Plan into action

Dream's P.O.V

My name is Dream. I'm a skeleton. I possess positive magic to mach my positive attitude. Right now, it's the middle of the night. The snowstorm had passed a couple hours ago. Currently, I'm standing in one of the tallest trees close to the arena where the ones we're planning to save are. I was studying the guards who were walking around the outer walls of the arena. The arena has two walls. The outer wall surrounding the few houses that were there, and the arena wall, which had a path leading to the outside for the zombies.

"Dream, are you done staring at the guards? We gotta move."

That is my comrade, Error. He's a skeleton too, a glitchy one at that. He's also very impatient.

"Error, we need to wait for the shift change before we can go crashing through walls." I explained.

I'd much rather be on this mission with my brother. Error never listens to the mission briefings, even when it's his plan that was chosen. I wanted to get in through stealth, which would've been the logical approach. Error wanted to smash through the two walls and into the warrior's room with our transport truck, the not so logical approach. For reasons I cannot comprehend, our boss decided to go with Error's plan. She's a perfectly logical and enthusiastic person, but this is taking her enthusiasm a bit too far and her logic not far enough.

We heard a loud bark from down on the ground.

"Dream, your damn dog is going to attract zombies! Why did you bring it with us?" Error asked.

I huffed and took my binoculars away from my eye sockets, looking at Error.

"He's a dog, he doesn't know any better. And his name is Buddy, please address him as such."

Error rolled his eye lights. "Whatever." He pointed at the arena. "Look, the guards are changing shifts, lets get moving."

We swung down from the tree to the transport truck. I hopped into the drivers seat and fastened my seatbelt. Error went into the passenger seat, not bothering to put on his seatbelt.

"Really Dream? A seatbelt?" He said.

"If we're gonna smash through walls in full reverse, I don't want to go flying out the window." I argued.

"Ok, fine, whatever."

I turned the key in the ignition, the truck's engine fired up with a mighty roar. Buddy, who was in the metal box of a trailer attached to the truck, starting barking.

"Oh my gosh, shut up you mutt!" Error snapped.

I hit Error. "Leave him be!"

Error huffed, crossing his arms. "Don't blame me when we get swarmed by zombies."

I put the truck in gear and we started reversing towards the first wall. Error loaded a shotgun as I did so. Once we were close enough, and the trailer was aligned perfectly, I slammed down the pedal. The truck reversed at a surprisingly fast speed, smashing through the first wall. Instantly, alarms sounded in the arena. Unfortunately, the trailer span out to the side and I had to stop and re-aline it with the wall. Guards were coming from all directions, all holding guns.

"Dream, get a move on! They're gonna shoot!" Error ordered.

"Hey! You're the one who wanted to run down some walls!" I argued.

I slammed the pedal again, and again we smashed through that wall, the second one that is. Once again, I was spot on with our destination. We had crashed into the room where the warrior's slept and rolled down the centre. The truck came to a full stop, letting out steam with a loud hiss. I jumped out of the truck. The nine warriors had all been woken up by the crash and were all just staring at us. I opened up the back of the truck.

"Come on!" I said. "We're getting you out of here!"

None of them said anything. Damn it Sci, you said you told them we'd be here. Speaking of who, Sci ran into the room and right up to me.

"You said you wouldn't be here for another week!" He said, slightly out of breathe.

"Well Error is impatient and the boss wanted to get em now. Just get into the truck!" I argued.

Sci nodded and jumped up into the truck. Two of the warriors, who I assumed to be Ink and Blueberry, got up and run into the truck after Sci.

"Come on! We can trust them!" Ink claimed.

The other warrior's looked at each other, then got up. It didn't take long for them to get inside.

"Any of you know how to use a gun?" I asked.

Five of them raised their hand.

"Great. Grab a gun and aim through the holes in the door."

I shut the trailer's metal door and locked it. Then I booked it back the the drivers seat and immediately changed gears. Soon, we were racing out of the room and into the area surrounding the arena. Error attached a harness to himself, connecting to his seat. He sat on the windowsill and opened fire on the guards shooting at us. I wanted as few casualties as possible, but Error really likes shooting people, so I can't really do anything about that. Besides, they were shooting back.

Soon we drove out of the first wall and back into the forest. The guards on the first wall started shooting at us as well, aiming for the truck's tires. But the bullets just bounced off them.

"Reinforced tires, b***hes!" Error yelled, flipping the guards off.

Soon we were out of range of the guard's guns, but now we had a new problem. The loud noises of the truck crashing through the walls, the alarms in the arena, the gunshots and Error's obnoxious yelling had attracted hundreds to thousands of zombies. They were right in the path of the truck. The truck would flip over if we ran over the zombies, it's not very good in terms of balance. Actually, considering it just rammed through two metal walls, I think we have a decent chance. Hmm...

"Put on the gas, I'll deal with the zombies!" Error said, undoing his harness.

"Error, I swear to Asgore-"

Too late. Error jumped up onto the roof of the truck. I hit my head on the steering wheel, making the horn beep loudly. Error positioned himself to face the zombies. The wind was blowing hard against him, but he managed to stay on the roof. He brought his fingers up to the blue tear marks on his face and seemed to pull on them. The tear marks glowed and out came dark-blue string. Thin, but tough. He commanded his strings, throwing them at the largest tree he could find and grabbing it. He then pulled the massive tree from the dirt and swing it over the ground, knocking all the zombies out of our path.

"Good thinking, Error!" I called out.

"Just keep driving! You can thank me later!" He called back, continuing the swinging motion.

For a final time, I slammed down the gas, going as fast as this truck could take us. It didn't take long after that to get through the zombie hoard, and soon we were on the road. Error released the strings attached to the tree and swung through the window, back into the passenger seat.

"The was brilliant!" I complemented.

"And you said my idea wouldn't work." Error boasted.

I rolled my eye light. "You're just lucky I was the one driving."

"I purposely called shotgun."

Error held up his shotgun, smiling proudly. I chuckled at the pun.

"Whatever, ya big doofus."

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