Part 3

After the line, all the first years fled to their rooms like cockroaches at the sight of light. Perhaps, this was even too quickly.

Returning to the half of the dormitory where the women's section was located, Yana calmly, slowly went to her room. Other girls ran, swarmed, shouted and even laughed with excitement, and she, as if not noticing it, went through the crowd of first years.

 Behind slammed doors, and there was a knock heels — it only showed the General tension. By the behavior of the first years, it was easy to understand who would drop out at the very beginning. This conclusion could be drawn from how acutely the student reacted to the situation. 

Those who were panicking and worried were digging their own graves. Perhaps, these students thought, that if they will do all quickly and in a hurry, then will be able linger in school, but importantly in this test of, as and in all other, to do all not quickly, and in a timely and perfectly.

A tall, almost six-foot-four, blue-haired girl slowly walked out to meet Yana. Long blue hair was loose, but the front strands were up and twisted into two small bumps on top. The girl's lips were painted dark purple lipstick and lush eyelashes and stretched to the sun. See such a girl in this school was even surprisingly.

 Especially considering what strict selection passed all entrants. Unable to hide her emotions, Yana widened her eyes and slightly opened her lips, but the stranger had already passed. The dark-haired Ukrainian woman looked around thoughtfully, but only for a second, then shook her head and went on.

When she reached the door of her room, Yana quietly went inside. On the threshold stood her roommate is not high girl, complete with big, red acne cheeks. This was the second amazing shot in such an institution, because the admission was taken into account not only the mind but also the physical data of students.

Looking at her roommate with a kind of doubt, Yan asked:

"Why aren't you running?"

The girl hesitantly shifted from foot to foot.

"I have to close the door, waiting for you."

It seems that after these words, Ian began to remember something. The set of keys to the room was only one, and in order not to torment herself with unnecessary worries, Yana gave them to a neighbor from the faculty of art.

"Clearly," calmly replied the girl and walked into the room and approached his bed. On the bed lay a black postcard matching the color of the cybersecurity Department where Yana studied. Actually, this color was visible in the form of strips on a snow-white form for office "cybersecurity". Seeing the postcard, Yana smiled fleetingly.

"Hey, bun,"  she turned to a neighbor. "You locked the door when we went to the ruler, didn't you?"

The fatty nodded. At all, word "bun" could perfectly characterize its figure. Annie Rey — snubbed to the not numerous number of pupils, that not had beauty, grace of and sports achievements. And it affected them greatly.

"So,"  Ian spun around and plopped on the bed the fifth point. The soft, springy mattress made her jump up slightly.  "They have a second set of keys to our rooms, though I'd be surprised if they didn't."

 The girl reached for the envelope and clutching at his fingertips, brought it to yourself. A few more seconds of Jan considered a sealed envelope in his hands, then smiled and, rising from the bed, headed for the exit.

Annie followed Yana out, closing the door and inserting the key into the keyhole. She closed the door quietly and slowly because of what Ian has concluded that Annie didn't react to the fact the number of first years that did everything fast and hard.

 Perhaps, in case Annie still not all was lost, after all, for order to prove here it must was have some brilliant talent, that could outweigh all its shortcomings.

Turning her back to her neighbor, Yana waved goodbye and said,

 "Try there, Bun."

Soon Yan came to the end of the block of the hostel. Before her eyes appeared a stone corridor with window arches overlooking the flower garden. This corridor was not long and it was intended to connect the dormitory building and the main academic building. 

Only after moving to the training building, and then leaving the building at all, Yana allowed herself to gather her thoughts and print the envelope.

 The girl began to read each word carefully. Fear of something not to notice in this message, Ian stopped. Her name was written in large gold letters on the outside of the black envelope. The same shimmering color inside was displayed mystery:

"Who owns the information, he owns the world.

There must be a way out of every situation, your task is to find your own."

Breaking away from the text, Yana abruptly turned to face the school building. A huge Gothic stone building towered over her, causing a certain awe. The girl started running around in the building, as if trying to find the answer to your question. Yan started to analyze the situation. What cards did she have in her hands?

The first map: Martin Schwarzman's words that this mission is our team work.

The second card: a clear hint that in this task it is necessary to extract information.

Third card: the need to find out (where?).

Putting all these components together in her mind, Yana received her first mission: to find her team, which, apparently, should have envelopes with the same inscriptions as her. Difficulty: ignorance of the team's gathering place. It is unlikely that members of its team would come to the main stadium and would start shouting phrases from the envelope.

 So where would they go? The answer to this question was in the text: "there must be a way out Of every situation, your task is to find your own." Yana smiled ominously as she turned her back on the school building. What is the number one way out of this school? The girl confidently went forward. After passing small lawns and a broken fountain, Yana headed for the main gate. 

Near them was standing a couple of unfamiliar guys: a guy and a girl. They had black envelopes in their hands.

"Here she is," said the boy languidly, taking off his glasses. The stranger stood sideways to Yana, pressing his back against the stone surface of the fence.

Because of you we won't come in time, ' hissed standing beside his girlfriend with vysvetleni hair. She tilted her head to one side, looking Jan up and down.

Looking at both girls with some irony, the guy shook his head. It seemed that neither one without the other companion of his quite happy.

"You went less than a minute ago,"  he said coldly and even more distantly uttered,  "I always thought, that the girls have no place in Cybernetics."


After returning to the room, Vlad and Jan immediately found envelopes made in the colors of their offices. Black — cyber, blue — science. After reading the instructions, the guys quickly looked at each other.

