaah...!!
Vi then delivered a solid right fist of her own to Dominic's jaw, cracking it as he was sent flying across the ring and landed with a large thud, shocking the crowd. The ref goes to check on Dominic to see if he can continue but he was knocked out, calling for the bell which rung.
The crowd erupted in cheers & boos, most members were were in distraught in betting money on Dominic to win & knock Vi down a peg but apparently they were sadly mistaken and lost out right. Vi didn't even stay to accept the praise as the pink haired woman left the ring and went back up the ramp, backstage.
Vi was leaving after collecting her pay of 5,000 after a banger of a match the head manager of the Underworld Abyss Brawl puts it. Though her current pay for this match was supposed to be 8,000 but the boss was being cheap which was no surprise for Vi or any of the other Brawlers in the roster, promised more cash but only get half or a minimum of what they were promised. She was making a living on bashing other fighters' heads in for money to get by as times were tough, especially after... the accident, she thought.
While she was taking a short cut to an open ally as rain started to pick up, the pink haired woman had a feeling that she was being followed. Vi stopped turned around to see a group of seven, they looked like a mob type group. Four of them were hired muscular men, two of them were light heavyweight men balanced and the one in the middle was a slightly short fat man in a three piece suit, trench coat and fedora.
???: So... You're the infamous Beast of the Underground VI, ranked number 6 of the top 10 fighter of the Underworld Abyss Brawl, you've made something of yourself in the darkest areas in New York, eh? Name's Aaron... Don Aaron, a pleasure to meet ya.
Vi: (narrows her eyes) I'm not in the mood for a conversation so get straight to the point on what you want?
Henchmen: How dare you disrespect our boss like that?!
Henchmen: We oughta teach you a lesson in respect!
But Aaron raises his hand, stopping them as they still glared angrily at Vi.
Aaron: Let's not get crazy. I'll cut to the chase, I bet a lot of money to watch you take a fall yet you won & I lost my cash.
Vi: (rolls her eyes) And that's my problem how exactly?
Aaron: That you owe me, hand over your earnings. Or better yet, you can work for me and pay off the debt for the money I lost in that bet.
Vi chuckles under her breath.
Vi: So the old "Join me or Die" proposal, eh? Not the first time I've been in that kind of spot but if it's a fight you bastards want, I'll happily give you one.
Aaron: Tsk tsk tsk. Guess you don't have any brains in getting your head knocked out a peg, you just had a grueling brawl and you think you'll be able to take my guys here all damaged & tired?
He laughs.
Vi: Try me then but the moment I get angry... It won't end well for you all.
Aaron: Hmph. Guys, you know what to do.
The six henchmen surrounded Vi, who drops her bag and got into her fighting stance and kept on her guard as the thugs pulled out knives and brass knuckles, circling Vi menacingly before immediately rushing her. The pink haired woman despite her exhausted state after the brawl, fought them off the best she could, avoiding their weapon clad strikes and delivering her own hits to knock them back.
She managed to get some knockout shots to two of the muscle grunts and one of the light heavyweights but the second light heavyweight fighter snuck up and stabbed Vi in the back with a knife, earning a pained and angry yell from the pink haired woman. She turned to slug him but the other two muscular henchmen caught her and started hammering away at the woman with the light heavyweight fighter joining. Aaron picks up the bag with Vi's money with a satisfying grin, turning to his guys who was restraining and hammering away at Vi.
Aaron: Ashame you chose the wrong decision and now you'll be going home with no money & a broken body, hell be lucky you'll be walking outta here at all. I'm a nice guy, right?
Vi spat out some blood and shadows covered her eyes.
Aaron: Got anything left to say for yourself?
Vi grits her teeth, a low and deep, guttural growl escaping her lips.
Vi: You... were... Warned...
Vi lifts up her head, revealing pure rage filled eyes... glowing green. Aaron was confused and a bit scared when suddenly two of his four muscle bodyguards was sent flying at him, landing on top of him. Aaron struggles to get from underneath his bodyguards, now feeling quite annoyed and infuriated with Vi.
Aaron: That's tears it! I was feeling generous of letting you live while I take your cash but now, this'll be your last night on earth-
The threatening words of the Don died in his throat, silent in shock of what he and his bodyguards saw next. All eyes were on Vi, who was clutching her head, teeth barred with blood falling from her mouth and eyes glowing green & bloodshot, she let out a loud, blood curdling roar that sounded distorted, startling the mob group. She slams her fists into the ground repeatedly, forming cracks in it, with her skin slowly turning a shade of gray with glowing veins of green, her body begins to expand in height and muscle to abnormal proportions. Her arms bandages ripped & tore while her clothes began to expand along with her. Aaron and his bodyguards couldn't make of what was happening right now or if the pink haired woman was even human as the sudden transformation was complete with the thing that was once Vi let out a massive roar of rage.
