twenty three

Chapter Twenty Three
"I'm right here."

Arabella leaned her head against the dull grey wall, eyes closed shut to avoid the sunlight streaming through the window. The heavy metal door creaked open, and Arabella slowly lifted her eyelids, watching one of the prison guards step into the room, a priest following in behind.

Sunday must have come quicker than Arabella had thought. It was easy to lose track of days and time being cooped up alone in the prison cell, absolutely no contact with the outside world whatsoever. Not that there was anybody actually left, everybody she cared about was in prison because of Thomas Shelby.


Arabella had thought about him a lot during her time in prison, often about what she'd do to get her revenge if she ever got out, though none of that mattered anyway, because she wouldn't be getting out of there. And she wouldn't see the people she cared about ever again, she wouldn't get to live the rest of her life. All because of Tommy.

"Arabella Newell."

She looked up, exasperated with having to go through the exact same routine every Sunday, plus, she wasn't even religious. Only, the prison guard didn't shut the door behind her this time, instead she stepped into the room. Arabella's eyebrows knitted into a frown as the guard approached her, grabbing her forcefully by the arm.

"Hey!" She pushed back, flinging her elbows out as the grip tightened around her. "Get the fuck off me!" The guard hauled her from the bed, shoving her towards the door. And as Arabella passed the vicar, she realised exactly what was happening. "No," she protested. "No, no, no!" She used all the strength she could muster, pushing back against the guard, but she didn't have the strength. "No!"

The guard forced her hands behind her back, dragging her out of the room and slamming the door shut. Arabella continued to struggle as she was forced down the corridor, swearing to herself that she would haunt Thomas Shelby until his last fucking breath.

Arabella was yanked up a steep set of stairs, stumbling slightly as she began to lose the strength in her legs. The guard hauled her back up, as Arabella began to grow limp in her grip, having to practically be dragged inside the room. Arabella swallower thickly as she lifted her head, eyes meeting with two nooses hanging above her. And Polly Gray has her head through one of them. "Pol," Arabella breathed out shakily. The guard pushed her towards the other noose, and Polly's eyes filled with tears upon realising Arabella was sentenced to the same fate as her. "Polly," Arabella began to tremble, eye's watering as Polly reached for her hand.

"It's all right, I'm right here," Polly whispered. "I'm right here."

Arabella squeezed her eyes shut, tightening her grip on Polly's hand as the noose was tightened around her neck. Her heart pounded, breath ragged as saliva began to thicken in the back of her throat. She didn't want to die. She didn't want to die. She didn't want to die.

Polly began to quietly utter a prayer, whilst Arabella thought about her family, who she'd finally see again, after all this time. She thought about her mother, her kind, selfless mother who she should have had so many more years with. She thought about her father, who protected her and provided for her more than she ever realised. And she thought about Mason, the safety of her older brothers arms, knowing she'd be with him again.

But then she thought about John and Arthur, who had looked out for her their whole lives, and who had taken her in as one of their own when she needed someone more than anything. Ada, who was there for her whenever she needed, only a phone call away. They were her family, and she didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to them. And then she thought about Michael, who'd been close by her side for the past few years. She remembered how desperately he'd tried to apologise to her the day they were taken, and she wished she could tell him that it wasn't his fault.

Mallory and Isaiah, her closest friends, people she'd known, grown up with, people she was supposed to continue growing up with. She couldn't even remember the last thing she said to either of them, and she desperately wished they could have spent more time together when they had the chance. But Arabella, in her last moments, decided to cling on to the hope that maybe she'd see all the people she loved again one day. Somewhere, anywhere, even in another life, she knew she'd find them again.

Arabella's eyes briefly cast to her feet, waiting for the floor to drop beneath her, each second that passed becoming more agonising than the one before. Polly squeezed her hand tightly, and Arabella squeezed back, casting a look over at the older woman. She felt the muscles in her chin begin to tremble, lips quivering as she held back a choked sob. Stealing one final look at Polly, grateful to have somebody she cared so much about by her side, Arabella released a breath she knew could be one of her last, closing her eyes shut as she waited for the inevitable.


Her eyes burst open at the sudden exclamation, and she took a gasp of air, watching as a man rushed inside, waving a piece of paper in the air. In an instant, the nooses were removed from Arabella and Polly's necks. Arabella's legs trembled, both women almost stumbling to the ground, collapsing into each other's arms in relief, knowing that they had come inches away from death.


Sorry for such a short update and the lack of updates in general, uni has totally wiped me out. Only three weeks to go 😭

On a better note, I'm super excited to be entering season 4, which is going to be FULL of Arabella and Michael content.

I hope to update again soon, thanks for your patience!

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