Prologue: Meeting Chaos I.

3rd POV; The Land Of Darkness. 10:30 a.m.

A barren wasteland is seen as a pool of black slime in a dark red and purple land. A large paw emerges from within the slime and a gradually crawls out, slime sliding off of it and onto the ground.

The camera pans out to show several such pools and many Beowolves emerging. It pulls further and further out to show a mostly dark and desolate land made up of red ground, purple crystals, and a red and black clouded sky.

In the distant a castle is seen as it then turned to a wide shot reveals a large windowed room, at the center of which is a long purple, crystal table. There is a sound of a heavy metal door being unlatched. As a woman with deathly pale skin, black veins, with jet black sclera in her eyes, and glowing crimson irises, walked in with a small girl with a red dress walked in with her, holding her hand. She then walked to the end of the table and teat down. The girl walked close to her and she smiled. The woman then grabbed her with a smile on her face and she placed her on her lap, as she smiled.

Just then both of them heard the sound of the door opening as three figures walked in revealing Tyrian, Hazel, and another child right behind them.

The small girl quickly looked at the child and the woman placed her on the floor, as she quickly started to run to the child. The child then smiled as extended his arms, and he hugged her. He then petted her head.

Boy: (smiled) "Hey Cinder have you been a good girl?"

He said as he looked at her. The girl smiled as she looked at him.

Cinder: "YEP! Cinder has been a good girl, Big brother!"

Boy: "Good." (walked passed Tyrian, and Hazel and bows down, as the other two do the same.) "Everything is done Queen."

Woman: (sigh as she looked at him.) "What did I tell you about calling me that Y/n?"

The boy looked at Hazel and he simply nodded his head. The Y/n then turned his attention toward the woman again, as the girl got on her lap and she smiled.

Y/n: "Sorry about that... Mother." (He sigh as he looked a bit embarrassed.)

The woman smiled as she looked at the other two right behind him. She then looked at Hazel as she petted Cinder's head.

Woman: "Hazel what can you tell me?"

Hazel: (he then responded as he bowed his head, without looking at her.) "Some Heroes tried to get in our way but thanks to Young Master Y/n. They were quickly taken care of Ms.Salem."

Salem: (slowly turned her attention towards Tyrian.) "And you Tyrian?"

Tyrian: (smiled maniacal as he looked at her.) "Well my Goddess they are starting to get more bold. Like a hero recently killed four bystanders just to kill a villain. But thanks to little brother he killed him."

As he said that Y/n got annoyed as his fingers twitch. But nevertheless he kept his composure. But it didn't go unnoticed by Salem.

Salem: "I see... Then you may go?" (Looked at Y/n.) "But you stay?"

As the other two left Y/n got up as he clenched his fist. Salem then looked at Cinder how had fallen asleep.

Salem: "I know that you want to help. But at the moment you cant."

Y/n: "I know but..." (He sigh as he looked at her.) "Sorry Mother but I have to get some fresh air. I'm heading to the forest?"

Salem: (nodded at him.) "I understand... !? Oh before i forget please come back to me later?"

He nods as he snapped his fingers, he open a portal and he left throw it, it then closed as Salem sigh with a sad expression.

Salem: "I know that you want to do the right thing, but not right know. You can't Y/n." (looked out the window.) "Damn Heroes how many lives must you scarifies for you own goals."

With the moon chinning throw the window she turns her attention back at Cinder how was fast asleep. She then got up and she walked away with her in hand.

Time skip Tai's Home 11:30 a.m.

Inside the house as the camera moved up the stair's. It quickly cut's to the hallway. Their is brief silence until it was broken by the sound of a door opening. As the door open Tai came out of the room, with his hands covered in blood, and bruises. He then took a moment to catch his breath as he then walked away.

Meanwhile in side the room a 10 year old Yang, and a 9 year old Ruby are on the floor next to each other bloodied, bruised, and covered in several injuries.

