Ticked Off Glitch
Error's P.O.V
"Don't run! You know you'll never escape us!" The crocodile commander yelled from the car he and other guards were driving in.
"F**k off!" Nightmare yelled back.
I took constant risks in looking behind us at the car. I noticed that the only one the commander had his eye on was Ink. Why did I notice that? I dunno. But for some reason, it really ticked me off. Asy was running beside Ink, finding the situation much more playful then the rest of us. Ink was originally carrying him, worrying that he would trip over his long sleeves. But he seemed used to running with a loose straitjacket.
The car was hot on our tail, guns aimed at us, but not yet firing. Instead, they were taking out something much bigger then a rifle. It looked like a rocket launcher, which really made me panic. But, turns out it was a net launcher instead. The commander took the launcher and aimed it. What pissed me off more was that it was aimed on Ink. I acted quickly and pulled some strings out from my tear marks. Then I sent them at the commander, aiming to grab him and throw him off the car. But he was fast, despite his size, and he grabbed the strings. With a yank, I was pulled backwards by the strings. The car stopped at me and one of the guards got out, grabbing me and putting a knife to my neck. Nightmare, Cross, Asy and Ink stopped dead in their tracks.
"Let him go!" Ink yelled.
"No can do, Inky." The commander cooed, stepping out of the car.
Nightmare's tentacles raised up behind him, ready to attack. But the commander fired the net launcher at him and was tangled up in the rope net. Ink and Cross were on their guard. Cross took out a knife and Ink held a small paintbrush in his hand. I've seen what Ink could do with that paint of his, his artistic skills were not to be underestimated. He glared at the commander in a way that made it seem like he knew him.
The commander dropped the net launcher and started walking towards the two of them. The three prepared for a fight. The commander had brute strength of his side, but it didn't look like he possessed any kind of magic, but we would soon see. Cross took the first move, charging at the commander at a surprising speed. But again, the commander was faster. He stepped to the side and tripped Cross over his his long, scaly tail. Cross tried to push himself back up, but the commander stomped his foot on Cross' back, preventing a comeback. Just him and Ink now.
"Ink, keep running!" I yelled.
Ink growled something under his breath, stepping back as we mentally debated whether to leave us behind or not. The guard who had me brought the knife closer to my neck and I flinched.
"Now now, Inky." The commander smiled a toothy smile. "You wouldn't abandon your friend, would you?"
He pressured Cross' back, causing him to cry out in pain. Ink's glare faltered to a worried expression. I could tell then and there that he wasn't going to run. I was right. He dropped his paintbrush on the ground and raised his hands above his head. The damn smile on the commander's face grew wider to his victory. He got off Cross and walked up to Ink, giving the order to gather the rest of us into the car whilst he handled Ink.
Just a few moments later, we were all secured. Cross, Nightmare and I were secured in the back of the car, our arms bound behind out backs. Nightmare was kept in the net because they didn't have anything to secure his tentacles without getting attacked. Asy was just sitting down with us, his straitjacket tightened properly, which he wasn't happy about.
"You're just as mean as the scary scientists!" He complained.
"Can it, you brat." One of the guards snapped.
"No! Let me out!"
Asy tried struggling. They had to do up his straitjacket twice because he escaped the first time. Now it was harshly tight on him and they had to strap him to a chair. Ink wasn't in the car with us. Instead, he was tied to a tree with some rope nearby. The guards around us seemed annoyed that we weren't leaving right away, but apparently the commander had some business to tend to with Ink. None of the guards were watching them. Actually, I was sure I was the only one looking. The commander stood tall in front of Ink, a look on his face that told me he was up to no good.
"It took me a long time to track you and your pathetic friends to those mountains. And then to catch you." He crossed his arms. "I really thought that wolf would be enough to get you."
Ink was glaring at him. "It's going to take much more then that to kill us, King."
So the giant crocodile's name was King. What's the bet that he just called himself that, and it's not his actual name? A hundred gold? I'm betting a hundred gold.
He chuckled. "Who said I wanted to kill you? No, I just wanted to talk."
"I'm here, tied to a tree. Now is your time to talk."
King leaned in closer to Ink. Ink looked away in response, clearly not really wanting to talk with the crocodile who was twice his height. King's smile faded just a little. What really set me off was he started getting physical. He grabbed Ink's face and forced him to look up.
