Elijah's P.O.V
I took my car keys and was about to open the door when a familiar voice made me stop.
"And where do you think you're going?" My dad said emotionlessly as usual.
"I need to see someone" I said with the same tone as I thought of how Alex. Ever since that day at her house, I tried to talk to her but she just kept on avoiding me.
"Have you finished organizing the files I left for you in the study room?" He said again and I turned around, facing him. He was in his usual business attire as I had to keep myself from punching his emotionless face.
"What files?" I asked. "I've done them" I answered after I remembered.
"Who do you want to see? I hope it's not that girl!" He said shoving his hands in his pocket as I clenched my jaw.
"She has a name and I don't remember you caring about anywhere I went or who I'm visiting" I said coldly.
"I'm your father! You can't talk to me like that!" He raised his voice at me and I smirked.
"My father? You are not my father, you're just a a man that contributed in giving birth to me because as far as I know, you're not and will never be my father" I snapped and left the house without waiting to see his reaction. I opened the door to my car and zoomed of to the restaurant that Alex worked.
Alexandrea's P.O.V
My hands turned cold and I sat opposite Danny. A cold smirk grew on his face as he leaned forward on his chair.
"You're more beautiful than I thought" he said as his eyes raked my face, wandering to my chest. I folded my hands to cover my chest and his eyes snapped back up to meet mine.
"What do you want?" I said confidently trying to hide the fact that I was scared.
"Honestly, nothing. I just wanted to scare your boyfriend a little and confirm that I know you" he replied learning back on his chair as he smirked. My hand returned to my lap under the table as my fingers begin to shake. My boyfriend? What is he talking about?
"Who are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend" I asked as a look of confusion filled my face.
"Oh? He never told you about me?" He raised an eyebrow and laughed cruelly "I'm sure you don't want even know what he does for a living, do you?" He asked me and I became more confused. Could it be Eli? Or Nick? Or Eddy? Or Luke? I'm so lost right now.
"What are you talking about? I'm confused!" I raised my voice a little, getting frustrated.
"I'm talking about-"
"Alex!" A familiar voice cut him off as he appeared in front of me. Nick's eyes met Danny's and it turned a dark green, almost black with hatred. "What are you doing here? This was not our deal!" He growled in a deep cold voice making me shiver unknowingly. They knew each other? Could it be him Danny was talking about?
"Calm down Nicky, I just decided to pay her a little visit and you know.... get to know more about each other" Danny smirked as he said in a mocking voice, obviously satisfied with the fact that he was pissing Nick off.
"Stay the fuck away from her and everybody else, they have nothing to do with this" He said clenching his jaw so hard I'm worried it might dislocate.
"What if I don't? " Danny dared as he glanced at me. I averted my gaze from his and stared at my shoes. My mind was hazy from all the questions I wanted to ask. Was he the one Danny was referring to? How are they related? How did he get here? How did he know Danny was here? What deal? Why am I involved? And most importantly, what does he do for a living?
"Try me, I'll make sure I detach every bin in your body from it's sockets" Nick threatened darkly. The whole restaurant was looking at the commotion unleashing between the two. Nick noticed this and dragged me out of the restaurant as Danny followed. We walked into an ally and I was too scared to utter a word.
"You shouldn't make such threats now Nicky, it could cost you" Danny smirked and grabbed my arm painfully, pulling me to his side. Nick's eyes softened as he looked at me and it turned to a cold glare as he looked back at Danny. My arm was hurting from how tight Danny was holding me and it reminded me so much of someone. Too much.
"You're hurting her, leave her alone"Nick growled as he glared at Danny's tight hold on my arm which made Danny hold me tighter. I winced as tears stream down my eyes in pain. I bit my lower lip as I tried to push the memories of the familiar person to the back fo my mind.
Before I could process what was going on, Danny was laying on his back on the ground as Nick sat on him, repeatedly punching him. My arm stung from the pain and I cowered back in fear as Nick kept on punching him. Danny gained a few hits at Nick but that was it, Nick just kept on punching him.
"Nick!!! Nick, stop!!" I yelled in fear. Danny was no longer moving but he was breathing. I ran over to Nick and tried to get a hold of his arm that kept connecting with Danny's face. "Nick please!! He's going to die!"I cried and he stopped mid air as he was about to land another punch on Danny's bloody face.
He looked at me, then at Danny who laid on the floor with a swollen face and a cruel smile. "Done yet?" Danny spat out as he groaned in pain. Nick looked at his bloody knuckle as he stood up slowly, staggering slightly, from Danny's body. The sight in front of me reminded me so much of Axel, so much that I just couldn't take it.
Nick staggered backwards as I stared at him, wide eyed. He looked so familiar with the way he hit Danny. He looked at me again and for once, he didn't guard his emotions. He looked so vulnerable as I stared back at him. He took a step forward and all I could see was Axel as I took a step backwards. Hurt shone in his eyes before it quickly turned emotionless again. I shook my head in disbelief and left the alley.