Lightning flashed, putting the monster in a frightening light in Aaron and his bodyguards eyes. Vi looked like a 8 ft 7, abnormally muscular, monstrous version of herself with green eyes, her skin now a slight light gray with faint glowing green veins on her arms, slight sharp fangs and her clothes remained intact but snug around her Amazon like muscle body.
She set her furious gaze on the Don and his henchmen, stomping towards them with the ground shaking with each step the she beast took. Aaron and his bodyguards had fearful expressions as they panicked and pulled out guns, pistols, shotguns and rifles, started shooting at the monstrous Vi. The bullets weren't doing anything to her other than making her angrier, she roars and charges at them, taking the two muscular henchmen and slamming them deep into the ground with an earth shattering crash, killing them. The light heavyweight fighter jumps on the monstrous Vi from behind to knife her repeatedly in the back but he was grabbed by the neck & brought in the front of the glaring face of Vi.
Light heavyweight henchmen: Please... I just work for him! Don't-
Vi then threw him out of the alley, across the street and crashed through a telephone booth, landing on his neck, now dead. Civilians passing by saw this and panicked, running for it or calling the authorities. The Don was backed in a corner with his men down as the giantess approached him, menacingly. Aaron attempts to shoot her with his gun and the bullets weren't phasing her one bit, she grabs him and bring the frightened Don up to her level.
Aaron: O-Ok, n-now let's not do anything you'll regret! (Laughs nervously) H-Here, you can h-have your money back, in fact, ya can take the money I have back at my hideout! Just don't kill m-me!
The pink haired monster glared stone like yet angrily at the Don before
Vi/???: Don Aaron... Now I remember, one of the guys on my hit list. While you're in-between C & B class, your bounty is... somewhat alright, dead or alive.
Aaron: W-What are you?!
Vi/???: Just a monster...
Aaron: N-No please I'll pay I'll-ack!
The monster snapped his neck, killing him. She then heard sirens and turns to see officers running through the alleyway to her direction.
Officer: Freeze! Don't move!
The monstrous Vi grabs the deceased Aaron and her bag of cash & jumps high into the stormy night, the officers shot at her but she was long gone.
Officer: Was that... The Hulk?
Officer 2: No, that monster looked like a woman than a man.
Officer 3: Then, She-hulk?
Officer 4: Since when does She-hulk have pink hair & kills mob criminals?
Officer: Whatever, let's just put out a word on this... Gray She-hulk in New York.
We cut back to Vi, who managed to lose the authorities and retreated in another alleyway as the storm got worse for wear, breathing heavily and climbs up the brick walls up to the balcony slowly reverting to her normal form, throwing the deceased don and her bag of cash up the balcony before heading up the balcony herself. She then opens the door, entering her apartment which wasn't too big or too small, not too cheap or too expensive but it was well suitable.
The pink haired woman then collapsed on the couch to rest for a bit. Then the screen then froze to black and white as Vi was heard narrating.
Vi: (narrating) Yeah, that's me. Most of you are wondering what the hell was that about? What am I? Am I a monster? Well... You're right on that. Name's Violet Banner or Vi for short, I'm a professional underground fighter and as for the deceased don I brought to my apartment, he's on my hit list for I have a second job as a bounty hunter. And as for my... Transformation... I was caught in an incident along with my sister and my father...
Flashback shows a younger Vi who was 14 next to young blue haired girl was 11 alongside a familiar brown haired man with blue eyes visiting a gravestone in the cemetery.
Vi: The girl with blue hair is my little sister, Powder and the man besides us was our father, Bruce Banner. We were visiting our mother's grave, she died years ago after Powder was born so We had to be strong for her and move on when times were tough. Bruce was a scientist & nuclear physicist and working on his own projects, which intrigued Powder at times, wanting to be an inventor. He would console me & powder at times we get in trouble at school when I would defend Powder who would get picked on, getting pummeled & called her names like Freak, Loser, Screw up, Weak... Jinx. (Sighs)
Flashback shows Young Vi, who was bruised, comforting an injured and silently sobbing Young Powder in her arms.
Vi: She barely leaves her side and I don't blame her. Bruce would comfort her too but whenever he's busy at work, I have to be there for her, I promise I wouldn't abandon her & always protect her. But... That all changed when the incident struck.