"It's not nice not to look at the one you're talking to." King said darkly.
Ink didn't say anything. He couldn't, King had his thumb forced in his mouth. I was mad to say the least, but that wasn't the worst. King stood even closer to Ink, taking his hand off of his face and putting it on his hip. Ink closed his eye sockets, clearly uncomfortable with this. This b***h was trying something. Something Ink didn't want, nor did I.
"Let me go, King." Ink said, staying calm.
"Come on, Inky." King cooed, moving his mouth to where Ink's ear would be if he had one. "A little fun never hurt anyone."
King slid his hand up Ink's shirt, brushing over his ribs. Ink's breath hitched and he tried to struggle out of the rope. Now, a skeleton's ribcage is something that would be considered a private part of the body. Not a big deal to most monsters, but to the skeleton? It's only ok to even see them with the skeleton's permission. Now, touching them without permission? Man, you're getting a punch in the face. But Ink couldn't defend himself, and now I was really, really, REALLY pissed. If only I could reach up to my tear marks, I could summon some of my strings.
But with my hands bound, there was no way I could get close to them. Then I remembered that I had made something out of the strings. It wasn't anything specific, just a little something to help practice my knitting. It was like a long scarf, but very thin. Something perfect for choking someone. That wasn't the original purpose, but right now that's all I wanted to use it for. I managed to grab it from my pocket, with some effort. I carefully started manipulating the scarf-like object out of the car and towards King and Ink. Since none of the guards were watching, they didn't see what was going on. King was too busy looking at Ink's ribs. His ribs were covered in swirly tattoos, I cursed to myself for looking. The scarf easily climbed up King's back, but I stopped just before it got to his neck. I knew that the scarf alone would not help, they could easily pull it off. So, I need someone to help me. And who better to ask then our grumpy goopy skeleton.
"Hey Nightmare." I whispered.
Nightmare groaned in annoyance. "What?"
"You know what you are?"
Nightmare glared at me. "Don't you dare."
Then I screamed at the top of my non-existent lungs. "YOU'RE A F**KING OCTOPUS!"
Nightmare let out a roar of anger and broke out of the net covering him. The guards all stared at us, as well as King. Before Nightmare could attack me, he was showered by bullets. Thanks to being made of goop, none of the bullets hits him. But that didn't stop him from becoming more angry, possibly much angrier then I was. With his bonds completely destroyed, he went to obliterate the guards who had no defence against the bullet proof octopus. As King went to attack Nightmare, I manipulated the scarf around his neck and begun chocking him, as well as pulling him in the opposite direction.
Whilst I was manipulating the scarf, I was using another to grab Cross' knife and break my bond. With my arms untied, I leaped out of the car and towards Ink. Cutting the rope keeping him to the tree with the knife. Ink flung his arms around me, trembling just a little. He must of been much more scared then he would show in front of King. Not surprisingly, King wasn't happy about Ink hugging me. He went to shove me away, but now with the power of strings at my disposal, there was no chance I would let him anywhere near Ink.
As I dodged King's charge, keeping an arm around Ink, I prepared a large amount of thick blue string. Unleashing all my strength and fury, I threw King into the air, before slamming him back into the ground. And there he laid, unmoving in a large creator in the ground. The guards who weren't dealing with Nightmare stared at me with a bit of fear. Looks like the tables were turned.
I looked back at Ink. "Sorry, I might of looked at your ribs a bit..."
Ink smiled gratefully. "I don't mind."
I smiled back before looking up at the guards. The guards took the stare I gave them and quickly unties Cross and unstrap Asy. They then proceeded to haul King into the car and drive off. Ink let out a sigh of relief and buried his face in my chest. Thank the creators that's over.
"Are you alright?" Cross asked.
Ink nodded.
"Error." Nightmare said darkly.
I smiled as if nothing happened. "Yes, Nightmare?"
Nightmare was glaring at me. I knew he wanted me to say sorry for shouting that he was an octopus. But I just acted ignorant.
"Come on, Mr Octopus!" Asy chirped, climbing onto Nightmare's tentacles. "We're almost at the camp thingy! No time to lose! No time at all!"
"He has a point." Cross agreed. "Lets get to the surviver camp before you decide to tear Error apart."
Nightmare huffed and nodded. And there we went. Nightmare and I led the way to the surviver camp. Hoping that nothing else would stop us on our way to freedom.
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