Part 1

 "Young man," a fragile hand lay down smoothly on a man's shoulder. Surprise on the back ran a slight chill. 

Taking the earpiece out of the right ear, the blond guy looked inquiringly at the man standing nearby. This man turned out to be a middle-aged woman. Moderately plump, well-groomed. She was at the age when time stamps had already begun to appear on her face, but her natural beauty still produced a pleasant impression.

"Tea, sweets?"

"No, thank you", calmly replied the guy. 

Turning his head back, he fixed his gaze on the space beyond the window. His eyes rested on the beautiful flickering landscape. Floating past the house made in the old Venetian style. Yellowed leaves of trees and alternating with green hills. The river and sitting next to the fishermen. 

The guy was keen on this landscape like an interesting book, the last page of which would cause anguish to any reader. On the old, age-old bridge the train was traveling at an extraordinary speed, and then for a couple of minutes disappeared into the tunnel. The beauty of the Carpathian mountains fascinated, as if appealing to a fairy tale. The atmosphere in this place was mysterious, as if magic.

Fog enveloped the tops of the mountains and gently crept down. Locals associated with this place a lot of legends and myths. And it was not surprising. Once here, you began to feel a part of this fabulous world. According to the legend of Hutsul legends, mythical creatures lived in these forests, and did not always find a common language with people. Every tree, every hollow had its own mystical history.

The mountain system of the Carpathians connected several countries of Eastern Europe, which means that several cultures. Perhaps that's why the view seemed so unusual. Nothing mysterious, just an invisible knot of myths and legends of several Nations. Taking a crumpled booklet from the side pocket of his backpack, he unfolded it. 

The place where he was going was not just the end point of a small journey. It was the beginning of a new life and a new history. APSIS (Art Political Scientific Information School) is a multidisciplinary educational institution, which is a platform for training new personnel, both in the field of politics, science and information technology, and in the arts. Graduates of this institution were doomed to success.

At the time of release, they not only had all the necessary knowledge to become professionals in their field, but also were well-known in wide circles. Each of them successfully found a job in the specialty, and, moreover, climb up the career ladder much faster than ordinary applicants. 

This school instilled not just theoretical skills from several fields, but also practical skills that could be useful absolutely everywhere. In the booklet, lying in the hands of the guy, there was a description of the school, a map of the campus, the schedule of classes and everyday life of students, as well as clubs that took into their ranks everyone.

This school without a doubt could be called prestigious. She was something of a world experiment. Many countries sent the most prominent representatives to this educational institution. The maintenance of this institution took fabulous money that came from the States that sent their representatives to study. 

Every action and every step of the disciples were known to the masses. It could be said that all the students of this school were almost celebrities. The story of  APSIS was a great surprise. The founder of this institution was not just one person, but many leaders of different countries. This school was the place where the future elite was brought up. Here students made new friends and received the knowledge necessary to climb to the top. 

However, what is familiarity in the understanding of the common man does not go along with the understanding of familiarity in the representation of the student "APSIS". All because in this school, all the acquaintances do not occur between ordinary people, but between representatives of different countries, that in the future will have to become great and influential people.

The main reason for the creation of such a school (which was presented in the press) was the need to educate new workers that would interact with each other after graduation, but already on the world stage. In fact, the reasons lie in a much more complex and intricate motives of different States. One such motive was the urgent need to create a single organization in which countries could cooperate in order to settle or stifle certain conflicts.

Of course, the responsibility fell on the shoulders of students is huge, but the creation of a single school was the most innocuous option of all possible types of organizations. All the children coming here were called gifted.

Because of the responsibility that fell on the shoulders of students, the selection in each country was carried out severe. In this stake were different faculties. The test for each faculty was different, but there was also the knowledge that was mandatory for all. 

One of such knowledge was faultless knowledge of English, after all training took place on it. The main decoration of the booklet, lying in the hands of men, was the image of the school itself. A huge mansion in the Gothic style, which has an area of impressive size. There were also separate dormitories on the territory of the school, divided by gender. 

The dormitory buildings were also part of the Gothic mansion and were connected to it by corridors. Some of the territory was occupied by gardens, a sports ground and a huge library containing books of any direction, in more than a hundred languages. Upon admission, each student chose one of four areas: politics, science, art and cybersecurity. And this did not mean that the student could not develop in all directions.                     

 On the contrary, all students were required to practice their knowledge in completely different areas. This concerned science, business, culture, religion and even sports. The six-day school week meant major subjects and classes in interest clubs, which comprehensively developed the student body. A feature of each faculty could be called a school uniform that had different colors. Black — cyber, blue — science, green — science brown — art.

 A sharp stop of a train forced the boy to lean forward a bit. Straightening up, the boy raised his head and looked out the window. It became clear that the train had stopped because of the arrival at the station. On the platform stood two people. The black-haired stranger immediately attracted attention.

Even without hearing what she was saying, the active gestures could tell that she was extremely dissatisfied with something. Next to her was a guy in a hat. He handed the tickets to the guide and carefully removed his hat. The surprise was the similarity between these two. Looking at them once, it was immediately possible to say that they were relatives. 

