Episode 1 Part 2/2 - And Than There Were Justice
A/N - I don't own Ace Attorney and Ben 10 franchises. They belong to their rightful owners, though my OCs that will appear in the story does belong to me.
"What?!" Ben blurted out. "In that case, use one of the aliens!"
"I... I..."
"Stop hesitating!" Ben called him out, "Just do it!"
"... FINE!" Apollo blurted out as he presses his watch, where a green flash suddenly engulfs him and his body drastically changed.
His appearance looks drastically different where he's no longer human. Instead, he is now a silicon-based life form made of super-hard, green/blue diamond-like material. His body is composed of durable pale green crystals. He has a sharp head, brown eyes and wore a red sleeveless uniform
"Wha-What?" Apollo blurted out in a very deep voice as he looks at himself.
"Woah! So cool!" Ben said cheerfully, "You actually look awesome!"
"Thanks... wait! This isn't the time!" Apollo realised as he rushes to his friends, but when he realised he's not going as fast he wanted, he decides to create a small diamond then he manages to create a crystal made board. "Perfect!"
"Woah!" Ben said with awe.
Apollo gets on the crystal board, though struggling a bit with his balance, but managed to steady himself as he flies off to the park.
"Holy moly... I... I gotta tell grandpa!" Ben muttered to himself as he rushes back to find his grandpa.
The gigantic 40-feet drone starts stomping around as it's searching for something. The civilians are running for their lives as the drone is shooting lasers at the people and damaging its surroundings with spawning smaller drones
Gumshoe, Simon, Ema and Phoenix are seen trying to escort the civilians, including the others such as Athena, Pearl and Larry.
"Oh god! We're all gonna die!" Larry cried in panic.
"You're not helping, Mr Butz!" Athena yelled him out.
"Wahhh!" Pearl cried in panic and fear as she's running with the others.
"Get a move on, everyone!" Ema yelled at everyone, and turns to Gumshoe, "GUMSHOE! Have you contacted the police force!?"
"I already did!" Gumshoe told her, "It will take a while!"
"We don't have time, you fool!" Simon called out.
"Wait, where's Trucy!?" Phoenix panicked, "Trucy! Where are you?!"
Phoenix turned around and sees Trucy has injured her leg as she's struggling to stand up. On closer inspection, her ankle got twisted by the panic the civilians caused. Trucy looks up to see the drone is getting closer and getting ready to shoot its laser, causing her to tear up in fear.
"TRUCY! NO!" Phoenix screamed as he runs as fast as he could to save her despite Simon trying to grab his sleeve, but fails.
However, something unexpected happened as a crystal projectile hits one of the giant's arms, which stops its shooting and turns to see Apollo on his crystal board.
Everyone stares with shock, but Apollo gains the courage to yell, "Oi! Pick someone at your own size!"
Trucy slowly opens her eyes and notices the gigantic drone's left arm is pierced by a mysterious diamond shard, and then she turns to see a crystal-made alien who saved her life.
The drone scans Apollo and notices his symbol, which completely turns its attention to him and suddenly, all of the smaller drones starts to target him.
"Oh, shit..." Apollo mumbled as he quickly jumps out of his board, which got blasted by the small ones.
He rolls over as he lands and starts shooting diamond shards at the smaller drones as he runs far from to grab their attention, which is working very well as even the gigantic drone starts to chase after and stop paying attention to Trucy.
Phoenix takes the chance as she picks Trucy up in bridal style, who just stares at Apollo who is shooting at the drones with his crystal shard projectiles.
The small drones crash to the floor one by one, while the gigantic drone gets closer and readies its right arm to shoot at Apollo. He sees the gigantic drone getting ready to shoot and he instinctively summons crystal walls from the ground, which deflects the laser back at the gigantic drone's head, thus one-shotting it.
Apollo keeps his eyes closed till he hears a massive crash noise. He opens his eyes and sees that the drone has collapsed to the floor with its head gone. He is genuinely shocked that he managed to kill a massive drone, however, his shocked expression didn't last as he notices his symbol is beeping red and, in a panic, rushes to the forest.
His entire body is engulfed in a bright red light which his friends notice. Apollo slowly opens his eyes and realises he's back to normal, much to his relief.
"Thank god... I'm not stuck like that forever." Apollo thought with relief.
He walks away as far as he could from his friends, where he hides behind a tree. He sees Athena looking for that light he unintentionally summoned. Apollo cursed in his thoughts and just before he could move, he sees three people running up - one of them he recognises immediately where Ben yells out, "Apollo!"
"Shit!" Apollo thought.
"Apollo?" Athena mumbled in shock as she looks behind the tree and sees him, as well as three other people. "Apollo...did... are you that...alien?"
"I... ahem..."
"Heck yeah, he is!" Ben answered naively, which earns him a hit of the head by the redheaded girl. "Hey!"
"Don't get involved with strangers, you doofus!" The girl yelled at him.
"Shut up, dweeb!" Ben yelled back at them.