(N/A: Yes I know. I decided to make Ruby a year older.)

Ruby struggled to speak as she extended her left arm reaching to Yang.

Ruby: "S-Sis." (said sounding weak from all the beating. She then grabbed her arm softly as Yang tightened her arm.) "Are you okay?" 

Yang: (nodded her head. As she spoke in a weak tone.) "Y-Yes... you."

Ruby: (with tears in her eyes, and terrified.) "We have to get out of hire."

Yang: (looked at her and nodded.) "Tonight."

Time skip 12:20 a.m. Deep in the Forest.

Meanwhile deep in the forest  Tai was looking around his surroundings, as he looked agitated.

Tai: (shouted as he looked at his surrounding with an evil smile.) "You two BETTOR come back!?" (looked to the left, and right.) "Because if I find you, it will be worse for YOU!"

He then hit a bush as he smiled but he found nothing. And turns to look at a different spot.

Tai: "Don't make me find you!" (his smiled darken.)"Hehe. You're Mother's would be so disappointed at you." (said sarcastically.)

As he said that  Yang, & Ruby were trying their best  to not make a noise, as Tai looked around. Yang was holding Ruby's arm as they were hiding behind a bush. They then looked at each other as their was a deep silence. But at that moment Yang was forcefully grabbed by her hair and lifted up. She then looked at the person and she started to tear up, as Tai was holding her with a smile on his face.

Tai: "I found you! I told you to not go! Wait till we get home! But first." 

He then started to beat her up without mercy, as he held her with one arm. He slapped her several times and trow her to the ground and kicked her. Ruby then tried to stop him but he simply slapped her across the face.


Yang: (started coughing, and said with a weak voice.) "L-L-Leave her... alone."

He then lifted her up to his level, and smiled evilly thinking of what to do next.


Ruby: "Please! Leave her alone!" (she then said in her mind, as she looked at Yang with tears in her eyes.) "Some one! Anyone please help us!" (she then took a deep breath, and called out.) "Some one please help!"

Tai smirked and looked at her, and turned his attention back at Yang. He then lifted her up even more. Ruby simply continued calling out for help, with tears in her eyes......

At that moment Yang fell to the ground as the tree beside Tai feel to the ground. With a small BOOM echoing throw the forest. Tai still had his smirk and as he looked at Yang he looked at his arms, and he noticed that his arms was gone.

Tai: "What the!" (got scared as he looked at his cut arm.) "MY ARM! MY ARM! MY ARM!"

As the blood spilled to the grass he held his arm in pain. He then looked at the tree and he noticed that the tree had a sword that was stuck on it. The pain then got worse.

Voice: (from the darkness.) "You call your self a Huntsmen. That's quite a stupid title."

He then turned around and he noticed a boy walking out of the darkness, and holding a sword. The boy looked at him with a series yet bored look in his face.

Tai: (in pain, agitated and annoyed.)"H-How the hell are YOU!?"

He said as he looked at the boy, but the boy didn't respond. Tai then looked at him with a cold sweat and he got even more annoyed. He then tried to attacked him with his good arm but.


(just imagine the boy doing that to Tai and the back ground is just trees.)

The boy simply slapped him across the face with great strength like nothing. Tai was send crashing through some trees with only stooping at the fourth tree he hit. As the smoke cleared he noticed that Tai was unconscious, as he held his sword.

Ruby's Voice: "Yang! Yang! Please wake up!?"

He then turned to Ruby and he noticed how badly she along with Yang was beaten up. More Yang then Ruby. The sword then disappeared  and he walked to the girls. He then looked at Yang, and Ruby looked at him with tears in her eyes.

Ruby: "Please can you save her?"

He took a moment to look at her and he got annoyed just by looking at Tai.

Boy: (at Tai.) "Sick bastard." (looked at Ruby.) "I can save her. But are you sure?"

Ruby: (looked at Yang with a series look, and nodded.) "Please."

He then picked Yang up bridal style, as a dark portal open up behind him, and he looked at her.