Flashback shows the Gamma bomb erupting as Bruce Banner attempts to save Rick Jones, Young Powder saw the danger he was in and went to help him followed by a young Vi trying to get Powder out of the danger zone.
Vi: We kinda... snuck in the base to pay dad a visit but it was a mistake, after saving a guy named Rick Jones who was in the middle of the test site of the Gamma Bomb, no one went out to help Bruce, Powder tried to help him while I went after her not wanting her to get harmed... In the end, the Gamma bomb exploded and Bruce, Powder & I were caught in the blast...
Flashback shows young Vi, young Powder and Bruce engulfed in a green wave of gamma radiation, screaming loudly.
Vi: It hurt like hell, like being burned a million times over. The last thing I saw was a giant, green behemoth of a monster. Later, Powder & I emerged from the rubble, it was a miracle we survived. Powder was gravelly ill and I wasn't fairing well either, we both were contaminated in Gamma radiation & needed help but General Ross, father of Betty Ross whom my dad had a new flame with, had other ideas in mind. After experiment after experiment, I was at my limit and something snapped in me... I got angry, very angry... And turned into the monster you saw earlier to escape into the desert with Powder but I was outta control, had destroying the military on my rage filled mind when they came after us.
Flashback shows a Young yet destructive Gray She Hulk Vi going on a rampage as the military forces try to contain her but it proved futile, Young Powder was shook by the monster Vi became but wanted to help her escape but Vi with little intelligence she has left, tells her to stay away and hide.
Vi: Even in that monstrous state, I didn't want Powder hurt and wanted to protect her but she needed to go to a safer place & out of the warzone. Powder only wanted to help... so taking a mini bomb that was labeled untested she snuck during our escape, she threw it and everything was blown away in a blue light, the military fell back while some were caught... I too was caught & damaged, Powder went to see if I was okay, panic and fear running through her mind that she might've killed me. I survived however... my inner monster-I did something completely horrible.
Flashback shows Young Powder running towards Young gray she hulk Vi to see if she was okay, she was laying in the center of the crater. Powder shook her head with tears falling from her eyes, running towards the motionless body of her sister.
Young Powder: Vi? V-Vi?! Nononono!! (Running her hands through her head) I only wanted to help. I only wanted to help! I only wanted to help! I didn't want this!!
She shook her motionless body.
Young Powder: (sobs) Vi! Vi please wake up! Please!!
Then the body twitches and begins to move, much to Powder's relief as she stood and turns to the blue haired girl, only Powder saw a look of pure rage in her eyes.
Vi: After the explosion damaged & further angered the monster in me, that rage long since been on Ross and the military was now directed at Powder.
Hulk Vi: You...
Young Powder: V-Vi...?
Hulk Vi: (broken speech) Why blue hair girl no stay away?!?!
Young Powder: I-I was trying to save you!
Hulk Vi: Told you to hide! Not safe! Why blue haired girl no listen?!?!
She punched Powder hard, knocking a few teeth and blood flowing from her mouth and nose as she fell, crying in pain.
Young Powder: Why?! I only w-wanted to help!!
Hulk Vi: Help? Help?! Blue haired girl help only bring trouble! Always bring trouble for everyone, dead mother & father, me! Vi done with screw up girl!!
Young Powder: W-Why would you leave me?!?!
Hulk Vi grabs Powder by the jaw, nearly gripping it as she choked on her sobs while staring into the monstrous Vi's now green eyes of disgust and rage.
Hulk Vi: Everyone right about you, Freak! Weakling!! Jinx!!!
Powder was breaking down as her heart & mind shattered into a million pieces, Hulk Vi was breathing heavily in anger for a moment before slowly glancing at the blood on her hands. Powder's blood. Her eyes widened and immediately took her hand off Powder's face, staring down at the sobbing blue haired girl. Shaking her head, Hulk Vi turns to walk away, Powder tries to call out to her, begging her not to leave.
Young Powder: Vi! VI! Please Come back! Please! I need you! Don't go! Please!!!
Hulk Vi high jumps away and never came back, ignoring her little sister's cries & pleas.
Vi: I broke my promise... I promised to protect Powder & wouldn't abandon her. But the only monster I couldn't protect her from... was me. I let this power & anger cloud my judgement, she only wanted to help and I took it out on her, I hurt her, I blamed her... I left her. It's haunted me ever since, being on the run, locked up, escaped, rampaged, repeat as I hated myself, the monster I became & How I left my sister, who's probably dead... Over time, I managed to start over, get through life and learn to control this power, using methods to keep my anger under control which works sometimes... until something sets me off.