"Quit it, you two." The elderly man told them off.
The two kids puff in frustration and look away from each other while crossing their arms. Athena and Apollo look at the old while awkwardly glancing at each other. The brunette takes a deep breath and says, "Athena... ahem... it's a long story..."
"Ahem... yeah! I can imagine!" Athena said, "So... how on earth did you turn into an alien?!"
"A-An alien?" The old man asked in shock.
"Yes!" Athena answered, "Well, Apollo?"
"Well... yeah, it was because of this," Apollo explained as he shows the watch, which the old man's eyes widen in shock.
"Huh? That thing?" Athena asked unsurely.
"To be honest, I don't know what this is," Apollo answered honestly, "All I know is that it gave me the ability to change into different aliens."
"That... is unbelievable yet really cool," Athena commented.
"See?! I told you it's cool!" Ben said.
"You dweeb, aliens don't exist!" The girl called him out.
"I wouldn't knock off that possibility too soon." The old man told her.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask," Athena remembered and asks, "What are your names?"
"My name is Ben! Ben Tennyson!"
"I am Gwen... his much smarter cousin." The girl answered.
"You mean the boring cousin!" Ben insulted her.
"Shut up, doofus!"
"Sorry about my grandchildren," Max said, "My name is Max Tennyson, their grandfather."
"Right. My name is Athena Cykes!" Athena introduced herself as she does a peace sign. "And this is my co worker, Apollo!"
"H-Hey..." Apollo awkwardly introduce himself.
"So... mind explaining what happened?" Max asked them.
"W-Well... funny story..." Apollo said as he scratches the back of his head, "You see... this strange watch suddenly fell from the sky and when I was poking it with a stick, it suddenly clings to me."
"Wait, you mean you can't take it off?" Athena asked him.
"Yes. I tried everything!" Apollo told her.
"Yeah! It's true!" Ben confirmed, "I tried helping, but nothing works. We have to stop because of the commotion we heard."
"Ah... that explains it." Athena realised. "By the way, Apollo. How did you know what to do?"
"Wha-what do you mean?" Apollo asked her.
"I mean, you seem to be instinctively knew what your powers are, I mean." Athena asked again.
"Oh... Good question, I... I don't know." Apollo answered honestly, "When I transform, all of the information suddenly flew at me all at once and I knew how to use my powers."
"Mmm... how strange." Athena noted.
"Wait, your badges!" Gwen noticed their badges.
"Oh! Yeah, we're both defence attorneys." Apollo told them. "We work for Phoenix Wright."
"Ah! Just like my dad!" Gwen said, "As in, my dad is also a lawyer."
"Oh! Than, what's his name?" Apollo asked her.
"His name is Frank Tennyson." Gwen answered.
"He's also one of my two sons." Max answered as well.
"Oh! I see. Well... I never met him, have you, Apollo?" Athena asked him.
"Nope. Me either."
"No, but I definitely heard of THE Phoenix Wright!" Gwen fangirled a bit.
"Ugh... what's so special about him?" Ben sighed while his eyes rolls over.
"Eh?! You doofus!" Gwen yelled at him, "He's literally considered one of the best defence attorneys out there! When he's on the case, he has a near perfect records of not guilty verdicts."
"Near?" Ben asked her. "I guess he loses, huh?"
"That isn't important!" Gwen yelled back, "The point is that everyone in the law industry knows of him. He's extremely popular that he's basically a legend alongside with the chief prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth!"
"Oh yeah, we know Miles as well." Athena blurted out.
"Ah! You do, you do?!" Gwen fangirled happily, making Ben groaned while Max chuckles a bit. "Please can I meet them!? Please!?"
"Ugh... cringe!" Ben groaned.
"Ben. Be nice." Max told him off.
Ben pouts and crosses her arms, than they hear bushes rustling which Gwen screams a bit, which Athena and Apollo stands guard, until they noticed it's just Simon.
"Oh... it's just you, Simon." Athena sighed of relief.
"W-Wait... Simon... as in..." Gwen gasped as her face starts to turn pale.
"Yes. I am Simon Blackquill." Simon told her with a smirk, "It would seem that my reputation still preceded."
"Hey, you look like you seen a ghost?" Ben teased Gwen, who glares at him. "What?"
"Don't you get it?! That's Simon Blackquill! The twisted samurai!" Gwen told him off.
"Relax, he was proven innocent." Athena told her, "Didn't your father told you that?"
"N-No... he haven't told me..." Gwen said. "... Yet."
"Mm?" Simon hummed in confusion.
"Her father is a lawyer." Apollo told him.
"Ah, I see now." Simon said, than asks, "Tell me... what exactly are your names?"
"Name's Ben Tennyson!" Ben said happily.
"G-Gwen Tennyson." Gwen stuttered.
"And I am Max Tennyson."
Max's name completely caught Simon's attention as his eyes widen in shock and he asks, "Max... Tennyson?"
