thirty six

Chapter Thirty Six
"This isn't forever."

"You're the worst."

"Well," Tommy released a heavy sigh of exasperation, lifting his stare to meet Arabella's narrowed eyes. "You're not my favourite person either."

"Fully aware," she said, her response almost prompting a brief smile to cross Tommy's lips. "But for the record, I had no idea he hadn't told you."

Tommy was sending Michael away.

Arabella was furious when she first found out, and some mild threats may, or may not, have been thrown Tommy's way, but eventually, once she'd taken a while to calm down, she had understood where he was coming from. After all, Michael had been very aware that Changretta planned to kill Tommy, and he hadn't warned him in the slightest. Though, the circumstances were, admittedly, rather complicated, and Arabella couldn't exactly hold it against Michael for protecting his mother instead of Tommy. In fact, the whole thing seemed like a very strange and vicious cycle of betrayal, one which seemed to be constantly playing out within the family ever since that day at the hospital.

"I know," Tommy assured her. Despite the fact that Arabella was there with Michael that day, she had been far too preoccupied going after Changretta to even think about what had actually happened in that hospital room. The next few weeks after that she'd spent entirely holed up in her house with Mallory, trying to come to terms with emotions and grief she thought she'd buried, but clearly hadn't.

"He had to choose between you and his mum, though," Arabella pointed out to Tommy, leaning her back against the wall. "That's not something he would have done lightly."

"He knew I was going to get shot, and he didn't say anything at all," Tommy reminded her.

"Tom, he was scared," Arabella argued, her features softening as she thought about the difficulty Michael must have had with that decision. The fact that she'd completely disappeared afterwards probably didn't help, and though she was sure he understood why she needed time and space over those weeks, Arabella knew he probably would have wanted to talk through with her what to do about the whole situation. She couldn't help but feel like she'd let him down.

Tommy was silent for a few moments, studying Arabella's expression. "Would you?"

"Would I what?" She asked.

"Would you have told me?"

Arabella shifted her eyes away from him, deliberating over her response, which Tommy took as 'no' until her lips eventually parted to speak. "Yeah. I would have, actually." Tommy was unable to stop his eyebrows raising, and she bit back a laugh as she looked at his expression. "Don't seem so surprised. Whilst I'm not above a little maiming and injuring, I never would have wanted you dead." Tommy nodded his head in acceptance at her words, stubbing out his cigarette in the ash tray. "You trusted me, when you told me about Arthur," Arabella started, peeling herself away from the wall. "Even after everything I've done, everything I've said. Why?"

"Because I trust you," Tommy told her. It was the truth, he was genuinely being sincere, and Arabella could see that, she could see it in his eyes. So when she quirked an eyebrow at his reply, he couldn't help but give her a pointed look. "You may be a royal pain, but but you're part of this family." He moved out from behind the desk, taking a step towards her. "Michael was right when he told you that you can't run from this family. You may not have our blood running through your veins, Arabella, but you are one of us."

"You mean that?"

Arabella hadn't forgiven Tommy for betraying her, and the entire family, almost causing their executions – though she wasn't entirely sure she ever would forgive him about that. Tommy did a lot of things that angered Arabella, and she wondered why she constantly gravitated back towards him, as if everything he'd done in the past was okay, buried under the hatchet. But she realised, in a way, that it was. It was, because he was family. He was fucking family.

Even Ada had told her she was waiting for the day Arabella officially became a Shelby. John had treated her like a younger sister for the entire time he'd known her, and Arabella had always looked up to him as an older brother. She considered Ada a sister, and, Christ, even Polly as a motherly figure. She hadn't been able to accept that any of them considered her family, but when it came from Tommy's mouth, of all people, it well and truly hit her.

"Will you tell Arthur I said goodbye?" Arabella asked him.

"I will," Tommy said. "He'll be in touch." Arabella nodded, a slightly sad smile crossing her lips as they both moved towards the door. "Hey." Tommy placed a hand on her shoulder. "This isn't forever."

"I know," she said. She'd been on board with Tommy's plan ever since he and Polly had mentioned it to her, and whilst she knew it was the right thing to do, Arabella realised she was going to miss Small Heath like hell.

The two of them stepped out of his office, heading into the kitchen doorway. Polly and Ada's chatter quietened, both women turning to face them. As soon as Arabella stepped a foot inside the kitchen, Ada had flung herself into her arms, holding onto her tightly. "I'll miss you."

A brief laugh escaped Arabella's lips, though it was soon replaced by a somber expression, her heart sinking at the thought of not seeing Ada again for a very long time. "I'm really gonna miss you too, Ada."