"Looks like we'll have to split up here," Yan said quietly.

Nodding in response, Vlad headed towards the exit. No goodbyes, no wishes. They were both sure that will pass this test, and if it is not, then wanting nothing.

As soon as Vlad went out into the corridor, he immediately went down the stairs. The corridor was empty. Now students from this floor already ran around the school, performing all sorts of tasks.

When he reached the second floor, Vlad turned left. In the other side was a dining room and workrooms, designed exclusively for cooking. Once inside the dining room, Vlad froze. Now he was in the midst of huge the room, filled with multiple tables and chairs. At the end of the dining room was a counter with products that are usually distributed cooks.

Oh, somewhere over one of the tables sat two young men. One of them looked like a typical bison. Dark hair, large glasses elongated, narrow slit eyes, and typical Asian features. 

His appearance might have seemed ordinary, if through a thin white shirt could not be seen the outlines of a tightened physique. This suggested that the guy, in General, followed himself.

The second member of the team was completely different. First, he was European. At the sight of him, the blond curly curls and heavenly blue eyes were instantly evident.

"You don't seem to be in a hurry," Vlad said. Both guys impressively sat at tables and drank some drinks. The European had a Cup of coffee, and the Asian seemed to prefer tea.

"There's no hurry,"  the blond man said with a smile.  "While all the gnats are swarming around the school, it's best to wait and make a plan."

"I agree,"  Asian quietly nodded head.  "In a hurry they do not notice the most important thing."

Vlad wondered. In principle, he also thought about the strangeness of the words said by the Council. They increased their focus on time constraints, but did not explain the rules or the purpose of the game. In the envelope that was in the hands of Vlad, also wasn't written anything like that.

We have enemies? the Russian spoke aloud.

 "You quickly learned,"  the blond grinned. Rising from the table, he confidently walked forward. A long straight nose was pointed at the ceiling, and a satisfied smile played on his lips.  "This time, I'll help you." After all, the success of this test depends on my well-being, too."

"Funny,"  the Asian man said, rising to his feet,  "I just wanted to say that."

Suddenly, the blond froze and slowly turned to his opponent. The views of the Asian and European crossed. It seems that the situation only heated up.

"I am tai Tu Fang,"  said the Asian calmly, representative of China.

"Vlad, Russian."

"Lucien Marcel, a Frenchman," replied the fair-haired man calmly. 

He, like everyone else, understood the importance of this test, and therefore have a conflict he was not going to. Not now. After all, there's always time for bullying. So what's our plan?

"We need to get into the lab,"  Tai Tu Fang said. "There should be a clue for the next mission."

"The new building, then through the sports field..."

"This is not option," sharply cut off Vlad. "The sports field — the open area and, moreover, now crowds of pupils rush there. Once the Council decided to set traps, there they will be sure. We can't trust anyone."

The front door creaked.

Acting on instinct, all three boys squatted down abruptly. The tables in the area managed to hide them. None of the three even understood why he reacted this way. Perhaps because of the realization that all the allies were already nearby, or maybe it was some kind of premonition.

In the dining room began to spread extraneous voices. The people who entered the hall stood waiting and began to listen to the silence.


Looks like it.

Slightly peering out from behind the chairs, Vlad noticed the outlines of human figures. These guys wore the same student uniform, but the differences were the two stripes on the jumpers.

 They were years of learning from each other. One strip along the edge of the jumper — the first year. Two years. Three — three.

"Sophomores,"  whispered the Frenchman, sitting on the floor. In his hands out of nowhere appeared a mirror, and quite eye-catching: silver, on a long leg.

"First years are so stupid this year! one of the strangers pulled sarcastically." 

 They all camp ran directly into the hands of the Council. 

"Sixteen teams have already been expelled."

"Sixteen by three? I want to say that forty-eight students..."


Vlad, Fang, and Lucian looked at each other. With these words can be was understand only one thing:

 "Now all around their enemies."

The second-years again have broken off, listening in silence. Those long few minutes made a lump come to my throat.

There's nobody here, come on.

"Wait, we still have to check," the stranger confidently passed along the rows. 

Meanwhile, Vlad and his two other roommates began to gradually shift to the right without making any sounds. It was not known how the Council caught the first years, which meant that these guys had to be avoided in all possible ways.

The second-year froze in the middle of the row. He seemed to feel that someone was there and therefore began to look around. 

You couldn't underestimate your second year. They had more experience and knowledge about this place. Moreover, since they are still disciples, it means that they have also passed all the entrance tests in the likeness of this.

"Come on," came an impatient cry,  "waste time!"

With a heavy sigh, the stranger turned and walked toward his friend.

"You always do this, and then complain that the points in the ranking to lose."

Oh, please.

The door slammed shut with a creak, but only a minute later the incredulous guys decided to look out of their shelter.

"Bad situation,"  the Chinese said.  "I think we've fallen into the Council's trap. If all the seniors are our enemies now..."

"À la guerre comme à la guerre (in war as in war),"  said Lucien mechanically.

"There's still a chance,"  Vlad quickly got to his feet. 

"The second-years were supposed to be here for lunch. Perhaps now on the school grounds only a few of them. We just have to hurry."

"Perhaps," sighed Fang. 

 "Just how are we going to get? We don't know how they catch the students. Can they touch you enough?"

"Then don't let yourself be touched,"  Lucien said, and walked resolutely to the door. "Our task is to win. There are no other options and can not be."

Basically, Vlad had to agree with that statement. For him, this school was as much a necessity as for everyone else. And in this situation, there was only one rule: 

"All or nothing."

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