"Y-Yes..." Max answered hesitantly, "D-Did I saw something odd?"
"... Justice-Dono, you can transform into that thing, right?" Simon asked him.
"W-How did you-"
"I didn't. I just use reverse psychology on you." Simon smirked, "That, and that weird watch thing has the same symbol as that alien."
"Oh... Welp... shoot..." Apollo sighed as he realised what he did.
"Now than... you children... it's best you leave the conversation to the adults." Simon demanded, "NOW."
"Hey! You don't-"Suddenly, Ben's mouth is covered by Gwen's hand and was dragged away by her while he struggles.
"Good, they're gone." Simon mumbled.
"Simon, what's going on?" Athena asked him.
"Now than, Tennyson-dono," Simon asked while ignoring Athena, "Do you believe aliens exist?"
"Well... after seeing that, I do believe in them." Max lied, "Before though, not quite."
"Ah!" Apollo noticed as his bracelet starts to tighten.
"I see... Justice-dono?"
"Yeah... I noticed." Apollo said. "Mr Tennyson... do you know something?"
"Wha-no!" Max lied again.
"... Your eyes twitch when you lie," Apollo noted, "So, please tell us what you know! This is basically life or death! I need to know who I'm up against!"
"... I... I..."
"Hey guys!"
Everyone turn around to see Phoenix running up to them, and says, "Oh thank god. You lot are okay! And who's that?"
"Long story short - Apollo is that diamond alien and Tennyson-Dono, the elderly man, knows about this situation." Simon bluntly told him.
"H-Hey!" Apollo yelled out.
"Wait... for reals?" Phoenix asked in shock.
"Yes. Indeed it is." Simon told him.
"I-I don't know anything about this situation, I swear!" Max lied, which Phoenix suddenly sees five psyche-locks behind him.
"... Mr Tennyson, correct?" Phoenix asked.
"P-Please, just call me Max." Max told him.
"Right, in which case, Max... ahem... if you don't mind, what do you know about this situation?" Phoenix asked him. "I know you're not responsible for this, obviously. But we need the information."
"Well... I don't." Max told him.
"Please... I don't know why you're lying about this," Apollo said, "But what if more robots like this comes again and again...? What then? We need to know what we're up against...?"
"Oi! Leave grandpa alone!"
Suddenly, Ben rushes in to punch Apollo in the stomach, which hurts a lot. He groans painfully as he just collapsed on the floor and kneel down as he mumbled "Why me?"
"Yeah! Our grandpa didn't do anything wrong!" Gwen yelled at the lawyers, "Where is your proof that grandpa has something to do with this?! Huh?! Tell me!"
"We are not accusing your grandpa of being responsible." Phoenix explained, "However, he might know something about that robot.
"And what makes you say that, eh?" Ben questioned the black haired man.
Apollo takes a deep sigh and notices Max's hand is trembling, and asks "... Look... if you answer honestly, we wouldn't tell anyone else about this, okay?"
"Huh?" Max asked.
"If you refuse to tell, I shall." Simon threatens, which is enough to scare Max a bit.
"Very well, I'll talk... just not here." Max admitted.
"Wait, so you do know something, grandpa?" Gwen asked in shock.
"... Yes, but I'll explain later." Max admitted.
"Oh yeah. Here is my business card with my address." Phoenix offered as he gives him his business card.
"Thank you." Max said as he pauses for a moment to read the card, than puts it on his pocket.
"Sorry for this," Phoenix apologised, "But we have to know what's going on. My daughter's life is at stake."
"Yes. I understand that." Max agreed since he is a father of two men after all, so he can understand his concerns.
"I'm glad. Now... we should get back to my office and talk about this later." Phoenix said to him.
"Of course." Max took the card and sighs, unsure about this, but knew he can't run away from this forever due it's likely they can easily track him down with the police's help, and he can tell they wouldn't back down unless he explains.
"Good," Phoenix said, "But first, we need to go to the hospital to check on Trucy."
"Is Trucy okay?!" Apollo asked in a panic and tearing up in worry.
"Thanks to you, yes. She is." Phoenix answered him.
"I-Oh thank god..." Apollo sighed of relief. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"
Everyone parted ways as the attorney lies rushes to the cars, where they see a grey haired man wearing a red prosecutor uniform and glasses talking to Gumshoe, and other police forces along with the ambulances, which Phoenix's eyes widen and blurts out, "Miles!"
"Mm? Ah! Wright!" The prosecutor gasped in shock. "What the hell happened here?!"
"A random attack happened!" Phoenix explained very vaguely, "Never mind is Trucy being send to the hospital?"
"Yes, she is taken to the hospital right now as we speak." Miles answered him.
"Oh thank god..." Phoenix takes a massive sigh of relief and collapses to the floor.
"Mr Wright...?" Apollo mumbled, "I hope Mr Tennyson will explain everything what's going on. After all, he seems to know something... but what?"
A/N - Finally! Episode 1 is complete! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild! Aqua out!
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