As the two of them reluctantly parted, Polly moved to her side, placing both hands on Arabella's shoulders. "Thank you for doing this."

Arabella smiled softly, placing a hand atop of Polly's as she nodded her head. Polly loved Michael, and Arabella knew the woman would be reluctant to let him go after only getting him back for such a short time. But Polly felt a lot better knowing that Arabella would be with him.

The room had grown silent, the four of them waiting patiently for Michael's eventual arrival. Arabella leaned against the kitchen counter, picking at her fingernails in anticipation. She knew Michael was not going to take well to the news he was about to receive.

Eventually, they heard the sound of a walking cane thudding against the floor, and a heavy knock sounded at the door. Arabella, the closest to it, sprung into action, moving to open it. "Hello."

"Hi," she gave him a slight smile, though she couldn't quite commit to it, knowing what was coming. Arabella led him into the kitchen, where Michael slowed slightly as he read the expressions on the faces of his mother, Tommy and Ada.

"Tommy, I've been trying to think of words," he started, but Polly interrupted, taking a step towards her son.

"Don't," Polly spoke firmly. "Words don't work. Michael, we're in a grave situation. Tommy has a plan. Instead of going to Australia, you're going to New York."

Michael glanced at Arabella for confirmation, who gave him a sorrowful look. "Why?"

"Because the company has business to attend to in America," Ada answered.

"Will I be coming back?" He questioned, his eyes again falling on Arabella. They'd just started getting together, he was even falling in love with her, and now he was just going to have to pack up and leave her behind. Michael couldn't do that. He didn't want to do that.

"Your train leaves in an hour, Michael," Tommy told him. "You made a choice. You knew I was going to be shot and you chose not to tell me."

"I chose my mum," Michael replied.

A smile threatened to cross Polly's face, but it didn't. "When all this business is over we'll all be free to make our own choices," she told him.

"So that's it?" Michael looked around the room in disbelief. His eyes landed on Arabella. She didn't even look upset, and he was almost falling apart on the inside having to leave her behind.

"You get the train to Liverpool then the SS Monroe," Tommy informed, handing him an envelope. "The boat sails tomorrow. Now you can go."

Michael took the envelope from his hands, sparing one last glance around the room before he turned his back on everyone and left. When the door closed behind him, Arabella moved into the living room, picking up her bags from the corner. "Tell Finn I said bye, will you?" She asked, giving both Ada and Polly a kiss on the cheek before stopping in front of Tommy. "I hope you're all still fucking alive when I get back."

"Look after him," Polly said. "And yourself."

Arabella smiled at her assuringly. "I will."

Tommy nodded towards the door. "You better go. Look after yourself, Arabella."

Arabella nodded, giving him a small smile before she headed towards the door. She spared one last glance back at her family. "See you soon."

Ada's eyes glistened with tears. "See you soon."

Arabella drew in a deep breath as she left through the front door, closing it shut with her foot since she had bags occupying both hands. Michael hadn't got far, since he was still struggling to get to grips of walking with his cane, which boded quite well for her as she wouldn't have to go far to catch up with him.

"Michael!" He turned around at the sound of her voice, his eyes lighting up as she rushed towards him. "Michael!"

Arabella hurled herself towards him, dropping her bags on the ground and wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. He stumbled back slightly, placing a hand on her hip to steady them both. "Whoa, try not to cause even more damage," he joked lightly as Arabella moved away, instantly feeling guilty for hurting him.

"Sorry," she apologised quickly, placing a hand against his cheek, taking him in properly after not actually seeing him in days. "I, uh, look in the envelope," she told him, stepping back to allow him to do so.

Michael's eyebrows drew together in confusion, but he did as she asked, slowly pulling out two tickets. He looked up at her, still frowning. "Two."

"One for me, one for you," she clarified. "Didn't think I'd let you go on your own, did you?" Michael's lips twitched, his eyes meeting Arabella's. "That's if, you want me to go, of course. I wasn't sure if you would but–"

Michael interrupted her by slamming his lips against hers, shutting her up completely. She placed her hands on his chest, unable to help smiling into the kiss. Michael felt her lips tugging, and couldn't help but smile himself, placing a hand at the side of Arabella's face. They moved back slowly, eyes fluttering open to be met with each other's warm gazes.

"So, will you have me?" Arabella asked him.

Michael's fingers grazed against her skin, lightly brushing a strand of hair from her face. "As long as you don't leave me for some American fancy man."

Arabella chuckled, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "Well, that means you can't run off with some beautiful American woman."

Michael shook his head with a small smile, leaning in to press another gentle kiss to her lips. "I wouldn't dream of it."


And that's the end of series 4!

Please read the note that is posted after this chapter!!

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