Moreover, they were like two peas in a pod. Black hair the color of Raven's wing, same height, snub-nosed noses, outlines of persons and even the shape of the lips. After checking the tickets, the conductor let a couple inside the train. As soon as the strangers were out of sight, all desire to look out the window disappeared. Again looking away from the window, the guy dropped the booklet on his knees.

"Швидше, Янє (Quickly)", said the girl, pushing the guy forward but he just smiled, not even trying to argue with your companion. 

There were not many people in the car, but these two were able to attract attention from the first second. 

"Що ти (What are you)... ". don't have time to talk to girl when her brother brought her index finger to her lips, thereby showing that you need to shut up. The girl flinched in surprise, raising his gaze into the eyes of a satellite. There was silence for a few seconds.

"Одягайся (Get dressed)", the black-haired guy said, and took two identical snow-white jumpers from his bag. The girl began to be indignant so that all her words were clearly audible in every corner of the car. From this it was clear that the school uniform angered her even more than the current situation.

 After a while the jumper was wearing, and the couple sat on the nearest free places. Sighing heavily, the stranger leaned back in her seat and indifferently looked around the space: there were very few people, and the conditions did not please with special comfort. 

The mountain wind howled through the open window, and the sun, though shining brightly, did not warm at all. The woman's eyes rested on a guy sitting nearby in splendid isolation. Its shape was similar to the one recently with the same reluctance I had to pull her. The only difference was the wide blue stripes. 

Look," the girl jabbed his brother in the shoulder when he threw the bags upstairs. 

The boy, stretched out like a string, looked down at his sister and closely followed her gaze. Him too? This question related to the clothes of a stranger sitting by the window. He was wearing the same white jumper, but the stripe on the jumper and his pants were blue. It was immediately evident. 

"Apparently", said his brother, without interest, taking a sitting position opposite his relative. The fact that these three were from the same school, it was clear the beginning, yet both of these guys is of interest is not aroused, but Horny.

She rose to her feet and walked a few rows forward, stopping in front of the stranger and looking at him with confidence. Approaching girls was noticeable by the peripheral vision. As soon as she got to her feet, somewhere in the depths of the doomed guy creaked upset string. 

"Don't tell me you got into this shithole, too." Not showing your face, not a drop of irritation or resentment the guy raised his gaze. As you see.

"Russian?" the girl asked in surprise and immediately grinned. A chuckle escaped from his mouth. 

 "I don't remember your face. Your parents aren't rich, are they? How did you get accepted to school?" The guy swallowed the insult, noting to himself that he was studying the list of students enrolled.

Although, unlike him, girl, as it became clear from its words, explored the only rich enrolled. The guy with a slight sigh he looked at the window. It seemed as if the train began to go even faster. Landscapes were replaced so quickly that after them there were only silhouettes.

"In this school, the importance of students is measured by their skills, not their parents ' wallets." Girl was stunned. Not only that, his words sounded arrogant, so he also dared to take my eyes off her. Looking down at the men's pants, she immediately drew a parallel of color and faculty at the school. 

"Political science?", she asked, pursing her lips. "That you knew in this area your skills without relations is worthless. Compared to kids whose parents have big wallets, you'll be at the bottom of the career ladder." The guy looked at the Ukrainian for a moment. His gaze was fixed only for a couple of seconds, but the genuine confidence with which he looked at the girl caused a stupor. But I will achieve it on their own, and not in bed, relatives or money dear old dad — a light smirk appeared on his lips. 

Considering that in the future these two should study in walls of one institution it was possible to begin to keep the account. The girl opened her mouth indignantly. She sighed several times and exhaled, as if trying to find the words. 

 "What did you just say?!", the girl was going to continue to make a scene like at the same time to her back came brother. Clamped his hand over the woman's mouth, he forced his sister to him.

 "Excuse me", calmly told the guy, not allowing the girl to escape from her grasp, "she's very impulsive. Russian only nodded. He was cool with hot-tempered people. Besides, looking at that family, once there is some sympathy for the older brother.


When you go up to the mountains, it often becomes difficult to breathe from the liquefied and clean air. The virginity of nature fascinates more and more students of the elite boarding school every year. The international school APSIS opens the doors for new people who are ready to fully surrender to it for three years... that was the first line of the brochure. The center of the school was a Gothic-style castle, which was founded in 1772. Until the beginning of the last century, this building served as a Seminary, after which it was closed. School became what it is now, just a decade ago. 

The nearest town — a small village, the flow of which come from the necessary food and basic necessities. On the huge school grounds gathered students who came from all over the world. Different dialects and appearance, colorful speech, drowning out one another. More than a hundred students who formed an incredible flavor. 

 Whispering among themselves, they discussed all the rumors, stories that managed to find out somewhere. Not having studied here a day, they already knew about many celebrities who studied here.

 Finding his girlfriend in the crowd, many girls began to squeak with happiness and rushing through the streams of people, knocking them down, hugging each other. Many of the first-year students, who had no friends, crowded around the gate, fingering brochures in their hands. The crowd was getting bigger and bigger. Taxis followed each other, passing along a narrow mountain road.