We cut to Vi of today, slowly getting up from the couch and heads back to the balcony, picking up the deceased don, opening one of the closets, grabbing a bag and putting the body in it. Closing the door, Vi would go to the bathroom and freshen up, later comes out wearing a black top with a towel over her shoulders and dark blue track pants, heading to her room & plops on her bed. The screen freezes, the narration beginning again.
Vi: After dealing with education and all that crap, don't want to give you the details, I just went traveling, moved from place to place until hitting up New York, the city itself wasn't that bad but quite crazy, especially with heroes & villains in these streets. And no, I steer clear from that, my powers may seem super related but I'm no hero, I'm usually in the bounty hunting business, taking out guys worse than the last for the right payment... Even met a guy in a red & black spandex suit in one of my days of delivering more bounties, he was a real nutcase but he's tolerable-
???: (Narrating, interrupting Vi) Ah Vi, thought we had something special! That was so rude, you wounded my heart!
Vi: What the?! Dammit Wade, how'd you get in my narration?!
'Wade': Oh where are my f**king manners, Ha! Introduction time! (To the audience/readers) Wade Wilson but you all know me as the deadly neighborhood, Deadpool! The Merc with a Mouth who cannot die, does the impossible and breaks more than the fourth wall in one ways than one! Also, I'm Vi's partner-
Vi: We are not partners, we may have did jobs together but we're not partners like that!
Deadpool: Shhhhhh... It's okay, Violet. Babe, the audience deserve to know. (Turns to the audience) Everyone... Vi & I are in love-
Deadpool: Ack! Right down below... Can't take a joke there. (Falls over, clutching his crotch) Give me a minute... ouch...
Vi: While the red suited jackass is busy, where was I...? Oh yeah, during the past few months, I've learned some things about the following heroes, including the Avengers along with the green muscular giant of the team, the same behemoth I saw before I passed out in the gamma incident when I was young, The Hulk.
Deadpool: That the green giant is your old man, not dead but a monster. Well, from a mindless rage monster who smashes, to a still rage like yet strong hero who still smashes!
Vi: (through grit teeth) Thank you Wade, now... (Sighs calmly) Seems my old man made quite the name for himself here & other places, from a rage crazed monster on the run to a lone hero, An Avenger and now runs his own team in a place called Vista Verde, the reason I'm not going after him now is that I have another relative to track down.
Deadpool: The blue haired one, Pow-Pow, right? The sister you thought dead being left behind but I-
Deadpool: (muffled) Really? Dropping a car on me? After I gave ya info on your sister's-
Vi: Wade can you not interrupt me for a few minutes?!
Deadpool: No promises!
Vi: Anyways, the mouthy jackass make his point. On one of his daily jobs to stop a shipment, Wade spotted a blue haired young woman who got away from him with his killing target... I don't know if Wilson is correct I mean, Heh, who else could have blue hair?
Deadpool: I mean, dying the hair is a thing but I fought a natural and she was quite as crazy as me, hahahaha! But would I ever lie to you?
Vi gave him a deadpan glare.
Deadpool: Mayyyyybeeeeee... You shouldn't answer that.
Vi: Whether he's lying or telling the truth... If Powder is alive, then I will find answers that'll help me to find her, and if anyone gets in my way, they're gonna get Smashed.
Deadpool: Taken it in after Papa Green, he'd be so proud when he meets ya! But don't worry Violet babe, I won't reveal the surprise to him. (Mocks salute) You have my word Ma'am.
Vi: Alright... Narration over. Heading to bed.
Deadpool: Already, c'mon Violet! Baby, the night is young so perhaps you and me can-
Deadpool: (screams as it sounds like he was falling off a building) FAIR ENOUGH!!!!!
To be continued...
(The first chapter is finished! Welcome to Arcane: Hulk and the agents of S.M.A.S.H. I hope you enjoyed the AU marvel variation/appearance and origin story of Vi & her hulk form as more surprises are coming! Had funny idea to have Deadpool in this too as well. Also, in this AU I might have Mylo, Clogger and Vander alive in this but I'm drawing a blank on which hero or villain marvel variation they'll have, I'm open to suggestions. For Ekko of the firelights, I'm thinking of a Spider-Man variation for his AU counterpart.)
(As for Caitlyn , Vi's interest, what AU marvel variation of her would you like to see in the near future? A: An Iron man variation, B: A Dr. Strange variation, C: A Morbius variation, D: A Hawkeye variation, E: A Thor variation or F: A Captain Marvel variation? Let me know which one you would like to see. Find out what happens next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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