Cross' P.O.V
"Just leave them behind, FC! We don't have time for this!" Nightmare yelled from the roof of the bus.
"Now listen here you not so goopy, not so octopus like skeleton!" FC snapped. "We ain't leaving Sci out there if we can help it! We wait like we promised!"
Nightmare growled. "I was never an octopus to begin with you idiotic human girl!"
"You two stop arguing!" Dream scolded. "Fighting will get us nowhere!"
"How often do these two fight?" I asked Error.
"Hardly ever." Error replied. "But when they do, FC hates losing just as much as Nightmare hates being called an octopus."
"Not right now you're not."
Dream sighed, giving up on trying to stop FC and Nightmare. He sat down of the stair of the bus with Buddy on his lap, petting him. I went up to him.
"The rain's nice, don't you think?" I asked.
"It would be better if those two would stop arguing." Dream replied, irritated.
Dream looked up at me. "Sorry. I just don't like seeing people fighting."
"It's understandable."
I squatted down close to Dream, watching as FC and Nightmare continued to yell at each other. Most of the group were inside the bus, taking shelter from the rain. FC went outside to chat to Nightmare about his attitude towards everyone, then this started. When we heard the commotion, Error, Dream and I went outside to check it out. Turns out that it was just a waste of time. I thought we should go inside, but Error said it's easy for zombies to sneak up on you when you're distracted. So now we're basically babysitting them.
"By the way Cross, it was nice of what you did for Fell a while ago." Dream said.
I raised my non-existent eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure everyone stepped in, didn't they?"
"Not that. Yes that was good, but I'm talking about how you went to help Fell with the ladder. And then when he attacked you, you didn't really hurt him. I think most of the group would've used their knife to stab him right through his soul."
I nodded. "I see. I suppose you're right about that. But it was really nothing, just a friend helping a friend."
"That doesn't make it any less good."
I smiled at him. Suddenly, we heard a yell coming towards us.
"Guys! Over here!"
We looked over and saw Fell, Asy and Sci running towards us through the rocky terrain. Hot on their tail was a pack of wolf zombies, looking big and mean and gnashing their jaws.
"Hello there!" Asy greeted, waving at us.
"Damn trouble magnets!" Nightmare yelled, picking up his gun and aiming it at the wolves.
He took a shot, but the wolves were too fast for him. They used the rocky landscape to their advantage, jumping off them to dodge any attacks thrown at them.
"Zombies aren't suppose to be this damn smart!" Error yelled, readying his strings.
"Well I suppose anything is possible." FC said, retreating to the bus.
I got a gun and opened fire. Dream summoned his bow and glowing arrows and begun shooting, too. Buddy barked at the wolves, going into a defensive position.
"Stay back, Buddy." Dream ordered.
Buddy looked up at Dream, whimpering softly. A wolf leaped at Fell, Error's strings wrapped around the wolf and threw it away. A wolf got to Sci, knocking him onto his back and growling at him. Sci shoved the knife I gave him into the wolf's lower jaw and kicked it off. He got back to his feet and joined us, along with Fell and Asy.
"So instead of leaving one zombie behind..." Error said. "You brought seven more with you?"
"Fell's been cured." Sci claimed.
FC stared at him in surprise. "You're not joking, are you?"
Sci shook his head. "Asy has a recipe for the cure. It's more important now then ever that we get him to that surviver camp."
Asy giggled, knowing how important he was now. I shot a wolf as it leaped at Error, it yet out a loud whimper and backed off quickly.
"Thanks." Error said, tossing another wolf away.
"No problem." I replied.
Error grabbed yet another wolf and threw it over the edge of the mountain. The wolf's howl vanished as it fell. The other wolves were suddenly on high alert.
"Any plans, FC?" Nightmare asked, still trying to shoot the damn wolves.
"Oh, now he'll listen to me." FC muttered.
"I heard that!"
"Guys, concentrate on the task at hand!"
One of Dream's arrows got a wolf right in the head, blowing it clean off. The body collapsed. Four left. A wolf snuck around the bus and climbed onto the roof. It took Nightmare by surprise, tackling him down. Nightmare yelped and fell off the bus, the wolf having a firm grip on him. Error caught Nightmare with his strings. Nightmare put his gun to the wolf's head and shot the rotting brain out of it. Just three more.
"These things are a nuisance." Nightmare grumbled.
"Why not get rid of them, then?" FC looked over at Error. "What do you think, mister 'I'm the best hauler in the world'?
Error smiled. "Oh, I think that's an excellent idea."
Error unleashed a massive amount of his strings. The dark blue threads wrapped around the biggest boulders he could find, as many was he could get. With much effort, he raised them into the air and hauled them above the wolves. Then he severed the connection and the boulders were let loose, crushing the walking corpses. Error fell to his knees, panting.
"Geez, I need to work out more." He said.
"Impressive." I said.
But we weren't done yet. No, there was something much bigger. A loud groan shook the earth under our feet. I could hear the footsteps of a massive beast coming towards us. It came into view, and it was evident that we should've ran while we had the chance. A mutant two headed wolf, ten times bigger then the ones we just killed. No skin covered it's legs or heads, it was all bone. Where there was skin was covered in eyes of all shapes and sizes, all glaring at us with murderous intent.
"Watch out, big papa wolf is here." Error joked.
"Is now really the time?" Dream asked.
"It's always the time for a joke."
That was getting ridiculous. Normal zombies, been there, done that. Zombie animals? Sure. Mutants? What the f**k is this infection! The mutant wolf let out a mighty roar, which sounded more like a shriek if anything. Buddy barked loudly at the wolf, swearing to protect his master. We readied our weapons.
"Time to see if you "mighty warriors" are actually good at anything." Nightmare said, reloading his gun.