Was this how Axel was when he was our age? Is this how he beat people up? What if Nick turned out like him? What if he hit me too one day? I thought as I walked back to the restaurant. I'm done with my work for today, this is too much for me. I felt a hand grab my arm and I jerked back in fear as I turned swiftly. It was Nick and I snatched my arm from his grasp then continued walking, aware that he was following me.
"Don't! Just don't, okay?" I cut him off hoarsely in a shaky voice. He stood in my front, blocking my way.
"Listen to me-"
"No!! Just leave me alone!!" I almost yelled as I placed my hand on his chest and tried to push him out of my way. He didn't budge and I almost screamed in frustration as I begun to hit him in anger. "What if you killed him? What if he died? You're a monster!! You're just like him!!" I yelled as I continuously hit his chest.
He held my hand in place and stopped them from hitting him as he tried to pull me in a hug but I just kept on struggling till I couldn't anymore. He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me to his chest as he rubbed my back. His bloody hands would have stained me by now. "You're just like him" I kept muttering in a daze. I couldn't think straight.
"It's okay, I'm... I'm sorry" he muttered comfortingly as he placed his chin on my head. I closed my eyes, relishing the feeling of being pressed against his chest and inhaled his scent. He pulled away and I opened my eyes back but I couldn't meet his gaze. I just stared at the ground as I fiddled with the wrist of my cloth.
"Alex" he called as he used a finger to list my chin up to meet his eyes. "Promise me you'll stop working at that restaurant" he said.
"What? No!" I blatantly disagreed. Why would he just ask me to quit the one thing that makes me happy? He does not control me!
"It's for your safety! Trust me, something like this will happen again so I need you to stay away from that restaurant" he said as he starts to raise his voice.
"I don't care! Why can't I just make my own decisions for once? I'm not quitting! I work there because that's the one thing I love doing and that's the only thing that keeps me sane!" I yelled at him.
He didn't say anything, he just dragged me to the driveway and towards my car. He stood in front of my car and tried to open it.
"Keys?" He said and I scoffed and folded my arms across my chest.
"No!" I said.
"Listen! This is for your own good! Why must you so damn hard headed all the time?" He yelled in frustration.
"I'm hard headed?" I scoffed "What is this? What am I being protected from? How do you guys know each other? I'm so confused" I yelled back.
"Don't start this again!" He growled and I scoffed.
"Start what? Maybe if you just learn to explain why you do certain things and what the hell you do for a living, this won't be happening!" I yelled at him.
"Why do you want to know so bad? What is your problem? Threaten me? Huh? It is my business! My life! Not yours! And I don't give a damn if you get hurt again because I warned you! You just seem to take bad luck everywhere you go!" He yelled back at me and I jolted back as if I had just been hit by something. My eyes were getting teary again.
"Because you're my friend!" I said calmly in a shaky voice trying to keep the tears from streaming down my cheek.
"I don't need your friendship! Not from someone like you! You can't even get a hold of yourself and you're bothering me! You're just so annoying! Just leave!" He threw his hands about in anger as he yelled. I flinched and nodded slowly.
I unlocked my car and held the handle as I looked back. He was gone. I opened the door and entered my car as I locked it immediately. I just sat in my seat rethinking everything that Nick said.
I should stay away from him, I always end up crying with him. I rest my head on the steering and cried my eyes out. I hate him. I hate him so fucking much. I started the car and zoomed home. On my way, I saw a familiar car on my way, Eli's car, going towards the restaurant. He didn't seem to notice me and I was too numb to care.
I entered the house and closed the door behind me. I could hear my mom's voice from the room as she called my name but I couldn't answer. My mind was just blank and I felt numb.
"Alex, are you okay?" She asked as she came out of her room looking worried.
"Fine" I muttered and walked up the stairs.
"Did you get the things in the list from the grocery store?" She asked and I stopped in my tracks. Shit! I forgot.
"I'm so sorry, I forgot, I'll get them soon, I just need to rest a bit" I explained monotonously as she passed me a worried look but nodded. I shut the door of my room as I entered and collapsed on my bed tiredly. I stripped out of my clothes and cuddled up in the sweater from my grandma after showering on my bed.
I decided to take a nap and hopefully, I would forget and my whole life would be a dream.
Nicholas's P.O.V
"Nick? Is that you?" Gran asked from the kitchen as she heard me enter the house.
"Yes Gran" I answered as I closed the door behind me. She came back last night and I couldn't be more thankful because I've had enough of burnt pancakes and over-seasoned pasta.
Guilt was eating me up but I ignored it and told myself that I did nothing wrong. I exhaled loudly and walked into my room, closing the door behind me as I stripped off to take a cold shower. I scrubbed my skin to get rid of the blood. The blood of that asshole.
Alex's face flashed in my mind as I changed into sweats and laid on my bed. I remembered how terrified she looked when I hit Danny, she was so afraid of me and kept on repeating the same sentence as I tried to calm her down. You're a monster, you're just like him.