Boy: (turned to the portal.) "You can come with me. Unless  you want the heroes to find you?"

He then walked in to the portal with Yang. Ruby took a moment and she looked at Tai with anger in her eyes.

Ruby: "I will make you pay, I swear."

She then walked in to the portal and it closed, leaving Tai to bleed out.

Time Skip, Salem Castle 8:40 a.m. Yang POV.

It was dark. To dark. I cant see anything, or hear anything. So many things started to rush throw my head. Was I dead? Was this hell? But as I looked at the darkness I started hearing the voice of a girl crying, and I knew how that voice belong to.

Yang: (raised her voice.) "Ruby!"

I then closed my eyes.... My body started to feel comfortable, and as I open my eyes. I took a moment to get adjusted to the room, and I noticed that I was in a big room. I also noticed that I was in a large bed, but more importantly I noticed that Ruby was sleeping right next tome.

Ruby: (whispered to her self.) "Yang."

I then petted her head as I smiled at her, just looking at her made me fell happy, and she started to wake up. Just knowing that she was safe was enough for me, and that made me happy. But then came the biggest question. How did I get hire?

3rd POV

Ruby then woke up and she scratched her eyes, but as she did she noticed that Yang was awake.

Ruby: (teared up and smiled.) "SIS!"

She then tackled  Yang to the bed and she hugged her.

Ruby: "You're awake! You're awake! I was so worried!"

Yang smiled as she looked at her sister, but she then noticed that Ruby's body was wrapped in bandages on her body.

Ruby: (looked at Ruby's body.) "Ruby are you okay?"

Ruby gently pulled back and she smiled as she looked at her and nodded with a big smile on her face. As she was going to continue her questioning someone knocked on the door.

They then looked at the door and as the door open, the boy that saved them walked in holding two plates of food in both hands. And right behind him was a small girl with a red dress, that closed the door as she entered the room.

They then approached them as the girl remained behind him, holding the back of his shirt.

Boy: (looked at the girl's) "Are you two okay?"

Yang was hesitant as she didn't know the boy. She didn't respond as she looked at the boy right in front of him.

Ruby: (smiled and nod at him.) "Yes thank you for helping my Sister."

He then smiled and he handed her two plates of soup to the girls. The girls looked at the food as their stomach started grumbling. 

Boy: (smiled and seat down at a chair that was close to him) "This is for the two of you. Just be careful it's still hot."

When the girl's looked at the food they were left speechless as they looked at the food. They then took a bite of the food, and as they did they started to cry.

Boy: (looked at them worried.) "Are you two okay?"

They both nodded they then tried their tears and he smiled.

Ruby: "I'm sorry I-I just cant stop crying." (said with a smile in her face.) "No one has ever showed kindness to us, when we were with him." (started to cry with a smile.)

The Boy and Yang smiled as Ruby cried Yang touched the back of her head. A bit later when they were finished with the soup Ruby was relaxing as she looked at the girl, and smiled at her.

Yang: "If you don't mind me asking?" (looked at the boy.) "Where are we?"

Female Voice: "You are in my castle child."

They then looked to the door and as they did they noticed a woman looking at them, revealed to be Salem. She then approached them, but the two girls got scared as they looked at her appearance. She then stopped at the boys side.

Boy: (looked at the woman.) "Hey Mother."

Salem looked at the boy and she petted his head. She then looked at the two girls and she smiled at them. But they looked away to afraid to say anything.

Salem: "Hello children my name is Salem. And it's a pleasure to meet you."

The girls lowered their head to afraid to speak. As Salem looked at the two girls, she sigh as she petted the two girls head gently. Which caught them by surprise, as the slowly looked at her.

Salem: (smile.) "It's okay. No one is going to hurt you. I promise."

As they looked at Salem they started to cry, tears of joy. Because ever sins their mothers died they had only known pain, and sadness. But right now for the first time they were actually felling happy.

