Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Lust's P.O.V
Error told me about King being a huge horny dick literally all the time, and I expected that he was still that. What caught me off guard was that his attitude seems to have made every soldier I've been forced to cook meals for huge horny dicks too. Or perhaps it was just my fashion sense. Either way, they can all go fuck themselves.
The people I had to cook for ranged from nine feet tall monsters to the less then average human. The group of cooks I was in charge of were exhausted and the soldiers ate way too much for the camp to sustain for long. That carefully planned eating plan that had sustained a camp of hundreds of survivors had been completely thrown out the window. I'd complain to King if I could, but I heard he likes taking people hostage to make others do his biding and my partner isn't exactly the most stable skeleton in the world.
So here I am, taking yet another dish of food so big that nobody would be able to finish it out to the dinning room where all the huge horny dicks sat. I walked into a room full of chattering, and probably super drunk, humans and monsters. Wanting to get out of the room as soon as possible, I placed the dish of extra food down at the centre of the table, then immediately turned around and started heading back towards the door.
"Whoah, what's the rush, sweetheart? Why not come and sit here and join us?"
Oh boy, here we go again.
I put on a fake smile, facing the person. "I'm sorry, but I've got a job to do." my smile faded quickly into an annoyed frown. "Feeding you numbskulls."
The one who I was talking to was a seven and a half foot tall monster. He was an upright brown bear monster. He was fluffy and his nose was shaped like a little heart. How adorable, another feature I can use to tease my way out of here.
"Aw, don't be like that, darling." the big bear said in a flirty tone. "Come on, we're all dying to get to know you."
"Oh? Is that because I can pull off any look ten times better then you can?"
"The bonehead's got you there, Teddy." said the human sitting next to the brown bear.
"Teddy. How cute. What do you do, suffocate your enemies with a big teddy bear hug?"
Teddy grumbled something and went back to eating his food. I nodded to myself with satisfaction and went back to leaving the room. But just as I reached the door, someone put their hand on my shoulder and forcefully turned me around. This time it was a human. A rather buff man with long flowing hair.
"Leaving so soon?" he asked. "We haven't even gotten to the main course."
"My cooks and I have been serving all of you the main course for the past half an hour." I replied.
"I think you know very well what I mean."
I crossed my arms. "Dessert?"
"No. I mean, yes, but no."
"Do you speak English? How drunk are you right now?"
The human growled and pinned me against the wall. He towered over me, but showed no signs of submission.
"You should come to my room tonight for some fun." he said lowly.
"I'll pass."
"That wasn't a request. King said we could do whatever we wanted here."
"I'm not a slave. If you'd excuse me, I'd like to go back to doing my actual job."
"We're not done yet."
Without warning, I thrusted my leg up and kneed the the human in the crotch, hard. The human yelped in pain and I shoved him and he fell to the floor, he curled into a ball.
"Get a life." I said before exiting the room.
I sighed as I walked down the hallway. That's it, I'm going back home.
"Hey Lust, over here."
I huffed, thinking it was probably another damn soldier looking to get a beating. But, to my relief, it was Goth.
"Hey Goth, how are you?" I asked. "Coping well, I hope."
Goth nodded. "I am, yes. I have some questions, though."
"Ask away, darling."
"First, Error wants to know if Ink is alright."
"Ah yes, Ink. Don't worry, I've made sure he's properly fed and cared for."
"Error will be happy to hear that. Second, would you be able to make a list of the guard's shift changes inside the wall?"
"Planning to rebel against King, are you?"
"Yes. Could you help us?"
"Of course, darling. That overgrown reptile is really starting to get on my nerves."
"You're not the only one, I promise that."
"Alright. You're on your way to guard the wall aren't you?"
He nodded again. "Yes."
"Make sure you stay close to someone from the camp. These soldiers have adopted King's horrendous, horny attitude."
Goth smirked. "Been having trouble, I see."
"I'll take your advise. See you soon, Lust."
"Goodbye, darling."
And with that, Goth left.
Before going home, I decided to check on Ink one final time. But when I got to his cell, he wasn't there. There was only one place I could think of that he could be in; King's room. I stared sadly into the cell for a short moment, knowing there was nothing I'd be able to do. My attention switched when I heard someone tapping on the wall of the cell next to Ink's.
Curious, I investigated. I stared in surprise and slight horror. It was Geno. He was chained to the wall by harsh metal cuffs that had scrapped his wrists raw. Some sort of sick, rusty metal chest plate had been put on him. The chest piece had dozens of little teeth that dug into the slash wound exposed on Geno's chest.
"Hey." Geno greeted.
"Geno, are you OK?" I asked, a bit panicked.
"I'm in a lot of pain and grieving over the loss of a son but other then that I'm fine. How are you?"
"Geno, how...why?"
"King wasn't happy about Reaper attempting to save Raven and Goth, so they locked me up and strapped me to this torture device. You wanna try?"
"Geno, this is serious!"
"I know...Is Goth OK?"
"Yes, I told him to stay with guards from the camp. I didn't want any of King's soldiers taking advantage of him in any way."
"Thanks. That means a lot."
"Um...Is there anything I can do for you?"
Geno shook his head. "That general of King's has the only key to my cell. I haven't had anything to eat or drink for days."
"I could go make something-"
"No, it's fine."
There was a silence.
"I'm pregnant." Geno said.
"You're what?"
"I'm pregnant."
"With your third child?"
"How long have you been pregnant?"
"Three weeks. I need you listen to me closely, OK?"
I nodded, coming closer to the cell bars.
"King is using me to get Reaper to obey him. If this was a normal situation, then Reaper would leave me in the cell. We made a promise. But this isn't a normal situation anymore. He's protective of the souling and he's not going to risk it. Lust, I need you to take the souling and show it to Reaper. Show him that both the child and I are fine. If you don't, Reaper will be turned against you and the rest of our friends."
"Geno, I couldn't-"
"You have to."
Geno's gaze was firm, but there was a glimmer of worry and fear in his eyes. I thought for a while, then sighed.
"Alright. I'll take the souling."
I glanced at either side of me, making sure nobody was watching. Then I summoned my soul and held it through the steel cell bars. Geno's soul appeared in front of his chest. I could see a tiny white souling orbiting his soul slowly. When my soul got close to the souling, a connection was created. For a split second, I could feel everything Geno was feeling. That pain, the grieving, the constant bleeding out. Then the souling's connection with Geno was snapped when Geno's soul disappeared.
I hunched over, throwing up onto the ground.
"Are you alright?" Geno asked.
I clutched my chest. "H-How can you live with so much pain?"
For that split second, I felt the pain that Geno had been living through for almost his whole life. It hurt. It hurt so much. It still hurts.
"You grow used to it." Geno smiled. "But It's nice to know how it feels to live without pain."
That's right, he would've felt what I felt, too. I examined the souling that now orbited around my soul. It was so tiny and fragile. It reminded me of when I was pregnant with Desire.
"Leave now." Geno said. "Show Reaper the soul next time you see him. Please."
I nodded slowly. "I will."
Without saying goodbye, I stood up and walked away from Geno's cell, holding the souling and my own soul close to me.
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