"Punctuality above all, gentlemen!" a pleasant male voice was heard from the steps of the castle. He was a tall boy of eighteen, with dark brown hair pulled back, green eyes, a straight nose, and a poisonous grin. He stood at the very first step, his hands in his pockets. Glancing at the wall clock, he waited for the second hand to rise. It is worth noting that the guy was quite spectacular and alluring. 

 Freshmen, as if spellbound, closely watched his every movement. As soon as the voice of this guy sounded like everyone was silent at once. Having finished their conversations, the students parted, creating a road from the steps of the school and to the old rusted fountain, spitting water. A kind of red carpet. 

 "Close", calmly said the guy, then raised his hand up, thereby giving the silent order to act staff. The gate, not letting a dozen people standing outside, closed with a nasty lingering creak. The disciples who remained outside the gate froze in light shock. Someone started to shout, but after a couple of seconds when the guards menacingly approached the gate, all the disturbances subsided.

 Congratulations, many of you took your first test - the guy took a step forward, down one step down. – The test was to arrive at school on time. Welcome to "APSIS"! The crowd burst into applause, because who did not know, the first and most important thing for any self-respecting person — punctuality. The guys who remained outside the gate stood in bewilderment. However, those who remained inside the school grounds were undoubtedly happy.

"Look, look, it's him!"

"The rumors are true, he's handsome." 

 "The best student, what else to say!" "For anyone who doesn't already know', the stranger continued, forcing the first-year students to fall silent at once,  "my name is Stefan Loen. I am a senior student, a member of the student Council and the best student of the school. But now not about this. I think you all know a lot about this school, its prestige and importance. This place is not just for the future generation, it is for new talents, new geniuses and a new social elite.

 If you want to stay here — you'll have to live up to the school's image. Students who were late even for the opening ceremony, showed blatant disrespect for the school, which is why from now on they are expelled. The boys and girls behind the gate heard the speech perfectly. No one warned them that they might be expelled for being late."

Moreover, no one was interested in the reason for the delay — it was entirely your fault. That's what Stefan wanted to say with those words and he did it. The guys outside the gate snickered. They could not even oppose something, because the rules of the school are the law. So, get to those who today still managed to come pretty smile, Stefan took his hands out of his pockets and slammed them, changing the atmosphere.

 "Congratulations to all the first years. If you are here — it means that you have coped brilliantly with the exams. Note, not only the school, all the professionals of the world expect more from you. Now I'm going to ask you to go to your rooms. You can look around. There's dinner tonight, and the lineup starts tomorrow morning. I urge you to follow the schedule specified in the booklets, and in time to perform all described there. That's all, good luck."

There was another round of applause. The girls started shouting something. Some tried to hide their blush with their hands, some could not take their eyes off Stefan because of admiration, and someone ignored this farce and went to the hostel. One of those, whom this speech not moved by, was the kind the most couple, consisting of brother and sister. 

 Abruptly turned around, they confidently went to the hostel. In this crowd, among strangers, the guy who came to this remote place from Russia, froze on the spot, considering the booklet in his hands. Initially, he wanted to go to the hostel, but the goal has changed. 

His luggage was supposed to deliver tomorrow, and it meant that the rush to the hostel just did not make sense. Going around the main building, which was a huge four-storey Gothic building, the guy began to explore the neighborhood.

 The campus was really big. School has been in the mountains and because, from all sides was surrounded they. The street smelled pleasantly fresh, which did not go in comparison with the musty smell of the city. Passing through those paths linking the Playground and a small Park made for walking students, the guy couldn't help but feel like arrived at the nursing home.

Much more excitement he caused the forests in the district and the cleft between the mountains. During the sunset, the sun seemed to descend, gradually hiding its rays. Realizing that at this walking pace he walks for an hour, the guy went back to the main building. Climbing the steps, the fair-haired man noted the silence in the area. The main building was a real castle from fairy tales. 

 The entrance was made in the form of wooden double doors with twisted patterns and metal handles. Once inside, the first thing you could see was a wide staircase covered with a green carpet on top. On the right and left were numerous corridors leading to classrooms. The first two floors were given for the benefit of science and were classes, and the last two housed various halls, lecture halls and passages to dormitories. 

 The wide staircase leading to the second floor was only the first step. Going along the corridor you could find an exit to the staircase leading much higher. The guy was in no hurry to find his bedroom. He happily considered the place where the next three years, he had to live. The room in which he was to stay was on the third floor of the hostel. The other floors belonged to different years of training.

Finding the right door, the guy made sure to enter correct numbers on his personal booklet and on the door itself. The excitement of the upcoming meeting with the roommate passed by itself. Opening the door, he confidently stepped forward, preparing immediately welcome a new friend.

"Good..." the guy stopped in mid-sentence. 

Opposite him, in the center of the room, was a Ukrainian who was riding with him on the same train. To another meeting these two treated as something quietly.

 The impression was that both at this moment swept only one question: "Seriously?"

  "Good", said the Ukrainian, welcoming. He confidently stepped forward and stretched out his hand and said "my name is Yan". The Russian guy who entered the room was a little surprised, but still shook hands.

"Vlad, nice to meet you."

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