A bit later when Ruby, and Yang  were more relaxed around Salem. The boy got up from the chair, he was going to walk away. But Yang softly grabbed his right arm, he then looked at her.

Yang: (looked at the boy and blushed.) "Wait please!? Can you tell us your name. Please."

She then released her grip and she placed her arm, on her chest and smiled.

Yang: "My name is Yang..." (took a moment before responding.) "...B-Branwen. And please don't call me Xiao Long."

Ruby: (looked at the boy, and blushed.) "M-My n-n-name is R-Ruby Rose."

The boy smiled as he looked at them. Yang, and Ruby blushed as they looked at his smile.

Boy: "My name is (Y/n)."

He then grabbed the girl that was on his back, and he broth her to the front.

Y/n: "This is Cinder Fall, my sister but not by blood. She was brought by my mother. So please play nice with her. Say hello Cinder?"

The two girls smiled at her but she quickly blushed and she got behind Y/n, and held the back of his shirt. With a small blush on her face, and looking away. Which cost Salem, and Y/n to sigh and smile at her.

He then extended his arm at Salem.

Y/n: "And this is Salem, my mother and the Queen of this castle?"

The girls then got surprised at what he said.

Ruby: (eyes widen and looking at Salem.) "So if she is the Queen of the castle." (eyes sparkled and looked at Y/n.) "Does that make you a prince!?"

Salem: (crossed her arms, nodded her head and smiled.) "That is correct."

Before Y/n cued say anything Salem quickly cut his of and she responded.

Y/n: (looked at Salem and blushed, as he scratched the back of his head.) "Mom." (sigh.)

Salem then looked back at him as she smiled. He then smiled lightly as he looked at her.

Y/n: "Anyway I have to go." (looked at the girls.) "Get some rest you two?"

He then walked away as Cinder was right behind him. As the door closes Salem turned her attention back at the girls. How were still looking at the door the boy used to leave. She then frowned as she looked at them.

Salem: "I'm Sorry."

The girls looked at her with a look of confusion, and thinking why was she apologizing.

Ruby, Yang: (same time.) "Why are you apologizing Ms.Salem?"

Salem: (seat next to them, and looked to a white flower that was on the table.) "Back then I couldn't save your Mother's. But if I had the chance to save them I would have."

The girls looked at each other and then looked back at Salem. Ruby then responded as she looked at her.

Ruby: "Can you tell us what happen to our Mother's?"

Salem: (looked at Ruby with a bereft look in her face.) "Are you sure you want to know?"

Yang, Ruby: (bowed their heads.) "Please."

Salem: (silent and surprised.) "..... Okay."

They then seat next to her, with Ruby on her left, and Yang on her right. She then snapped her fingers as a Grimm that looked like a sphere, with tentacles appeared. It then emanating a glowing light. As that happen the girls were blinded.

As they open their eyes they noticed that the Grimm was showing them something from the past. It showed Summer, and Raven being killed at the hands of Heroes, and Huntsmen. The two girls looked as their Mother were held down. As Hero's used their Quirks, other's used their semblance to slowly punish them, by torturing them slowly and painfully. Meanwhile Ruby, and Yang saw as, Summer, and Raven called out for help only to have it fall on death's ears. The Grimm then stopped showing them what happened and it disappeared in to the darkness.

The girls still shocked looked at Salem with tears in their eyes. They then started to cry as Salem brought them close and she wrapped her arms around them. Embracing them in a hug as she rubbed the back of their heads. As they cried they looked at Salem and they noticed that she was crying but her tears we're red. Yang looked away and she walked to the wall. As her arms started to tremble her eyes turned red, and she punched the wall.


She then looked at a mirror and she noticed that her eyes we're red. And she looked at her arms. But she then calmed down as she felt Salem, and Ruby hugging her. 

Yang: (lowered her head.) "I-I'm sorry." (started to cry.)

Salem them embraced them both again and she calmed them down. She then let them continued crying until they felt satisfied....