This made me even more curious about her. Who is 'he'? Who is the person she was talking about? I hissed feeling the need to blow off some steam and went to lock my door as I grabbed a Cigar. I opened the windows so the room won't be filled with smoke as I grabbed a lighter and lit the Cigar. I took a long drag and blew it out slowly feeling all the stress go away. I closed my eyes and took another drag then exhale, allowing the smoky air out of my mouth.
I ran my hand through my hair as I thought of what I had done, I had messed up. Big time. I was never supposed to hit Danny, especially not when he has something he can use against me. Actually, a lot of things. I need to get rid of him without Venom suspecting anything. I can't bear the risk of anyone knowing that for a living, I-
"Nico!" Zoey's voice yelled through the door and I flinched. Alex's face flashed briefly in my mind as I remembered the night she called me Nico. I stood up quickly and quenched the Cigar then threw it in the bin. I put on the standing fan at the side of my room to clear away the smoky air.
"Nick? Nick!!" She knocked again and I smelled myself to make sure I didn't smell like Cigar.
"Yeah? I'm coming" I replied as I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth swiftly. Then I came out them opened the door for Zoey.
"Sheesh, what took you so long?" She complained as she stared at me and I chuckled nervously.
"Why are you here?" I asked as she started to shuffle on her feet.
"Um...I'm going out with a...uh friend" she said as she avoided my gaze and I narrowed my eyes at her in a suspicious gaze.
"A friend? Is it Bex or...or Alex" I said and felt a pang in my chest as I said her name. I felt so guilty that I have to hold myself from going over to her place to apologise. "If it's Alex, she's not in a good mood right now" I said and she looked at me raising an eyebrow.
"How would you know?" She said and I gulped.
"I...I bumped into her today and she told me she was not okay" I lied, silently praying she'd believe me. She didn't.
"Oh? Where did you bump into her? And where was she going? " She said suspecting me.
"What is the name of your friend?" I fired back and she widened her eyes and looked down again, shuffling at her feet.
"It's a guy and um..." She trailed off.
"Hm.....Okay, just tell Gran and be back before six. " I said and she shot me a grin before leaving my room immediately. I heard the front door slam and I guessed that was her leaving. I dressed up and prepared for my job. I put my gun and pocket knife in my jeans and used my shirt to cover it. I walked out of my room and saw Gran struggling with the TV remote.
"Nick?" She glanced at me and I smiled at her.
"Yeah?" I answered and pretended a if I didn't know why she was calling me.
"Can you help me change the channel? I'm kind of troubled watching this channel" she glanced at the TV and two wrestlers were tackling each other.
"What if I don't...." I trailed off with a smile as I playfully placed a finger under my chin like I was thinking of something and she glared at me.
"Nicholas Hunter, there will be no food for you tonight" she declared.
"Okay, fine" I rolled my eyes playfully and took the remote. I changed the channel and she eventually asked me to stop when they started to show a 90s movie. I kissed her forehead and left. When Zoey and Gran asked about my car, I told them the same thing I told Alex which was that I sold it. I passed an alley because it was a shortcut to where I work.
I dashed into a corner and saw the familiar abandoned building as I checked my surroundings carefully before entering the building making sure no one saw me.
Alexandrea's P.O.V
My ringtone woke me up as I groaned and checked the caller. It was Maria. I checked the time on my phone and realized that I slept for a long time. 7:44pm.
"Hello?" I said as I put the phone on speaker.
"Alex? Alex!!! You need to come over right now!" She rushed as she panicked and her voice was somehow hoarse as if she was crying. I began to panic.
"What's going on? Where are you?" I asked as I put on a blue sweats under the sweater I slept with.
"It's the Chef!!! Hurry!!! I don't know what to do.. I think..I think..." She hiccuped and I grabbed my keys and begun to run down the stairs with my phone.
"Mom, there's something wrong at work!! I need to go!!" I yelled and didn't wait for an answer before sprinting towards my car. "Maria, you need to calm down. What is going on? Explain to me." I said as I tried to avoid sounding panicked.
"I think...the Chef.....I think he's dead"
Writer: Hello sweethearts,
So how was it? I'm afraid this book will be put on hold till I'm done with my exams. I just felt like I should publish this chapter before putting it on hold. Oh and Happy New Month to y'all.
Alex: You made me so miserable in this chapter!!
Bex: You didn't even mention me!
Zoey: Thank you writer, good luck with your exams!
Writer: Thank you Zo. Bex, your over dramatic self was not needed and Alex, at least I mentioned you!
Alex and Bex: But- *writer snaps fingers and they disappear*
Writer: *faces the audience* Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and follow! I love y'all so much and don't ever forget that! Enjoy!!
*Eddy, Eli and Zoey are seen, hanging upside down from the ceiling with duct tape on their mouths and hands tied at their backs*
Zoey: *to the writer* So you're just going to leave them there till you are done with your exams?
Writer: Yup. Bye. *Disappears and Zoey disappears after some time*
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