"Mate, have you seen us the past few days?" Fell asked.
"Yeah, an infected piece of s**t."
The wolf began running at us, it's jaws open and ready to tear us limb from limb. I took a carefully aimed shot and blasted an eye out one of the wolf's heads. Not like that made much difference, it has about a hundred other eyes. Nightmare put a few bullets in the left head, but it didn't seem to affect it in any way.
"There has to be a weak spot on this thing!" I said.
Error tried the same trick he used on the other wolves, picking up the massive boulders and whacking the mutant with them. The wolf took quite a hit from that, the sickening sound of bones breaking and smashing echoed through the mountains. Half of it's right head was smashed in half. The other was cracked. But that was all Error could do. The strain of throwing those boulders around exhausted him and he collapsed, unconscious on the ground. The mutant took the chance and went to attack Error. But Dream reacted quickly, loading three arrows in his bow and shooting the wolf. All three impaled the wolf, it howled in pain. It seemed that processing pain was delayed with this creature.
FC went and dragged Error into the bus. "We gotta finish this before it decides to knock the bus of the edge of the mountain!"
"How come the others aren't helping us?" Nightmare asked.
"They're scared." Sci answered.
"Oh, of course they are!"
The wolf let out another roar. Buddy stepped forward, barking louder then ever.
"Buddy, get back in the bus!" Dream ordered.
Buddy didn't listen, he just kept barking. The mutant was annoyed of Buddy's constant barking, it made him the next target. It thrust it's head forward, going for the chomp. Dream ran out in front of Buddy and held out his bow. The bow glowed and changed, forming into a long staff. He raised the staff into the air and swung down hard, smashing the left head to pieces. The left head shattered, leaving only bone fragments. But the other head was ready. It grabbed Dream by his arm and threw him up into the air. Dream was on a course into the wolf's wide open half-mouth.
No, I won't let that happen! I held my hand to the side. A lavender light gathered at my hand and summoned a sharp knife. The knife was twenty times the size of a regular knife. It was more like a sword then anything. I charged towards the wolf and jumped, the knife high above my head. I slashed the wolf's head off, by the neck. What was left of the head fell to the ground, unmoving. I caught Dream as he fell.
"You alright?" I asked.
Dream nodded. "I'm fine. Thank you, Cross."
But our fight still wasn't over. Somehow, the wolf could survive without it's two heads. The body stood tall, alive yet dead and staring directly at us. Buddy sniffed the air and listened carefully. Then, he ran up to the wolf and jumped up to it's chest, holding onto it with his claws. Buddy began ripping the rotten flesh off, revealing more bone, protecting a large beating heart.
"Well would you look at that." FC said. "Looks like Buddy found the heart of the problem."
"Not you too!" Nightmare yelled. "Now isn't the time for jokes!"
"Excellent work, Buddy!" Dream cheered.
Buddy went to bite into the heart, but the wolf shoved him off with it's boney paw. Buddy hit the ground hard, letting out a loud whimper. To make sure Buddy wouldn't get up, the wolf slashed Buddy's chest, creating long bloody gashes.
"Buddy, no!" Dream cried out.
Nightmare aimed a careful shot at the wolf's heart, then opened fire again. Several bullets pierced the heart. Just a few moments later, the wolf's body fell, completely lifeless now. Dream ran towards Buddy and fell to his knees next to him. He picked Buddy up and hugged him, not caring about the blood staining his clothes. Buddy was whimpering weakly. I kneeled down next to Dream, putting my hand on his shoulder.
"We have to go, Dream."
Dream had tears in his eye sockets. "You're a good boy, Buddy. You did great..."
Buddy gently licked Dream cheekbone. I could tell now that Buddy wasn't going to survive.
"Dream, we must leave now. Leave the damn dog behind." Nightmare said.
Dream shook his head, holding Buddy tighter. With his dying strength, Buddy slowly nuzzled Dream's neck, then pushed away, urging him to go.
"I'm not leaving you behind." Dream whispered. "I won't leave you here alone to die..."
"I told you." Nightmare continued. "Caring just just you hurt."
I shot a glare at Nightmare. He didn't say anything else. I gently wrapped my arms around Dream and pulled him away slowly. Dream carefully put Buddy down as I did so.
"I want to stay...I don't want him to die alone..." Dream said.
Nightmare sighed and aimed his gun at Buddy's head. With one shot, probably the loudest bang I've heard, Buddy's heart stopped beating. Just like the wolf's. For a moment, Dream stared in horror at Buddy's corpse. A long silence filled the air, not even the wind dared move. Then Dream slowly went to glare at Nightmare.
"Come on, we don't have time-"
Dream escaped my grip and tackled Nightmare to the ground, pure hatred in his eye lights. He took up his staff and raised it, ready to smash Nightmare's skull in. But I grabbed the staff and snatched it from his hands. I then got Dream and pulled him off of Nightmare, holding him back with one arm while using the other to hold my knife to Nightmare's neck.
"You don't understand anything, do you?" I snapped. "You have no real soul, do you? You certainly don't act like it! Who in their right mind would kill their own brother's best friend? If I were you, I would be grateful to have a brother at all!"
Nightmare stared angrily into my eye lights. He opened his mouth to say something, but I stopped him by pushing my knife closer to his neck.
"Don't you dare say anything! You have no right to speak! You think of yourself as higher then we are, but you're no better then a zombie! Heck, you're even worse!"
Nightmare's glare faltered.
"At least a zombie has it's reasons. You had no reason whatsoever! Don't ever talk to Dream again until you change your attitude!"
With that, I stormed off. Taking a rather surprised Dream with me. Nightmare just watched, wiping the blood off the small cut I put across his neck. Nobody said anything as we returned to our seats and set off again.
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