Later as Ruby, and Yang we're still seating on the bed. Salem stood in front of them, she then gently grabbed their chins. Yang arms started to tremble, with her red eyes filled with anger, and with a series expression she looked at Salem. Ruby with her silver eyes and in pure anger she looked at Salem. As both of them clenched their fist.

Salem: (to Ruby, and Yang.) "Tell me what do you want?"

Ruby, Yang: "I... I want." (raised their voice.) "I want to make them pay! All of them! I want to make them all suffer! Like they did with my Mother! I want every last Hero! Every last Huntsmen! I want the power to make them PAY!"

Salem the smiled as she placed her hand on Yang's left cheek, and Ruby's right cheek.

Salem: "And you will my children. But first you have to get stronger. Then only then will you have the revenge you deserve."

Yang: (looked at Ruby and nodded. Then looked back at Salem.) "Then tell us what we have to do?" (Ruby nodded at her side.)

Salem"I'm glad you ask."

She clapped her hands two time and as she did, the door open and Hazel walked in. He then looked at the girl's with a stern look, and then back at Salem. Salem extended her arm at him, as she looked at the girl's.

Salem: "This is Hazel Rainart. If you still want to make this world pay. Then stay with us and serve under my Son."

Hazel: (crossed arms, and looked at the girls.) "Are you sure about this my Queen?"

He said but Yang, and Ruby stood in front of him.

Ruby, Yang: "Please train us!?"

He looked at Salem and she nodded. He then sigh as he looked at the two girl's.

Hazel: ".... Okay but it won't be easy. Are you prepared to be pushed to you're limits?" (both of them nodded. with a look of determination.) "Okay them." (turned to the door,and looked over his, shoulder at the girl's.) "I'll start preparing your training for tomorrow. I expect for you to give me a 110% percent?" (as the girl's nodded. He walked away with a smile on his face, and leaving them with Salem.)

Salem: (looked at the girls.) "Can I ask a favor of you?" (they both nodded.) "It's simple can you be friends with my son?" (as the girls smiled happily, Salem petted their heads and they blushed.)

Time Skip, Back Of The Castle: Garden Of Flowers.

As Ruby, and Yang along side Salem walked to the back of the castle. The girls got surprised as they noticed a garden filled with white flowers. Further ahead they noticed that Y/n was watering the flower with a relaxed smile on his face. They then ran toward's Y/n, with a full smile. Salem looked at the children and it made her extremely happy.

Salem: (talked to her self.) "You children are the hope of this world." 

Back to Y/n, Ruby got close to him.

Ruby: "Y/n what are you going to do? What are you planing for the future?" (she asked.)

Y/n: (turned to look at Ruby, and Yang.) "Simple. Every Hero, Huntsmen, and Huntress will know just how terrifying my power can bee." (looked at the moon.) "When I get stronger I will change this world for the bettor. And I will show them just how weak they truly are." (Cinder got near him.) "I will stop this cycle for pain and suffering. And when that is done the real heroes, and huntsmen will be free." (looked at the girls.) "I will make a world, where people won't have to fear fake Heroes, and Huntsmen. And I will set my Mother as their ruler."

As he said that Ruby, Yang, and Cinder nodded at him.

Ruby: "T-Then let us help you."

Y/n: (exchanging glances with Cinder, who shows her disapproval with a "Hmmph" before he turns back to Ruby) "Okay then."

Yang: "We won't let you down." (looked at Cinder, and smiled.)

Cinder: (stares at her and looked away, as she puff out her cheek's) "Hmmph."

Y/n noticed it and he smiled as he petted her head, which cost her to blush. They then started to smile and laugh as a chibi Cinder was playfully heating a chibi Y/n in the chest, as he looked away with a relaxed face.

Time skip 1:30 a.m. The Bottom Of The Castle

Late at night as Ruby, Yang, and Cinder were fast asleep. Salem along with Son was walking to the bottom of the castle. One's their they walked to a big open aria, with a big door in the middle. As they approached the door, it open and they walked inside. One's inside the aria around them changed and time and space became irrelevant. The blue sky reflected from the ground, but their was no breeze, and it was soothing. 

Y/n: "What is this place Mother?"

Salem: "This is a dimensional world that I created long before you were born. Time hire is different then the world outside. So this world should help you in your training."

Y/n: (tilted his head.) "Mom, what did you mean by 'Time' is different hire?"

Salem: "Simple time hire different 100 days in hire, is 3 days out said."

Y/n: "WHAT!? And I can really use this place?" (smiled at her.)

Salem: (smiled and nodded.) "Yes. Don't  think I don't notice how you fell. And besides  I still have one more gift for you."

Salem then walked to the front and as she looked at the blue sky, she outstretched her arms to the sky. As she did the sky turned a dark red, and the clouds darkened.

Salem: (raised her voice.) "Oh fallen warriors of days long gone please hear my call!"

At that moment three lights fell from the sky, and as they landed three pillars raised from the ground. Y/n looked as on top of the pillars one person was looking at him.

Female Voice 1: "Long time no see Salem."

Salem looked at her and she smiled.

Salem: "Long time no see Queen of Heroes, Gilgamesh."

Another appeared on the pillar and the clouds open on a circular motion as the person looked at Y/n but responded to Salem.

Female Voice 2: "Why did you summoned me hire? Grimm Queen."

Salem: "It is god to see the One Winged Angel again, or was it Sephiroth."

On the top of the third pillar a portal was sliced like if it cut throw a dimension, and one more person appeared. It then looked at Salem with a relaxed look.

Female Voice 3: "Foolishness. Why would you call me after I was resting."

The female looked at Salem and at Y/n. But Y/n was trying to relax and see what was going on.

Salem: "Yes I am sorry for waking you up. But I require you help with something important. Master Vergil."

All three of them looked at each other and then back at Salem.

Salem: "Soon this world will change and I will need your help in training my son."

They all looked at Y/n and he blushed as he was the center of attention.

Salem: "He has great strength, but he doesn't know how to control it. So I beseech you please train him?"

Vergil: (looked at Y/n.) "Steep forward?" (Y/n steeped forward.) "Tell me. Why do you want power."

Y/n: (looked at Vergil.) ".... Heroes are starting to hurt innocent people for their own games. I want to have the power to make them pay every last one of them."

Sephiroth: (looked at him.) "What are you going to do if someone far stronger then you appears. Will you run away, or will you fight?"

Y/n: (clenched his fist.) "I... I don't care how strong they are. I will never run or leave my friends behind."

Gilgamesh: "... What makes you think that we will train you?"

Y/n lowered his head and he then bowed down to them surprising Salem and the other three.

Y/n: "Please. I want to get stronger. I refuse to let the Heroes, Huntsmen, and Huntress do as they please. So I'm asking you all please train me." 

Their was a silence as Salem looked at her child with a worried expression. The other three looked at Y/n and they looked at each other. Y/n then got up and they looked at her expression, and they saw that he was series. Gilgamesh then looked at Salem.

Gilgamesh: "How long does he plan to train hire?"

Salem: (looked at her.) "Two weeks."

Gilgamesh: "I see. Then let's start we have a lot of training to do. And a lot to cover." (looked at Y/n.) "Don't think that will go easy on you."

Y/n nodded as he looked at them. Salem then approached him, and she smiled. She then gave him a hug.

Salem: "Good luck Y/n. I'll see you in Two weeks."

Y/n: (smiled.) "Yeah I'll see you in two weeks Mother."

As Salem walked away, Y/n summoned his sword. She then steeped out of the dimension. Vergil took out her sword, Sephiroth summoned her sword, and Gilgamesh open several portals that appeared behind her back. As the door slowly close she looked at Y/n one last time as the door close, leaving everything to fade to black.

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